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I am sure you were too busy posting on RMWeb to bother with a few cars on the street outside ;-)


Actually Andy, I was too busy working on a model railway when I should have been decorating! Just don't tell the wife. Or the police. Or Mr Twitcher across the street... Incidentally "Mr Twitcher" across the street was halfway up a ladder cleaning his windows when I got back from Cromer. I noticed him giving me the evil eye as I got out of the van. Unfortunately, he didn't fall off the ladder. If he had, I'm sure that would have been my fault too!

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Phil, charcoal not so much. Basically all of the water soluble chemical compounds that give off scents that differ between woods are lost when the charcoal is first burned. Wood for food smoking and aroma needs to be wet and not pre-charred. Apple wood is wonderful for pork roasts. Cherry wood for poultry is nice too. You can fake applewood as well by soaking boring wood chips in apple cider for a few days before BBQing.


Personally I prefer to BBQ with propane and use a smoker box with the appropriate wood. That way I control the temperature better and can add as much or as little smoke as desired. Its not very neighbourly to run a smoky charcoal BBQ for 8-10 hours solid. With the smoker box you only need 3 hours before it becomes redundant. Once the bark has formed on the meat it won't absorb any more of the smoke. Speaking of which, its time to refill the smoker box one last time today. Afterwards it will just cook low and slow on its own.


Pete 75: maybe the twitcher is the guilty party. Looking to stitch you up for daring to park on "his" side of the street. The most logical conclusion is the little scroates were hiding low and smashing things while on their knees or ducking down. To reach up high to hit a van / truck window or wing mirror would mean making themselves more visible.


Pete (trisonic) & John: most of the restrictions around the Beeb are down to the fact they buy programmes from other production companies. These companies retain the international broadcast and rebroadcast rights. There are a lot of programmes the Beeb get one shot at, they can't even put up on iPlayer. Same goes for Sky Go. Sometimes you will get a channel blocked from it as the broadcaster doesn't have the internet rights to show it.  For people outside the UK, the simplest solution is to use a VPN connection. I've got a TunnelBear connection that costs around £3.50/month for unlimited access. I just pick what country I want to be in and voila. Great for watching video from the US that is blocked from international access, or for watching the CBC where half the time they've blocked non-Canadian access.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Actually Andy, I was too busy working on a model railway when I should have been decorating! Just don't tell the wife. Or the police. Or Mr Twitcher across the street... Incidentally "Mr Twitcher" across the street was halfway up a ladder cleaning his windows when I got back from Cromer. I noticed him giving me the evil eye as I got out of the van. Unfortunately, he didn't fall off the ladder. If he had, I'm sure that would have been my fault too!

Hippos of my acquaintance have been known to go over and ask all friendly how he was, and was he aware his ladder wasn't secure.


And, as they would have had a 'captive audience', told the ladder wobbler that some mean and spiteful person in the street had been nasty and told fibs to the police, and how awful that was, and who did he think would do such a nasty and spiteful thing?


Alternatively, ring the police and tell then you suspected that a bloke up a ladder was breaking and entering, or was a peeping tom, ogling one of your neighbours.

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Summer has returned, why did I pack my shorts away?


...I'm led to believe that I was grassed up by a notorious "curtain twitcher" that lives across the road a few doors down. He was moaning to anyone who'd listen that I had no right to park on "his" side of the street when I had the luxury of a double drive on "my" side. Apparently that's why the police came banging on my door yesterday. Unfortunately, there were assorted luxury cars, piles of junk and other vans in the line of 12 or so and all of them attracted some kind of attention from the vandals. All except my van. Therein lies the problem... why did my van escape attention? ...

Trabnsparently an attempted frame up by Mr CT. Any amateur detective can work that out...

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  • RMweb Gold

Back already so that wasn't too painful except for the fact that we've ended up with a load of Halloween tat rubbish stuff. Apparently we've got visitors Friday & Saturday evening. At least I've got Wycrail to look forward to on Saturday.

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  • RMweb Gold

 Pete 75: maybe the twitcher is the guilty party. Looking to stitch you up for daring to park on "his" side of the street. 

That was my first thought too.

When investigations of incidents round here (very very rare) occur the second question is "Do you have any CCTV images?" I don't but the police officer was very impressed by my canine early warning system. 


Hippos of my acquaintance have been known to go over and ask all friendly how he was, and was he aware his ladder wasn't secure.


And, as they would have had a 'captive audience', told the ladder wobbler that some mean and spiteful person in the street had been nasty and told fibs to the police, and how awful that was, and who did he think would do such a nasty and spiteful thing?


Alternatively, ring the police and tell then you suspected that a bloke up a ladder was breaking and entering, or was a peeping tom, ogling one of your neighbours.

Fortunately all our near neighbours are very nice and I'm sure any curtain twitching would have resulted in the vandals being "dissuaded". However, there is one chap down the road who is so pompous he dislikes living in a road where some people have vans.

He isn't so much a curtain twitcher as an anonymous note leaver.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thankfully I too live in a nice community village. You of course get the odd trouble neighbour, but on the whole we actually speak to the occupants of the nearest houses (something that a lot of people I know struggle with). We even have a community shop. Although having said that, I think the whole "community villages" are on the rise (or maybe they are just have a high profile thanks to the news?). As it happens, one of our neighbours is over now!


Still, there is nowhere you can escape the "yoof" of today - even we've had some run-ins. This year I was house-sitting across the road, and I just must've missed (i.e. finally got to sleep) when someone broke into their garage. Smashed the door in, but didn't manage to get anything fortunately. Also thankfully they didn't return, although no idea if anyone got caught.


Still, on the cards for today is a bit of video editing, and maybe tidying my room so I can find all my modelmaking stuff. Oh and copious mugs of tea!

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Morning all,

Pleased to report that yesterday was a complete success - the only minor hiccup being the discovery that son's partner doesn't eat beef, and me with a hundredweight of lasagne bolognese ready! Managed to cope though, despite feeling crook - de-frosted a portion of pasta sauce and cooked some dried penne so 15 minutes later she was very happy! Our son forgot to share this intelligence with us despite knowing the planned menu!

Haven't had a chance to read through yet as the head cold/ sinusitis has really come out this morning and I don't feel at all well -guess Joanna will call it 'man flu'!

I'll try to catch up when I feel a bit better and, in the meanwhile, hope that everyone has a good week,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Back already so that wasn't too painful except for the fact that we've ended up with a load of Halloween tat rubbish stuff. Apparently we've got visitors Friday & Saturday evening. At least I've got Wycrail to look forward to on Saturday.

I remove the battery from the door bell on Halloween. 

I don't have a welcoming pumpkin on the doorstep.

Robbie is allowed to wander freely in the hallway on Halloween.

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Halloween, almost forgot. Time to weld the front gate shut. Actually we've never had a single one come to the door here. Back in Calgary, we'd average about 70 kids on a nice evening. We do have a few internal decorations and a terracotta pumpkin in the back garden.


We even have our own black cat, Oscar.



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  • RMweb Gold

I personally can't stand Halloween but we do get quite a few youngsters visiting apart from our own grandchildren,their friends, our friends & neighbour's children and grandchildren etc etc. I have to say that over the years they've always been well behaved & polite. Mind you most of them know Mr Angry  me................  :angry: 


As for curtain twitching - I don't do that but as I'm here more than most of the neighbours I tend to keep a weather eye open and if I see anything I don't like the look of I go outside and have a really good look! On more than one occasion an iffy looking character has disappeared as soon as I make an appearance.

Edited by grandadbob
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 Therein lies the problem... why did my van escape attention?

I like the community feeling of a small town but sometimes there is a downside.

Well, assuming you don’t have “form” :triniti: ,  they probably thought it might be someone connected with you... contrary to popular belief Cops aren’t stupid BUT they also like a K.I.S.S. solution because it’s real life and not a TV whodunnit.


Best, Pete.

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As for curtain twitching - I don't do that but as I'm here more than most of the neighbours I tend to keep a weather eye open and if I see anything I don't like the look of I go outside and have a really good look! On more than one occasion an iffy looking character has disappeared as soon as I make an appearance.

Two neighbors opposite me perform the same function but they are not nasty! One of them is my age former US Navy - Purple Heart medal holder - he got blown up in Vietnam. He can keep one eye on our road whilst watching, TV - it’s like having Clint Eastwood living opposite and his accent is exactly like John Wayne. The other is a Doctorate Electrical Engineer with Google, occasionally we jam together.


Actually I was thinking yesterday that we Brits of our age are extraordinary lucky we did not get mixed up in Vietnam, there are a lot Viet Vets around me and their tales are horrible...



Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

We#ve got a cracking wheeze for halloween this year.  Our Minister has done some research into the origins of the goings on on 'All hallows Eve' and has had some cards printed invitied trick or treaters to come to a special service on Sunday Morning.  On the back is the true story behind Halloween.  




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Steph likes to enter into the spirit of Halloween (which is really a big deal over here) and she always ends up disappointed when no little horrors come knocking on the door. Mind you, we only have one young family anywhere near us and 'Dad' has become irrationally overprotective of late so they don't go out trick or treating any more. Maybe they are just scared of the ogre that is me!


The leaves are all raked up for now. Time, I think, for a bacon butty!



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I've been banned by Chris from wearing my mask as she says my own face is enough to make small children cry!

Isn’t it embarrassing when you open the door and little kids shriek and the older ones congratulate you on your “make up”? “Sir! Brilliant. Keef Richards!” - they are always polite over here....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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We#ve got a cracking wheeze for halloween this year.  Our Minister has done some research into the origins of the goings on on 'All hallows Eve' and has had some cards printed invitied trick or treaters to come to a special service on Sunday Morning.  On the back is the true story behind Halloween.  




Some people do that over here too - it’s definitely one way to stop kids ringing the doorbell next year.............some people provide tracts.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

As I said earlier I was out taking some photographs this morning. I was concentrating on our towns efforts to remember the start of the first world war, 100 years ago this year.







More pics in this post if you are interested.



Edited by BoD
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Aft'noon all,


Late constitutionals this week due to being on nights, the 2 hour circuit around the back of 'The Roaches' definitely gets the metabolism revving...dull and overcast so no dawdling for the views....'The Lazy Trout' in Meerbrook (the owner just loves mail addressed to her) is being refurbished so it'll be a trip up to 'The Wincle brewery' to collect some supplies for next week. Bacon & egg waiting...


Enjoy whatever you do



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