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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, after yesterdays misfiring post I have waited while I was fully awake to post. The kittens continue to harass their stitches so are a very forlorn and sleepy bunch and the bigger fish tank is having unexplained deaths so misery all round. Number one son will be fetched home tomorrow so he can attend his passport interview although his Africa trip has now been cancelled due to Ebola.He can then get on with looking after snakes, spiders, geckos, frog, guinea pig and rabbit. His first question after finding out his trip was cancelled? 'Can I buy a puppy now? No was the short answer. Have a good long dark teatime of the soul AKA Sunday afternoon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ours is the other way round so we drain into hers and it backs up and ours overflows. Guess who then sorts it out!

Even though were are detached, our neighbours are only 3' away and they have a water collecting butt with a bypass valve when it's full.  Unfortunately the valve doesn't work when the pipe is full of leaves so the overflow washes our back door.   It's all good fun. 

The system was fitted by the late father of Chris who now lives there so we have to be careful about saying anything.  However when Chris and his brother set to work to clear it last year they hadn't allowed for 12' of soggy half rotten leaves in water that were clogging up the pipe.  It took us a long time to stop laughing when Chris got covered in it.  Fortunately we all get on very well.




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  • RMweb Gold

Or what about an E.424?




That's a loco I'm in love with since the olden trainset days of my youth (as I had an ancient Märklin model of it)...


Now we know where DD got his paint from to do the giraffe.

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Question, guys: Should I get me one of these E.626s?




There actually are a handful of these still in revenue service with private TOCs. 

May I ask, which stockist you tend to use for the Continental stuff as I have a B in L who lives in Germany, and it may prove useful?   :-)

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Weather here not sure what to do - seems to want to rain, then doesn't, then wants to rain again, and doesn't.


Change of clock was meant to result in an extra hour in bed - try telling Lily that the clocks changed, as she got us up as normal.  I was too tired to change any clocks last night, and spent a while this morning changing them all - but of course, there's always one that you forget - as long as it's not one related to getting up tomorrow, that's fine, I'll sort it another time.  The digital clock radio SHOULD have changed automatically, but it didn't! 


Also on dinner duty, but not too adventurous as pie and chips is on the cards, as we had Sunday dinner earlier in the week, and leftovers Korma the following day - predictable, ain't I?


I see that Don is still posting occasionally, and keeping it short - a very wise course of action, and I am pleased to see that he is gettting the level of care that he needs and deserves.


Dinner peeper is now going, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Fine looking loco Dom!
I remember you showed me pictures of these locos ages ago in PMs, and they do look rather lovely don't they?



Well it's the first of many weekends off in 2 years - feels good to be at home, and even better not to be working at a pub.

I've got a huge urge to do some railway modelling now I've got time. Should probably check and see if the layout boards are still OK, as unbeknown to me, they've been sat in my uninsulated shed for a few months - no idea why dad decided to do this...


Also our fibre optic broadband still isn't here, and this week my internet connection is absolutely abysmal... starting to get really frustrated. Tried to cheer myself up by have a nice gaming session with a friend but nope, internet says no.


Anyway, I managed to compose two bits of music in 6 hours the other day - was hard going but the client (also the above friend!) was really pleased with them. One is on my Soundcloud - the other I haven't uploaded yet. Artificial Chaos - Jamie Warne

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My experience of gutters and Autumn over here is this:


The more stuff you put in them that are supposed to be preventative the more they block up.

They also block up at the highest possible point, the gutter equivalent of “sods law”.


Last year I managed to unblock our longest downspout by inserting the hose of a “work shop” type “Wet/Dry vacuum (very handy to have around) at the bottom and blowing the blockage out - it was quite impressive!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've been nominated to climb on top of the conservatory and clean out both our gutter and next doors! That oughta be fun. :D

I know I'm lightweight, but I'm not sure how much weight the roof is gonna support! But there is a thin brick wall between the two conservatories so there is that approach I guess...

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  • RMweb Gold

Due to overwhelming laziness I may do nothing to our gutters. A scrape out of dried moss and lichen usually suffices. I think it is just the result of two damp years that has caused the problem here. I will observe the results should my builder near neighbour install hedgehogs though.

The new hanging basket arrived and I have put it on the bracket.

I was having a quiet sit down when Aditi said she was so irritated that the instructions she had been given to get her Virtual Private Network (VPN) link to college working didn't work that she had gone online and had done all her Christmas shopping. I offered to look at the VPN instructions and got it working by not following the instructions. The instructions seemed to work on another PC that had never had VPN though.

Then of course she said "could I also get it working on her new Mac?" I did but it wasn't fun, but I suppose problem solving is good for the prevention of brain fade. The other good thing is that now she has full access again from home she won't need to stay at work so late (allegedly).

Edited by Tony_S
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Afternoon All


Weather here not sure what to do - seems to want to rain, then doesn't, then wants to rain again, and doesn't.






You should be so lucky. It's been raining most of the day here and shows no signs of letting up. I think it's going to be full waterproof gear to walk the dogs. They don't mind getting wet, they even put up with being dried off afterwards.



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Fine looking loco Dom!

I remember you showed me pictures of these locos ages ago in PMs, and they do look rather lovely don't they?




Anyway, I managed to compose two bits of music in 6 hours the other day - was hard going but the client (also the above friend!) was really pleased with them. One is on my Soundcloud - the other I haven't uploaded yet. Artificial Chaos - Jamie Warne

Good work, Jam!

How is Soundcloud to work with? It’s not overrun with “Beats” is it? I need to move from Soundclick which is.....

Grateful for any comments you have on it.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

May I ask, which stockist you tend to use for the Continental stuff as I have a B in L who lives in Germany, and it may prove useful?   :-)


Steve, I actually have several favourite stockists. For German shops, I could recommend http://www.schmidt-wissen.de http://www.modellbahn-voigt.de or http://www.modellbahnshop-lippe.com , for example. For Italian stuff, I prefer http://www.tecnomodel-treni.it http://www.trenietreni.it and http://www.model-center.net .




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  • RMweb Gold

Well the lawn has been duly mowed plus various other areas of grass, well mainly grass, also reduced in height and leaves have been blow off the lawn - only to be replaced by more leaves.  Which leaves the front hedge for tomorrow as the rain is supposed to be back on Tuesday.


Meanwhile Mrs Stationmaster has been carrying out further murdering of unwanted plants and weeds in the front beds leaving her with a plan forming for yet more 'new' plants - sounds like a 'back to the garden centre' day is coming.

Useful addresses there Dom as both of my offspring nowseem to have an interest in acquiring items of contiunental rolling stock - the last one to arrive from your homeland even came with a packet of chocolate cake mix acting as part of the packing while all of them seem to arrive including sweets of some sort, definitely a notch up from Hattons!

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Went to the RSPB sanctuary today at Conway for some fresh air.

Got soaked and saw Water Rails, Little Egrets, Herons, assorted ducks and two kingfishers.

Ate abysmal soup (like washing up water), fresh bread (very good) and had a cup of coffee (made with acorns I think).

Bought some bird food (which looked tastier than the soup) and a toy for a friend's dog (red setter) who is missing his companion (black lab) which expired last week.

As a reward I get to look after the Setter for the day while SWMBO and said friend go off shopping sometime next month. This usually ends in a wrestling match (with the dog, not the friend ... but, I live in hope).

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  • RMweb Gold


As a reward I get to look after the Setter for the day while SWMBO and said friend go off shopping sometime next month. This usually ends in a wrestling match (with the dog, not the friend ... but, I live in hope).

I have been told that Red Setters are at the dimmer end of the Doggy IQ scale though all the ones I have encountered seem to be very friendly. They always seem so disappointed when Robbie doesn't want to play "chase round the field games".

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  • RMweb Premium

I have been told that Red Setters are at the dimmer end of the Doggy IQ scale though all the ones I have encountered seem to be very friendly. They always seem so disappointed when Robbie doesn't want to play "chase round the field games".

My sister bought an Irish Red Setter called it William and quickly gave it to us he was ok while the gates were closed he didn't have the nous to jump over them. Then one day the postie left the front gate open and next thing we knew a scrote turned up saying I have run over your dog I want paying for the damage to my car......

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  • RMweb Gold

Good work, Jam!

How is Soundcloud to work with? It’s not overrun with “Beats” is it? I need to move from Soundclick which is.....

Grateful for any comments you have on it.


Best, Pete.


Thanks Pete!

Sorry for the delayed response.

Soundcloud has a mixture of everything to be honest. Its a simple and easy to use site, but I don't know how much exposure it would give you. I get a few likes and favourites every now and again. Whilst there are plenty of "Beats" there are also plenty of different types of "sounds" on there as well. I like it simple because a lot of websites can easily integrate with it. For example, our game website has samples of songs on it which are embedded into it. So from that side of it it's a nice little site. I think you can only upload a certain amount of hours (3 hours in total) with it unless you get a premium account though. A premium account is £8/month for unlimited hours. Or £6/month for 6 hours uploading total.


So not sure if that helps at all. Basically I like the site because it is intuitive and allows me to embed my songs into webpages etc. It being popular means you can link it with a lot of social apps like Twitter, too.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening friends,


A day with unexpected jobs, as I was leaving for Grumble Glen Debs ran out to stop me, a call from a friend there asking me to take my chainsawing gear, as a tree had fallen across the track.  A fairly large one too, as it turned out, so I am now shattered after a day of chainsaw action and tree clearing.  Some firewood to cut up and bring home next weekend!

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OK folks. One for film buffs. Tonight's edition of .Countryfile. Early on in the programme there was a short feature on Hadrian's Wall with some 'mood' music. Am trying to identify the music. I have heard it used on numerous occasions as background to features, but can't, for the life of me, place which film it is from. Any help much appreciated.

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