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  • RMweb Gold


The best winter tyres must be fitted to white vans.  They allow you to drive at well over 70, no matter what the weather.

The odd thing is that Transits seem to feel very grippy for some reason.  Many years ago and after a night of fighting snow and ice I borrowed one of our Transit minibuses to get home as the train service was still not good and I wanted to get to bed.  Going down the M4 in the vicinity of Heston services I noticed everybody was slowing down so thought I'd better and i came to a stretch of motorway which was somewhat on the icy side.  No problem at all for the Transit, still seemed to have plenty of grip and felt perfectly safe at a ridiculously fast (for the conditions) 50 mph but I had to drop to about 20mph to stay in convoy with everyone else.

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  • RMweb Premium



 Sorry I am wrong , it is in Soller , at the other end of the line from the port , I did'nt know the tram ran that far

as I have only been to the port area . Apologies to Dom , Gorden and Baz .


I have found the area pictured but from a different angle , and out of high season by the look of it .



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  • RMweb Premium

So true mike, transit police vans always felt safe. When we got sherpas, doing 75+ on the blues and twos felt like I was one small mistake fom meeting my maker.

Many years ago I got to talking to some Essex police officers from the police diving team. They had a large twin wheel Sherpa (or was it Convoy?) as even the larger transits could not carry them and all their equipment. It was the fastest van in the force being fitted with a 3.6 litre V8 petrol engine but they pointed out that the handling was not so good.

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  • RMweb Gold

The V8 personnel carriers were much better than the station vans, never felt quite so close to death in the former. The met gave the carriers mostly to the TSG, officially the Territorial Support Group, colloquially the Thick and Sillies.

Edited by colin penfold
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Evening all,

Once again gripped by weariness, if this continues I'll have to speak to my oncologist at the next monthly appointment to see if there is anything I can do about it. Waiting for my scan appointment though, so won't rock the boat till then!

Hope you all enjoy a good weekend - for me there is the penultimate MotoGP race of the season at Sepang,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete!

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The forum was broken earlier, but the reasom I'm on so late is that I've been watching the Status Quo "acoustic" concert on the BBC red button. Can I recommend it if you haven't seen it, even if, like me, you're not a particular fan of the Quo. Brilliant stuff.


G'night all



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Should be a dry, bright mainly sunny day.......all day........Blimey!

Laptop update: I just knew that things were going too well.  It's already got some sort of infection although the first thing I downloaded was AVG antivirus so now going to try Malwarebytes which I understand is supposed to be good at that sort of thing. Also 13 out of 86 Windows updates have failed. What with that and not being able to connect here for a while yesterday evening was somewhat frustrating bl##dy annoying.

I knew I should have left it to Steve. However after saying that he can't get round for a few days he is now visiting this morning! ("to check out what you've done to it")

Have a good one,


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The forum was broken earlier, but the reasom I'm on so late is that I've been watching the Status Quo "acoustic" concert on the BBC red button. Can I recommend it if you haven't seen it, even if, like me, you're not a particular fan of the Quo. Brilliant stuff.


G'night all



Sorry, I was watching vintage Stones on Sky Arts. That might have been on a bit earlier!


Dropped Steph off in Killybegs early this morning. She's off down to Dublin for a couple of days with the local womens group. I think most of them will be shopping but Steph is off to see the Terracotta warriors and another exhibition. I hope the coach gets there, it didn't look to be in the first flush of youth!


I think I will have breakfast before walking the dogs this morning, It's dark, wet and windy out there!



Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. High clouds but starting to look sunny, which it had been yesterday already. So good to have a bit of a change from dull and dreich!


Speaking of vans, I vividly remember the run-down Volkswagen T3 I had to drive during my civil service. 'Twas a horrific ride where gears would just pop out on downhill sections and couldn't even be properly set to begin with as the gearshift had been so worn out that it felt like stirring porridge. Suspension gave the impression of riding the surf in a fishing boat and steering was a "thereabouts" affair. I did wonder how they had managed to get it MOTed in that condition!


On a plus note, I managed to secure some more items for my Italian modelling section.


Enjoy your day, troops…

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Morning all. Gorgeous blue sky here in North Norfolk. Chilly though. On my own today and I have promised to crack on with the decorating.

Pah! Words are cheap. I actually plan to work on the layout. It needs some greenery. I'm not hugely green-fingered in real life, so lets hope I'm better in 1/76.

Need coffee now.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Woke up tired this morning.

I had a dream that ended when I fell on the floor. Aditi wasn't woken as she was still awake thinking about work. This was about 3am. Aditi made tea and did some paperwork for an hour. Robbie then woke me at about 6am.

We will at some time get over to Enfield later this morning.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, third attempt at starting so a clear hint that I needed the light on! All three kittens are present and correct, one managed to remove her collar in the night but her stitches are OK. There is sunlight outside so I am hopeful of a dry day. next few hours will be spent watching kittens and shopping.



Had to edit for missing words note to self drink the tea and wake up before posting.....

Edited by skipepsi
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Once again gripped by weariness, if this continues I'll have to speak to my oncologist at the next monthly appointment to see if there is anything I can do about it. Waiting for my scan appointment though, so won't rock the boat till then!



Take it steady, Jock.

I'm sure that weariness is a result of treatment but don't push yourself too hard.

Maybe adjust your schedule if possible and cosset yourself a little.

You know you have virtual support on here to help you through the dips in energy.

Thinking of you and wishing you the best.

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  • RMweb Gold

You could try Tony's dream Mick - that might help!

It was a very silly dream. In the dream we were staying in a hotel. Someone was running along the corridor banging on the doors and hiding. This annoyed me. Somehow the dream roundhouse kick, as I flung the door open, to the head of Batman really did cause me to propel myself through the air and wake up. I did say it was silly.

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The dogs are back from taking me for my walk on the beach, they really only need someone to dive the car, although I understand Tigger is thinking of having lessons!


The weather brightened up considerably but the wind was so strong that I had problems staying on my feet in a couple of gusts. No, I only had two glasses of wine last night! Walking in the wind is very exhausting, I may have to partake of a second breakfast.


Have a fun day and Jock, take it easy,



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G’night Jock................


Sweet dreams are made of this.....................

A. Lennox


Best, Pete.

Morning Pete,

"Who am I to disagree"................ .

Another one that I have to say, I'm not the greatest 'Eurythmics' fan but I do appreciate talent! She really does have a very strong voice, but some weird ideas!

Thanks mate,

Kind regards,


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Morning all, 


All this talk of Transit driving -  used to have one off the first generation twin wheel ones as a service van (big step up from the preceding Morris one ton heater less van!), at that time there was nothing on the road (apart from a few Jags) that could touch them I seem to recall.  


Anyway, I was mistaken about breakfast - it was a very nice "Spanish" omelette.... so now a trawl around the forum, then the news and then  some work0!  I do have an idea about a modelling project   that I might start....perhaps , maybe.  


What ever your day  brings - make the best of it you can,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, woke up at 5:30 this morning, decided it was too early and went back to sleep, Woke up again at 8:40! So breakfast in a rush as I'm going to the swap meet at Brentwood. Open day at Mangaps tomorrow but as it doesn't open till 11:30 + an extra hour I should be OK.

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