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Morning all,

Glad to have a reminder about the CH boiler as ours hasn't been serviced yet and is making some odd noises so a phone call shortly to the engineer!

Chores so far complete, although Joanna is awaiting a call back from Colchester Hospital to clarify an appointment anomaly and so I am now on stand by to deliver great grandson Freddie to nursery school if it's not resolved by then. After that, I have been told that my gas range in the kitchen badly needs cleaning and the kitchen sink needs some bleaching before number one son comes on Sunday. Must have been very wicked!

Archie the Westie has had his fortnightly bath and trim and looks white again for a short time - it is however piddling down here so it probably won't last long.

Hope poet's day passes without incident,

Kind regards,


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Just popped in during a break from soldering.  I can only manage a certain quantity of phopsphoric acid fumes at one sitting.   However it's better than yesterday when the fumes were a heady mixture of phosphoric acid, cyanoacylate and paint stripper as I had to rebuild a girder that had been assembled with super glue and painted for demo purposes.   I now just have to be careul how I word my texts to my acid supplier when I need the bottle refilling.  I don't want my ex colleagues knocking on the door.



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Suspiciously sunny start to the day today, though it's supposed to start drizzlin' shortly and carry on til late evening.  Just finished washing my waterproofs for a trip to Berwick-on-Tweed next week and walking the sundry delights of Northumberland with Jane, who's on half-term.


Unfortunately didn't read the instructions on the re-proofer until the washing machine was gurgling away and then spotted the line which says, 'garments MUST be tumble dried after re-proofing'.


Cue desperate phone call to No1 daughter who has a tumble dryer, and fortunately is in today too!  Off there with sundry dripping garments to complete the procedure.


Repeat after me, "I MUST read the instructions first, I MUST read the instructions first, I MUST read the instructions first, I MUST read the instructions first," :fool:

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Anecdote from the public library yesterday. There was a boy of perhaps 12 or 13 years sat in a reading corner. Then his mobile phone went off with a ringtone which translated as follows:


"May I have your attention. The most gorgeous man in the room is requested to answer his phone immediately."


How's that for vanity… :mosking: 

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Forgot to say earlier that  SWMBO only noticed the copy of Model Rail that fell into the shopping as it was scanned at the checkout. 1-0 to me!

I have mentioned previously that my spare laptop was dead and I've obtained a new hard drive and am waiting for Steve to come and fit it and load everything. He can't make it for a few days but assures me that it's well within my capabilities and doesn't need superglueing or soldering...........does he know what he is saying? What is he thinking? He really seems to think that it's a good idea to let me loose in the bowels of a computer.........oh dear. Watch this space for further developments.

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Over here in Wessex-land we have a statue to King Alfred the Great, patron saint of burnt offerings (sub-category cakes).

Thinking Essex should raise a statue to our respective mums! :)


In fairness to mine, she did a really tasty Quiche Lorraine later in life. She knew it was appreciated as it used to shrink in the fridge as hungry children went and surreptitiously helped themselves to a slice at a time. Of course the empty flan dish would be replaced in the fridge by the last gourmand with just a few crumbs left on it to prove that it hadn't all been swiped! 


Hope my Alfred the Great (No. 70009) doesn't burn out, then, especially as it's threatened with renaming to Oliver Cromwell.  Don't think a monarch would like that.  :kingchris:

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Aft'noon all,


Expect the unexpected is todays motto. About to settle down to some modelling I thought it better to call the dentist first due to losing a filling mid week. Expecting an appointment for next week I was informed that "we can fit you in at 11am today or never"....nicely summed up the situation. Off I trotted to keep the appointment, only to be told that a post crown was the only remedy, at £219 and several visits to the chair. My first 30min session happened today and I now have 2 more in place. I'm very pleased for the work to be so prompt but this is the the 3rd unexpected and large bill so far this month...looks like bread & jam until the next pay day.



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On the subject of "Management Speak", the only real cure is to start to draw in long breaths through your nose whilst wrinkling said feature. Then ask, "What is that smell?". If no one replies, then say, "Bulls**t!". 

I had a manager who, if a job went well, would say, "I'm glad I thought of that". If it went badly, he would turn to whoever was close by and ask, "What ever made you think that would be OK?"

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Well, I'm back from collecting my new specs and the screen looks a lot clearer. How topical that I was given a shopping list to fill while I was in town! I did add a few extras into the trolley but they were 'essentials'. Came back over the 'mountain road' for a change. Most of it was resurfaced in the summer, there's hardly any traffic and its all sweeping bends with great visibility as it's moorland most of the way. Great fun driving but not if you have a passenger. The road sits on top of the bog so it's a bit of a roller coaster ride and makes them feel sick! If you want an added bonus, the scenery is fantastic (whatever the weather) and in summer you may be lucky and see a County Donegal railcar pottering alongside the road on the shore of Lough Finn.


Talking of weather, it must have been clear when I walked the dogs because I could see the stars. The rain arrived at breakfast time, cleared in time to have the rising sun in my eyes driving over to Letterkenny, then clouded over again. Light rain now, accompanied by gale force winds.


Time for some modelling.


Make the most of the rest of the day



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Darn! Harburn Hobbies called this morning while I was out - course they told Mrs PO that my 2Hal was in... :O



If Mrs PO didn't already know that this is a railway shop, you might have told her this was a yet-unpublished sequel to the 2001: A Space Odyssey books!

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My flat is starting to feel really homely as the walls are gradually being adorned with pictures, thanks to Ian. As a reward, he is enjoying an extended lunch break! Yesterday, he treated me to a printer/scanner/copier, a toaster and a Nespresso Coffee Machine as flat warming gifts! We also easily agreed on the selection of a rather gorgeous rug for the living room.


Happy times!

For goodness sake, don't get the printer/scanner/copier confused with the toaster :-)

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A good day today, apart from the paint not liking the whatever is under the undercoat as it is not drying very well or staying put.  I did have this problem once before with a door  and I had to strip everything back to bare wood.  Still 20 stair spindles and a bannister won't take long to strip (Not!).


Much better results outside with major compost deployment achieved as well as a rake up of leaves and the front hedge trimmed back.  I also managed to tidy up the box hedge that borders the outside line, but that area is in dire need of an afternoon's tidying up.


My brother has just texted me to say he had passed his police superintendent's board, so I am off with the pygmy hippo to celebrate at 'Peppermint Hippo Gentleman's Club'.

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Regrettably I'm not trusted to do it on my own Dave - 'cos I always add "nice" things to the list!

Same here, except I'm informed the operative word is "UNNECESSARY" (yes it usually is shouted when I get back!!!) rather than "nice" <sigh>

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For goodness sake, don't get the printer/scanner/copier confused with the toaster :-)

Unless you have unexpected guests and discover you only have one slice of bread left....


I know, I know....hat, coat and banished from ER for a few hours...   :jester:  :jester:

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I have mentioned previously that my spare laptop was dead and I've obtained a new hard drive and am waiting for Steve to come and fit it and load everything. He can't make it for a few days but assures me that it's well within my capabilities and doesn't need superglueing or soldering...........does he know what he is saying? What is he thinking? He really seems to think that it's a good idea to let me loose in the bowels of a computer.........oh dear. Watch this space for further developments.


Hard drive installed.(slight problem with some screws that didn't want to be undone)  Recovery discs inserted and system re-installed. Antivirus updating at the moment. Everything seems to be working - it's been too easy so far....I just know something is going to go wrong...........


Bob  - the eternal optimist - not!

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Or try to put the coffee capsules in the ink slots.




That would turn it into a monochromatic printer! – Boy, just mentioning this brings back memories of the good old computing days...

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