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  • RMweb Gold

....sorry Tony....a lot of jargon and abbreviations going on just now.



No need to apologise. Aditi works in a college and they get all kinds of abbreviations inspecting them. I think the next one is QAA but OU,  BTEC and BACP get a look in too.

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I've started sending stuff back for clarification of initialisms with a nice note that asks for an explanation to someone who is not familiar with their particular workgroup.


The second time it happens from the same person the reply gets shorter and says unless you provide me with the information the work doesn't get done.


There haven't been many third times. Those that have get copied to their heads of department, who support me.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, Is Yosemite better? I don’t like the look of the new dock

I’ve been having problems with the Office Suite too before upgrading to Yosemite...


Best, Pete.

Well it still has some catching up to do with Windows 7 and 8's GUIs (Graphical user interface, I don't want to sent to the naughty step)

I do agree about the dock. Functionally fine but looks less "sophisticated" (in my opinion) than its previous form. This is apparently a style thing across Apple iOS and OSX platforms, icons must be plain and "flat". At least they still have bouncy icons on the Mac dock. For me that is the main reason for having a Mac.  :angel:  :jester:

My Office suite is Mac 2011 and now has the SP3 update. It seems fine.


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I managed to break my second pair of glasses the other day. As I only use them occasionally and never whilst out, I wasn't particularly worried about how they look so I bent them back into shape with pliers and they still kind of fit my face. This afternoon I was using a mixer drill to stir one of those giant 15L emulsion paint tubs. Guess what fell off my face and guess where they ended up? If my glasses hadn't been diced by the blades of the mixer, I'd probably just run them under the tap to get the paint off. Bin, I think. Did I mention I hate decorating?

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  • RMweb Premium

I managed to break my second pair of glasses the other day. As I only use them occasionally and never whilst out, I wasn't particularly worried about how they look so I bent them back into shape with pliers and they still kind of fit my face. This afternoon I was using a mixer drill to stir one of those giant 15L emulsion paint tubs. Guess what fell off my face and guess where they ended up? If my glasses hadn't been diced by the blades of the mixer, I'd probably just run them under the tap to get the paint off. Bin, I think. Did I mention I hate decorating?

Whats decorating?

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I've started sending stuff back for clarification of initialisms with a nice note that asks for an explanation to someone who is not familiar with their particular workgroup.


The second time it happens from the same person the reply gets shorter and says unless you provide me with the information the work doesn't get done.


There haven't been many third times. Those that have get copied to their heads of department, who support me.

When I am in a meeting or forum and someone trots out an example of alphabet soup I always request a translation because there is always a newcomer in the room and a lot dont have the confidence to interupt. After a while the message gets through.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening folks.


Those of us who have suffered as employees of the NHS (here we go...) are well versed with TLA's (three letter acronyms), having personal worked at the RVI, NGH and SNH.  Oh, and the SOH.  Many thought WTF but that would be text speak and I hate that too!


Tired tonight, busy afternoon at work, made a bit of a boob at one point too, such is life.  Nothing terminal thankfully!


John is videoing the Sea Lion EP running this evening (indoor club track) so that may appear on You Tube in the near future so you can see what I have been up to!


I took my Heljan 128 out of it's box today for the first time since I bought it 18 months ago - it has a gangway missing and has a glue mark.....of course it was bought from a famous large trader no longer trading...bah.

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Well it still has some catching up to do with Windows 7 and 8's GUIs (Graphical user interface, I don't want to sent to the naughty step)

I do agree about the dock. Functionally fine but looks less "sophisticated" (in my opinion) than its previous form. This is apparently a style thing across Apple iOS and OSX platforms, icons must be plain and "flat". At least they still have bouncy icons on the Mac dock. For me that is the main reason for having a Mac.  :angel:  :jester:

My Office suite is Mac 2011 and now has the SP3 update. It seems fine.


I’ve decided not to download for a few months - there seems to be too many issues showing up on the comments on the Apple site. 


Btw my iTunes icon turned red a few ago on Mavericks....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

I’ve decided not to download for a few months - there seems to be too many issues showing up on the comments on the Apple site. 


Btw my iTunes icon turned red a few ago on Mavericks....


Best, Pete.

I won't be in any hurry to upgrade Aditi's Mac. Mine is just for fun and nothing critical. She uses hers for work so waiting a while for the first lot of patches seems prudent. I must have ignored the message from Apple about the latest iTunes but I did upgrade it before downloading Yosemite.


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Just though I would share tonights sunset with you - only lasted about 5 minutes though..!  I never seem to be able to catch it when there's a plane  flying through it. 


Lots of birds flying around tonight  though dont seemed to have captured any in this photo. 



Have a good evening.




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  • RMweb Premium

What a day!  Great train journey to/from London....125 down,225 back to Leeds. Good service on train , food very good.


Great company at lunch... the last remaining real tank designers in Britain none of whom are designing Armoured Fighting Vehicles   BUT £3.70 a pint ... glad I don't live in London!!



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Actually what I resent more than anything is the years spent trying to work out sums in Pounds, Shilling and Pence and then simply throwing all that out of the window almost as soon as I left. What a waste of freaking time.....


Best, Pete.

I'll agree there Pete. Try telling a 5 year old that counting to 12 that you learnt last week has been changed to counting in 10's. Feck was I confused

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  • RMweb Premium

Management speak .. you mean




Company Strategy

Gap Analysis

Best Practice

The Bottom Line

Going Forward

Touch Base

Game Plan

Out of the Loop

The Big Picture

Adding Value

Movers & Shakers

Customer Focussed


Business Case


Proactive, not Reactive

Think outside the box

Learning Curve


Me, Me, Me

Quick & Dirty


Knowledge Management

A need to know basis

At the end of the day

Balanced scorecard


My little hero

Process mapping

Change Agent

Put this one to bed

Rocket Science

Ball Park

Business Strategy

Knock on effect


How to Play

Simply cross off 5 words in one meeting and shout out BINGO! For extra fun, you can try to guess who is going to say the phrase.

Testimonials from other players:

“I had only been in the meeting 5 minutes when I yelled BINGO!”

“My attention span at meetings has improved dramatically!”

“The atmosphere was tense at the last management meeting as 32 of us listened intently for the elusive BINGO”

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I'll agree there Pete. Try telling a 5 year old that counting to 12 that you learnt last week has been changed to counting in 10's. Feck was I confused

I had to teach it on primary practice. Plastic fifty pence pieces and all!

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Morning Bob, morning everybody.


Up at 4, having crashed out early yesterday evening... toothache still there, but now I have a phone I'll contact the dentist.


It was a busy day yesterday, so I've lost track of what's been occurring, so I'll try to do that in a bit.


Off to Kingston on Thames on our Twirlies today for lunch with very old friends. Grandparenting means that we don't meet all that often. Other tasks (apart from phoning the dentist) include phoning Alan Gibson with an order, getting my car back (HOW MUCH????) and setting up Julie's Silhouette Cutter. And some reading and writing - Blondie wants a history book. Will be medieval, and will feature William I and Harold II, and the daily life shown in the Luttrell Psalter. Looking forward to that.


Have a pleasing day, everybody. Tranquility and satisfaction abounding.

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Morning All,


It is a very foggy morning here.  Not particularly nice, but typical Autumnal weather so mustn't grumble!


TLAs are a necessary part of my working life.  The trouble is, that you tend to forget when there are newcomers that they don't understand what you are talking about!  The rest of the team sprinkle them around like confetti and everyone understands.


Buzzword Bingo is always fun.  Back in the 90s, a colleague of mine wrote a little piece of Software.  You told it how many people were in a meeting, what type of meeting it was and it would automatically generate Bingo cards.  My particular favourite remains "Organic growth potential"  (Whatever that means!)


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one & all,  well POETS day again....and I got dumped with a load of stuff again last night to sort out . Grrrrr.  


But still needs must?  



Lets try and survive what life and the day throws at us?



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I think once it gets lighter this morning it is forecast to rain until this evening.

I'm not planning to go shopping (all done), gardening (too damp) or vacuuming/dusting (done yesterday). I could I suppose snip links and rewire the 7 Peco points for the Minories project. I suspect I won't though.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Today's itinerary:

Moreasons shopping


Pack 3 parcels for auction winners

Post parcels

Load car

Go to Grammar School at Leeds and set up show..

Have chish and tips for tea.......collapse in a heap

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