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  • RMweb Gold

There's no chance of that Richard. You'd be amazed at the amount of damage I can do with a loaded soldering iron. :butcher: 

Ah, but do you get the 'hippy hippy shakes' while holding one?  Working on the module for Taunton a while back there I was holding a loaded soldering iron and the shakes struck - and I couldn't change hands as the other one was holding something else that I couldn't put down until I'd moved so there's me trying to move round the module with the soldering iron gradually becoming 'unloaded' in various directions.  In retrospect it must have looked absolutely hilarious but it was a little bit worrying at the time, not a lot!

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Morning all from a surprisingly calm Glasgow as the weather forecast of high winds seemed to pass us by. Working from home the past few days as I've obviously time travelled over the weekend to the Victorian era and come back with bacterial pleurisy! I'm glad it's that though as I thought the worse on Saturday after I was coughing up blood! Worse thing about being self employed though is that I have to work or no pay so as much as I'd rather be wrapped up warm in bed I'm sitting here on the I-pad and laptop! Mrs CC is doing her best to look after me though, so that's something. My interview last Friday with Scotrail went swimmingly, at least I think it did. Hopefully I have passed and if so there is one last stage, namely a medical and that should be me! Fingers crossed! Best wishes to all on the ER today, hope you all have a good one!

Edited by CathcartCircle
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I`m gradually realising that one`s {ahem!} 'mature' years are defined by the adage: "use it or lose it" :blink: ..........my once-fluid handscripting has clearly suffered a qualitative hit after years of keyboard convenience and now I discover that my mental-math. is sinking fast; for lately, my ability to calculate the most basic trig. in my head (even using log-tables) has presented a more than acceptable challenge. :blush:


I`ve treated myself to a bit of kit designed to make such calculations a little easier and reliable and unlike my old log-tables (and my canine-pals) it can`t become "dog eared".  :boast:







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Greetings from the view over Borough Market Junction - grey clouds at the moment although we have had bright blue sky and several bouts of rain this morning.


Not a lot to report, the year end work builds up.


Parents' evenin for the younger Lurker this evening. We've heard less of his progress this year than the last, which we are taking as a good thing, but we'll know more later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, but do you get the 'hippy hippy shakes' while holding one?  Working on the module for Taunton a while back there I was holding a loaded soldering iron and the shakes struck - and I couldn't change hands as the other one was holding something else that I couldn't put down until I'd moved so there's me trying to move round the module with the soldering iron gradually becoming 'unloaded' in various directions.  In retrospect it must have looked absolutely hilarious but it was a little bit worrying at the time, not a lot!

I occasionally get the 'hippo hippo' shakes, but that is usually post withdrawal from muddy environs. (Or complete lack of cake!)

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, weather is changing rapidly, bright and sunny to grey gloom and rain. Brain cell is flickering as I have more training tomorrow and I am feeling like the only kid in class who hasn't done his homework. Hope you all stay safe and with power.

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Now to my plea: would anyone on ER like to "commision" a building from me (any scale)? The BCB boys and Oldudders of this parish can attest to the acceptable quality of my Heath-Robinson lash ups. The cost? Materials and postage (of course, any donation to the "iD home for the elderly distressed modeler" would not be refused). Understandably, there are certain limits: not too small (so no outhouses in N) and not too large (so no models of St Pancras in 7mm), but I'm otherwise open to suggestion. I'd also be happy to build an interior for the (un)lucky recipient to slot into their own model.


At the moment, I can't think of anything, unless you can build something small and Franken for Höchstädt (Spur Null).  Of the other two O gauge layouts that I'm involved in, Ashbury is coming on apace, but I don't think any buildings are required.  Greenwich Croome Hill doesn't need anything at the moment, but phase 2 will require half relief warehouses to block out the fiddle yard.  But I won't have dimensions until the relevant baseboards are completed and the track work laid.



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  • RMweb Premium

my once-fluid handscripting has clearly suffered a qualitative hit after years of keyboard convenience and now I discover that my mental-math. is sinking fast; for lately, my ability to calculate the most basic trig. in my head (even using log-tables) has presented a more than acceptable challenge. :blush:




My handwriting has never been quality to begin with, and mental math? Wot's dis?  :O



On another note: Hypnotise yourselves with this track…


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Sorry my drivel content has been rather low - i.e. I’ve been busy......


The house next door caught fire yesterday.  Of course we were the last to know - when I happened to go to my Studio window and saw a stretcher on wheels outside the house and a collection of local boys opposite in lawn chairs watching the “operation”.


Regards to all!



Good thing you aren't semi-detatched!
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Well, I am back relatively unscathed from Letterkenny, if a bit windswept. Car serviced and eyes tested. Suspension should last till the next service and I need more specs! The garage kindly dropped me in town as it was chucking it down horizontally and offered to pick me up again later but I declined, after all the exercise would do me good. Only caught two showers walking back up the hill but was well prepared and what's a bit of hail, it's not as wet as rain! Having got the car and eyes sorted this morning, I thought I'd go for the treble, so I'm off to see the quack for my annual check up this afternoon!


Enjoy the rest of the day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Back from Kirkby and somehow missed the rain showers even though I went by public transport, missed one downpour by minutes when bus arrived, then missed another while travelling - then missed another on the trip back - also somehow have managed to get Lily walked between showers, and also to make the dinner - my goodness, this retirement is such fun.


Here is my quick guide to retirement:


Monday - A bit of modelling washing

Tuesday - A bit of modelling Shopping

Wednesday - A bit of modelling Hoovering

Thursday - A quiet day in A trip out with 30747 and Lily

Friday - A bit of modelling - General domestic tasks

Saturday - A trip out to see a steam special A trip to town to get the stuff I missed on Tuesday

Sunday - A day on the computer to catch up on RMWeb and other social websites Checking bank statements and credit card bills

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Been beavering away with bits of ply most of the day and have very little to show for it.  Why does everything take so bloomin' long.  Perhaps I'm just crap at it….:-)


Thanks Olddudders for your comments on the PN thread.  Yes, you're right, I'm doing everything myself.  Carpentry, track building, track laying, wiring etc.  The whole kit and caboodle, not to mention playing golf three days each week plus all the usual family demands.  No wonder it takes me a lifetime to get stuff done. 


A quick soak in the bath and then it's CSKA v Man City at 5pm.  I know there are few footie fans here, but this one will be a weird one.  Because of problems with the CSKA crowd in the past, the match has to be played behind closed doors, so no fans there at all.  It's going to be really strange with just 22 guys, the refs and no crowd noise whatsoever.  I know it's been done before, but this is the first I can recall that's it's been on TV...

Edited by gordon s
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I think it’s on live over here too. I’ll go and see if it’s on....it’s on and it’s weird - sounds like an empty swimming pool with the echoes and the odd voice shouting in Russian...


And yeah, I do everything myself too.


Best, Pete.

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Good morning all,

Very wet and windy at 5am so I took Chris to work (seemed the gentlemanly thing to do) and then went back to bed. 

Neck & shoulders aching like mad after yesterday's gardening so I think I'll be taking it easy today.

I'm currently debating what to do about a Class 4575 I added a brass chimney to a few days ago. (And need some advice) Guess who managed to stick it on about 1.5mm further back than it should be. I was working from the front to make sure it was vertical. As I used 5 second Superglue by the time I noticed it was stuck fast. I think if I try to get it off I'll do more harm than good.

I've painted it and (to me) it doesn't look too bad from normal viewing distance - close up is a different matter.

LOCO ALERT!!!! Western Region experts and fans (and Debs)should probably look away now before they have apoplexy


Close up.




Normal viewing distance.




And the other side of the layout.






You may now laugh if you wish but.........

To cut or not to cut? That is the question.


Have a good one,

Bodger of Sutton.

Dear "Bodger of Sutton",

  In reply to your concern and request for suggestions;


i) We are in little doubt anyone "sensible" will notice

ii) Suggestions as to what to do with it are unfit for a family forum - although hitting it with a hammer, as suggested is a good start :butcher:

iii) Let's face it, it's only a WR loco anyway, so who'll really care :jester:



  Real Trains originate from Waterloo or Victoria...


<--- coat and hat already on....

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Morning all - well, VERY late morning, even for me <sigh>

Trying to multi-task for a couple of clients who managed to "forget" some critical processes and then started to panic and ask for help from all quarters - the scary part is they are al involved in health care, so you'd HOPE they were a little more on the ball than they are - oh well!!



iD - fancy a crack at this, in OO...




I've created it all in Sketchup - one view seen here...




Was 3 this morning, starting to have a little nip in the air when I get the paper now, but still wonderfully sunny and bright even though the daylight hours are getting much shorter.


All for now - back to helping the US health care industry not stick its foot in its mouth today...

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Thanks for the info Beast. I did see the train pass the bottom of the garden, made up with the numbers you quoted ; the 37 looked fairly clean in DRS colours but the 57 was a really filthy yellow one (presumably Network Rail?). Would you mind divulging the site you use for such information as it is quite nice to know when something other than the boring old EMUs is coming through?

Thanks again and kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

I successfully debugged my old neighbour's PC. As the process took a while I had lunch there too.

I took Robbie for a walk afterwards and we managed to stay dry, the rain abated for a while and the dog didn't go swimming. Aditi said this morning she intended to leave at 5pm today but rang at 5.30 to let me know she would be at work for a few more hours. She spent 5 hours sorting out two students and is now working through what she planned to do today. She hasn't sacked anyone today. She has asked her admin manager to find a bigger desk for her though. 


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Gosh. What a journey. Apologies that I haven't read the several pages since last evening, shatteredness, toothache and the need for a good curry intervened. That and unpacking the car...


Today's journey started in fog, then morphed into heavy rain, spray and imbecilic driving by lorry drivers - several of whom were Lithuanian, so bad that at times I almost pulled over and stopped. The wind was dreadful - like 2000 -  I stopped for petrol and was almost blown over. That's the 18st me with the low centre of gravity...


After a looong drive (less than 400 miles but it seemed longer) we're back in Blighty. Next door neighbour already being arsy.


There were two GBLs awaiting, a book on LBSCR Electrification and a copy of Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook by Sir Pterry. Looks good at a quick glance, especially for fans of the discworld.


But the phone's not working, and contacting Virgin to tell them so is a nightmare...


Phoning dentist tomorrow, car in to check why it's losing power steering fluid on Thursday, lunch on Friday with old mate.


Have a good evening, I'm for vegging out in front of the telly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' All


Sherry's move must have happened, because I'm now sitting in her flat! She has gone to help manage Tadpoles, the youth theatre part of her TOADS company, while I start the tricky process of trying to catch up with ERs, An Everyday Story Of Comfy Folk, since last Wednesday. Typically I'm posting first, asking questions afterwards, but do intend to spend time covering developments. At this point I simply hope there has been no bad news, maybe some good?


As regular readers may recall, the weekend was to be dominated by a skool reunion. It was really for those who, like Sherry, left in 1968, that magic figure 46 again, but spouses/spice were invited, so I kinda qualified. Held in Denbies, which ISTR is Britain's largest vineyard, the attendance was good, with more than 40 there, including 3 teachers from my era, none of whom is young! Being me, I have a tale to tell, a tale I told on Saturday. I failed my English A Level, and decided to resit, with evening class/nightschool in Redhill to improve my chances. Thus one evening in September 1966 I caught a train from Deepdene to Redhill. Scholars from my alma mater were also aboard, and as we left Reigate I saw one young lady walking up the road. A motor scooter screeched to a halt beside her, and she and the rider embraced. Later in the evening, while waiting for the tutor, I fell into casual chat with the guy next to me, and mentioned the school I had attended. He asked if I knew his girlfriend, who turned out to be the girl with the guy with the scooter. Fortunately, he was the guy! Fast forward to 2014, and said lady was there on Saturday, so I recounted the tale, but she seemed not to recall the chap on the scooter - until I mentioned his surname, when she said " Oh - I married him!"


Sunday, Sherry and I visited her sister, who still lives in Dorking. My late wife Deb had a somewhat weird sister, and Sherry has just the same, sadly, albeit not in the same way. Married 3 times, and all three husbands are dead, albeit only one while still married to her. Her health is appalling, not unassisted by booze, but declining chemo-therapy when it is recommended seems a bit silly. Sherry was quite pleased not to stay too long.


Yesterday we travelled to Southampton to see a skoolfriend. She had a lousy later-childhood, her potential at skool being compromised by illness, but has eventually clawed some of that back, is a graduate, educational psychologist, author of several textbooks. As her (second) husband was not feeling wonderful after being in A&E with his ancient mum most of the previous day, we left him to sleep and she took us out after lunch - so we essayed the Hythe ferry. There is even a narrow-gauge railway on the pier at Hythe. Third rail, at 230 volts, so the driver told me.


Today we had a relatively straightforward trip to Torbay. Relatively. Indeed all went swimmingly until Chideock, when we lost a whole hour due to some major accident further down the A35, eventually resorting to narrow Dorset lanes to bypass the incident. The flat is really nice, and I expect to be hanging pictures etc over the next few days. We've borrowed the ex's toolkit.....


I promise to read most of the last few days, and will offer oos and ahs in all the right places. Hope your week is going well!

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