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  • RMweb Gold


And for those of you who might be of a Wagneresque disposition today:


I didn't really like that rendering of "The Ride of the Valkyries". At junior school Friday assembly often started with that bit of Wagner (an orchestral version, played on the school record player) while we all entered the hall.

Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all,

Lovely day yesterday and late back from daughters and feeling no pain as expected!

We had to go to Frinton garden centre to acquire a plant that Joanna wanted and so fitted that in between son and partner going off back to London and the four o'clock closing. We took three year old great grandson Freddie with us, and discovered on arrival that the classy but expensive Christmas display area was open! He fancied a lifelike reindeer but 'Grumps' wasn't so keen on the £399.99 price tag - he eventually settled for a 'Thomas the Tank Engine' book which teaches telling the time and a 'Thomas' advent calendar (with strict instruction from great grandmother not to in-seal the cellophane until December first!). I am honestly not trying to indoctrinate him, he just happens to like trains!

AndyB and Neil's discussion on salt brought back memories of a visit that Joanna and I made to the 'Wieliczka' salt mines near Kraków in Poland, during a tour that took in Warsaw and Auschwitz. Absolutely fascinating - massive caverns and a lot of very clever carving of the salt depicting scenes like the 'last supper'! They even had a most life-like sculpture of Pope John. The salt was pretty good as well! It was part of a truly memorable holiday and I once again have to thank RMweb members for bringing it to mind again!

Andy, I normally grow herbs all year - in the greenhouse when the season is right, and on the kitchen windowsill during winter. I find that if you take carefully chosen growing herbs from the supermarket and remove the packaging, then pot up in slightly larger pots with fresh compost, they last quite a time and taste really good. I feed them with 'Phostrogen' (only because I've got a large packet!) and keep them moist. They seem to thrive from being cut back! Love tarragon with fish, but each to their own?

Dom, I am always in a 'Wagneresque' disposition as you call it although I'm not sure I like it messed about like that! My favourite composer, having had a dad who was a Wagnerite and member of Covent Garden, I was lucky enough to see several superb productions at his expense! Sky Arts have also shown a few great productions from the New York Met. which I've recorded on the Sky plus box and hope to copy to DVD one day. Not everyone's 'cup of tea' but my great grandfather told me you should feel real music in your 'guts' and Wagner really shakes me. One mans poison........

Great to hear from Don again, keep it up mate - I'm itching for some more news from the dinner table!

Hope Monday isn't too painful for those that have to work - bit of shopping on the cards for me and later, gravestone cleaning and flower placing duties with Joanna. Should deserve a cider by tea-time!

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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And for those of you who might be of a Wagneresque disposition today:




I have to say I do prefer the full operatic version but you can't help but admire the guy's virtuosity. I was brought up on Wagner as my father was a great fan and we used to look forward to the annual performances from Bayreuth on Radio 3. Having said that, Dad preferred Tristan and Isolde to the Ring Cycle.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


we definitely need a groan button - some of the puns are in need of something.


A reasonable day today, but we have weather warnings for gales tonight and tomorrow - oh joy !




Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Glad to see news of Don, of course my best wishes to him! 

Also, I did read a few days back about a few of you mentioning Port Isaac. We absolutely love Doc Martin, and we didn't know that was where it was filmed until we had already booked the B&B. I'm not 100% sure, but I think one of our walls was part of that narrow passageway (I forget its name). But a really beautiful part of the world down there - I really enjoyed that holiday!


In other news, it was my last shift at the pub yesterday. 2 weeks later than planned, but I am so relieved. I cannot tell you how fast that place is disintegrating - all due to mismanagement by the big boss. He used to be nice, then he got greedy and opened 2 failing pubs. I don't want to explain it all as it would take a rather cumbersome post! I have to say though, the last 2 shifts were so unbelievably busy - let's just say, they're gonna know I'm gone...


It was funny, one of my colleagues (I've known since primary) accidentally said "Have a nice retirement!". I guess in a way it is, especially in the way people say with retirement 'you may have time to yourself, but you always have too much to do', or something like that. Put it this way, I have 3 days to produce a variety of sound effects for the game, I also have another secret project to work on. Then there's the music studio and of course if I ever get back around to it - the model-making. And guess what - no washing up!


Hooray!  :music:

Edited by SouthernRegionSteam
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I didn't really like that rendering of "The Ride of the Valkyries".


I'd have to agree - It is reminiscent of Sky's rendition which is probably my least favourite piece by an otherwise excellent band.


Good to see you back Don - you've been missed!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Andy, I normally grow herbs all year - in the greenhouse when the season is right, and on the kitchen windowsill during winter. I find that if you take carefully chosen growing herbs from the supermarket and remove the packaging, then pot up in slightly larger pots with fresh compost, they last quite a time and taste really good. I feed them with 'Phostrogen' (only because I've got a large packet!) and keep them moist. They seem to thrive from being cut back! Love tarragon with fish, but each to their own?


Kind regards,



Jock, I'm with you on salvaging the supermarket herbs and potting them on. Very economical. Sadly we just don't seem to see a great variety of herbs in (growing plant form) in many supermarkets. Mint, chives, rosemary... that's about it in my experience. 

At Le Manoir they have 3 or 4 staff working on herbs full time. They have, in total, some 220 people on staff.


The photo below shows part of a poly tunnel used for micro herbs which are harvested after about 3 days of growth. I asked if some might be clipped to remove the leaves they wanted and leave the plant to grow on so more clippings could be taken at another time. Unfortunately not, it seems. It's not just a question of flavour being intense in the younger leaves it is also about appearance of the food in the restaurant. They get through about £60k of seeds each year! But they are doing 80 covers, twice daily.

I was somewhat sceptical about the use of micro-herbs but having tried them, there's definitely something to be said for harvesting the leaves in the plant's infancy. Very intense flavour. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, an interesting day - chiro was good with many 'cracking' noises in the right places plus I can actually stand for more than 15 minutes without having to suffer the dull ache in one hip (that tends to get less and less dull as time goes on).  We (well herself) then decided the first priority was to visit Halfords to return the wrong wiper blades - very helpful bloke on till was clearly up to the mark as instead of giving me a refund he asked for the reg number of the vehicle which the blades are meant for then told me which set to get, they look to be ok (but they did cost a lot more!).


And as Halfords is but a very short drive from the Oxford Road branch of Waitrose Monday sort of morphed into Friday (alas this option is not available to all - sorry folks) and shopping was duly shopped for.  Home to bacon sarnies, and then the rain started so I can't cut the lawn or the hedge - oh dear what a pity. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Well that was brilliant! Went out to cut the grass, plugged in hover mower, depressed trigger, it started momentarily and there was a loud clunky bang and it stopped, ne'er to start again!

Decided to leave it for another day to see if I can fix it. As the grass was extremely long I then got the strimmer out and attacked the garden with that. Discovered amongst the grass a lot of very large worm casts which the strimmer distributed everywhere including over me. Decided it might be an idea to wear some goggles after getting some debris in the face.Then had the dubious pleasure of raking up all the strimmings and now I ache - all over. The lawn now looks as if a rugby match has been played on it.

I hate gardening!

End of this particular rant - others may be available later!

Edited by grandadbob
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Monday morning all...


Weekend passed me by it seems (as others have noted), what with a variety of family-related functions due to out-of-town guests visiting the MiL, and Sunday morning spent with son draining the water system at the lake cabin and removing the shallow-well pump for the winter.

Seems Monday arrived right after Friday finished <sigh>... POETS day became POETM(onday) day!! :jester:  :O


Definately a modelling failure (no time available), but perhaps can be made up with some extra effort during the evenings this week!


7 here this morning, and shooting for 15 in bright sun and a light breeze but very dry air and overnights expected to be around 1-3 next day or two.


Below is an example of the delightful views we're experiencing here due to the slightly longer lasting than normal autumn, this seen out my office window;




Everyone is still marvelling at the average or better weather we're still experiencing here - winter will arrive soon enough.


Make today count for something :)



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  • RMweb Premium

Back after a trip to the food selling emporium, and dinner is now on the go - I made sure that I get more than a week's worth of dinners, and stuck to the list, which was a mistake, as it was only the EXTRAS that were on it, and I came home without a few essentials like eggs, and sprouts - I can live without the latter, but I do need the former to make up my weekly cholesterol fix with a full Scottish fry-up.


Must shoot now, as the peeper has just gone to intimate that everything's ready to be served up.  May try to get back later.

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I think one of your stalkers have popped in and paid a visit, Beast...........


Mercifully, our Beast can robustly defend himself against the unfortunate cyber-attentions of a couple of distressed-individuals........`though sadly, there are more and more of them about the `web these days; new laws are being promulgated to protect victims and perhaps those of an overly-retaliatory or malicious inclination, should be very careful how they behave (even from within the seeming privacy of their own orbit)........The 'Social Media' prosecutions (for incitement to violence, hate crime or posthumous vitriol) which have led to custodial sentences, must surely represent a wake up call for some.

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  • RMweb Gold

There's one problem with working at home.


You can't go up to someone's office and ask "What the **** do you mean?"


It has to be by email.

Aditi went up to the IT help desk at work with a query about why her VPN access from home had ceased to work. The help person asked why she had come in person rather than sending an email. Her reply was that he hadn't replied to her 5 emails so....

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