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Early Risers.


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Morning All,


I am back in the office this morning, and wondering what happened to the weekend!  It all went by rather quickly.  Not that we did an awful lot, got a few jobs done and then went for a walk in the forest yesterday afternoon.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good Moanday Morning all, 


Not sure  what they day is going to bring - other than the normal round of chaos & confusion! .  


Hope all of you in the UK have battened down the hatches  as I see the forecast is for it to be a bit draughty!


Keep smiling (if you can)



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Its dark but mild here this am. Flooded roads in parts of Headingley last night as we had lots of rain. Garden now awash so it really is Autumn!


Off for my pneumonia jab today and to try and sort my shoulder/arm out.


Have a good Monday and a great week!



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Good morning all,

Dry at the moment and should stay that way today but will be mainly cloudy with the odd sunny interval. Heavy rain due tonight.

Tea taken to my leader and I am now awaiting instructions. I believe they will be of the shopping variety.

Later I may attempt to cut the grass although it's still pretty wet but it may be the last chance I get before winter.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,
Station Cat's photos reminded me of my last trip to Venice (also off season) and of how amazing the place is, a mecca for lovers of art, architecture, history and (seriously good) food.

1216 025 is seriously starting to upset me... Not content in taunting me with static photos of Italian locomotives, he now has to flaunt videos of 'em. If Mrs iD gets bent out of shape over yet another railway project well... Suffice to say I know where to direct her ire!!!

Re. Food freshness, the supermarkets around here are diabolical. Things are either flown in from god-know-where (leading to the absurdity of it being easier to get tropical fruit in October than local and seasonal produce) or they are hydroponically grown, neither of which conducive to flavour. Fortunately, we have friends who farm and their last donation of spuds not only taste great, but are lasting far, far longer than any shop bought stuff (mind you the potatoes we got haven't been washed and are still earthy, which probably helps them keep).

Finally, my first solo "Double Dog Date" went quite well (although there was a heart stopping moment when Lucy slipped her collar, but she came after I called her a few times and never went far from me...). Lucy still pulls, but Schotty was very calm (jealous and keeping an eye on me, perhaps). But a better walk than yesterday...

Have a great Moanday


Edited by iL Dottore
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Hi fellowERs. my apologies fof paupicy  of posts. Excuses: Th comp is sitated facing an East faibg window. Just beem]interrupted More later maybe

No excuses needed, Don - it's just good to hear from you whenever you can - hope your recovery is progrssing

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Very dark and windy walking the dogs this morning. We would have made it back to the car before the rain arrived if one of them hadn't decided to 'hide' for ten minutes. The moral to this story is, when going out in the dark put all your waterproofs on regardless, as you can't see what's coming! Needless to say, before I got out of my wet clothes, three large dogs had to be dried off!


There will be no early morning update tomorrow as the car has to go to the garage (50 miles away) for a service and, while I am in town, I am going to Specsavers to get my eyes tested. Before any of that I have to walk the dogs, have breakfast and drop Steph off at work (20 miles away) at 8.00am! Did I mention that the garage is 2 miles from the centre of town and the forecast is wet and windy? Must remember the waterproofs this time!


Ho hum, have a nice day everybody and keep smiling!



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Bonjour tlm, last day in Normandy. Very misty at the moment, but dry and not cold.

It seems I am shopping and recycling this morning... Also taking back the wrong-size Hoover bags. Oh good.

We'll be packing the car and Julie will be cleaning obsessively, despite the fact that it will be five months before we are out again and someone is paid to clean before we come back. I really don't get it.


So, laying in bed, listening to Julie Hoovering up the dead wasps and the hooligan birds pecking in the zinc guttering. Tomorrow there won't be wasps but instead there'll be traffic!


Nice to hear from Don, good wishes to all for a bonny start to the week.

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We'll be packing the car and Julie will be cleaning obsessively, despite the fact that it will be five months before we are out again and someone is paid to clean before we come back. I really don't get it.




Don't worry, it's in their genes and there's nothing we can do about it! We nearly missed a flight once because the house had to be sparkling before we left!



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Morning all, great to see Don on here again!


Blue skies with grey clouds here again.


Relatively peaceful weekend - nice curry delivered on Friday (Mrs was out), swimming lesson for the younger lurker on Saturday, and a walk on Sunday, followed by a spur of the moment decisions to take apart and put away the garden furniture and then mow the lawn. It was very mild and the lawn was nearly dry (although muddy underfoot) but it needed doing and I'm pleased I've managed it - what with more wet weather forecast.


Last week of half term for the kids, for which I am sure they are grateful!


and a busy few days ahead of us here; the next level of year end reporting is due today, which means the system will clog up until it is impossible to even open an e-mail (never mind this site!).

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Morning all. Late today. Daughter forgot school bag (how can you forget THAT???) and I had to make a mercy dash to the high school. All went well until I remembered the parking nightmare outside... by the time I got parked, the kids were just going inside and, unable to spot Gabriella, I had to drop the bag at the school office. What is it about a single man walking through a school playground at 8.45am? I got several looks from staff and children that would suggest that, in their eyes, I was a potential murderer or kidnapper...

In other news... actually, there isn't any, this is Norfolk...

Have a good Monday if that isn't too contradictory.


Edit: can I add my own "welcome back" to Don. Take it easy.

Edited by Pete 75C
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Morning All


Lovely morning here - NOT - looked just about OK when I took Lily out first thing but just about the furthest point from the house, the drizzle started, and went on getting worse and by eight it was chucking it down big style and is still doing so now.


Today's thrills appear to be mainly getting the shopping early, as I misjudged the number of dinners that we needed, and the fridge looks like Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard.


I too was a bit concerned about Geoff's post, as I was talking to him in his garden only a few minutes before the discovery of his neighbour's break-in.  The house is on a road that does carry a bit of traffic and also quite a lot of pedestrian movements, like dog walkers etc.


Regards to All


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Morning all and it's a sunny one here.


Potentially not good news about Didcot going up in flames. My understanding is that we were a bit short of generating capacity before the fire. Let's hope that the damage doesn't accelerate the brown-outs. G'grief, that's hardly a cheerful start to my week of posts!


Pete, I sympathise. Been there myself as it suited myself and swmbo a few years ago for her to go back to work and for me to be the house husband.   

When my eldest was a toddler and attended the weekly playgroup it was evident that it was a mothers' coffee morning with some toys strewn about. Hmm. 

Not being the small talk kind I thought the best thing to do would be to use the time to play with my daughter. Funny how the sight of a dad playing with toys attracts a gaggle of other children all wanting to join in. As it happened a couple of professional nannies also attended and I learn a hell of a lot from them over the coming years.


When my daughter started school, as a bloke I was pretty much the exception doing drop offs and pick ups. Over the years that's definitely changed and we now see quite a few dads whilst their spouses re-establish their careers. Got to be a good thing, I believe.  


EDIT: what's a comma between friends. ;) 


Morning all. Late today. Daughter forgot school bag (how can you forget THAT???) and I had to make a mercy dash to the high school. All went well until I remembered the parking nightmare outside... by the time I got parked, the kids were just going inside and, unable to spot Gabriella, I had to drop the bag at the school office. What is it about a single man walking through a school playground at 8.45am? I got several looks from staff and children that would suggest that, in their eyes, I was a potential murderer or kidnapper...

In other news... actually, there isn't any, this is Norfolk...

Have a good Monday if that isn't too contradictory.


Edit: can I add my own "welcome back" to Don. Take it easy.

Edited by AndyB
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Morning all,


Bright & sunny outside at the moment and although it isn't going to last it is rather nice to have.  Not sure about doing the lawn tho - it definitely needs a haircut but it stays awful wet as it is shaded by the cherry tree (and next door's house) however the front hedge also needs attention.  But first it's chiropractor time and I've changed to Jurgen as I think Stefan was far too much into dealing with highly tuned athletes bodies (he does the UK rowing squad and used to do F1 drivers) and I reckon mine isn't quite in that league.  Plus it's back to Halford's later to change the windscreen wipers I bought on Saturday for laddo's car - they're the wrong type, notwithstanding both myself and the good Doctor carefully checking the 'which goes with what model list', trust the Italians to do it a different way from everybody else!


Have a good day folks.

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