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gave up on doing any modelling until I've made myself a bench. I'm thinking of either something that fits onto a Workmate, or something that slots onto the dining table.

Would this be useful - http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/magazine/mrh-2014-10-oct/simple-portable-workbench Starts on page 234

Edited by shortliner
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Re post 75191


....we have similar issues with sheep eating roadside grass in the Peak District....possibly due to the salty taste from winter gritting adding to the attraction....probably means that we buy pre-seasoned local lamb too! The cat always chose to drink water from one of the rainwater filled plant pot saucers which we maintained in the garden...then resorted to guarding it from any birds daring to bathe/drink there. This resulted in me placing around a dozen of them all over the garden so that she couldn't guard them all.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Since I last posted, it has been an eventful time. Dinner went fairly smoothly, but could be trouble up t'mill, whilst Lucy is a slow and delicate eater, Schotty wolfs food down so fast it doesn't touch the sides. They were fed at the same time but in separate areas and after eating, when Lucy decided to walk through the kitchen, there was much snarling and barking from the HM, despite no food around....


Have you considered an anti-gulp bowl for Schotty? Such as http://www.petsperfect.co.uk/products/dog-it-go-slow-anti-gulping-dog-bowl?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla


It worked for our hoover-food Kerry

Edited by Coombe Barton
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 gave up on doing any modelling until I've made myself a bench. I'm thinking of either something that fits onto a Workmate, or something that slots onto the dining table.


Or another variant (which I'm using) http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/258/entry-3565-the-obligatory-workbench-building-one-in-the-first-place/

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Good to see yet another doggie landing on its feet chez iD - she probably still doesn't believe it so he's taking care to make sure you know she's there!  All of our cats have always drunk from puddles - even the two former 100% indoor type cats we have now, as Laurence has said it's down to, at least in part, the chemical content of the stuff that comes out of our taps and is allegedly safe & wholesome for us to drink.  I don't know about dogs but cats eat grass for digestive reasons (and sometimes to make themselves sick - be warned).


Quite a pleasant day here at present but more rain on teh way of course as all the stuff Pete keeps cheerfully promising us makes its way across the Atlantic.


Have a good day one & all.

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Trying to catch up after a few days of being too busy!  New TV was delivered yesterday by Currys, only to find that the TV Stand and Soundbar weren't on the van.  I was not amused or impressed - they are now scheduled for delivery next week, but having tried the TV, the sound seems better than I had expected, so might cancel the soundbar.  SWMBO is not convinced by a new TV, as the old one "still works" - the fact that it is over 20 years old, with a rubbish picture and sound seems to cut no ice.  I will try to convince her by putting the two side by side so she can compare directly.  Hopefully she might then appreciate the HD picture and better sound.


Just when I thought I had a relaxing day in prospect today, the toilet syphon unit has packed up, so it wont flush.  Looks like a faulty washer in the syphon, so will need to get a new one sharpish.


Eventually managed a bit of modelling getting a friends old DMU to work.  It was simply missing pickups on one side, so was easily sorted.


Now to venture out into a windy garden for some (very) fresh air!

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Would this be useful - http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/magazine/mrh-2014-10-oct/simple-portable-workbench Starts on page 234

Thanks for that, some good ideas there.

I'm thinking along the lines of something I did for figure painting, a board about two feet square, with a sacrificial top (for soldering, pinning parts etc.) and a lip on the underside to anchor the board against the table edge. A front overhang for clamping a small vice and a birdsmouth board for piercing saw work. Probably small lips to stop small parts rolling off. I like the idea of having a standing rear board with a metal plate on it to hold plans with small magnets.

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  • RMweb Premium

ID, I'm sure all will be fine with HM and Lucy when they settle down. It would appear that Schotty, as pack leader (the rest of the pack = Mr & Mrs ID) is asserting himself over the new arrival. Once precedence is firmly established it should all be as peaceful as two dogs can be.... 


Late start after a restless night. No doubt various jobs about the house will be considered. Some may get done. The currently fine weather suggests attacking the laundry backlog.


Watched the second half of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly last night; I didn't remember it being so long, or some of the scenes. The end credits revealed all; it was an extended remastered version released in 2003. Martyn stayed up to watch it. He'd never seen a Clint Eastwood western but the main theme is used in one of his games. I'll have to look out for it coming on again and watch the first half.


Have a good day.



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Morning all. My wife's away visiting her mum (dragon-in-law). Daughter still round at a friend's after a sleepover. Son still asleep (!) and likely to remain so 'til early afternoon at least.

Bliss. Oh, and the sun's shining. Should I do some modelling or just sit still in some sort of zen trance and appreciate the silence? Tough choice. I think I'll make my mind up over a fresh pot of coffee.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning (just).


Haven't gone to Groudle, just don't quite feel 100% this weekend, plus it is blowing a hoolie and the glen is full of old trees. Hopes of a peaceful morning ruined by having to re-align 8 doors of a new-ish wardrobe 'complex', it has sunk into the carpet and everything looks wonky.  Discovered German manufactured wardrobes don't have the range of adjustment that Ikea ones in the other bedroom at a third of the price do....can't quite get the door gaps right which really annoys me.


Had to use some brute force to open the grindy-salt-celler-y thing just now, and discovered the bag of sea salt is 'put on chips by 2004'.  I thought salt was a preservative?  We don't use much salt as you may gather, blood pressure etc, it gets used about once a month when we have a treat (the aforesaid chips)!  No green bits, I'm sure it'll be OK...... :angel:

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  • RMweb Premium

Anyone interested in mushrooms/toadstools/fungi? Here are a few examples from a walk in the woods here this afternoon.









Number 3 is 'puffball' fungi and quite edible, number 4 looks like honey fungi which is edible but other non-edible fungi resemble it so it is best left alone. Best advice is unless your 100% certain it is edible leave it alone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Christmas is in full swing at the garden centre but I eventually found the basket brackets I wanted. Now I just need to find the appropriate drill (big Bosch SDS ) to cope with our brickwork. Then I'll have a couple of days thinking about doing the drilling!


Aditi finished her college work (another timetable I think) early this morning and has been cooking since. It looks like industrial quantities of vegetarian food are heading for the freezer ready for whenever we visit Matthew next. There should be some for lunch today though.


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Afternoon all,

Quick sneaky post while the kids walk Archie in what is now lovely sunshine after a very wet start. Lovely lunch consumed and awaiting orders fro madam!

Grass and leaves sadly(?) too wet to deal with at the moment but I'm sure she'll think of something!

Neil, I absolutely hate those sell by dates - I'm still using turmeric roots I bought in Dubai years ago when I make curry and it is yet to make anyone ill. Good luck with the wardrobes, we're lucky that ours were built into the walls when the house was built!

I may not post again tonight as we are going to the nurse daughters for supper - cab home of course as I'll take the wine!

Kind regards all,


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Went out for a galette at a nice little creperie in Saint Hilaire du Harcoët, then came back the long way round and photographed some derelict buildings at St Symphorien des Monts. They do names well in Normandy.


All modelling stuff packed for return, so photo editing and vegging out this afternoon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Not a great day here, as Neil's wind has decided to come a bit further over the water to hit North Lancs as well.  Catchup has been over two sessions, as I had to use the computer for what are known as "serious" reasons in between.  Now what could be more important that ERs?


Flavio, it will take time for the two dogs to sort themselves out, but they will do so, I'm sure.  As to the water and grass, most dogs do like water that is not sourced from the local water supply, for whatever reason, and the grass helps with digestion - though they often use an excess of grass as a natural emetic.


Got to try to get Lily walked while the weather is holding dry.


Regards to All


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