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Early Risers.


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So today, Matthew, I have managed to:


  • Have a completely tasteless soup for lunch (Covent Garden Kale and Nutmeg) Think cabbage water without the nutmeg.
  • Read a lot
  • Cook steak for supper and manage to set off not one but two smoke alarms (the upstairs one as well) after the pan caught fire.

The conclusion is that I shouldn't be allowed out without adult supervision.


And she's gone away and trusts me with a soldering iron and blowtorch.And some sharp saws and scalpels.

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We managed to get to London in time for lunch with Matthew, We went to his student hall, to deliver some plastic food storage boxes (some with food in) and then went for a walk to look for lunch. "Theatreland" aka Leicester Square and nearby streets were very busy with tourists and there was a very well behaved protest march too. We had lunch in an Italian restaurant and said bye bye to Matthew as he wanted to go to the library. 



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Evening all,

Not much time for posting as son and partner have decided to stay over after dinner and treat us to lunch tomorrow before they head back to the smoke!

Flávio, hope the dogs settle without too much damage to themselves or Mrs iD and, you!

Heads up for those fighting cancer - the Stand Up To Cancer programme on C4 last night, along with fundraising in other ways, raised nearly £15million to date. Naturally Joanna called in a donation despite me having bought some of the merchandise and the fact that we run a monthly standing order!

Hopefully be back on tomorrow,

Kind regards,


Oh. And early G'night Pete!

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Bit of a scorcher today.

Wasps continue - we should have called an eradicator in rather than deal with it ourselves. My sting is getting better, but Julie copped one today...


Had a nice Facetime with grandsons, will do same with #2 tomorrow for his 39th birthday. Where does it go?


Made a nice dinner - see Recipes thread, but gave up on doing any modelling until I've made myself a bench. I'm thinking of either something that fits onto a Workmate, or something that slots onto the dining table.


Now cleaning the place thoroughly and getting it winterised. Then back to England and all that entails.

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Didcot show was its usual pleasant little self although lacking Missy of this parish doing her usual demonstrating.  Some nice little layouts and strangely the ones with the simplest track layouts (i.e. plain line only in the public viewable area) seemed to be the most attractive); the bacon rolls knocked those of the RFarnham show into a cocked hat, very scrumptious.


But the road traffic in Didcot was atrocious as Station Road is closed so we came back via a country route and even called in Halfords in Reading to get some wiper blades for laddo's car as relying on him to get them is difficult (and Halfords is in any case 'out of town' nowadays) and then time to take a few pics of the now almost complete flyover.  And no rain encountered!

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Two kilos of cheese, 40+ bottles of wine, and a fall over a tombstone in the dark later, I'm home.

Great success!

I didn't get to taste the wine.

40+ bottles of wine would tend to anaesthetise the taste buds I suppose,

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Evening all. I had a very enjoyable day today. Despite waking up with a touch of a hangover after last night's drinking I was able to make it over to the Wirksworth Exhibition. Quite an enjoyable few hours with some decent layouts and a chance to catch up with some familiar faces. It seems that word of our Weston show has travelled a fair bit as lots of people seem to know about it which is flattering and also quite encouraging.

 I did spend a bit of money, purchasing a Dapol carriage kit from one of the trade stands. I have never built a kit before so this may not be a wise purchase. That said there is very little painting required and it looks fairly simple to put together so it may be a useful starting point. My personal challenge is to get the kit built and running by the Weston show next month.

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 And no rain encountered!

I do believe you will miss Rainmageddon! May be some light rain showers overnight.


Watch out for Gonzalo, though. Monday night into Tuesday in a broad swath covering the entire British Isles and finishing up near Zurich (even though the storm centre looks likely to end up in Dom’s neck of the woods he will not see it so bad). Flooding rains possible anywhere if you’re unlucky. Wind may top 60 mph (that’s not too bad) but may be damaging in exposed areas. It may end up better - slight chance of it being worse..... I’d like to know what warnings Tim may have around Dawlish, though. With a bit of luck the wind may be from the land down there which ought to make the wave action less.


EDIT: The worst of the winds now look to be on tuesday . Significant in Northern Ireland (possible Hurricane strength -75 mph North Westerlies) and the whole North West coastline of England (though slightly less wind strength than NI).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Mornin' all,


Yesterday we visited the East Lancs Railway for their Autumn gala....trains ran 60-90 mins late for most of the day due to an early issue at Rawtenstall and there was were some consequent alterations to the timetable but we managed to see what we had intended to. Here are a few clips



Apologies for the first view of 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley appearing last in the sequence....this was due to changing SD cards during the day. The homeward journey back to the car at Ramsbottom was behind double headed A4s from Bury...not an every day spectacle.


Well done to the ELR staff for maintaining order amongst an often over enthusiastic crowd.


Enjoy whatever you do.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all,


Since I last posted, it has been an eventful time. Dinner went fairly smoothly, but could be trouble up t'mill, whilst Lucy is a slow and delicate eater, Schotty wolfs food down so fast it doesn't touch the sides. They were fed at the same time but in separate areas and after eating, when Lucy decided to walk through the kitchen, there was much snarling and barking from the HM, despite no food around....


Rough night. Mrs iD and the HM went to bed at usual time and in the usual place. I got the sofa and Lucy her new basket next to the sofa. Lucy was rather restless and couldn't/wouldn't get settled, but finally, all slept well, except yours truly (awake every 2 hours or so). Up at 05:30 to let Lucy out (a successful "piddle and sniff"), then again at 06:30 - although this time, when out in the garden, she just licked the wet plants and ate a few blades of grass. Any ideas as to the why of such behaviour (she has a perfectly good bowl of water near her basket)?


She's quite needy and seems to require close human company (as I write she's curled up the sofa next to me, pressing against my leg). She has also learnt "go basket", which almost always works, unless she appears to be having a "needy" moment. She seems to have had a rough time of it in the past.


I hope, when Schotty and she are playing/snoozing/whatever-ing, that I can get some sleep...


Pictures to follow and steak pudding as my reward tonight.


Have a great Sunday



Edited by iL Dottore
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Woken at early o'clock by her in indoors talking to youngest Herbert, who, having had 5 hours sleep is off back to work.


Got a trip out to collect the ALSRM cloths for our show today..was meant to go yesterday but forgot. Doh!!


Cricket tonight..understand that there was some trouble last week due to a participant mouthing off. Hope he doesn't play tonight.


Have a calm Sunday!



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Morning all.

raining here but forecast to be dry for the rest of the day.


iD, I'm sure Lucy and Schotty will soon sort out any territorial disputes. Robbie likes licking the moisture off plants and he too always has fresh water inside and out though I think his favourite tipple is ditchwater.


I believe we are having a quiet day today without too much excitement. I need to replace a hanging basket bracket so a trip to a garden centre seems likely.



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Robbie likes licking the moisture off plants and he too always has fresh water inside and out though I think his favourite tipple is ditchwater.


Charlie the beagle loves drinking from puddles and ditches as well. He's also been observed sticking his head in watering cans in order to drink!

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Boy was it warm last night. I woke up thinking it was 6 and it was only 4. Had a cup of tea anyway.

Getting up now. Putting a "Suffolk Latch" on the back gate. Going out later, our mandatory weekly trip somewhere different. "Today Matthew we be going to Lynn (Kings Lynn that is). Then supper in Edgefield.

Enjoy the day.

Edited by The Bigbee Line
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Good morning all,

Looks like it's been a rather damp night but a dry,sunny warm day is forecast. I think the garden will be too wet to do anything much though.

Chris's version of Thai curry went down very well last night but she didn't like it at all so "don't expect me to do that again" was her comment. Pity!

Steve hadn't managed to obtain a new hard drive for my other laptop by yesterday but it has been dispatched.

An unhealthy cholesterol packed breakfast is being prepared so 'bye for now and...

have a good one.


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Good morning all,  


quite (for here) Sunday morning so far - few birds chirping away.... not sure what  I'm going to do today - I really should go for a walk to the Sheraton & get my hair cut...(that will be the fourth time this year!  


What ever you are doing,  try and make the best of it,



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Good Morning Again,


Back from an exhausting walk with Lucy and Schotty. Despite being 4 years old and at least a one-time mum, Lucy dragged me along at a huge rate of knots. Presumably, after being cooped up in the animal shelter, she's thinking along the lines of "use or loose it" (or maybe "now or never") and thus every walk so far has been a mad dash after as many smells as possible.


Her colour changes according to the lighting, varying from sandy to red-brown,

post-123-0-64773600-1413704187.jpg post-123-0-71989700-1413704208.jpg

Yesterday (and today) Schotty and Lucy had - as they say in the diplomatic trade: "frank and open discussions"

post-123-0-62218600-1413704287.jpg post-123-0-54677000-1413704303.jpg


But despite much sound and fury, remarkably "unagressive" (which is the best way I can describe the interaction)


We found out that she is very skittish around people in cycling shorts (and snaps at them) and wheelie suitcases really set her off barking (the only time I've heard her bark so far). I wonder what terrible experiences these represent?


Anyway, enough doggie pictures from me (I think I've exceeded ER's "cute animal photo" quota for the day), I'll sign off and leave you with a hopefully happier Lucy than the one we saw in the animal shelter.




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