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Hello in a very small voice.

Anybody keen on jigsaw puzzles can play with my tummy.

Sitting upright is very uncomfortable so I think it will be a while before  am back in rgqular correspondence

THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE GOOD WISHES which Tim keeps me informed

I will be back as soon as possible.

Me myself, personally, yke origiinal Don

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Welcome back Don.


The rain seems to have gone away for a while. Broken cloud cover so not quite so dark on the beach this morning. It's also very mild, 12 degC.



Edited by Killybegs
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Morning all.( and a special "nice to see you" to Don

Quite pleasant here.

I think the small piles of clothing and towels left on the landing are "suggestions" to feed the washing machine today.

I may stare some more at the pile of track I have for a small module to keep inside and play with over the winter.


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Morning all from the boring beery borough. A good time was had meeting the brewer last evening. Decent beers too.


Andy: may I suggest my one word..... asylum!


Neil: agreed The Quakers actually practice what they preach. Never met a bad one. Same can be said for Krishnas. Lovely people. Very calming.


Nice to see the lovely Kelly pop in and say hello. Hope you are doing well.

I was never one for guns. The Scout hall had a rifle range and I did take all the shooting lessons, but it never really appealed. The troop used to hire the range out to the local Sea Cadets until the insurance cost became prohibitive. These days its been converted to a large O scale model railway.


Yea!!! Dawn has broken. err Don has broken cover. Good to see you back, even if its only a couple of sentences to say hello. Get well soon.


That's enough inane drivel from me. Enjoy your day everyone.

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While we're waiting for Debs to emerge from slumber, I'll slip in one or two more pictures of the seaside railway in Spain:


Tensioner - a simple design.



Power Supply.



Coach interior.



DD, that wouldn't be Calella would it? Was there last year and it looks familiar. Took the train into Barcelona for a great day out. Pete.

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Good to see Don back online.


Pete (trisonic), when Mr X was in the Regiment, weapons were selected to be appropriate to the mission and personal preferences. In those days the SLR was probably the weapon of choice for shooting from cover. I doubt they still use them much if at all. He came into the pub with his Dad once when on leave, with long hair and a beard; it was (fairly) obvious where he'd been. But nothing was said. He would happily discuss firearms but obviously nothing else. His opinion of the SA80 was unprintable. I understand the current version is greatly improved in durability etc, but it's still a small round.


It seems to be sunny outside, I wonder if it wll last....


Have a good day,



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Hello in a very small voice.

Anybody keen on jigsaw puzzles can play with my tummy.

Sitting upright is very uncomfortable so I think it will be a while before  am back in rgqular correspondence

THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE GOOD WISHES which Tim keeps me informed

I will be back as soon as possible.

Me myself, personally, yke origiinal Don


Never have so few words been welcomed so much by so many!

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DD, that wouldn't be Calella would it? Was there last year and it looks familiar. Took the train into Barcelona for a great day out. Pete.


Very near there - the next 'resort' Pineda.

Went on the train to Sitges past Barcelona and Hostelric in the other.

Hotel balcony overlooked sea, beach, railway in that order.

Went to Calella (and the 500 shops there) and all hell broke loose as they celebrated the Madonna of the Blunderbus or some such festival.

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Well, since you started it, 40 years ago I was living in a puddle. Actually, I had just finished my apprenticeship with ICI. My final placement was with an experimental engineering section before the drudgery of the Drawing Office. One of the guys I worked with was a member of the Royal Observer Corps, and I joined that for a while. I enjoyed many aspects of it, but came to feel that in the event of nuclear war I didn't really want to be a survivor in an underground bunker. I've just checked-there were over 1500 of them.


By the way, I was just coming up to my 21st birthday. My parents had been saving all my life for me (ISTR it came to about £250!) and I blew the lot on a.... Mk2 Jaguar 3.8 litre! Sh1t that thing was fast!  I have no idea how I survived without a serious crash. The Jag went banger racing when I could no longer afford to mend it, to be replaced by a Morris Minor van in which I went from Scotland to Cornwall using it as living accomodation. I remember being in the back of the van with a young lady in Cambridge when a Police Officer knocked on the door and said "you can't sleep here Sir". The obvious reply was "we're not sleeping", but the passion was killed.



Back in the late 60's a friend of mine also had a Jag Mk 2 3.8 litre automatic. As he was only about 19 at the time the insurance was horrendous, and as he was buying it on the 'never-never' he was required to have full comp. He thought he'd save money by once the finance company had been shown the 'full comp' insurance cert he changed it to third party only. Needless to say almost as soon as he'd done that he managed to write the car off. The A12 coming into Romford from Ilford at the time was a succession of roundabouts. Just before the Mawney Road roundabout was a bend, he made the bend but couldn't make the roundabout, when he hit the roundabout at about 70 mph he removed the front suspension, sump and gearbox. Fortunately the only injuries were to his pride (and his pocket).

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Is that "asylum" as in Bedlam+consigned to. Or as in asylum+seeker as in sanity found here?

Hopefully not Elysium as we'll be writing this thread for ages yet!  :jester:


Photo, as promised, to see if Debs is around...




Here's the original....


Where's the That's daring button. :tomato:


Morning all.

Just a quickie.

Sun out. Yeay. :sungum:

Painting and glueing finished (for now).

Updating Camel Quay's paperwork today, so may be some time.


An aside. On request, I made a toad-in-the-hole, yesterday.  As it was a very long time since I last made one, I looked up a recipe.  It was OK, but I wasn't impressed so texted Mum for hers.  Should've done that in the first place.  :laugh:

Have a good day / evening / night as per your GMT/UT etc



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DonBradley, on 16 Oct 2014 - 08:16, said:snapback.png

Hello in a very small voice.

Anybody keen on jigsaw puzzles can play with my tummy.

Sitting upright is very uncomfortable so I think it will be a while before  am back in rgqular correspondence

THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE GOOD WISHES which Tim keeps me informed

I will be back as soon as possible.

Me myself, personally, yke origiinal Don


Welcome back, Don.

Very best wishes.


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Good morning, Don, Good morning everybody...


Up late today after the 'events' of yesterday - very gippy tummy, toothache and the car making funny noises which I tracked down to loss of power steering fluid. 

Due to the efforts of my very good neighbour after a couple of false starts a bottle of new fluid was achieved and seems to have stayed pretty much in the reservoir overnight. I'll be checking that regularly...


Just been out for a drive and to get a new gas bottle and all seems well.


The weather here is overcast and the farmers are harvesting the maize pretty much around the clock. The roads are horribly muddy and quite slick. Turning out of the house without going into the ditch opposite is a bit of a trick. The car looks like it's been 'professionally weathered', i.e. covered in mud when it's raining and dust when it isn't. I'll put up a picture.


No real plans for today, though we may go out for a photo drive later.


Have a good rest of the day, won't you?

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Well, my lurking jet-lag seems little enough to complain about after hearing of Don Brad's escapades!  Welcome back to the fold Don!  At least it gives me a chance of getting the #100 on the Word Game reverse (unless he's lurking with fingers poised!)


Head still thick though a week after getting back, and I begin to think that I should take more tonic (with the gin that is!)

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