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  • RMweb Premium

I got that too and did the same.

Are they picking on 60-something bearded chappies?


I think we should be told...


Best, Pete.

I'll have to get an avatar sorted out then, as I have a beard, only people might confuse me with Oldddudders.

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Evening all,

Stewart, glad you have passed the pre-op stage. I was at the other end of the process today and thankfully have been 'signed off' by the surgeon who removed my kidney and tumour as well as mending my hernia. I have however been warned to do no lifting for another six weeks or so! I was luckier than you in that I got to the hospital early and managed to park (free as I'm now officially disabled!). We had a nice lunch in the canteen, now known as 'Senses Restaurant' and then surprisingly were seen on time, and with good news!

Jamie, truly hope that your good lady wife is recovering from the injection trauma and that it effects a cure. As to the hospital wrist band, many is the time that I've discovered mine when I get home and change after my monthly chemo visits!

DD, many thanks for the tip off. Although both our sets of parents are gone, it could of course impact on our kids with reference to us! Useful advice!

Jam, love the look of the studio and wondered if Pete(trisonic) had checked out the link as he is another talented musician as you undoubtedly are from the little I had time to watch! Please PM him the link, I'm certain he'll be interested.

Andy, all I can say is go for the jugular. I am convinced that the government of the time did us all a major dis-favour when they allowed that bunch of (..........)(ask AndrewC for a suitable word) to keep the name 'British Gas' as their trading title! They are a private company, apparently with a fair share of sharks, trading as if they are the same old nationalised industry.

Hope the rest of the week passes without too much pain,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Coffee time!


I'll have to get an avatar sorted out then, as I have a beard, only people might confuse me with Oldddudders.


I'm not even close to sixty but have a beard, and didn't get a PM either. That's discrimination!

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Morning All,


It is a revolting morning here - rain, wind and very autumnal.


I had a day off yesterday which made for a nice long weekend.  I have been having some trouble whereby one of my eyes will be blurry and I need to blink several times to clear it.  Fortunately, after a full inspection, it is nothing more serious than dry eye.


We also had 3m³ of fire wood delivered, and I went to the parents evening at Thomas' school.


All in all, quite a busy day.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Quite a wet night and still raining but hopefully will become drier with some sunshine later.

All back to normal so Chris taken to work earlier and I am a free agent as no instructions have been left. The grandchildren will be here after school which will be nice as we haven't seen them for about a week. It seems longer than that.

I've been having trouble posting and rating posts for the last 10 days or so using Chrome - is anyone else having problems? This one has taken ages so now switched to IE 11 which seems OK.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Pete..hope sleep comes soon!

Bob..no my chrome has been OK. The Kobo I use on a morning is a bit reluctant to post on occasion.

Now today I will be mainly moving baseboards round...right number built...but not joined in the correct shape...doh!

Have a great day! I await the return of a parcel sent by royal mail...the address label has been "damaged".... First one in the many I have sent out....



edited as Kobo decided Grandadbob had become a bog.. many apologies Bob!

Edited by Barry O
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Morning all. Haven't dropped into ERs for a little while as my "chore list" was growing by the second and I thought I'd better tick some of them off... Good news though. I disappeared up to the top floor yesterday morning with a paint tray and a roller but actually spent most of the day up there ballasting a OO branch line terminus. SWMBO thinks I've got three ceilings painted. I know, I'm such a liar and will surely go to Hell. Looking on the bright side, it has to be warmer than the Norfolk coast...

Usual Funnys, Likes and Supportives where due. Have a good Monday.


Edit: It's actually Tuesday, isn't it? Result.

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Raining at present. Hopefully it will cease as forecast soon as I'm off to the vets at 9 with Robbie. He and I don't mind being wet but I'm not sure if the vet would appreciate a soggy dog. I shall take a towel for him (Robbie not the vet, the vet isn't a "him"). Robbie isn't a raincoat wearing type of dog.


Later today I shall be off to the London Cruise Terminal (building originally opened by Ramsay MacDonald). I'm not off on my holidays but my neighbours are heading off for a week visiting Scandinavia and Germany. The cruise terminal was where Aditi first arrived in England as it was once P&O's London (well Tilbury really) port..



Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all - beautiful blue skies over Borough Market Junction, which rather surprised me when I arrived as it was grey and threatening rain as I walked down the hill to the station.


Serve me right for gloating at AndrewC yesterday - 7.51 cancelled due to a fault on the train!


My youngest hasn't lost teeth yet, but he likes the thought of eventually getting more than 20; he's clocked his big brother has 20-something, Mummy has 26 (no wisdom teeth, they;re just not there, and a crowded mouth leading to a couple being removed) and I have 32; a dentist once said to me "Ah Mr Lurker, it's nice to see someone whose teeth all fit in their mouth".I like to think that is because I have relatively small teeth.....


The elder boy lost most of his in relatively untraumatic fashion with teeth wrapped in a tissue. One fell out while playing football and was lost The tooth fairy came up trumps in any case.I had planned to leave him more than the usual quid by the time he got to losing last tooth with a note saying "thanks for the business" but I forgot when the time came. I was glad in a way, when he lost another tooth several months later.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I didn't get a PM either - I wonder if Doris is picking those where the webname and/or avatar clearly indicate a member's gender to target with her contacts?


Pleased to hear, Jock, that the surgeon has given such a favourable report.  Now another hope for a similar sort of outcome from Cape Town. 


Currently sitting with the heating on, a pint jar of Farrer's Westmorland coffee and the internet - for some reason, I have no domestic chores on the list today.  I wonder if I'm meant to be finding them for myself as some sort of initiative test.  Ah well, I've failed it.  However, from where I am, I can hear that the washing machine is going, so perhaps that's it.


Got one of my computer courses tonight, so might not pop back, as too much time on the screen seems to be affecting my eyesight more than it used to.  When I was at work, it didn't seem to, perhaps because of the screen size, as this laptop is a lot smaller.


Regards to All



ps - for those musically inclined (and at the risk of boring you as I've mentioned this guy before), this has just popped into my inbox.


Edited by 45156
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Morning all, 


Another day "off"  here - suns shining temps (and humidity) heading upwards.  Also got a bit of trouble brewing in the UK - told  ex  & son last night that the bank of Dad would be closing in April -  retort came back that "they would all be sleeping on the streets in cardboard boxes" ....I refrained from reply! 


On a lighter note I came across a report that  a US cop had slap parking ticket on a freight train that was blocking a level crossing!  



What ever the day brings - try to survive, 



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DD, many thanks for the tip off. Although both our sets of parents are gone, it could of course impact on our kids with reference to us! Useful advice!



Perhaps not the place to go into details but I would urge folk to put in place arrangements for care of person and finances against the day when infirmity (of body or mind) may hit.

Especially important is that it should be a person worthy of absolute trust and not necessarily closest relatives.

Most solicitors grant a free introductory half hour to advise properly on the steps that can be taken.

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The Lurker, on 07 Oct 2014 - 08:33, said:


Serve me right for gloating at AndrewC yesterday - 7.51 cancelled due to a fault on the train!


Never tempt the train gods. No doubt someone misplaced the key and it couldn't be wound up this morning. :locomotive:


Morning all from a soaking wet but bright and sunny boring borough. All quiet here.


Trev: Is Nigeria like Fraggle rock? (the programme not Neil's home) You seem to have a 20 minute work week like the Doozers. Or is it a case of every time el presidente farts, there is another holiday declared? If needed I can supply some high quality cardboard boxes for your former sponges banking clients. These come complete with biodegradable sheep wool insulation wraps.


Andy: BG can rightly be called a bunch of gasholes!. Left them years ago. EDF were no better. Took 2 1/2 years for them to refund me when I left.  Both a bunch of poo nibbling sh!tweasels.




That's right a cheque for a whopping 44p.


I've gone to OVO. Never had a problem with them or their billing. I've got the green package where the 'leccie is from renewable sources, and the tariff supports the Woodland Trust.


Bit worrying that we haven't had an update from Don B or Tim. Just hope that no news is good news. Or from Africa would that be gnus?


Enjoy your day.

Peace, Love, and Gravy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from the vets. Robbie was very well behaved today. He didn't make a growly noise at the vet when she listened to his heart and lungs. He sat nicely when he had his booster jab. He knew I had a biscuit in my hand and nothing was going to distract him from that.

We then had a nice walk across the fields.

I have a shopping list to fulfil after taking the neighbours to Tilbury. There are things missing from it that I know we need and cryptic items like "stg for dinner". I think perhaps stg is "something". I should have asked when Aditi rang me at 8.30 to see if was awake, "just checking" apparently.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, Tony, if you have time when your at Tilbury hop on the ferry over to Gravesend, theres plenty of good places to shop including two model shops, though as model shops go IMHO there not that great. There's a handy cafe in the Market Hall behind the old town hall as well as a stall selling excellent home made preserves and pickles. I as you may have gathered from previous posts had some difficulties with British Gas and I found Eon not to be much better, I am now with the Co-op and paying only two thirds of what I was paying to BG.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Overnight rain giving way to some blue sky, so nothing to grumble about.


Did I dream there had been an exchange about a pictured, rather overweight lady? Was it not on here? Am I losing the plot?


Cleaner Alison on phone in tears - dog, unwell for a few days, now put down with renal failure. 2 years old and a Heinz, where such weaknesses are generally less common, I think. Kids want to look at pictures, but they have all been removed by others..... Such is the breakdown of relationships.


More logging today if the weather remains only half-decent.


Hope your day looking good, too.

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