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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening friends.


Another busy day doing what comes naturally to train purveyors...and .yes, I bought one too!  The new  Hornby 2-HAL, and rather nice it is, looks to have more detail than the 2-BIL, really does look the business.  Small yellow panel too, the NHN preferred 'look'.  Selling like hot cakes, I had to put one aside early for myself!


Day off tomorrow of course (this is semi-retirement you know!), the Flawed Focus is in dock for a sludge change (have you SEEN what used diesel lube oil looks like?) so I'm meeting up with my Canadian friend and going ALL THE WAY to Douglas on the Manx Electric.  I'm ashamed to say it will be my first ride on it this year, and it's the last week of the season almost!


Had a telephone discussion with Bachmann's techinical department, hand put over phone badly while person relayed my request....'It's Neil from the Isle of Wight.....'....#sigh#. :butcher:

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  • RMweb Gold

No spider phobias here but they have been very active spinning this year. When he was very young Matthew gave all the spiders names. Harry the Harvestman seemed to last a while living at the top corner of the bathroom. Once Aditi gave in and let him have a hamster he stopped naming spiders.

Turning the car mirror heaters on for the first time in the year seems to make the wildlife therein depart


I hope not all of it leaked out.

About 0.5 L left to drink. The top was one of those bungs with a spring. Matthew thought I should drink it when we got home but I waited until lunchtime.

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  • RMweb Premium

Doesn't wight = man?


I don;t know, it well may, but the 'Man' in Isle of Man doesn't refer to the male of the species but a mythical figure of Mannan Maclir.


We get very upset at being compared to Wight, we are a country in our own right with our own government, money and, er alcoholics. :O

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I don;t know, it well may, but the 'Man' in Isle of Man doesn't refer to the male of the species but a mythical figure of Mannan Maclir.


We get very upset at being compared to Wight, we are a country in our own right with our own government, money and, er alcoholics. :O


All wight, we get the message! :laugh: .............anyway; I always thought that: "No Man is an Island!" :declare:

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Tony_S, on 25 Sept 2014 - 20:07, said:

No spider phobias here but they have been very active spinning this year. When he was very young Matthew gave all the spiders names. Harry the Harvestman seemed to last a while living at the top corner of the bathroom. Once Aditi gave in and let him have a hamster he stopped naming spiders.

Turning the car mirror heaters on for the first time in the year seems to make the wildlife therein depart


About 0.5 L left to drink. The top was one of those bungs with a spring. Matthew thought I should drink it when we got home but I waited until lunchtime.

Here I was with a rather disturbing vision of you wringing out his smalls into a pint glass.

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  • RMweb Gold

Here I was with a rather disturbing vision of you wringing out his smalls into a pint glass.

I think the beer pre-wash probably helped the clothing. I decided to do all the washing today as I didn't want beery clothing hanging around!  I think the type of top on the bottle wasn't really suitable for air travel! The manager at Wetherspoons (our breakfast venue) was very nice providing paper towels. He was the person who noticed Matthew's case was leaking.

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Evening all,

Really too tired to post tonight - I managed to accomplish a few fairly light chores but I obviously underestimated how weak I still am! And I've been castigating AndyP to take things easy!!

Tomorrow, I'll settle for trimming a bunch of roses ready to put on Joanna's parent's grave, although I do have to see the nurse in the morning to have my heel re-dressed.

POETS day is almost upon us, hope it's kind to you,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Well what do you know .....it's Friday!

Shopping, then a bit of walking then some more weathering.

Just stay calm jock! As for every one else have a great Friday.




Hope we get an update from Donbradley soon

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Morning All,


The past couple of days have been quite reasonable weather wise, but there is no question that Autumn is here now!


I didn't get on yesterday morning - I had a lot on, and had to hit the ground running as soon as I got into work.  By the time that was sorted, I had a meeting in the other building and before I knew it, the day was done.


Oh well - fingers crossed for a calm weekend!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Departing Margam for Telfland as soon as I have deposited my nephews at their primary school.


For some unfathomable reason, they refer to me as 'Uncle Biscuit' which is a tad unusual.


I could understand either U Bara Brith, or U Welsh Cake, but I don't make biscuits!


All fixing tasks requested by my mother have been accomplished, although the piano stool is going to require a

'Heavy Intermediate' at Horton Lane works, in order to make it operational again.


Typically, my mother has caused more damage by her attempt at 'repair' than what originally caused it to go unserviceable. (Being dragged by one leg whilst a six year old is sitting on it (( The stool that is, not my mother!))

It will be returned next week when I have to go to Senghenydd (near Caerphilly).

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  • RMweb Gold

The continuing saga of learning about the Barry Railway.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer came up with some startling information yesterday.


During her test recital as we were travelling down the A4232, brand new information came to light about the demise of Tynycaeau SignalBox.


According to her it was burned down by a lad called Arthur who suffered from rickets and head lice. He went on to marry a bald and toothless crone called Megan and they subsequently ran a small sweet shop in Penarth.


I wonder if I should tell Chris Foren?

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather cloudy, quite warm this morning.

I'm not sure what I'm doing today, I don't know if Matthew needs taking anywhere to get stuff to take to university on Sunday. He says he doesn't think he needs anything (apart from an Oystercard) just at the moment and it isn't as if he will be be far from shops once he has moved into the student hall of residence.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dryish but dull start with cloud, light rain or drizzle and slight possibility of sunshine later is forecast.

Up late this morning as Chris is not at work today which probably means that I will be! It's her birthday on Monday so offspring and grandchildren are descending upon us tomorrow for the weekend to celebrate. This will of course mean that the whole house has to be cleaned, fumigated, repaired,redesigned.,renovated redecorated and partially rebuilt in the space of 24 hours or so. Guess who'll be expected to do that. There may be trouble ahead.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, forecast for today Cloudy at first with outbreaks of rain and drizzle spreading south. Much drier and brighter weather following from the north with lengthy sunny periods hmm we will see!


Grandad Bob said "This will of course mean that the whole house has to be cleaned, fumigated, repaired,redesigned.,renovated redecorated and partially rebuilt in the space of 24 hours or so. Guess who'll be expected to do that."


Nice to know someone else who has a partner with the same syndrome! also my mother now deceased god bless her used to clean up before the cleaner arrived!


Not sure whats happening today, if the forecast turns out to be correct a certain laurel bush will be getting a haircut, not a trim but short back and sides as they say.


Enjoy your day whatever your doing

Edited by Shedman5
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Mornin' all,


Usual calorie burning cycle ride on a warm, bright Autumn morn....reservoir getting low but the dry, sunny spell is very pleasant...bird table crushed peanuts/mealworms replenished....relaxing half hour before breakfast listening to a few tunes and catching up.


Have a great day all



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

My late dad did exactly the same!

My other half is exatly the same. Our cleaner comes on a Friday morning so every Friday morning I am told severaltimes that I haveto tidy the area at my side of the settee where most of theprevious week's correspondence, new railway magazines and any reding matter I've brought downstairs resides. I then quickly sort it into, 3 piles, a) bin, b)keep downstairs for furhter attention, and c) take upstairs and file. Needless to say I never have time to do the filing, so there are always, "Friday piles" piled up in my modelleing roomwaiting for me toget motovated once in a while and actally file it all away.

And before anyone asks, Anusol, has no effect on 'Friday Pilies'.



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all form a grey and gloomy Borough Market Junction.


It must be fox mating time of year again as we were awoken in the middle of the night by what sounded like a couple of temale tennis players in the middle of a long third set base line rally.



Not only is it year end, but I have remembered its appraisal time again when I have to dream up reasons for not achieving the impossible (or the targets that are completely dependent on other people). Still we have had a bad year so no chance of a bonus, so perhaps it doesn't matter......


Jock, relax. It's hard being cooped up, but maybe there's some reading to be done. Or some research on the internet; that can pass time with a coffee.....

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