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  • RMweb Gold

Just to reassure Flavio and everyone else the oven wasn't switched on so he didn't become a Hot Dog. He is now back on the window ledge in the conservatory where he belongs!


I eventually managed to hardwire the decoder but did utter a few choice words in the process. The loco has now been running for about 2 hours and hasn't melted yet. .At least I can now do it but will take the easy option of DCC ready or fitted whenever I can. All I have to do now is fit a new chimney to it.


Dick - we used to go to The Grange many years ago and actually had our daughter's wedding reception there in 1996.  We stopped going when it became a Thai (I think) restaurant but looking at the website it appears they have more of a global selection now so may well give it a try.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All,

I thought I maybe should show what arrived this morning! Three(!) German, nay Prussian locos direct from Germany!



Top to bottom, S10.1 express passenger 4-6-0, S6 express passenger 4-4-0, G10 heavy goods 0-10-0


This is my favourite though;



A Fleischmann model, the S10.1 (S = Schnell zug lok, express loco!) was a four cylinder compound loco, designed by Robert Garbe and built by Schwartzkopf, Berlin between 1910-1914. 202 examples were built altogether and on test, one reached 154Kph (96Mph).

What appeals to me is that lovely olive green livery and with the red/brown underframe, it puts me in mind of the old Great Western livery, kind of like "City of Truro"!?!

All I hope is that bearing in mind the date, no-one is offended by this - it's only a model!





John, may I just ask what kind of scenario you have in mind for these fellas? I alway found Epoch I modelling to be most challenging!


Here's a layout I admire, depicting the electrified lines in Silesia as they existed when Silesia was part of Germany in the late 1920s: http://www.rbd-breslau.de

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  • RMweb Gold

I love Thai food. Shrimp Pad Thai is a beautiful dish. My favorite Thai Restaurant is in Flagstaff AZ but there is a very good one in Bridgewater, NJ.


Best, Pete.


I looked that up Pete as Ive never had it, made my mouth water and given other half a recipe for it!

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John, may I just ask what kind of scenario you have in mind for these fellas? I alway found Epoch I modelling to be most challenging!


Here's a layout I admire, depicting the electrified lines in Silesia as they existed when Silesia was part of Germany in the late 1920s: http://www.rbd-breslau.de

Hi Dominik,

I'm working on it! I'll probably have my 'test track' so it can run any time period I like but one of my "Two layouts" in my signature that was going to be Bavarian will likely become Prussian instead, I have collected various period figures and even, road vehicles suitable for any time between 1900-1920 (ish) but so far, have no idea how Prussian signals looked! That will only be a small end station so hopefully, quite do-able.

Thanks for the link btw, even in Germany era I modelling seems quite limited.




Pete (Trisonic) Mmmm, . . . Thai food! Lovely!

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  • RMweb Gold

I love Thai food. Shrimp Pad Thai is a beautiful dish. My favorite Thai Restaurant is in Flagstaff AZ but there is a very good one in Bridgewater, NJ.


Best, Pete.

The Waitrose in Leigh on Sea seems to have suddenly discovered Malaysian cooking and has a lot of ingredients.Has there been a television programme about Malay food? This particular (quite small) Waitrose was a bit limited for international cuisine until recently. Though I noticed that the kosher shelf carries a "Mexican" shelf label!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mmm, Pad Thai… Another dish I like is Bo Thung!


Warning: More porn train stuff follows!  :O


John, as far as Epoch I signals are concerned, all I could tell you off the top of my head is that daylight signals did exist as early as the 1920s, though semaphores were most likely more widely spread still. In fact, I understand one of the earliest subdivisions to have daylight signals installed for evaluation was the Silesian network!


As for Epoch I signalling, this might be of interest for you: http://web.hs-merseburg.de/~nosske/EpocheII/ds/e2d_0601.html . This is an overview of the Railway Signalling Regulation of 1 August, 1907, which – with some amendments – remained in effect till 1935.


And this Polish site provides an overview of those early daylight signals as installed on the Silesian lines which the Polish railways seem to have retained till well after WW2: http://covalus.ovh.org/syg.html

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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe they’ll get around to Thai and Indonesian food soon...................

Have you been stocking up on Malaysian food for the return of the Prodigal?


Best, Pete..

Thai stuff is quite easily available though perhaps Thai food not immediately recognisable to a Thai person. When Matthew was in very rural Vietnam a few years ago he used to take himself off to the big city (Hanoi) at weekends for Thai food to make a change from the $2 "protein of the day", dry herby rice and a beer that was the evening meal where he was.

If he is home long enough I'm sure Matthew would create something he liked on his travels for us to eat. He sent a message to Aditi saying that his day trip to Melaka in Malaysia was just non-stop eating! My brother ate with locals when he was in Thailand (he was working with/for the Thai army) and "enjoyed" gourmet slugs.


According to "flightaware" Matthew's plane has just taken off. According to "Flightstats" it hasn't taken off but is at 29000feet!



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  • RMweb Gold

This afternoon I took the Obergrumpenfuhrer to Barry Island.


Her professional opinion was that I gave it a poor review, and that she feels that it is a far nicer place than Rhyl, which is still 'The Pits'!


My mother happened to be in Rhyl on Saturday last and affirmed this was correct.


Note to Mrs Stationmaster: Hondstront conspicuous by it's absence.


Now safely ensconced at Margam

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  • RMweb Gold

Rhyl and Barry Island were very popular day trip seaside destinations by coach when I was young and living in Birmingham. My grandparents took me to Barry Island but I've never been to Rhyl. I didn't really enjoy trips out as I often got travel sick and my grandfather could be unpredictable or as we would say nowadays, insane. Dad said he once cycled to Rhyl from Birmingham when he was a teenager. Perhaps he was trying to escape!



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  • RMweb Premium

I went to Barry Island for the first time this year whilst on a South wales rail rover. I thought tht it was on par with many of our other seaside resorts at the end of branch lines. I did however bring a 'Nessa's Mug' back for SWMBO to go with Gavin the cat. As to the presence of the product of dogs. I always thought that the greatest concentration of that was in the alley in Hexththorpe, Doncaster that gave a view into the Plant when the Deltics were being withdrawn. In fact many of my friends referred to it as dogXXXt alley.



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  • RMweb Gold

Once upon a time it was quite common to see dogs out by themselves wandering along the pavements. Walking home from infant school was quite scary for me as I was very scared of dogs until about the time I started junior school. I can remember crossing a busy dual carriage way to avoid what was probably a perfectly friendly dog.

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The Cambells paddle steamers used to call at Barry on their way from Bristol to Lynmouth and Ilfracombe. Our Gran and an Aunt used to take my brother and I on these jaunts from time to time. Strangely, one thing that sticks in my memory was people drinking canned beer. Hadn't seen that before. Getting off at Lynmouth was fun as you had to transfer to a small boat to get ashore!


The last time I was in Barry was in the summer of 1962. I had just finished school (or school had just finished with me) and did a grand tour of all the South Wales sheds on my pushbike at the tender age of 16. My father decided I could have one last fling chasing trains before pulling myself together, growing up and starting at Tech!



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  • RMweb Premium

The Cambells paddle steamers used to call at Barry on their way from Bristol to Lynmouth and Ilfracombe. Our Gran and an Aunt used to take my brother and I on these jaunts from time to time. Strangely, one thing that sticks in my memory was people drinking canned beer. Hadn't seen that before. Getting off at Lynmouth was fun as you had to transfer to a small boat to get ashore!


The last time I was in Barry was in the summer of 1962. I had just finished school (or school had just finished with me) and did a grand tour of all the South Wales sheds on my pushbike at the tender age of 16. My father decided I could have one last fling chasing trains before pulling myself together, growing up and starting at Tech!



I thought that Growing up was optional, growing old however isn't.



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I have never been to Barry Island.

Just thought I’d mention that....


For Mal Purley Oaks Only (because I told this story yonks ago and Mal is a Hendrix freak):


When the Experience were playing a gig in Cardiff, Noel Redding took JMH down to the dock area to visit a Pub for a swift one before the show.

Sidling up to the bar the Landlord spied them and got very angry. Going up to Jimi he shouted: “I told you lot before you’re not welcome in here, now bu@@er off!"

Jimi thought he was referring to his color and remonstrated saying he’d never been a victim of prejudice in the UK before. “You’re not banned because of your color” the landlord came back with “ All Circus Clowns are banned from my Pub!"


It seems that about six months before when a Circus was in town the clowns descended on the Pub and caused a near riot with fights spilling onto the street and nearly lost the Landlord his license.


Mal, This is almost certainly apocryphal - it could have happened though.................


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


Nice little WR layout duly visited although my 'Grange' had a slight contretemps with the rear coach of a B Set (not my error though, fortunately as i was driving under clear signals into the hidden sidings).  My host also happened to have a 'Bus Room' - a room with shelves full of his 'bus collection (mainly 1:76 or thereabouts) and arranged geographically - hence Midland Red were halfway down on one side of the room and London Transport were a bit more than halfway down on another wall, all vehicles parked front end outwards as that presumably was the only way he could get 500+ 'buses and a full set of Corgi traction engines and steam lorries into the room, very impressive).


I did the trip by train which takes probably at least twice as long as by car but gave some nice photo opportunities at Reading nice to see lots of freights about (5 in 40 minutes) but the locos were all the same apart from a bit of colour variation, and far too many 'Mickey Mouse' signals around for my taste but nice to have a train ride, on 6 different trains, but all the same type of dmu.


Back to reality tomorrow with 'plumbing for grown-ups.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Evening all,

Short post tonight, very tired now. Our two guests, grand daughter and Archie's girlfriend Meg are well fed and settled in. Be fun in the morning I guess, getting a teenager to school on time! Not sure what routine we'll have for the two dogs in the morning either - it's only for a couple of weeks in any case.

Pete (Trisonic), thought of you last night when Joanna was watching an 'old' programme of Top of the Pops sets. I'd quite forgotten how much I fancied Julie Driscoll in those days! On the Thai front, I have learned to make a mean Thai Green Curry with chicken or turkey breast - Joanna loves it, especially on rice noodles. Trouble is I've had to reduce the chilli content as the chemo makes the inside of your mouth very sensitive!

Not the worst situation in the world!

Daughter and Son in Law are now off on their journey to Mexico and then NYC. The flight tracker web site is awesome, never dreamt years ago that I would be able to trace an actual flight number throughout its journey!

Dick, delighted to hear that you're going to the doctors now!

Hope Thursday works for you all,

Kind regards,


PS Edited as I posted half the message in error!

Edited by Jock67B
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