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  • RMweb Premium

I'm not sure what was on some nearby fields but it was very fishy. We used to get lots of agricultural smells here but the only crop round here is boot sales now. So I'm not sure what the fishy smell was!


Reminds me of the time when I was a member of Maldon model railway club. The clubhouse was on a farm, one warm summers evening the farmer spread chicken manure on the adjacent field.

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Evening all,

Great to have iD back, the 'Belching' done - does that mean the start of a glittering new career treading the boards? Lovely set of images iD and like Neil said earlier, they brought back memories of our visit some time ago now!

I've also got a vast collection of records, some of them rare 78s which I expect are worthless now. Mike kindly advised me of his contact and once signed off by my surgeon, I hope to get down to the task of cataloging them and contacting the man!

Add to that the book collection and the several complete years of 'Autosport' magazine, plus loads of Model Railway mags. and it looks like I'm going to have to stick around for a while to dispose of them all!

Grand daughter joins us tomorrow for just over two weeks while her parents are away so, not only is the spare bedroom made up for her, but the fridge and freezer have been stocked with 'teenager' food!

Archie the Westie is definitely going to think that Christmas has arrived early as my daughter's remaining bitch Westie is coming to stay as well! He'll think it odd that there is only one as he obviously doesn't understand that the other was sadly put to sleep last week. Both Joanna and my daughter felt that it would be good for the 'girl' Meg to stay here, as she's obviously moping since her sister died. Archie has known them all his life and looked on them as his harem! The two 'girls' as they were known, had never been apart in almost eight years. Busy household for a while but I expect we'll survive!

Hard to believe the 'hump' is upon us again in a few moments, good news for the workers,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Based on her sole visit to 'the island' Mrs Stationmaster duly declared Barry to be 'The dog sh*t capital of the western world', she reckoned there was more of it on the streets of Barry than there is in Paris.  )

Here..that's not me you are referring to!


Any roads up Walney is the dogdoo capital of the world!



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Go away and cause trouble elsewhere.


Amusingly when you disagree with someones posts the notification still shows up - so I know you've been looking at my postings for an opportunity to troll despite the fact that you've removed the disagreements  :nono:  :superstition:  :sarcastichand:


Can I take it from the tone of your post that the chap with 'moderated status' in the post above yours is not the sort we'd welcome on this thread?

Kind regards,


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For a time there were rumours that Jimi Hendrix played on it - I think it was just his drummer Mitch Mitchell. It was released in the UK by Blue Horizon as "Fiends and Angels Again".


My old mentor Mike Vernon produced it. No Jimi Hendrix - that was probably Stan Webb cutting loose....originally on Decca and recorded at Broadhurst Gardens studios. I was there for a couple of sessions. Everyone on it was associated with Mike at one time or another - he called in a lot of ‘markers’. Yes to Mitch. If you listen to “I’m Goin’ to leave You” - that’s Eric with a Gibson Firebird 1 going through an experimental solid state amp - sounds rather odd to me....


Did you know that Mike use to “sub”  for Keith Relf in The Yardbirds when his asthma was too bad?


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium


Off to see sister drac today her indoors up early so so am I.


Indoor cricket went well last night. Some interesting ways of getting out were on display.


Blimey its Wednesday already! How time flies when you are having fun!


Hope you all have a good day and I hope peoples aches and pains are getting better.


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  • RMweb Gold

Hello again everybody,




Bob has asked me to keep you up to date as he's still busy.




It's a bit of a damp start with more showers to come but may brighten up this afternoon.

He's going to try to hardwire a decoder to a loco for the first time today so I'd keep your computer volume down because knowing him the air may be a bit blue. To be honest it's a bit like that in the kitchen at the moment.

He may be back later but for now I'm off to sniff around.


All the best,



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Good Morning all,  


My GF  has gone gallivanting off - soon as I leave her!   Sent me photos last night from a train trip she went on yesterday up the Agawa Canyon Railway...which I think is in Ontario.  (I'll find more detail later) 


Still she thinks you'll all like a photo?


Enjoy your 'ump day as bet you can,




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Morning All,


Weather wise, this morning is uninspiring.  About 7 oktas with blue sky showing through - but cold.


We lit the log burner again yesterday evening.  It is fast approaching that time of year again!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, a rare early log on.  Mrs H has a hospital appointment this afternoon so it's separate cars for work today, and I don't start until 9 all the way over in Peel.


Sunny here after a windy night, and indeed still breezy.  The weather poppet (she sounds very young) said it had been misty earlier.  Still windy now I look at the trees at the bottom of the garden, which going back in conversations are unfortunately sycamores, lots and lots of them.....with lots and lots of leaves that fill our garden!  The only break from sycamores are two ashes, one is very young and only about 8 feet, the other as big as the sycamores but is actually by next door's land.  Why is it sycamores, although looking like they are related to maples, do not have colourful leaves in autumn?  They just turn brown and drop off, no golden blaze.  Harrumph, then we have to tidy them all up.......Stihl to the rescue!

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Morning all from the boring borough.


Did anyone else look at the pictures and think Bob was trying to wire a decoder into his oven?

All quiet here. No response yet from the sh*tweasel. Not surprised. About as organised as a bag of rabid badgers that lot.


Not much to say so, have a great day everyone. We've made it half way through the week. More caffeine awaits.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, sun is shining and its forecast to be a nice day, rained during the night which has sorted my lawn out (last post) so no hose pipe needed.


Off for physio and a deep massage this morning due to a flare up of an old problem and will take it easy this afternoon in the shed tree making.

Can I take it from the tone of your post that the chap with 'moderated status' in the post above yours is not the sort we'd welcome on this thread?
Kind regards,


Not looked at that, I hope though that this thread remains what it has been ie idiot free and very supportive to each other amongst other things.


Enjoy your day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright sunny and breezy out, the cherry trees seem to have shut down for winter already as for the Acer on the front it packs more leaves per branch than any other tree. Until it decides to shed them all.....Happy Wednesday all.

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Full wet weather gear for the morning walk. Happily just a heavy shower. Currently overcast to the north (land) blue skies to the south (sea). Hoping it stays dry as I have to load up the motorhome today. Probably no post tomorrow as I will be off early to catch the ferry!



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  • RMweb Gold



Just remind him..Red and black to the track,orange and grey the other way...is to the motor...simples!


He's just said "If you solder the red & black to the track and the others to the motor won't that act as a tether & stop the loco going anywhere?"   :senile:    

As for trying to wire a decoder into the oven........well.....with him anything is possible!   :derisive: :crazy: 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Haven't looked outside yet. Footpain at 5/6, but all I have to do today is drive - it's the Carshalton - Bermondsey - Peckham - Waterloo - Carshalton run.


Wish me luck!


Dick, in lieu of a HORSE SHOE button (surprised we've not got one),

Good Luck.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I was up at the usual time but got diverted reading the newspaper after putting the bin bag out.

I will just do some pottering about and tidying up today. Matthew starts his journey home today. His plane from Kuala Lumpur arrives at 5.50 on Thursday morning so I'll be a very early ER tomorrow.


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  • RMweb Gold


Can I take it from the tone of your post that the chap with 'moderated status' in the post above yours is not the sort we'd welcome on this thread?

Kind regards,



Let's not dwell on him, I don't have a clue who is he and don't care, if he thinks I've said something out of order then he can challenge me at the appropriate time in the appropriate place (or by PM) other than that he can go back to blogging / slagging me off on other forums / facebook etc. etc. or simply disagreeing with my posts, it's all Kindergarten stuff to me.



I'm not sure what was on some nearby fields but it was very fishy. We used to get lots of agricultural smells here but the only crop round here is boot sales now. So I'm not sure what the fishy smell was!



Still stinks outside, despite a night of rain - ahhh, country air !

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm now back and not before time as well after seeing Dog's last comment. I've also just caught him trying to do something unspeakable (and impossible) to my laptop so I've put him somewhere to reflect on his future behaviour.




Time for a coffee and then into unknown territory with my soldering iron.


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