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I'm assuming I'm unlikely to get anything, but for the price of a stamp...


Don't be too pessimistic. Two years ago I changed my telephone+broadband provider and got stuck for over 100 euro for not giving the full 4 weeks notice. As the whole changeover was being handled by the new provider and I 'didn't have to do anything', I was a bit miffed and got out the small print to check. My interpretation was that the 4 weeks notice only applied if you were still within the original 1 year contract period, which I wasn't. Eircom wouldn't budge so I wrote to OFFCOM who agreed with Eircom's interpretation. Last week, much to my surprise, I received a cheque from Eircom for the amount in question (only 2 years late) The covering letter stated that following legal advice, OFFCOM's interpretation was wrong (not their's you notice!) and anyone who had complained to either Eircom or OFFCOM at the time would get a refund. If you didn't complain at the time, you don't get a bean! Can this be legal?



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Evening all, 


my (fingers crossed) internet seems to be playing nice tonight, so have added a few pics on the US / Canadian thread.  Only downside of theday so far is that my house keeper  didn't manage to get any fresh fruit today.   So no fresh fruit salad for "pudding" tonight.    - I suppose I could open a tin - but it's not quite  the same. 

The last (and only time)  I went to the Severn Valley was on the opening weekend when managed to blag a ride on top of the coal in the Collets (?) tender! 


Off to sort some more photos...enjoy your evening. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening, a busy day at work, lot of new G scale models arrived, and have to be sent out post haste!


Mick, you might be right about the dropping of old work matters from my head, it is still full of thoughts about 'old work', but slowly they are receding into the background to be replaced by more appropriate 'new work' processes, involving trains!  Still getting my head around John's systems, but it is making more sense now.  I look forward to feeling younger......some chance!

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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie is the official E.R`s mud-magnet! :lol:

While we were on our cruise one of the on-board beauty salon operatives tried to inveigle Aditi into having a mud bath treatment. Her  response was to politely decline, then as the lady tried again Aditi said she could go for a paddle with the dog for free when she got home and he has lovely skin so it must be good mud,

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Evening all,

Got a tempting advert come up on the home page of my ISP on the PC this evening. Headlined 'Windows Driver Download', I thought I'd investigate further as Microsoft normally update automatically. The site you join, although looking like a windows site, is actually www.techsupportforum.com and shows 'Windows Driver Latest Download', and 'Microsoft Certified'. I decided to follow it through and hit the 'Update Now' button which finally got to the end where 'Slimware Utilities Inc.' want $29.97 for the service! Naturally I didn't pay and immediately uninstalled the programme (they don't make it easy). I have reported to Microsoft Security in case it is not authorised as I suspect. Thought I better mention it here as the unwary could end up spending, but more important, giving their card details out!

Stewart, good to hear that the vision has returned but it might be an idea to still check it out - can't very well do much modelling with impaired site!

Dick, I'm desperately sorry to hear how your 'illness' has affected you today. Is there no medical solution? My oncologist is of the opinion that no-one should suffer pain these days!

Richard, or should I say 'Grupenfuhrer TRMG Exhibitions'? Haven't yet seen 'Stokesay', can you give me a tip on where to find it please? Good luck with the marketing exercise.

Monday is almost gone, too quickly again, and I hope it wasn't too stressful,

Kind regards,


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I just saw this on the local news.

"Bear kills 22 year old student in New Jersey” http://7online.com/news/bear-kills-hiker-in-new-jersey;-victim-was-rutgers-student/318885/


Extremely rare for a Black Bear to kill anyone let alone in New Jersey - only about 25 miles from Manhattan.


Unfortunate for Rutgers University - they also lost a sophomore to alcohol poisoning, apparently, today. Poor families...



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Hi Pete,

I'm on the iPad Air as we speak but I still prefer the desktop PC for my photography and the like - a 'B' great screen comes in handy as the eyes get older! Switching from one to the other does need some thought sometimes!

Kind regards,


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Morning All,


It looks like it is going to be quite a bright day today, but it hasn't got properly light yet - so cannot confirm.


It is definitely Autumnal though, it was very chilly this morning.  I suppose I had better go to the tyre dealer this evening and try and get some new Winter tyres organised.  They are getting near the recommended limit (of 4mm - as opposed to the legal limit of 1.6mm) and therefore need replacing in case we get a snowy winter.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry with sunny periods forecast to start with then clouding over later but should be warmer than average - allegedly.

Really looking forward to today as I've been asked to clean the oven(s). That should be fun.

Train talk alert...........

In other news I appear to have won a Prairie tank on eBay. Hope this wasn't a mistake as it's missing a chimney!  I've found one on online so hope that my limited skills will let me attach the two together to make a reasonable representation of the thing. Time will tell.

I don't think Debs (or Chris)  heard that......... :scared:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Mornin' all,


Warm Autumn misty morn here...last nights 'Summer Lass' calories burned on the constitutional cycle ride....more of the pruning to be loaded into the wheelie bin this morning...last few participants on our Steam train coach trip to the Nene valley railway to contact...work this afternoon...and back to the 'Summer Lass' by late evening.


Hope that you all have a quieter day



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, good start spelling morning wrong.Some sunshine visible so I am hoping Baz's cracking day extends this far south. Sneezing so much my throat hurts but not got man flu so I am unsure what thats about. I hope I am not allergic to the kittens or I will be homeless.... Must get on and do something.

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Morning all from the boring borough. As half expected yesterday's meeting was a total waste of time. Throw in the usual epic service lack of service from Southeastern, meant 2 hours round trip travel (bus + DLR + tube each way) instead of 1 hour for a 28 minute meeting. Said cockwomble who initiated this has been promoted to the rank of thundering sh!tweasel as he then demanded my manager cancel the training course I'm on next week to have me attend another of these "meetings" next week. The boss's response is not printable here.


No oven cleaning for me but Its looking like its time to give the BBQ a good scrub and stock up on propane for the autumn BBQ season. Yes, I BBQ all year round. None of that summer only sissy crap. The only thing that stops me is at -42c when propane turns to jelly. Well not really but we do use it all year. With it now looking like 8 for Christmas dinner this year I'm hoping it's nice enough to do the turkey rotisserie style.


Jock. Dodgy click-bait is everywhere these days. Update your Windows, update this, update that, you won't believe how much faster your pc will run after you clean your registry, please your women now. Basically if it doesn't come through the MS update application, just ignore it. You may also want to look at a product called MalwareBytes. There are paid and free versions. In the detection settings have it remove PUP and PUM software. You would be surprised at how many unwanted download assistants and crap you can end up with. Many of these so called assistants hang about after you download something and "suggest" other things you may be interested in.


I'm currently flogging off a bunch of old diecasts on Ebay. I hadn't realised just how far the bottom has dropped out of that market. After postage and fees, I'm starting the auctions at around 99p above cost and still getting no interest. I'll give this lot another week then its off to the charity shop. Space in the loft must be recovered so 2 tea crates of stuff that hasn't been looked at for the best part of 11 years will be going.  Anyone interested in a Corgi 1/76 tram "Penny Post" pack?


Have a good one all. Time to see what sort of crap is in my inbox following yesterday's fustercluck.

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morning all,cool here,busy all way to work,left jack thumbing through a old copy of guildex mag he liberated from the back room....I shouted by jack,got oooooh green train in return ! away next week so looking forward to some cornwall hospitality! and lots of walks on the beach weather permitting! have a good day all.

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