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  • RMweb Gold


Overcast but brightening up.

I may go and buy the preservative for the shed today. I'll have to go to the place we bought the shed from as the stuff that DiY stores sell doesn't seem very good.



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Overcast but brightening up.

I may go and buy the preservative for the shed today. I'll have to go to the place we bought the shed from as the stuff that DiY stores sell doesn't seem very good.




Is that Aladdin's Cave of a timber merchant, A J Smith, still in Benfleet? I used to get everything from preservative to hardwood decking from there. They would send a "picker" to the docks to reserve the best timber as soon as the boat arrived. Always had fantastic service and amazing choice from them.


Edit: I have a vague recollection that I might have asked you about A J Smith before, Tony. If so, apologies, my memory's a bit cr*p.

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dull grey start, possible sunny spells and slight chance of the odd shower. 

Best wishes to all at The Ricoh this weekend. Really disappointed that I couldn't make it.

Not sure what we're doing this morning - no instructions received - yet. Tonight we're going to a Golden Wedding Anniversary party and then Swindon tomorrow.

Have a good one,


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No sun this morning. At this time of the year we would normally be relaxing in France but, with our trip to NZ and Oz earlier in the year, we are having to give it a miss. I think I am starting to get withdrawal symptoms and, what's worse, the 'wine cellar' is nearly empty. We may have go shopping and pay exorbitant Irish/UK prices for a (possibly) inferior product! Right, on with the housework, SWMBO will be back this evening. Maybe a quick spin on the (push)bike to blow away the cobwebs.



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Domestic weekend of necessity - misty sun.


No exhibitions - don't think that I could survive a weekend, despite how close it is. Last weekend's wedding disrupted the schedule, so it's playing catch up. Caravan to be cleaned and taken back to storage for the winter, IKEA to be visited for storage boxes, then back to work on Monday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Is that Aladdin's Cave of a timber merchant, A J Smith, still in Benfleet? I used to get everything from preservative to hardwood decking from there. They would send a "picker" to the docks to reserve the best timber as soon as the boat arrived. Always had fantastic service and amazing choice from them.


Edit: I have a vague recollection that I might have asked you about A J Smith before, Tony. If so, apologies, my memory's a bit cr*p.

A J Smith still exists.They probably still have the same window display from whenever you last visited. I did intend to get my preservative from them but they stopped selling what I wanted so I'll go back to the place we got the shed (or as Aditi would have it "summerhouse").


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!  I was supposed to be going to a wedding today, that of a former schoolmate of my stepson. However exSWMBO came round last night to say it had all changed (we were all going together). Apparently the bride doesn't want people she doesn't know. Ex is still going to the do afterwards but isn't very keen. I'm grateful as I didn't really want to go, nor did Martyn, who wouldn't know anybody and sit in a corner with a book. Which some might interpret as rude. I'd no hardly anybody either but over many years of pub drinking I acquired the art of pointless and inane small talk. This now allows homework and various domestic tasks to happen today, freeing up Sunday for Swindon, which was looking doubtful.


The lad's mysterious but mild sickness persisted until Thursday, but seems to have cleared up. The GP couldn't find anything wrong. 


Appalled by the Dog's home fire. Respect to the people who went in and rescued some.



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Morning all!  I was supposed to be going to a wedding today, that of a former schoolmate of my stepson. However exSWMBO came round last night to say it had all changed (we were all going together). Apparently the bride doesn't want people she doesn't know. 


That's one long term relationship off to a bad start!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


About 08 40, Sherry and I were enjoying tea-in-bed, and Sherry was reading Betjeman - The IlIustrated Summoned By Bells, in fact - when the phone rang. As it isn't beside the bed, this was a bad start, but when a Sub-Continent female told me her name was Olivia and she was from the technical department of -----, I interrupted with some well-known Anglo-Saxon phrases, ending in "and die!" How many females in the Sub-Continent are called Olivia, I wonder? I think the last one was called Tracey.....


Lola cut herself on something the other day, or, more probably, had a fight with someone, and the area to the left of her right eye was damaged, with much rouging. She'd obviously been scratching it, so by yesterday it looked raw. The vet examined her and prescribed ointment, to be applied thrice daily. Oh, joy, putting ointment by a cat's eye. For a week. At least the first few applications will be easy, as Sherry can apply while I keep angry paws at bay. Once she leaves tomorrow I'm on my own in several senses!


Email from Social Services at Merton BC. They have plans for MiL to enter their home at Merton Park. I will be talking to her in a few minutes, so can discuss issues. At least it's progress at last.


I share Jack's joy about the marvellous public response re Manchester, but I wonder how people working their socks off in other charities feel when the public opens its purse like this. My mother was always a little puzzled that it was the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, but simply the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Very English, perhaps.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, hope all are well. Glad to see that in the main life still goes on its relatively smooth path for most.


All is well in the end of the hedge...been very busy having fun on the real railway with various steam engines. We worked the Atlantic Coast Express tour which meant a week in Cornwall with 34046 and 5029, plus associated light engine moves. Very hard work, long days but got a few hundred miles in on the footplate which was good fun, a bit of firing here and there, culminating in joining a very exclusive club, the Exeter Bankers (leave it there, I've heard them all...). We banked the train between the two Exeter stations, that is one difficult piece of track for a steam engine.


Home for a few days then off to Brisbane on Thursday to stay with son and family, which obviously I'm looking forward to...I might pop down to Canberra for a few days to have a look at the Garrett, which looks to be a bit of a brute.


That's about it, take care, health and happiness to all.

Edited by PhilH
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  • RMweb Gold



Morning all, off to Preston shortly not Coventry as I wanted to be, part of being a Dad though..... Have a good time at RMWeb live and lots of videos and photo's please.


Can confirm Preston is dry and cloudy having just returned home, so at least skipepsi wont be humping stuff in the rain!


Yep photos etc of RMWeb live would be good!


Enjoy your day

Edited by Shedman5
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Morning all,

I did that once DD - ended up with my first wife!!! Sounds like you had a fortunate escape Pete, it really is a bizarre move on the part of the bride at such a late point in the proceedings?

DonW, lovely pic. of the moor. Although I know Dartmoor much better, having stayed at the 'Two Bridges Hotel' often after taking number one son back to school in Bideford, I got really hooked on 'Johnny Kingdom's' wonderful BBC series on Exmoor some years back. Can't believe it was 2006, but I just looked! It's a lovely place to live by.

Talking of lovely places, the recent photographs you've posted John (Killybegs) are worthy of a travel brochure. It really does look like a beautiful place to live and your images would suggest that you are in awe of it yourself!

Pete 75C, I really don't know what has happened to society lately when someone can make an appointment and then see fit to cancel or change it without informing you. It really has become quite a common occurrence ; I recall that it happened all too regularly at the garage during my last couple of years there! Surely common courtesy is becoming a thing of the past!

Trev, I expect that you are rather sad to be returning to the dark continent, I've enjoyed sharing the obvious pleasure that you experienced in the Dominion! Hope it isn't too long before you get to return. Safe journey!

DD, I've quite forgotten when you are due to leave on your break, although I do remember that you will be off air for a couple of weeks. Your humour will be missed but, nonetheless, I hope you have a splendid time in what is one of my favourite cities.

The world has lost one of the most bigoted clerics ever in the Rev. Ian Paisley. He could match the fervour of the most committed Muslim or Catholic when promoting his own form of temporal religion. Another good reason for my atheism, when I view all these different factions either loathing or hating one another. Takes me back to Presbyterian school in Scotland where I first learned to question. Sorry for the rant, but my blood boiled a little at the memory. As Ian (Oldddudders) has put more eloquently in the past, I'll fight for anyone's right to believe in what they will, but these people simply don't allow that in their version of religion!

Back to the more mundane, hope that all those unable to go to model railway shows this weekend, still find something fun to do ,

Kind regards,


PS PhilH, have a great trip! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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Remembering this is supposed to be a "Bargain" holiday (already well over £2k before 'spends') we are using the Orange Airline (Others, thankfully, are available for next time).

This morning SWMBO (who is not unintelligent) has been trying to understand the security arrangements for our possessions.

It may be written to confuse those whose native tongue is not English but it has confounded us both this morning.

Of concern is:

i) where electrical equipment (hair dryer, travel kettle, camera charger etc.,) should be packed.

ii) where medications should be packed and how the limits on liquids are applied (are we supposed to squeeze out various prescribed preparations into smaller bottles?)

iii) what is the conversion rate from grams to millilitres (! yes I know) and vice versa.

iv) do I have to take the battery out of my camera?


Answers on a postcard.


Jock: Thanks. Away next Thursday for 2 weeks.

Staying in a nice hotel about an hour from the city - next to the beach.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold


I haven't had to take the battery out of my camera, phone or laptop. They do seem to have to be removed from your carry on luggage and placed a tray. At this point you will be attempting to hold your trousers up having removed your belt (my advice , wear a plastic webbing type belt). Airline security now expects you to prove your electronic devices actually work, I think this is only for flights to the US.

I keep my chargers and my medication in my hand luggage. None of my medication is liquid. Take a copy of your prescription with you. I believe that you can take a larger quantity but may be asked to taste it (similar to the procedure for baby milk in bottles) .

It isn't just flying now where this happens. We had to go through metal detectors and hand baggage scan whenever we returned to our ship on both our cruises. At least P&O don't scan you for alcohol and confiscate it as do some cruise lines!


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Afternoon All


Thanks for all the supportive messages for Lily, and I'm pleased to say that all she has is a bad dose of harvest mites, which I suspected, as I suffer with the little varmints every year, and found a few adhering to my legs the other night - however, one bite must have got really nasty as it has blown into a hot spot, and poor ole Lil has pulled a lot of her hair out of it making it look much worse.  Consultation, steroid injection, insecticidal spray, and a topical application - that's £75 please, all for things smaller than a pin point.  The vet was marvellous with her, though, and it's gratifying to know that there are two vets (in fact that's them all) at the practice who have a really caring approach, and also an excellent knowledge of what ails our companion animals.


Jock - pleased you liked the description.  As I didn't have a camera I did try to paint a word picture of the experience - though a colour image would have shown the loco up as being in Brunswick Green with BR Express lining, and an early Lion on a unicycle crest - which I think is a much better livery for a Duchess than LMS maroon - cos let's face it, anybody who remembers that livery will probably be getting on in years now.  One other thing which struck as being a tiny bit odd was hearing a Westinghouse type air brake pump working as she drew in - not a sound I associated with the Duchesses in my days.


Off out now, back later

Regards to All


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