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Sorry Pete - I was referring to the "Elvis rides a white horse" piccie - for some reason the "Quote this post" button seems to be bu99ered and refused to do that

HA! and I was feeling guilty about “pooh, poohing” Tony’s selection!


Best, Pete.


PS I’m sure that Elvis type bike is real I’m sure that I’ve seen on one of the TV bike shows - it’s up there with the ridiculous “Reindeer” bike that Teuttel Senior built...

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I stumbled over the thread question from Gordon S. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/89980-testing-a-loco-lighting-system/&do=findComment&comment=1578118

It occurred to me that you may be able to answer Gordon?


Cheers, Pete.

I noticed it too and have already replied to Gordon with my opinion! As I don't have a Heljan 47 I replied by PM as I know Gordon is capable of recognising my comments are opinions. I do have some Heljan diesels (sourced from a very reputable source!) and the PCB looks similar. However Google suggests that the Class 47s have bulbs not LEDs so I have suggested how to progress on that basis. Later Heljans I have with LEDs seem very dim compared to other makes (in my opinion)

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HA! and I was feeling guilty about “pooh, poohing” Tony’s selection!


Best, Pete.


PS I’m sure that Elvis type bike is real I’m sure that I’ve seen on one of the TV bike shows - it’s up there with the ridiculous “Reindeer” bike that Teuttel Senior built...

I think it is real sadly because DD1 would photoshop a more realistic horse... Reading through I thought you were at cross purposes Pete but Jack corrected you before I posted.

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HA! and I was feeling guilty about “pooh, poohing” Tony’s selection!



Nothing to feel guilty about! The discussions on here make up for the fun I used to have chatting with students or colleagues in the staffroom back when I worked. Robbie is good company during the day but isn't too chatty!

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I notice that my brother has "liked" a model railroad page in Florida (His wife's big brother lives there). My brother (Pete) is very impressed with the electronics on model railways. I wonder if he is ready for a train set yet! He has just got an annual ticket for the Severn Valley Railway. A little gentle push and we could soon have our own electronics geek in ERs!



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Afternoon All


Catching up is getting harder and harder, so if I've missed anything significant like birthdays, weddings, funerals, christenings, etc, please forgive me. 


I'm a bit knac*ered today for no real reason. 


As 30747 has a day off work, we decided to take a trip to Penrith, and the trip started badly, as when we take Lily with us, we don't do motorways unless it is essential.  So the usual route for us would be A6 which includes a spectacular run over Shap - much more scenic than the M6, and also quite a fulfilling drive as the bends are all nicely cambered, and there is VERY little traffic.  However, a radio traffic bulletin advised of a closure on the A591 (which you need to get back onto the A6 at Kendal) due to a serious accident.  So we had to find an alternative, and the drive which normally takes just over an hour took nearly two though we still went over the Shap section.  Still we got there, and there is a little chippy which does the most AWESOME chips and also a rather tasty Spam Fritter which went down rather well.  I did offer to stand outside eating this delicacy and making noises of enjoyment every so often in exchange for a reduction in the price - but the lady serving said that everybody knew how good their fare is already.  Highly recommended, and have never had any bad chips, or cold chips there ever.


Not really a lot more to report today, so

Regards to All


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Went shopping today. Got a cheapo dresser unit that fits the alcove for £30, will need a paintjob and Romford wheels new hardware and a couple of bits of simple woodwork. Pair of shorts from the Fatman shop, soldering iron, files and bits from the ever-wonderful Melvyn Clarke's and tracing paper from Smiths. Who claimed last week that they don't sell it... I even got some genuine Eclipse saw blades, but they aren't really up to today's job. If anyone could give me the reference/supplier/manufacturer of what I need I'd be dead grateful. The shops I used to buy mine in are long gone.


Got a Rotring working! It's old times week!


Started cutting the frames for a C14, but about halfway through the two pieces of nickel silver came unsoldered (it had been done using the old iron, which I now reckon was putting out 5W). An embuggerance because the tracing paper is glued on, and I'll have to do that again. But then this was a test and I was considering it as expendable.


What is interesting is that having had a skill (30 years ago) and lost it the first attempts are dire but the learning curve is steep. It's not quite like riding a bike, but similar.


Tomorrow - family barbecue at #1's which I am looking forward to enormously. Sunday - woodwork using hand tools. Monday - personal development and then some rather tedious political.  Wish me luck!

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A few weeks ago, the Obergrumpenfuhrer suggested (ordered) that we should have a few friends around for a social gathering.


This social gathering was mutually agreed (I said 'Yes what a good idea') as afternoon tea.  I then had better things to do with my time.


A  number of champagne bottles were put into the fridge at this time in order to chill properly.


Well, this soiree is tomorrow, and seems to have turned into a garden party, so I've been busy cutting grass, strimming edges, pulling out weeds and sweeping the paths.  That was after all the cleaning and dusting in the inner sanctum of the hippodrome.


Our neighbour, terrified that his garden might get seen by the guests(he is attending) has been a blur of activity tidying up his garden..............we ought to have more of these gatherings as he can be a bit 'idle' in the gardening stakes.


Our other neighbour is also afeared of being critisiszd for his lack of gardening prowess, and is out mowing his lawn as I write this!


Bara Brith has been made today,(and checked for suitability), so tomorrow morning I shall be on duty making Welsh Cakes. The OberG insists on making the scones, and I am more than happy to cede the responsibility.


I have a horrible feeling I will be ordered to erect the gazebo,  wash the garden furniture again (I washed it this morning when I cleaned the conservatory windows, on both sides) and find extra chairs, so have already briefed the Pygmy Hippo, that he will need to get up in the morning in order to assist in the final push for victory.


The South Horton, site has been left untouched although there is a rumour that a train and track gang may make an appearance in a cameo role, purely as a talking point.


I am now required to finish a botle of red wine which has been declared 'rather earthy' by the boss.  Of course, 'rather earthy' to a hippo is just  glorious mud which is a bit on the dry side.



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Went shopping today. Got a cheapo dresser unit that fits the alcove for £30, will need a paintjob and Romford wheels new hardware and a couple of bits of simple woodwork. Pair of shorts from the Fatman shop, soldering iron, files and bits from the ever-wonderful Melvyn Clarke's and tracing paper from Smiths. Who claimed last week that they don't sell it... I even got some genuine Eclipse saw blades, but they aren't really up to today's job. If anyone could give me the reference/supplier/manufacturer of what I need I'd be dead grateful. The shops I used to buy mine in are long gone.


Eclipse saw blades - Eileen's https://www.eileensemporium.com/index.php?page=shop.browse&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=9


or Farnell http://uk.farnell.com/eclipse/ps32/piercing-saw-blade-m4/dp/1373763?CMP=KNC-GUK-FUK-GEN-KWL&gclid=Cj0KEQjwvqWgBRChnMjQ7u7UzOUBEiQAooXvYayux0GO1Z-1cCUEpFCzyASCtfRR4Y4opKCF1BvccgMaAlsy8P8HAQ


or Buck and Hickman http://www.buckandhickman.com/find/keyword-is-ECLIPSE/product-is-012578


or Cromwell https://www.cromwell.co.uk/ECL5530545M


or Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Eclipse-PS80-80tpi-Piercing-Blades/dp/B0043YN3I0


Eileen's seem a little on the more expensive side.


Axminster do Faithfull http://www.axminster.co.uk/faithfull-piercing-saw-blades-pack-of-12 or they also do Vallorbe - their printed catalogue shows more than their website


Sutton Tools do Vallorbe as well http://www.suttontools.co.uk/hand-tools/saw-frames-and-blades/swiss-sawblades.html


The Cookson Gold offering http://www.cooksongold.com/category_select.jsp?query=piercing+saw+blades


Other sizes of blade are available.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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It being a warm sunny day,decided upon a walk in my beloved Peak District. Parked car at Monsal Head......yes,a RAILWAY walk!Down through Little Longstone,across the fields and onto the track of the old MIdland main line from Derby to Manchester,which we followed just to the other side of the old but still partly intact Great Longstone station,a route I last travelled in 1964 on a Manchester-St.Pancras express as far as Matlock behind a Peak Type 4 diesel.

Then off the 'rails' and up to the village of Great Longstone,continuing up the track to Longstone Edge,returning downhill across the fields and several stiles....the stone ones are awkward,or is it my age?...finishing up through a little snicket in the back garden of The Packhorse in Little Longstone.A highly convenient conclusion to the excursion this turned out to be.

Pan-fried hake on a bed of sea food linguine,washed down with a pint of Thornbridge bitter ( a micro brewery a couple of miles down the road).....ambrosia and nectar.Not your average pub grub this.Do not miss this if you are in the area at any time,ladies and gentlemen.I promise you,it is a class act....a pub with atmosphere and attitude,run by two local brothers.All produce is sourced locally.

The icing on the cake came when,as one does,I visited the gents,where,in situ on the wall is a photo of a Black 5 at the platform in Great Longstone station with a Manchester-bound local.....ghosts...

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Anyone else been tracking that unresponsive TBM 900? I think it has now gone down near Jamaica (after crossing Cuba)?


Went down on the island.......................


Best, Pete.

Yep - happens occasionally sadly... one reason the UND Aerospace flight training program have an Altitude chamber and three sessions in it during the flight physiology course are required for the Commercial Aviation degree. They learn how to identify their individual reactions to hypoxia and helps therefore avoid similar incidents/accidents.

RIP the pilot and crew.

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Evening from a slightly sun burnt Baz here. Great game and England won mainly due to Joe Root whapping the ball about a bit. Very sunny and warm so fish and chips went down well for tea.  



Have a nice evening /rest of Friday. My last outdoor umpiring tomorrow at Harrogate (v York) ... hope its another nice day.


best regards



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Buses in Malta. It is only in the past 2 or 3 years that the traditional Maltese buses have been replaced by Arriva's clapped out old bangers more modern replacements. Many Maltese buses were built on lorry chassis, some as much as 70 years old. The first time I went to Malta, 1978, I was staying with a friend at the far end of the Island (Golden Bay) and we decided to go into Valletta by bus. We got onto the bus to return to the hotel, the bus appeared to be a Ford Thames but the steering wheel was from an Austin. On leaving Valletta I noticed it took one complete turn of the steering wheel before the bus changed direction :O  and a lot of spinning of the wheel to keep it on course. If that wasn't bad enough the route took us down into Melliha Bay via a 1 in 4 downhill road with two hairpin bends. The driver decided to coast down the hill in neutral! :fie:  :scared:

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Evening all,

Pete(Trisonic), thought of you tonight as I watched EC at 'Crossroads' - the guitar was still absolutely magic but the voice ,not ever his strongest point I feel, was pretty reedy! A highlight for me was when ZZ played - don't know much about them and I'm not that keen on that sort of music but I have to say that the two bearded guitarists out front were truly syncopated! Each note and move as one - I didn't turn off until they finished!! Funny how you keep coming across new experiences in life......... Very sad about the TBM900, just been reading about it in the digital Telegraph. Bit of a worry in this area as we have quite a few really old pilots locally, some with really old planes flying off our grass strip - must be a real concern Stateside with the numbers in the air!

Worst bus ride for us was probably from Dakar airport to Club Med Senegal, not only were the outsides of the missing lights and the odd window, when we boarded, I noticed that there were no dials on the dash, just holes where they'd been. The drive to the coast was 'interesting' to say the least! Joanna and I also took a coach from Roses near Barcelona once to visit the artists favourite Catalan seaside village, Cadaques. Lovely looking modern coach but it seemed to have a very short wheelbase. Sitting near the back, we soon found out why - the road over the coastal hills and down through the olive groves to the coast is a very alpine style one with lots of sharp hairpins and she really hated the fact that the rear seats overhung the long drop on all the tight turns!!

Neil, wrong side of the country and wrong colour for my taste but that is one classy model. Are you thinking of switching back to a mainland steam layout?

Ian(Abel), truly great news about your daughter, you and Mrs A must be incredibly proud of her achievements in what still seems to be very much a male domain. Tremendous effort, she must have supreme confidence!

Won't mention our Brit in this weekends GP as I seem to just bring him bad luck (oops!). Anyway, I've got lots of two wheel action with World Superbikes at Jerez and British Superbikes at Donington Park - the Sky box will be hot!

Hope everyone's weekend goes to plan,

Kind regards,


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Evening all - extremely late on parade today. I hope all is well. I have tried to catch up on the posts, but weary eyes make concentrating difficult. Day one has passed off ok actually. Our new boss opened the annual start of year meeting at 9am with the promise that he was not going to make any changes until at least October half term. Well that lasted less than 30 minutes!!! I think he changed the first routine by half past! To be fair the few changes he has already made have all been for the better, and will allow us a little more time during the day. Just a simple thing like scrapping the assembly rota, so those not leading the worship, do not have to sit like lemons in the hall makes all the difference. Moving the time of the assembly to mid morning, and tagging it onto the morning break gives us the gift of up to 30 minutes mid-morning prep time.

 Definitely a positive start and he comes across as approachable and with a sense of humour. So far so good, but I am not going to get carried away just yet!

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