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  • RMweb Premium



Great to see Don's positivity, and to see Jock back and posting.  Like some others here I don't pray (although I fully support the freedom to follow any religion you wish, but not to fundamentalist extremes) but wish all those ill and recovering the very best.


The MP3 saga has ended with the delivery of a Sony expensive WalkpersonNWZ886something or other, it took Amazon UK a week to deliver it after it was despatched.  At Trackshack we deliver next day to the UK....so what is their problem?  So now it's software is doing things to my PC I didn't ask it to, and it has uploaded things I don't want it to.  #sigh#


Computer luddite of Andreas

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening, just attempted to catch up, lots of posts today!


Hope all goes well , Don.


Happy Birthday, Tony.


Nice picture of you Ian and Sherry


Nice to have you back Jock


It has been  a nice sunny day here so tennis this morning and more garden work this afternoon hence late posting. Half a dozen bags of pea gravel tomorrow should see the project completed hurrah I say!


Enjoy your day tomorrow folks!

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  • RMweb Gold

 .  At Trackshack we deliver next day to the UK....so what is their problem?  


I can certainly confirm that Trackshack deliver even to the Thames Riviera next day! We have an Amazon Prime account and usually get stuff next day but sometimes stuff comes from one of their continental warehouses and takes a bit longer.


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  • RMweb Gold

A very happy birthday, Tony!  Sorry I'm a bit late.  Been wrapping up Mick's present….


He may well need the knife again..:-)

Having spent some time unwrapping examples of your wrapping I suspect Debs' laser cutter could be of use. I think pass the parcel at a party could last a long time if you (or Dd, another champion wrapper) were involved!

I had a quiet birthday, apart from yelling to no avail to stop Robbie rolling in silage. Aditi arrived home at about 8pm instead of 6pm. Just as she was about to leave a whole load of ESOL students turned up for their first lesson. They had been directed to  rooms being used for resit examinations. Explaining to people who don't speak much English that they were in the place indicated in their letter but it was wrong took a while.



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With regard to Andy's chillies we had an Amazon parrot who enjoyed a chillie cracking all the little seeds open. He also like to sit on Marion's shoulder after wiping his beak across her face she was somewhat careful if he had a chillie.

He was also fascinated with etched brass kts and would make his way down my arm to investigate.


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I like Women pilots!


I was traveling from Greensboro to London via Philly. The flight from Greensboro was late taking off because a group of Yahoo’s kept swapping seats in Economy. 


I had a word with the Steward and the next thing I know the Captain is back sitting next to me listening to my problem ( I was on a tight schedule anyway). She said don’t worry I’ll get you onto the BA flight no problem - I’ll fill you in when we land.
So, she literally slammed the plane down at Philadelphia and as soon as it stopped she called me up front.

What she had done was organize a golf cart ride from the gate across the tarmac to the  BA gate and arranged to have me met on the tarmac besides the 747 so that I could be escorted up the steps directly onto the ‘plane rather than going through the gate procedure up top. Very interesting driving across the tarmac of a busy airport on a Friday evening!

Got on the ‘plane and they shut the doors behind me. Of course some b@stard had my aisle seat but they turfed him out and I was set with a glass of booze in my hand.

The other airline was US Airways - this was about the time they were trying to get into bed with BA, I think that helped.


Got to London but my luggage didn’t - which didn’t worry me as I already had clothes and stuff there. The luggage arrived in it’s own taxi before I got up the next morning.

I always appreciate that woman’s help.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all,   good to see that Jocks  back & in good form!


Well  best laid plans  and all that,   we were  supposed to go for a walk along some  disused rail line and over a trestle bridge this morning....but the weather  gods had other ideas!   RAIN  -  still it had stopped by the time we got to Cambell River this evening . Loads of wood carvings around including one outside the local Waitrose equivalent .


Then found the ferry back to the main land we were to take tomorrow  afternoon doesn't  run on Wednesdays.....plans changed again so early morning trip instead.


Hope your Wednesday goes well.







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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Belated happy birthday from me too, Tony!


Back to the seminar today, plus two appointments with the disabilities office and my lawyer (that still sounds very strange…). Why can't a day be as long as on Mercury, for example?

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Morning All,


It is another nice bright morning here, and the sun is just coming up.


Those were the days Pete.  It is a shame that air travel isn't a bit more like that these days.  I used to love flying, but now I try to avoid it as much as possible - not because of the flying itself, but all the associated stress that goes with it.


A lot has happened on here since I logged on yesterday afternoon!  Lots to catch up on, and it's always nice to see photos of Debs equipment.


Have a good day everyone...

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Rather misty and moist outside. 

Recycling bags have been placed outside, Robbie has checked out the garden, I have made tea and haven't received any other suggestions for how to spend the rest of the day yet.

Until last week I had never heard of the manufacturer of the plane that Ian's daughter will be flying in soon. But one of its  relations was identified as the one that Matthew flew in from Melbourne to Sydney.


Edited by Tony_S
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Good morning from the dark misty depths of the boring borough.


Bin day. Thank feck. Managed to retrieve our bin from the Neanderthals next door. Looking at a fully removable lid lock and a chain for the wheels so they can't use it for overflow anymore. They're such disgusting pigs that family.


Still waiting for the one little £3 part for the Landy so it will pass its MoT retest. Managed to get just 1 5' section of concrete footing poured yesterday for the flower bed edge. Starting to look half ways decent. Just another 15' to go over the next 3 days. (only built a 5' slip form) The next task will be to lay the bricks into a nice little curved wall.


Best get started then. Have a good day everyone.

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Somewhat wet here so far. Due to get dry and warmer later.

Need to refit a curtain pole as its location screws weren't up to the job.

Got a bit of work done yesterday but more weathering beckons. Its vans, conflate and full brakes in the next batch....only 29 to do..which means I will be one third of the way through the way on pile!

Have a great day!

Edited by Barry O
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No wonder Estonia is getting concerned. It is the only country that has a vociferous, small Russian enclave and is a member of NATO. A potentially explosive situation, nowadays.


Less hot today at 31C - a lot less humid   (though hot and steamy yesterday certainly made gave my various muscle aches some relief). Making up for the rather coolish Summer we had.


"Hi Ho” day today - I’m looking forward to it and feeling suitably charged - I’m thinking that I’m just not suited to full retirement as I find it too easy to lapse into a torpor...started painting again; South Western US themes has me in a grip this time.


Best, Pete.

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Martyn's gone off to school. Hopefully I can now arrange to get his laptop fixed as he won't need it so much. Homework can be done on this one if required. I spent most of yesterday thinking it was Wednesday, so I'm not sure about today. I  may go to B&Q later as it's old gits' day. I need ply to finish lining a shed, for storage, not a layout. As I need it delivered it may be economical to add baseboard timber to the order. However storing that until I'm ready for it is a problem.


I see 92212 was causing problems yesterday...http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/11447555.Traffic_chaos_caused_by_lorry_carrying_classic_train/



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Morning all from a grey Borough Market Junction. Promise of sun later though.


Am the last man standing in the department today, as even our PA is on holiday.


Seems I have a day of calls ahead of me, including quite a potentially fraight one with HMRC later. If it goes well, we'll solve a problem that has been plaguing us (and them) for 10 years, well before I started here.


Commiserations to Andy, it can be very frustrating to be in the situation you are in.


First day back for the boys seemed to have gone well, although the younger didn't pick up on where the loos were and was not able to ask. He appears however to have iron control of his bladder! Elder  has most of the same teachers as last year and had maths homework (his weakest academic subject), but was able to do it - always a good start. I don't remember getting much help with homework (apart from vocab testing and once with physics - I didn't get the maths behind levers) but these days it seesm de rigeur. I hope I'm not expected to help with work tasks in later life!


And the Mrs enjoyed her day working at the nursery but was shattered in the evening

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another dull start but should stay dry with the occasional sunny spell.

Spent most of yesterday (apart from when on here) gardening. Pruning, lopping & mowing was the order of the day. Now I've just got to get rid of the results.

Grandchildren went back to school but the elder two only had to make a brief appearance to register and have their photos taken. Gemma started her final year at primary school but had to stay all day.

"It's just not fair Grandad!"

"That's life Gem! Next year it'll be your turn"

"Ah well - at least we've still got Miss P........ and she's lovely"    

Thinking back I can't ever remember describing any of my teachers as lovely - mind you they were nearly all men.

Have a good one,


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