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  • RMweb Gold

All the very best Don - hope it all goes really well for you and i hope teh hospital food is to your taste as well.


In the meanwhile I have just let fly in a big way on a thread - mainly having a go at folk behaving like naughty kids in the playground - I feel better for having said it to the halfblind saddoes who can't be bothered to read a thread and it will be interesting to see if my post survives the night, just to spoil their fun I reported it myself... tehehe.


 Don't forget John Betjeman on BBC4 tonight - and now for a bit of name dropping, my gran used to char for him at sometime before the war when he lived in Uffington  and I still have the book he gave to my mum & dad as a wedding present.

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  • RMweb Premium

Maybe you are begining to become a grumpy old man Mike, or maybe it was the thread I was reading and by the time I got to the second page I thought I can't be arsed to read anymore.....

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Premium

Maybe you are begining to become a grumpy old man Mike, or maybe it was the thread I was reading and by the time I got to the second page I thought I can't be arsed to read anymore.....

Not really up to speed outside ERs and my blogs currently, so...anything to do with new model announcements?

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All the very best to you Don, for tomorrow.  Fingers crossed it all goes to plan and you're back with us soon…:-)


Off to France for a few days golf soon.  Seems I have to buy two breathalysers and a hi vis jacket that I must keep in the car, not in the boot.  I also have to disable speed camera sites from my Say Nav.


Good grief, I'm only going for a couple of days.  25 miles from Calais to a hotel, stay there for two nights and then come back another 25 miles.  Both journeys in daylight.


Is someone winding me up?….or have Euro rules finally lost the plot.

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  • RMweb Gold

All the very best to you Don, for tomorrow.  Fingers crossed it all goes to plan and you're back with us soon…:-)


Off to France for a few days golf soon.  Seems I have to buy two breathalysers and a hi vis jacket that I must keep in the car, not in the boot.  I also have to disable speed camera sites from my Say Nav.


Good grief, I'm only going for a couple of days.  25 miles from Calais to a hotel, stay there for two nights and then come back another 25 miles.  Both journeys in daylight.


Is someone winding me up?….or have Euro rules finally lost the plot.

Not Euro rules, just French ones! There are different rules for each country. As we have been known to visit a lot on our European trips I have hi vis jackets in the car in reach of any possible passenger/driver, first aid kit, assorted bulbs, warning triangles, NF approved breathalysers (in use by date too), my insurance documents, blue parking disc and a certificate for my Tom Tom stating it doesn't contravene French law. The Tom Tom sat nav isn't usually needed but I take it just in case the built in sat nav in the car is out of date by the time we get anywhere. My built in sat nav doesn't give speed camera warnings.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evening orl.


I seem to have purchased an inspection saloon....that's the trouble with working where I see new stock arriving!  Temptation.....and I cannot resist as I'm a weak willed bloke type.

The job might keep you occupied but you will probably spend all your wages!


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  • RMweb Premium

Seems I can get a hi vis jacket for £5 and the same for two breathalyser kits from Halfords.  Talk about jobs for the boys.  I might have to give that nice Mr Farage a ring…:-)

He will be down the pub.......outside smoking....

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All the very best to you Don, for tomorrow.  Fingers crossed it all goes to plan and you're back with us soon…:-)


Off to France for a few days golf soon.  Seems I have to buy two breathalysers and a hi vis jacket that I must keep in the car, not in the boot.  I also have to disable speed camera sites from my Say Nav.


Good grief, I'm only going for a couple of days.  25 miles from Calais to a hotel, stay there for two nights and then come back another 25 miles.  Both journeys in daylight.


Is someone winding me up?….or have Euro rules finally lost the plot.

I think the breathalyser requirement has been dropped - I certainly don't have any - after there was a huge shortage and the law had to be put back and then it became known that they were manufactured by a friend of M. Sarkozy who had, unexpectedly, brought in the law...


I don't think you need any form of certification about your satnav, either, just to be able to show that the speed camera warnings have been disabled.

And drive to the speed limits, of course, because they have other ways of catching you.

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Good Morning all,    - and best wishes to Don,



We stayed in an internetless  place last night... made up for today by Marilyn  finding not one but  three stuffed  locos.! Not to mention a number painted on house walls!


Not sure what tomorrow will  bring - but I'm assured something of interest!


Hope you're day goes well, 





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Morning all,


It is a nice sunny morning here today - but it is getting light a lot later now, which is a sure sign that Winter is on its way once again.


Best of luck to Don today, and of course to Jock.  Hope he is doing Ok too.  You are both in my thoughts and prayers.


Driving in the different European countries is always a bit of a challenge.  Knowing which country has which particular requirement.  I must admit that I didn't know about the speed camera alerts in France.  I knew that was the case for Germany, but then the Sat Navs have never given any alerts in Germany! 


The French law on carrying breathalysers is a mess - I keep two in the car (and have just replaced them as they go out of date very quickly) but I am never ever going to use them.  I don't drink at all when I am driving - so why do I need a breathalyser in the car?


Here in Germany, the one rule that many people don't know is that people wearing glasses are required to carry a spare pair.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Mornin' all,


Lovely blue sky, Autumn misty morn in the Staffs Moorlands...we're heading out to our favourite garden centre today (Gate's of Cold Overton) to look for at least 3 shrubs required for our garden...there is a great coffee stop at 'The Grange', Asfordby on the Hill and that'll be the first call (their fresh baked scones take some beating too).


Best wishes to Don & Jock


Enjoy whatever you do all



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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I've been told of a possible way of getting past the first automated scan of job applications which have to be submitted electronically. Copy the online job advert, reduce it to the smallest size of type you can, convert it to white type and include it e.g. in the footer of your Word document. An automatic search will find all the words of interest to the employer, and your application should make it to a review by a real person.


What do you think? Would it work?

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  • RMweb Premium

Schools are back so its sunny!


Her indoors on another training day today. Yesterday's was about how to teach music to individuals.. Great help when she only does classes/groups at school but handy for her private teaching.


Off to see my accountant first then more weathering and parcel posting.


Have a great day.

Thinking positive thoughts for Jock and Don't.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Probably having a lazy day today, nothing planned.

Driving in France. I know you don't need a certificate of conformity for Sat Nav but the Tom Tom we have has replaced camera warnings with "safety zone" warnings for France and just in case we met an awkward police officer (very unlikely, all the French police officers we have ever spoken to were very pleasant) I prefer to have everything. I turn the camera warnings off anyway even here at home, I don't like all the bing bong noises. The Land Rover Sat Nav only warns about slow traffic ahead and flashes a symbol for the cause like road works or accident. It does put up a hamburger symbol for fast food places too. Last summer we were told the breathalyser rule wasn't in practice being implemented but that we should take them anyway.



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Today I am well rested and calm.

As I mentioned, I did not sleep very well or at all after midnight pill on Sunday night so requested a half sleeping pill for midnight last night.

It worked and is still working, so I am feeling rested and relaxed.

Thank each and every one of you for the good wishes and prayers. I have no doubt that I wil be back online sooner rather than later,

I will remind Tim to post updates.

In the mean while, may the new school trem and heads provecopatible and may you all enjoy life to thr full.

See you then! :blum:

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