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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


A few pics from yesterday's Llangollen Railway Gala.


D5310 at Berwyn on its way to Bonwm taken from our train to Llangollen.



Black 5 45337 off to Bonwm.  Taken from the bridge at Carrog in the rain.



But the sun shone on special guest, Ivatt 2-6-0 46521 at Berwyn at lunchtime.



Back at Carrog, rain, mist and steam enshroud 4MT 80072



And it's still raining as we head home.




Pics of the freight train and brake van video on Great West Road.




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Morning all, 


Sat in our hotel room in  Victoria  (BC)  overlooking the harbour, watching ships and float planes rushing about. 


Found a "proper" model shop too.. (and parked  right out side the door)  Not much in the way of rail stuff but lots of stuff for scratch building and tools.  Very tempted with a  lathe .....that got me a slap though!  (Well not a physical one, more of the "look") . Did stock up with some metal and a cheap controller so next weekend may see trains running on the micro layout. 


Holiday Photo of the habrour  at Victoria for you,   hope your  Sunday goes well,





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Morning All

Morning all, 


Sat in our hotel room in  Victoria  (BC)  overlooking the harbour, watching ships and float planes rushing about. 


Found a "proper" model shop too.. (and parked  right out side the door)  Not much in the way of rail stuff but lots of stuff for scratch building and tools.  Very tempted with a  lathe .....that got me a slap though!  (Well not a physical one, more of the "look") . Did stock up with some metal and a cheap controller so next weekend may see trains running on the micro layout. 


Holiday Photo of the habrour  at Victoria for you,   hope your  Sunday goes well,




The last time I was in Victoria, the Canadian Navy had a small ship "for sale" moored in the harbour (it might have been a cutter or coastguard ship of some kind), I doubt that it is still there, but wouldn't that be a holiday souvenir - something to convert to a pleasure craft.


If you like chinese food, head down to Victoria's Chinatown, some of the best Dim Sum I've ever had has been in Victoria BC


a Soothing Sunday to all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Having a brew before some more sleep - hopefully.


I spent the day photographing yesterday and walking long distances with all my camera gear in the heat gave me some horrible leg cramps last night but fortunately they seem to have stopped and I slept reasonably well.


Hope Jock is ok, more updates later from me

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Bright and sunny at the moment, so good morning all.


Concerns about Jock, as expressed by others. I hope there's some news soon.


Had a lovely day yesterday with #3 and family. So relaxed I fell asleep after lunch... also watched a bit of the work being done on the Brighton approaches to London Bridge, photos elsewhere.


Soldering practice today due to the self-imposed ban on power tools on Sundays (it's a law in France we brought back to England. Pity my neighbour isn't so thoughtful...). 


Hope it's a good one all round.

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It's a bright, blue skyed Sunny Sunday morning all and I am feeling as bright as the weather.

For really personal reasons I am as anxious as the rest of ER's to hear good news of Jock

Two days until my D day..

I hope you all have a happy Sunday doing whatever gives you pleasure!

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It`d be nice if they could simply replace the {many} sordid phone-sex/chat channels on the Freeview platform and replace them with programming for broad/normal interests. :nono:


Which Channel numbers are these, Debs?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is a very pleasant morning here.

We are going to Enfield today to see MiL. We offered to take something for lunch but she seemed keen to prepare some nice Indian vegetarian food.

We had various communications from Matthew during the night, leaving Melbourne, arrived in Sydney, checking in to accommodation. He has finished his work experience, and is now  being a tourist for a few weeks.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A fine, dry, sunny start and should stay that way all day.

Feeling rather tired this morning after a splendid afternoon and evening at our daughter's house. Lots of good food (Some with a Spanish theme - something to do with a school project Abbie is working on) and lots of good beer with an English theme (something to do with a lifetime project that I'm working on. :drinks:  :yes: 

Didn't go to the show yesterday after all what with ferrying herself back & forth etc. I ran out of time.

I did spend some time thinking about my future modelling and measuring up the small bedroom after a conversation with The Boss led me to believe that I might take it over. We shall see.

Now being summoned for breakfast so....

have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Lie in achieved!
Sun is shining so may go and watch some cricket today..a Black Sheep semi final at Cleckheaton..its that or gardening.
Have a nice Sunday,I hope it all goes well DonBradley.


Edited cos my tablet can't spell!

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright sunny day obviously Dads taxi will be deployed to Stoke........ Next life I am coming back as a mean selfish b****%d. it seems to work for other people.Must drink more tea before posting.

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Mornin' all,


Some sunshine in the Staffs Moorlands just now....nice meal/evening with friends yesterday....server duties call again this morning....various shrubs in the garden looking in need of a haircut...best invite mum & dad over for an hour or two later, its been a while.


Sorry to hear that various Early Risers seem to be 'missing in action'...all good wishes for a speedy return to the front line...diversity is crucial to this thread.


Have a great day



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

A nice sunny morning here north of Ikea.   Quite a busy day with church this morning, wondering if our deaf sound technician is going to turn my wifes mike down.  If he doesd i will hear about it on our drive down to Lincoin where we're going to visit our eldest.  Then hopefully when we get home I'll get chance to do a bit more soldering.  Hope that we get some news of Jock soon.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, sunny and dry today which is the forecast for the next few days.


So I should be able to complete the major gardening tasks that are waiting to be done. Starting tomorrow!


Today its out for sunday lunch and a nice gentle stroll afterwards and a easy day is planned.


Enjoy yours

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Having a brew before some more sleep - hopefully.


I spent the day photographing yesterday and walking long distances with all my camera gear in the heat gave me some horrible leg cramps last night but fortunately they seem to have stopped and I slept reasonably well.


Hope Jock is ok, more updates later from me

I was told by an elderly lady that a good cure for leg cramps is to rub the affected area with the cork from a wine bottle. I tried it and it seems to work!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Somewhat cloudy but no rain promised and at least I cut the lawn yesterday - the jungle can wait a while I think.  Laddo is promising some sort of breakfast brunch which probably means scrambled eggs although part of the deal is that I try to argue down his insurance bill for his car, so the Admiral will duly have his tail pulled this coming week.


Diurolyte can be quite good for leg cramps (not an instant remedy but it seems to work) but do not confuse with electrolyte!


Have a good day one & all and hoping that no news from Jock is good news and no wifi in the hospital.

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  • RMweb Gold

 although part of the deal is that I try to argue down his insurance bill for his car, so the Admiral will duly have his tail pulled this coming week.


 I must be dreaming or living in Fairyland because I got my car insurance renewal quote yesterday and it has reduced from last year (by the massive sum of £13.52) It's the first time I can remember ever having a lower premium without fighting for it in 48 years of driving. 

Edited by grandadbob
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