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Personally I blame poor supervision on the part of the senior garden staff :beee: but mostly the weather.


My facebook homepage is now a contest between ice bucket videos and articles about how little of its income the ALS charity actually spends on research. Meanwhile my boss will be getting doused next Thursday. Does anyone know where I can buy some sharpened ice?

Make your own fill a pencil rack with water bung it in the freezer away you go...... I think John's calculation of cost is a bit high but I agree with the conclusion.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Smashing pic Tony - really brightened the place up, thanks.


On more mundane matters my favoured (??) collision point is the garage door, several times over the past 7 years.  getting even more mundane today is Friday, it's sunny, and we went to Waitrose yesterday, actually managing to get into the car park at the local branch and finding some suitable steak (although not skirt) for more pasty making.  To celebrate this marvellous achievement today we are going to Tesco to get the peppers the management forgot yesterday (our own have been abysmal this year - I blame the gardening staff weather; one of the gardening staff visits this place, oops).


So have a nice day folks and a good weekend to come and hopefully we'll be hearing some good news from Jock before too long.

How much has Station cat had to be paid to keep this post from the attention of the management?



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  • RMweb Gold

How much has Station cat had to be paid to keep this post from the attention of the management?



No need to worry Jamie - I have recently taken her (the management that is) down to Jewsons and obtained 2 x 2.5 litre tins of paint for her plus a(nother) sample tin, the latter being for the downstairs facility which she has decided needs a change of colour scheme.  I understand the latter will be trial applied underneath one of the somewhat non-PC pictures that grace the walls of said facility.  My part will come later when i am billed for the paint.

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  • RMweb Premium

No need to worry Jamie - I have recently taken her (the management that is) down to Jewsons and obtained 2 x 2.5 litre tins of paint for her plus a(nother) sample tin, the latter being for the downstairs facility which she has decided needs a change of colour scheme.  I understand the latter will be trial applied underneath one of the somewhat non-PC pictures that grace the walls of said facility.  My part will come later when i am billed for the paint.

I recently made a trip to B & Q for pait matchpots but fortunately not for any work in the house.   I got 4 for £3 (list price £1.55 each) and we then painted each colour in between 2 fiddle yard tracks.  After a collegiate deciswion we are now using the chosen colour to paint the surface of the fiddle yard. However the mind boggles at what particular brand of PC the prints clash with.


You will have to fess up.



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Sorry for being late on post today.

Being on the sick, lame and lazy list means that I am subject to the availability of staff help. Right now I cannot stand unaided (have just been trying, unsuccessfully)

I am not quite as weak as this infers but have lost my balance and thus my ability to transfer from seated to wheel chair or from wheel chair to stationary chair. I am working at getting this right before next week's op, after which I will have to start again, Bear in mind my left side weakness and partial paralysis.  I know, excuses, excuses!.

Weather is fine but decidedly chilly.

Note for especially for Neil. My "new" room has a built in panel heater which does not have an on/off switch, so remains on until unplugged. Early today I complained that it was too hot.

You didn't know about the move?

My "old" room was on the first floor.During my absence in hospital it was decided that I would be better to be sited nearer the nursing aids so came back to a lovely East facing (no view) double room on the ground floor. It was subsequently found that this was not quite as necessary as thought, so am back to a much further situated single room, though still on the ground floor. All my bibs and bobs occupied much more floor space than is now available, so a fairly large disposal of assets has taken place.

Far rather than a complaint, please see this as the home's determination to outdo itself in care of it's residents.

I've told management that anybody who complains about ANY facet of the home's care (like cold salads) needs to spend a week in the local private hospital to be reminded how lucky we are.  :senile:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Caught up, and good to hear from Don again.


My bete noir for hitting my head is the up and over garage door which I can clear, but which somtimes doesn't open fully with the result that I too have a noce collection of bumps on the nut.


Decided to go out today, and the weather was, to say the least, unforgiving.  It was chucking it down around six, then eased, and we dodged round Clitheroe sheltering between showers and eating semi-cold chips while it was drizzling.  Got back and stopped in Settle, and just getting back to the car when the long promised deluge really started, and is still continuing.


Was reminded a bit of New Haven Neil when I followed a car with a very distinctive plate 123 MANX (IOM, I know - but would it have been a personalised plate?).


Other than that, got to rush as Korma is almost ready, so it has to be generic wishes, and a hope that Jock is able to get in touch soon.


Regards to All


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I have permanent dents in my head from tailgates and hoods.


The others from Family.


Years ago I was visiting home and and my Mother complained of the climbing plant out front that had got out of hand - So I volunteered to give it a trim on the Sunday morning. I can’t remember what it was called - but it was very spiky too.

Come Sunday I’m out there getting on with it for a few hours and was cutting the large parts off at the roots when I heard my Father Call out, rather closely "Pete! Lunch!” - standing up rather sharply my temple came in contact with the (metal) corner of the window frame that my Dad had opened and was leaning out of looking upward for me.  

It really was a “seeing stars” moment, they really do exist. I ate lunch in considerable pain and a head bandage and went to Casualty afterwards - I was bu@@ered if I was going to miss lunch, though. My Mum was not a great cook but she really cooked a beautiful Sunday lunch.


Today’s weather: Sunny, 26C. Tonight going down to 15C. Lovely.




Best, Pete.

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... It really was a “seeing stars” moment, they really do exist ...


Oh, yes ... 

I used to think that "Knocked cock-eyed" was a meaningless expression until I took a punch in the eye (this was when I was much younger and unwiser and so more likely to get myself into situations involving such risks) which presumably weakened the tendons controlling movement of the eyeball. I was able to finish the disagreement, but, for a couple of weeks afterwards, whenever I sniffed  my left eye travelled nosewards ...

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  • RMweb Premium

Just imagining those cranial collisions you guys have been mentioning makes me shudder! :O


Weather's a bit unsteady out here, but agreeably warm today. We'll be playing airport shuttle tomorrow and get SiL and her partner to Berlin for their vacation to Greece. We were also planning to stop by at the Babelsberg film studios before heading back.


Plan V set has been shipped, too, and I'm rather looking forward to it!

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  • RMweb Gold

Playing catch up, so :


Drink port Sherry! It is very calming for a sore throat.


The ice bucket challenge started out ad an ice bucket of water/ice being tipped.


Now it seems to be full scale waterboarding.


Weather in Oslo is warm and sunny for a second day running, despite the Norwegian equivalent of Exeter anticipating overcast and showers.


I have an old kevlar combat helmet the The Stationmaster is more then welcome to have if it prevents further contact with his garage door, although when I first read the comment, I thought he was referring to his driving! You know, no rails to guide him etc

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I have an old kevlar combat helmet the The Stationmaster is more then welcome to have if it prevents further contact with his garage door, although when I first read the comment, I thought he was referring to his driving! You know, no rails to guide him etc

A couple of minor points - firstly I do have both a BR bump cap and a real safety helmet somewhere but also my dad's tin hat from Mr Hitler's war is still about somewhere - it's all a matter of remembering where they are and to put them on.


Secondly why do you associate a car with a domestic garage?  Very odd idea and the last time I put one of my cars in a garage was a couple of decades back into the last century (before we accumulated all that junk) in fact I couldn't even get a car into the present garage if I tried because the approach ramp isn't there, let alone several hundredweight of building materials and logs between the drive and the garage. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

Got an email from one recruitment agency I'd put my CV in to saying that I'd not made the short list. Bit of a shame as the job was very local and precisely what I'd done in my last job. Apparently other applicants had even more relevant experience. Not quite what they told me at the first interview. Apparently I was the only applicant with any relevant knowledge....hey ho. 

Going to be a long haul to find a job, I suspect. 


Re walking in to things my grandmother ran into the rusty door frame of an Anderson shelter during a bombing raid; she was carrying the youngest of her children who was just a few weeks old. Sadly blood poisoning took her a few days later, leaving 4 children to be brought up by my granddad.


On a much lighter note went to Christchurch today to give the children some time on the beach. Saw "Lord Nelson" running light between Ropley and Four Marks. Then saw "Thomas" heading up the A31 on a low-loader. Might have been on loan, I'm guessing. 


I didn't realise the Bournemouth air show was on. At one point a Typhoon jet buzzed us on the beach. 

"Look at that, children. Daddy helped design part of that."

"Wow. There's quite a lot of stuff you've yet to tell us about isn't there, dad." said my daughter looking quizzical. 


Then as we were leaving 9 aircraft came over in "diamond 9" formation.

"What's that dad?"

"The Red Arrows; best display team in the world."

"How come?"

"Because they're our's!" 

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Like the cartoons Mike especially the third one. My head is always cloding with things now my hair has gone it has little protection. Possibly the worse thing was getting in the way of a concrete block falling I still have a dent in my forehead 20 years later.


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Afternoon all. A brief stop off online after wrestling with Amazon - it took me four attempts for it to complete the order and payment for some much needed resource books. Sadly none of the local book stores stock enough of a range for teachers anymore that I have to resort to online ordering. Usually my experience has been positive, today has been less so.


 As I enter the final week of the holiday I have failed to get any planning done today, and seem to be lacking any inspiration right now. Hopefully I can catch up over the weekend. Other than that today has been quite productive. The dishwasher has arrived although I will need help from father in law to plumb it in. The kitchen was designed with a dishwasher space, but seemingly without though as to how to feed the lead through the small gap to the appropriate connection under the sink. Looks like a two man job.

 ADT arrived early and the alarm was fitted fairly quickly and without much trouble. A further YODEL delivery actually arrived early enough for us to go out for lunch. A lovely meal in the café at the Masson Mills outlet in Cromford and we picked up a few bargains and I bought another building from the Hornby outlet. The purchase is destined for the new project that is still very much bubbling in my mind.

 Sarah still has the baking bug so there are some nice smells currently drifting around the house thanks to some more of her cakes  that have just come out of the oven. My stomach is rumbling already!

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Day at the beach with my 7 and 10 year-old children...




Younger child: "What does the 'Red &Yellow' flag mean?"

Older child: "Safe to swim."

Younger child: "What would a 'Red, Yellow & Black' flag mean?"

Older child: "The Germans are coming."


Achtung U-boot!   :pilot:

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I think Gordon may have posted (some years ago) about baseball caps with scalp protection. I think one of the earlier Eastwood Town layouts had a lot of underboard wiring.


Good grief what a memory!  I did indeed.  After several whacks across my balding scalp and the inevitable loss of blood, safety baseball caps became compulsory.  Not expensive and far better than numerous whacks and cuts...



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Good grief what a memory!  I did indeed.  After several whacks across my balding scalp and the inevitable loss of blood, safety baseball caps became compulsory.  Not expensive and far better than numerous whacks and cuts...




You must have bashed your head a hell of a lot ......... there's only 2 left in stock.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good grief what a memory!   

I have a very odd memory. I can remember things from years ago but only if they are nothing to do with work. I know my bank account number but have to think carefully about my phone number. Stuff learned at university means nothing to me now and I'd have to re-learn any of the computer languages I used to know. I can remember quite clearly things from my childhood I'd happily forget!

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