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Ok so I am writing this on Behalf of Don,


We had some great weather this weekend sun was shining started to feeling as if summer were on its way again, temporary though as yesterday and today has been overcast with a slight drizzle every now and then.


As for his medical condition it is not the best news. Some malignant tissue was found in the bladder and as you all know at his age its not the best of news, but he seemed to be in positive spirits considering.


He was discharged this morning, I took him back to the home where he will be kept in the frail care unit until next week Tuesday where he will then be admitted back into the hospital to have the bladder removed.


He seems to be coping with all of this but he is weak but he is happy to be back at the home where it is more comfortable for him. I will try and arrange that he gets taken to his room for a while where he can then come and chat to you all and tell you all the latest SOAPS from his eating table.


Best regards




Thank you very much for the update, Tim......Best wishes and support to Don, for his recovery and speedy return to wellness.

Edited by Debs.
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How do I put in a photo direct from my desktop, plz?

Onto RMweb you mean?

1. Correctly size it.

2. Press the 'Reply With attachments' button bottom right of the post you are writing and wait for the screen to change to this -




3. Then click on 'Choose File'  and once you have done that click on 'Attach this File'


4 Then wait for pic to appear - as seen here




5. Position cursor on the place in your post where you want the pic to appear and then click on 'Add To Post' at teh right end of the bar in which the ;pic has appeared.


6. Click on 'Add reply'

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Jock, hope to hear from you soon. Gordon made good use of a dongle while he was in hospital! 

I've just finished an hour and 45 minute "chat" with Matthew. His latest project at his workplace was experiencing the world of "corporate event management". In Melbourne this involved getting quotes from "Dunnies R Us" and wine glass rental. I think Matthew is quite pleased that he won't be around to see the results of his labour, his work placement finishes this Friday and he is off to Sydney for a few days and then Auckland.

Robbie seems to be quite at home now, after a major garden inspection. I think the cats and foxes that have been in the garden while we have been away will soon desist from leaving little presents.


Let's hope Matthew doesn't get it a bit mixed up.


If it was the case he'd be grateful not to be around to see them drinking from dunnies and then p**ing(or worse) into the wine glasses!

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Let's hope Matthew doesn't get it a bit mixed up.


If it was the case he'd be grateful not to be around to see them drinking from dunnies and then p**ing(or worse) into the wine glasses!

Probably why he is glad that he will be somewhere between Singapore and Heathrow when the event takes place. At least he was fortunate to have an opportunity to experience corporate event management. I believe here in the UK you have to be called Tarquin or Tiggy to be involved in such things.

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I could investigate it but it won't be easy without more biographical details and other such details as where she lived. As the trainspotting was written up in her journal there might be such information there. A few years ago out of curiosity I looked up the manager of the Brill Tramway, a gentleman named Ralph Evans and found quite a bit of information but was unable to research any descendants as he only had one daughter and the name Evans is quite common.

I purchased a copy of 'Railway' magazine this morning, The surname of the young lady in question is Johnson! so with such a common surname it will be very difficult to trace without a lot more primary information, names of parents/siblings address etc. However there are some pointers that can be used. She is almost certainly middle class as most girls of her age were working and would simply not have the time. Its possible that her father or other near relative worked for the GWR. It is also likely that she lived close to Paddington station as a respectable Victorian middle class daughter would not be allowed to roam very far.

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Please pass on my best wishes to Don, too.

I always look forward to his post and table episodes.



Wishing you all the best and hopefully it won't be long before you're catching up and you're posting your words of friendship and wisdom on here again.


I`m holding our-Jock and his family in my thoughts and prayers.......best wishes, Sir. :friends:


Productive couple of days making swarf here at Collie Towers: the standard-table on the CNC mill seemed a little narrow for my use, so have machined a supplemental table out of a humongous chunk of 40mm. billet-Ali......lots of `oles, slotting and 'fredding' later and I feel quite proud; it`ll do the job nicely. :boast:


.....every kitchen should have one! :mosking:


attachicon.gifSupplemental Table.JPG




Don't give OH ideas, now.  I need the kitchen for my scenics stuff.  :jester:



Edited by southern42
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Afternoon all,  


Good to hear news of Don via Tim,  please past my best wishes on too.



Jock as others have so succinctly put it,I hope all goes well for you too.  Debs,  I daren't show Marilyn  your kitchen.....I think that would be the end of whats turning into a beautiful friendship!  


Dining table modeling will end as I have just to sort out my allocated rooms (think walkin cupboards)....


More later




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Just bought the Railway Magazine for the train spotting article, and very good it looks too, but to my delight there is a large photo with a host of spotters - IN COLOUR.  Just what the modeller needs.  Well, how much do you remember of what others wore back then? I barely remember the school uniform - and that was grey. :mosking:


The mag is a bit different from the issues of the 1950s I'm currently reading through, though - a little job looking for matters of Welsh interest for the University archives.

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Afternoon All


FIrst off good luck for surgery, Jock.


Second - thanks for the update on Don - and again, good luck for the surgery.


Me - I'm just stunned by the NHS "efficiency" as their website (and the Choose and Book phoneline) are adamant that my appointment is in Lancaster but the letter said Barrow, and when I phoned the hospital at Choose and Book's suggestion, they were insistent that I was booked in at Barrow.  Then they said I should call Choose and Book!  After a bit of remonstration, somebody a bit higher up the chain said they would look into this, then came back to me most contrite that "somebody at Choose and Book" had input a consultant's ENTIRE clinic at Barrow into the online system as being Lancaster appointments - so I think that thev've got some sorting out to do, and I've now got a new appointment at the correct location.


Regrettably, I'm on dinner duty, and catch up from yesterday has taken quite a while, so

Regards to All


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Me - I'm just stunned by the NHS "efficiency" as their website (and the Choose and Book phoneline) are adamant that my appointment is in Lancaster but the letter said Barrow, and when I phoned the hospital at Choose and Book's suggestion, they were insistent that I was booked in at Barrow.  Then they said I should call Choose and Book!  After a bit of remonstration, somebody a bit higher up the chain said they would look into this, then came back to me most contrite that "somebody at Choose and Book" had input a consultant's ENTIRE clinic at Barrow into the online system as being Lancaster appointments - so I think that thev've got some sorting out to do, and I've now got a new appointment at the correct location.


Regrettably, I'm on dinner duty, and catch up from yesterday has taken quite a while, so

Regards to All


Just think of all the nice countryside you will have to drive through to get to the old Furness District.  Hope it all goes well.



Edited by jamie92208
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I've got my first "Choose and Book" appointment tomorrow morning.  I think I know where I'm going though the clinic is in some extension building near "the pink car park". My GP BiL said sorting out Choose and Book appointments causes him much anguish because as soon as some of his patients get a letter with advice on how to use some passphrase like "potato turnstile" they can't cope and come and see him. He then sits them down and he does it for them. This is not how the system is supposed to work. Fortunately I did manage but I can see so many ways it could go wrong.

At least I can have a nice drive along the A13 tomorrow!


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I`m holding our-Jock and his family in my thoughts and prayers.......best wishes, Sir. :friends:


Productive couple of days making swarf here at Collie Towers: the standard-table on the CNC mill seemed a little narrow for my use, so have machined a supplemental table out of a humongous chunk of 40mm. billet-Ali......lots of `oles, slotting and 'fredding' later and I feel quite proud; it`ll do the job nicely. :boast:


.....every kitchen should have one! :mosking:


attachicon.gifSupplemental Table.JPG





That is beautiful workmanship.........................................You're the man when it comes to precision work.........


The man?  Ohhh sh*t.......................


Lumbering for cover!

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A new one for customer service - yesterday, a Bank Holiday in England of course, Mrs Stationmaster applied for an Oyster Card (public rate - getting a priv is a very convoluted process which means attending an LUL booking once you've got the form).  So she duly applied online - it arrived in today's post at c.11.00!


Brilliant and amazing service.

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I've got my first "Choose and Book" appointment tomorrow morning.  I think I know where I'm going though the clinic is in some extension building near "the pink car park". My GP BiL said sorting out Choose and Book appointments causes him much anguish because as soon as some of his patients get a letter with advice on how to use some passphrase like "potato turnstile" they can't cope and come and see him. He then sits them down and he does it for them. This is not how the system is supposed to work. Fortunately I did manage but I can see so many ways it could go wrong.

At least I can have a nice drive along the A13 tomorrow!



I had to use the choose and book system last year.  It told me the dates, times and hospital I wanted weren't available.  BiL (a GP) told me to use the alternative phone number they gave you.  Five minutes later I had an appointment at my first choice time, date and hospital.

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Grr, lost a whole post as page had 'expired' - never had that before on RMWeb?


Hard to get a full frame at 170...



Grr, lost a whole post as page had 'expired' - never had that before on RMWeb?


Hard to get a full frame at 170...



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