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Been at home all day because I have a summer version of man flu - didn't eat anything yesterday - and this morning felt very cr@p - feel more human now though.


Good to hear the good news, sympathies for those who are under the care of the medical profession, wherever and however good they are.


Dogs have enjoyed my presence today - i now am qualified as a professional dog-pillow. But just been out shopping and returned to witness a dog open an eye, raise and eyebrow and then go back to sleep. The other one came looking for food. Nothing new there.


Debs, look away now!


Yesterday read Robin Jones book on Great Western Pannier Tanks** cover to cover whilst I was not feeling too good. Must say that whilst I am unable to argue the accuracy of the information on various locos, I am able to argue that there was no line ever built north of Ashburton*, even though one was proposed, and the proof reading leave something to be desired with typos too common. I was expecting more on the operational life of the engines in service. 


If this were a textbook I was thinking using for my students I would have rejected it.


* The book states that the line north of Ashburton was used by the new A38.


** Jones, R. (2014). Great Western Railway Pannier Tanks. Marlborough: Crowood Press. ISBN 974 1 84797 653 6

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Blimey. That was short and sweet. 

15 mins on a bad Skype connection and they concluded that they needed to meet me before shortlisting as they couldn't hear me. Doh.

In turn they sounded as if their microphone was in a tin bucket. 

I think there was plenty of truth in saying that getting a job is probably harder than doing it! 


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Andy, I hope you remembered to dress, first.


I remember being on a conference call with the EMI guys in London; completely stark naked (it was at 4:00am in North Carolina) as was the person feeding me toast next to me. I hated the idea of video conferencing ...


Best, Pete.

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Debs, look away now!


Yesterday read Robin Jones book on Great Western Pannier Tanks** cover to cover whilst I was not feeling too good. Must say that whilst I am unable to argue the accuracy of the information on various locos, I am able to argue that there was no line ever built north of Ashburton*, even though one was proposed, and the proof reading leave something to be desired with typos too common. I was expecting more on the operational life of the engines in service. 


If this were a textbook I was thinking using for my students I would have rejected it.


* The book states that the line north of Ashburton was used by the new A38.


** Jones, R. (2014). Great Western Railway Pannier Tanks. Marlborough: Crowood Press. ISBN 974 1 84797 653 6

I had a look through it in a shop a couple of weeks back - I put it down a lot more quickly than I had picked it up;  I wouldn't even rate it as a coffee table book (for standing the coffee cup on).

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I had a look through it in a shop a couple of weeks back - I put it down a lot more quickly than I had picked it up;  I wouldn't even rate it as a coffee table book (for standing the coffee cup on).


Not just me, then.


Forget where I bought it from.

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Andy, I hope you remembered to dress, first.


I remember being on a conference call with the EMI guys in London; completely stark naked (it was at 4:00am in North Carolina) as was the person feeding me toast next to me. I hated the idea of video conferencing ...


Best, Pete.


I certainly did, putting on a shirt and cardigan on. I suspect the "face to face" is so that they can prove to themselves that I own a pair of pants and trousers, too. ;) 

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Well I guess I'll  get away with posting these couple of pics..??..(It's a locomotive - but not as we know it captain!)  'cause there isn't really anywhere else... Once I've  got a bit more paint on the boiler I can start on the plumbing


Enjoy your evening,





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How positively kinky!


Is it something you learned to do in the merchant service?


Nosey folk need to know.


Ah, the opportunity was there for a 'disagree', but I decided against it!


I could tell you what I learned at sea, but the official secrets act forbids me.


On another subject, I had forgotten that 'Wrekin Havoc' was yours as well as the 'SH*T' tramway.  I loved 'Wrekin', the vignettes were so amusing, very NATO tea with two sugars.....inspirational.

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Good evening all. Well I survived the trip behind enemy lines and Sarah now has her replica Forest shirt. Sadly so has my daughter although I am quite relaxed about satisfying her desire to look like mummy. After all I did have to remove my beloved 2 and a half year old from the shop at one point as she started shouting out "I want a Derby shirt". She will of course be getting her wish for a proper shirt at the weekend!

 We than called in at the nearby retail park to visit Hobbycraft. Sarah got stuff for her card making projects. I was quite disappointed by their much reduced model railway range although there was one or two things that almost tempted me.

 Another pub lunch today although sadly, just like on my birthday, this pub managed to run out of Hobgoblin just as I decided to order it! The food was nice, but the meal was slightly spoilt by a gentleman, sitting alone, who decided to sit and openly stare / practically leer at my wife. I just about resisted the temptation to go across and "have a word!"


 This afternoon I set about constructing Amber's swing. This was bought in the winter sales by Sarah's parents, but has been sat in the garages at our various houses until we got into the new place. The box stated that it was simple for an adult to construct! The bl***y thing took me two and a half hours as at least two early stages made fitting the swing attachment almost impossible and I ended up dismantling some of it and doing it my own way. The temperature dropped a lot this afternoon and I was frozen by the time I had finished. Amber just had enough time for a quick test before bed.


I hope today has been good for everyone.


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last week I had to go to deepest Essex on a family matter...


having said that it was a good visit and I was allowed to visit somewhere with some of these...




can you guess where it is?



some more clues..








we also had a visit to a nice Garden





and some of these..






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OK, old pop pickers this one goes out to Sherry and Ian!



The originals are always the best...........





Well, that got to parts other vids don't. 

It sent me looking for some sheet music and, having found some, getting my flute out. 

That's something, I can tell you for not being able to play it for so long after breaking my arm, when I did eventually pick it up again it sounded dreadful and I kept running out of breath, so motivation to keep at it was at a low ebb.

Anyway, I had a darn good session this morning though "could do better"  :sarcastichand:  [not that I was ever brilliant you understand].


Having enjoyed that, it put me in the mood for some modelling this afternoon and I enjoyed that too.


So thanks, Pete.  Just a touch of the unexpected working its magic.


Here's hoping I can keep it up and get that song memorised.



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Andy B


no problem


just need lots of ink but.. they have 4 of these (I think its 4 but it may be more)




and now I will raise you a steam shunter (or two)..




and a close up..




and of course its Mangapps...



Edited by Barry O
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Evening all,

Survived my hospital visit today. They performed an 'echo-cardio graph' on me, which was a first! How strange to hear all four valves and chambers pumping away. At one point I was able to see the screen and it suddenly occurred to me that those muscles had been working like that for 67+ years - no wonder it's murmuring! Unlike Andy's experience, they were ready for me (despite only getting the request on Friday), and I was seen on time by a very friendly young lady - seems to be an efficient department. Apparently the anaesthetist should now be able to work out the best way to knock me out for the operation on the 27th if all goes to plan.

When I posted about M. Portillo's WW1 railway programme some time back, Mike (Stationmaster) warned me of certain inconsistencies and I have to report that the same applies to his Great British Railway journeys which are being repeated on Sky. For instance, he stood on Rannoch Moor station as the London Sleeper arrived, pulled by what looked like a '66', and he appeared to be boarding the final carriage which he said was for locals, but the shots on the move were in a 4 car DMU! Worse still, he is seen boarding the 'Jacobite' to ride over the Glenfinnan viaduct and it was being hauled by a Black5 which I'd recognise anywhere (didn't get the no. but it started 45....) but the line side and aerial shots showed 61994, 'The Great Marquess'as locomotive! Shame that such a lovely programme is spoiled by such inconsistency - the same happened on the S&C where he boarded with a Scot up front, but the sideline shots showed a Jubilee! Makes you wonder about the accuracy of the rest of the information? Still, rant over, he did visit the Oban distillery and had a tasting, something I've done with three non-whisky drinkers ; it would have been rude not to have helped them out!! It is a spirit that I can heartily recommend to any afficionados but one I have sadly run out of! Reminds me - way past time for the night cap.

Debs, great news on the Collie front, you must be thrilled!

Pleased to hear Ian and Sherry enjoyed the chateau trip despite the weather (bet they both still had a warm glow inside!). Too tired now to mention everyone individually but the usual ER commiseration or congratulation comments apply to all,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Up far too early as eldest Herbert is off back to hull to swap library books. Having completed Chapter 5 of his magnus opus he needs to research the final chapter before writing it..the joys of parenthood! Early train for him, her indoors is taking him to the station so me....I am making a cup of tea.
Hope all is well in ER land.
Jock sounds like you had a good day at hospital..hope all goes well in the op.

Edited by Barry O
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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning here today, but a rather chilly 10°C.


Yesterday was a quite busy day, concluded by a trip to the bank to renegotiate my mortgage.  I didnt't think it would be a problem, but that didn't stop me being a little nervous!  However, the bank manager was quite happy, so it is just down to their internal checks now.


Today looks like a day free of meetings, so I should have a chance to get a few other bits and bobs done.


On the subject of trips to the West Country, as far as I am concerned, the jury is still out as to the best way to go.  I have used the A303, the M4, M5 and along the coast.  Along the coast can be ruled out straight away - too much traffic, and it takes forever.  The A303 can be hell when its busy and the long sections of single carriageway can be annoying if you get stuck behind something.  However, the M4, M5 isn't a lot better.  I love Devon (and especially Dartmoor) - it just takes soooo long to get there!


Last time I went down there it took us six hours from my parents house.  It is roughly the same distance from Mainz to Munich, and that can be done in four hours. :O


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all, 


For once I had a completely  undisturbed nights sleep.....no bathroom breaks!  Hmmm. Set placing today (last of the current batch) ...so hopefully  by the time I come back they should have them  all  pretty well  finished.  It's  a lot more complex than "dropping them on the ground & plugging in"! 


What ever you're up to today,


Try and find some thing to smile at,



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All I can say is that we are indeed honoured by a visit from the good Captain!



Edited to add.  I thought we'd had a visit from CK but it appears that he appeared briefly and has now disappeared - apparently!

Edited by grandadbob
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And good morning,

Today I will be mainly waiting for a parcel for my son as I've just had a text beginning " I just wondered if you might be in today because I've ordered............"

Nothing like giving plenty of notice!

Have a good one,


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All I can say is that we are indeed honoured by a visit from the good Captain!



Edited to add.  I thought we'd had a visit from CK but it appears that he appeared briefly and has now disappeared - apparently!


What was your nightcap last night, Bob? Not a good sign when you start imagining flying visits by West Country pasty-munchers.

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