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I think it is clever but over-complicated. The paddles control the flow to the four soap compartments prewash, main wash, fabric conditioner and in wash stain treatment. This part doesn't seem to like hard water so unless I fit a water softener before the machine I'm likely to have to replace a £50 part every four years, but that is cheaper than a service contract or a new machine as it otherwise it is very good in fact "Aus Erfahrung Gut" as it said on the box originally. I replaced the motor brushes a couple of years ago which was the only other repair. We have used it a lot!


I had to buy a new washing machine a few years ago - the previous one lasted about seven years. Eventually, it disgorged part of the motor (armature thrust bearing) onto the cellar floor and was pronounced a write off. Rather silly, but buying a new motor was more than a new machine.


Having weighed up the options, I decided to go for another "no name" machine. The bloke at our local washing machine shop reckons about 20 years life from a Miele, 12 or so years from a Siemens or AEG (They are the same internals - classic badge engineering) and you are lucky to get five years out of a "no-name". Of course, he was trying to sell me a Miele.


So far (touch wood) it has been pretty reliable - although it gets less use than it used to. Whereas the one my ex-wife bought when she moved out 18 months ago, has already broken down once (and was repaired under guarantee) - the processor had a wobbly and it started doing all sorts of random things, like throwing various parts of other programs into the cycle when it felt like it. A processor in a washing machine is probably over kill too - but there's a processor in pretty much everything now.


Many years ago, my Mum had a Hoover Keymatic - the first "computer controlled" washing machine. The "computer" was a mechanical device (basically a big multi-pole switch) which selected the programme based on plastic cars which you slotted in - fascinating technology!



My utility room looked as if someone had pulled out all the stuff out from under the sink but was too tired to put it back. Fortunately wife and child restored it to its normal state.


Which is probably exactly what had happened!

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While I was still delirious with exhaustion after lugging the washing machine about ( Mrs S said we'll get a Miele next time as she doesn't want me repairing things when I'm old!) I cut the lawns and then opened up my parcel that arrived this morning which was fun. I added a new loco to my ON30 fleet to celebrate the tidying of the garage. This one makes toot-toot chuff-chuff noises, it is my first ON30 sound loco.



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  • RMweb Gold

" The bloke at our local washing machine shop reckons about 20 years life from a Miele, 12 or so years from a Siemens or AEG"


..........and then, after telling you how reliable they are, tries to sell you a five year extended warranty.

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Morning ERs!


Very quiet Sunday morning again and it is sunny - just the way it ought to be :) . I think I should make some use of the good weather and go snap some photos over the next few days!


Have a nice day all!

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I can't say what the weather was like earlier as I seem to have slept for about 15 hours. A breakfast so late it is almost lunch beckons! I've got to go down, my waffle making skills are required!



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Lovely day down in 'Ampsheer' and other derivatives of the spelling!

Got a cup of tea in hand and will now have my morning read of the forum. Nothing planned today after my hectic day yesterday which involved having my hair cut (and then walking around a shopping centre with tiny hairs rubbing down the back of your neck!) and an hour and a half driving lesson (which went really well despite the busy conditions of the town centre and a few drivers who shouldn't really be on the roads laugh.gif ).


Tomorrow it is back to my mums place of work to help tidy up her huge room and turn it from a mess into a workable environment! Already been in two days so far and it is looking a lot better. The trouble is being on the top floor of the building, I have to walk up 67 steps with sewing machines and books etc!


We have a Miele washing machine (yes, surprising I know isn't it! laugh.gif) and touch wood it has been alright so far!

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I've just come back from Church and I am in a particularly good mood. I'm not quite sure why - but it is certainly an advantage!


It is a lovely afternoon, sun, blue sky and a few fluffy clouds. Perhaps I'll post a picture in a minute.

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OK, bizarre sights of the weekend... Sadly neither captured on camera!


Bizarre sight number 1: I was driving across to Glasgow yesterday morning and near the Pyramids at Bathgate (a well-known sight on the M8, where the farmer's sheep are usually dyed red), the cars on the eastbound carriageway were bunched up for no apparent reason. As I got closer, I was looking for a breakdown, or a slow-moving vehicle. But no. Walking along the fast lane of the eastbound carriageway of the M8 were two swans and half a dozen cygnets!


Bizarre sight number 2: On my way back home this evening, I parked my car in the next street as mine was full, and walked back to my flat. A load of seagulls were noisily circling overhead at about 2nd or 3rd storey height. One of these seagulls dropped something dark from at least 20' high, probably more, onto the road, right in front of a car. The car missed whatever it was, then the car behind passed it, and then I got a clear view of it - a grey squirrel! It stood there slightly stunned for a few seconds then dashed off down a sidestreet.

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Walking along the fast lane Lane 3 of the eastbound carriageway of the M8 were two swans and half a dozen cygnets!

Collide with a swan and you'll write off your car but the swan will fly away!


Bizarre sight number 2: On my way back home this evening, I parked my car in the next street as mine was full, and walked back to my flat. A load of seagulls were noisily circling overhead at about 2nd or 3rd storey height. One of these seagulls dropped something dark from at least 20' high, probably more, onto the road, right in front of a car. The car missed whatever it was, then the car behind passed it, and then I got a clear view of it - a grey squirrel! It stood there slightly stunned for a few seconds then dashed off down a sidestreet.



Grey Squirrels are not UK indigenous and are, in effect, tree rats. It's them that have given our own native species, the red squirrel, a "hard time" and for whom, I (speaking personally here) have absolutely no time at all! (for grey squirrel, feel free to substitute mink, american cray fish, etc!)


Rant over!

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Collide with a swan and you'll write off your car but the swan will fly away!Pity!


Grey Squirrels are not UK indigenous and are, in effect, tree rats. It's them that have given our own native species, the red squirrel, a "hard time" and for whom, I (speaking personally here) have absolutely no time at all! (for grey squirrel, feel free to substitute mink, american cray fish, etc!)


Rant over!


Only 2 lanes on the M8, though John!!

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Only 2 lanes on the M8, though John!!


Sorry, me being the pedant that I am!


No such thing as a 'Fast Lane' since the speed limit for each lane on a mulit-lane road is 70mph! Technically, Lane 1 (leftmost) is the "driving lane" and lanes 2, 3 4, 5, etc. are the overtaking lanes in which no-one other than members of the 'Lane 2 Owners Club' should reside permanently!


Another rant (as a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists) over!

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Grey Squirrels are not UK indigenous and are, in effect, tree rats. It's them that have given our own native species, the red squirrel, a "hard time" and for whom, I (speaking personally here) have absolutely no time at all! (for grey squirrel, feel free to substitute mink, american cray fish, etc!)


Rant over!


How do you feel about rabbits? They came over with the Normans.




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How do you feel about rabbits? They came over with the Normans.

But what of our species have they eradicated?


BTW collective noun for rabbits = Stew!

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Given I work in the Scottish Government division that deals with Invasive Non-Native Species I can't contradict you at all! I'm just amazed it survived being dropped from twenty feet. Sadly I think the red squirrel is so long gone from Edinburgh, it would take the complete eradication of greys from Yorkshire upwards to give reds any chance of ever re-colonising Edinburgh!

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