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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Don. I have already considered these points and being isolated is not a problem as I am by nature a bit of a "loner" . As far as the climbing goes that is not a problem (yet). If I do put a layout up there it will be built in easily removable sections so that if necessary I can revert (at least some of it) to the spare bedroom. The reason for even considering going aloft is that I would have room for a more realistic looking layout instead of my current train set. I've seen lots of advice on other threads here about the subject and I do need to consider the feasibility and cost of installing proper flooring, power points, insulation etc. We will see.

If nothing else it will free up more space to keep other stuff I need to save for another thirty years!


The real isssue with a loft s whether the access impedes other use of the house. If access is via a loft ladder it will not be very good if when it is down it gets in the way of the family e.g. blocks access to the front door or just makes it difficult for visitors to enter.  Although it may be quite convenient for storage when the ladder will not be down that often. If you have a layout up there it will be down quite often and probably for some time each time otherwise there is little point in building a layout up there. I was lucky in that Marion insisted we have a proper staircase put in (not too hard to do yourself as we have down so elsewhere).

This is what we ended up with the staircase pinched a bit of the 2nd bedroom but the cupboard under the stairs does compensate somewhat). It did cost but hopefully will have added value to the house so that our heirs will gain some benefit and we will have had the benefit meanwhile. There are more pictures on my thread.
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I have a few more tracks at Soundclick, however they are a couple of years old. Soundclick got taken over by the Rap and Beats crowd....


I’m currently looking for a new site to put samples on for listening purposes. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!


Btw all samples are at MP3 quality levels. I usually record to at least twice CD sampling rate...




Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Just checked in and caught up, and what a mix of emotions I've had reading the posts.  Encouraging posts from Debs and Jock re health matters, both human and canine, birthday joy for Andy, extreme sadness at the news of Dave Shakespeare's passing, and the whole gamut of feelings in between.  AND one of Phil H's all too infrequent visits.


Was over in Settle this morning, and today's steam special over the S&C had a diesel - should've checked UK Steam first - but picked up a couple of bits and pieces of lineside equipment at a car boot for a quid, so the morning wasn't a total washout.  I know it's coming back steam this evening, but another commitment means that's a no-no.


Weather not promising for tomorrow, and I've still got boxes of stuff to go to the car boot - much of it easily damaged by water or wind (books, treen, etc..) so it's looking as if it's a day at home - or the Carnforth Station exhibition/swopmeet.  My neighbour with the excellent garage layout has said that there is/was some good stuff on offer, then showed me his latest scratchbuilt Deely dock tank which was is quite exquisite.


Regards to All


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It`s structurally and mechanically complete; but my confidence in being able to paint it well-enough, has seriously 'wobbled'......I`m a`feared I`ll absolutely ruin it with a poor finish.......Painting has always been a weak skill with me. :blush:

The memory of Cody will keep you right.

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Happy belated birthday Andy...


Late today as I had to get the "stuff from the loft" out to the recycling place before it closed at noon.


Started off 18, now 23 and been cloudy so far all morning, but no sign of rain yet, we're still hoping as it's quite dry around here.


Managed to catch some Arsenal vs. CP on broadcast TV today - YAY!!! May watch the second half if the "other half" doesn't find a list to do...


Then off to our rental property to install a replacement ceiling fan - pity as the afternoon was set for track-laying. :(


Have a good day all, stay out of too much trouble ;)

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Following Mom's 90th. birthday celebrations a couple of weeks ago, have just come back from taking her for a couple of night's away at Cartmel, in the Lake District. Very lucky with the weather. Only a few, very brief, internittent showers, otherwise, pleasant sunshine. More importantly, she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

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  • RMweb Gold

There is a horrible rumour going around that track of a somewhat temporary nature was laid this afternoon in the Horton Hippodrome.


South Horton Irrigation Tramway officials were unavailable for comment. 


A Protected Simplex was seen approaching the railhead, and was probably the most appropriate loco to use as it is quite used to driving up to trenches!




I shall now hide in the trench beyond the loco in case Debs is around





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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. Back from Scotland and in Shrewsbury again.


Was very saddened to read of Dave Shakespear's passing. Can't really add but only echo the sentiments expressed in the relevant thread. 


Dd was that sandy dog in Shrewsbury? I think I saw him there week before last!


I should add that fortune may smile on the righteous so no real surprise that the return journey from the Highlands along the length of the wcml yielded no sightings until....

SWMBO, who was driving at the time, looked in the rear view mirror and spotted a rake of cream and brown coaches passing over a bridge in the (now) distance we'd just past under about 30 seconds earlier. No idea what was hauling them but knowing my luck it was probably something not to be missed!  Come on, give me a clue! It was north of Shap around 13:40, I believe. 


I've missed so many pages that I can only offer congrats and commiserations to each of you in due portion. Andy

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Just back after a day visit to the Bristol Model Engineering & Hobbies Exhibition..........I cadged a free ride with a buddy, but it was still an early doors start to our day with three-hours+ each way spent on the road; but well worth going despite that!


Everything, from working jet engines, ship models and large scale steam locos, to CAD/CAM/3D-printing, cross-stitch and embroidery.


The sun shone for the outdoor exhibits and demonstrations; all in all, a grand day out!


Tired now :lazy: ...........`night night! :bye:

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Evening all. Just managed to get back to normal temperature following a freezing day umpiring..


Hopefully tomorrow may be warmer...



6:00pm and 78f in my backyard almost no humidity (34%). Just thought you should know this Baz - the only fly in the ointment is NO Cricket either!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

6:00pm and 78f in my backyard almost no humidity (34%). Just thought you should know this Baz - the only fly in the ointment is NO Cricket either!


Best, Pete.

Ta very much Pete.. Send me some of your heat!  despite the weather it wasn't a bad game.... a team who were 30-4 ended up winning...


Game tomorrow Yorks U14s v Cheshire....




PS just read about Dave S (Tetleys) .. a sad loss and so similar to one of my family who also worked in the "job"

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Good evening and many thanks to all those who posted birthday wishes. I am sad to read, via ER, that Dave.S (Tetleys) has passed on. I only saw his work through the pages of model railway magazines but found it inspirational.

 Today was spent at Butterley for Midland Railex. Not as good as previous years but still an enjoyable day out. I have, bravely, posted my thoughts on the relevant page stating the positive and the negative. I await the usual round of abuse from those who may not handle criticism however constructive it is meant.

 I did come away from the show with another building for my next modelling project and a couple of items from the nice lady on the Bachmann Collectors Club stand.

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Evening all,

Pete, thanks for the post mentioning the passing of Dave Shakespeare which I'd hitherto missed. A very sad loss for one who has been an absolute inspiration to me without having met him! You mentioned possible donations to a cancer charity in the tribute thread : Joanna and I have standing orders to 'Cancer Research' and 'Macmillan Nurses' which have run for many years. I've just bought a shirt from 'standuptocancer.org.uk' if you are interested. Thanks for the Soundclick link, I hope to get time to listen properly tomorrow.

Richard, you do like running risks eh? Like the ground works and the track - are you attempting a 'Western Front' diorama or is it going to be integrated into a larger layout?

Nice try Dom but I bet she knows how to reach you! Nice shots by the way.

AndyB, good that they let you out of Scotland again, hope you had a great break.

Got a bit more done to the patio set today, down to two chairs left. Tomorrow looks like a washout however as the re-decorated bedroom has been pronounced ready and so the new carpet is to be laid tomorrow afternoon - more clearing out to be done first as Joanna wants it to run right in to my wardrobe and the floor of that is pretty cluttered!

Hope you've all got some fun lined up for Sunday - I've got the Test Match on earphones and MotoGP at Brno in the Czech Republic.

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening - just.


Back from a great day at Butterley.  How do I know it was great? Well, by the time we left, my shoes were filthy - track dirt and all that. :laugh:


This was the first photo of the day - and the only one that's not likely to raise eyebrows or be censored for containing the "T" word.  The owl was not having a go at me, by the way.




Some excellent layouts but mostly took the opportunity of enjoying Rowlands Castle before it goes off to a new owner.

There is a war theme at Butterley this year so a couple of shots to put you in the mood if you're going tomorrow or a flavour of the day if you're not.






There you go. Just before midnight. :mosking:



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Morning all, 


Even though it's Sunday I've got to go worko!  Arranged a factory shut down so that we can inject another 2mw into their network.  


Temps only 25 here but the humidity is around 80%   so "real feel"  temp is in the mid thirties!


Whatever you're at to try and enjoy something,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Weather out here has been quite unsteady for the last few days, so it was no big surprise that we ran into a downburst yesterday. Right now, it is sunny, though.


Try to enjoy your day, guys and gals...

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A very good morning to everyone, even if it is a bit grey and ominous here in the Greener Borough...


Very few specific tasks to do today - I try not to do woodwork on Sundays so as not to incommode my neighbours (I wish yappydog man was as considerate - he'll probably take an angle grinder to some flagstones about 6pm again.) Might try some personal development with a new nozzle and needle in my airbrush.


Julie's neck and shoulder still bad despite a massage yesterday. I can't seem to stop her doing what is causing it - standing for hours painting her craftwork in what can only be the worst posture possible. It's not nice to see her in pain, and I'm getting beyond reasonable conversation about it. Still, she's not doing the market today, so that's something.


Going round to #1 & Mrs #1 today with the permission letter to take GD to France next week. It all seems very formal, but it has to be. I hope that goes OK. I think she'll have a wonderful time, sleeping in  a double bed (her pre-match favourite) and exploring the outbuildings.Looking for snake skins and corpses! Also a visit to the Village Enchantée, which is an absolutely mad place.


Coffee calls. Have a good day, everybody, beware of feral cats. They can be very nasty. I know this...

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