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Window open as I work with a lovely day progressing outside, and it's BIN day, which has prompted this post/questions...


Background/reminder - grew up in England and the "local authorities i.e. Council" did the garbage/rubbish.


i) Is it the same now or are there contracted private companies?


ii) Here, except in some larger cities where the city does a similar job, most ALL locations have the dubious ability to select the garbage hauler. Posses the following issue and related problems. Whilst I sit here working away, no fewer than FOUR different garbage trucks drive the entire neighborhood, to collect from their selective customers.

Does this make SENSE? I understand free-enterprise but the pollution, both noise and emissions, as well as wear and tear on the roads and cost fo the duplicated routes is/must be enormous! Agree? Disagree (NOT using the Disagree button, please <sigh>)? Review? Discuss?


Has struck me more today because I have the windows open and it was serene until the initial onslaught which has lasted about 4 hours so far - I THINK the last one is yet to come.

Edited by Ian Abel
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The painting got delayed somewhat. although I did do some rubbing down in preparation for tomorrows blitz.


Instead I decided to do some baking:  The usual loaf of bread was made, then I started on the bakestone.


This had been gifted to me some years ago, and for the uninitiated is a slab of cast iron used to make Welshcakes.


Not having the correct ingredients of mixed spice and dried  mixed fruit, I experimented with cinnamon and dried apricot instead.


I think I was successful as there are only a dozen left and I made thirty! (I have only consumed four and you will all appreciate that this was done purely for evaluation purposes).


I have to make sure that some are left for the Obergrumpenfuhrer on her return from Llandudno, as she is an expert on Welshcakes.

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Almost got the decorating finished today, a few fittings for the bathroom then it's just a bedroom and the conservatory to go.


The Mrs has got tomorrow off work (she was called in today) so we are planning a day out together instead of doing stuff in the house. She came up with the idea of going to Swanage for the day, and I was very happy to agree. Don't think she's quite realised why yet, there's gotta be some surprises between people, right?


Hope today isn't too stressful for any 'A-level parents' in ER, or indeed anybody getting their results today. Remember, it's just a piece of paper and not the end of the world, don't feel pressured or stressed by a grade.



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Hope today isn't too stressful for any 'A-level parents' in ER, or indeed anybody getting their results today. Remember, it's just a piece of paper and not the end of the world, don't feel pressured or stressed by a grade.



Well said Mark,


I echo your sentiments, especially as I was not gifted academically when I was younger.............................Not much change since either!


But I still did ok.

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Well only three days  behind -  got  8 of the 14 containers were they should be,  mind you idiot car drivers seem to think that "Road Closed"  signs warning tape across roads, armed police saying "stop"  dont apply to them............still trying to drive under the cranes counterweight!   


While every one went for lunch I went  for stroll & found an abandoned Ruston Bucyrus 19RB,   well  maybe just extremely weathered! ...photos taken for future modelling project....


Now tomorrow,   site  visit (early) to check how the installation of another pair of these boxes is going (Gas powered gens @ 2 mw each) then  "Electrical Safety in home and office" Presentation at the monthly  safety action group meeting....then two containers to get unpacked & get crew assembling kit of parts thats inside! (without instructions!  - as I have to write the assembly manual) and maybe even  another pair of boxes being delivered on Saturday! 


Roll on next Friday! 






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Results day/clearing passed off for us both - Sandy's her school's exams officer, I'm involved with clearing at the university end.


Some of Sandy's kids got what they wanted without hassle (Durham, Imperial etc) but some had to enter clearing. Everyone got a place in the end.


We think the we're mostly full, but will know more tomorrow.

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Station parents report that their hotel is lovely and the cream tea is amazing. Meanwhile the cats have both taken residence in my room, presumably to stop me abandoning them too (they tried sitting at the top of the stairs to stop the luggage being taken downstairs).

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Afternoon all,


Cars with awkward repairs ? - I used to be an expert on replacing mini radiator by pass hoses, eventually manufacturing a small tool (it was cold) to make life easier, but it still involved major work on the engine and was an Achilles heel so would pop frequently, I had a mini and my girlfriends sister had one and I was forever (so it seemed) fixing them.


Lots of aircraft activity around these parts at the moment, I think I saw the Chinooks heading overseas - safe journey to all involved.


Managed to to get my second photograph of 68004 today, but it involved a 150m dash with the camera to do so - gave my partner something to laugh at, my Facebook friends will know yesterday was not so funny - for a while. (Short version - Jill didn't follow my instructions and I missed 68004!).


Taking "lunch" (a break really) to go and photograph a GBRF special and the North Walsham -> Harwich condensate tanks which are heading towards Norwich as I type, they should follow the 15:30 off Norwich, the special is booked to follow the 15:00 of Norwich - fingers crossed !


Have a good day all.

There was an 'interesting' classic mini on Facebook a few days ago. It had been re-engined with a DOHC four cylinder unit. The engine was offset to the drivers (right) side, which suggested that a separate gearbox/final drive was fitted, with a motorcycle radiator mounted on the left facing into the air stream. The question was asked what was the source of the engine and it was concluded that it was a motorcycle engine but the make was not identified.

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There's a few mini's over here with bike engines - Suzuki Hayabusa 1300 is a good place to start - 160bhp!

I have taken juveniles to Court for 9 years - so it would hardly be fair to sit on a jury when they may re-appear as adults!


Oh, and I read over 1,000 police files a year....

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Currently have visitors by way of my mother and aunt.  Went to Wordsworth's House in Cockermouth today, plan to visit Townend House and/or Wray Castle tomorrow.  I hope that the roads in the middle of the lakes are not too busy!

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Evening all,

Debs, hope to hear good news about the Collie - obviously a much loved pet and, unless you've had one, you probably can't understand how they worm their way into your life and your heart! Hopefully the drugs will work quickly to reduce the discomfort he must be feeling. Joanna and I will be thinking of you.

Ian (Abel), good move to buy historied late used instead of new. I only bought new for Joanna every three years because my position in the trade allowed me to enjoy privileged pricing from the manufacturer. We also avoided MOTs and sold before the warranty expired. We shall be keeping the current one however, which is why I went for an economic diesel! Thank you so much for the comment about living on one kidney, very encouraging indeed!

Flavio, missed your post earlier and I have to say that I'm horrified by the director's behaviour - has he forgotten that you volunteered your services? Hope the first night went well, and that the Bard's beautiful language and humour won the audience over. You can do no more than your best, and from your many posts on the subject, the amount of effort you have put in deserves some recognition. You will have to comfort yourself with a thumbful of single malt as a nightcap. I shall raise my glass to you tonight - slainthe!

Went on the Adonia web cam site at around lunch time but, although it said it was entering Tallinn harbour at 6.2 knots, the worry was that the bows appeared to be facing a quay bows on! Must be some mistake surely?

Trev, you've brought to life another memory with the picture of the 19RB. My second six month period in industry, during my engineering degree course, was spent with W & C French, civil engineers, at their plant depot in Harlow. I got to work on several RB products, from practising welding to engine rebuilds and even replacing the slewing bevel gear on site in the middle of what is Queen Elizabeth reservoir at Datchet. My clearest memory was thinking how primitive the engines were compared to the Caterpillar ones and after working on the racers in dad's bike shop! Thanks for bringing that back to me.

POETS day is upon us I notice, so it's now good morning from me, hope Friday rushes by for all the workers!

Kind regards,


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So I got pretty soaked cycling to the Prom.  Sibelius book-ended a couple of pretty boring works, but the Sibelius 2 with the BBC Phil was brilliant, and when the brass took up the initial theme the temperature in the RAH seemed to drop by 5°.  Made up for Tuesday.


I seem to have everything packed or ready for tomorrow.  Panic when I couldn't find my insurance document, where it should have been - I had picked up the passport and the money, forgot the insurance.  Panic when I couldn't find the hotel details - already packed.  Drinking dens and model railway shops in Prague courtesy of Roundhouse and I might meet Dominik in Leipzig next Thursday morning as I change trains.


I have no means of electronic communication and so will log in sometime the second weekend.  So look after yourselves.  Better get to bed, the alarm is set for 5:55am.



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Morning All,


I know it sounds trite, but I really "feel" for Debs (to use that Americanism). Now that I am a doting dog owner, I am more than familiar with that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach when the canine companion falls ill or injured.... Still, it does sound like the old lad is on the mend. The HM and I are hoping for further good news...


Good luck, Jock, with the pre-surgery work-up. Awaiting the results of the work-up (X-rays, ECGs, blood and urine labs) is probably more nerve-wracking than getting ready to go into theatre. Don't forget to ask about pain management and other post-op care. The unkind internist would observe that surgeons get a bit "lost" outside the surgical site. Certainly that's my experience with my [very good] orthopaedic surgeon, but there again there is the centuries old rivalry between surgeons and internists...


In the UK, in the distant past, the surgeon's roots were in the old barber-surgeons, whilst physicians came from academia, which is why, in Britain, surgeons are called Mister and physicians are called Doctor (although this tradition may be dieing out).


Good audience, last night opening night went adequately (I felt that I was a bit "flat"), and the punters enjoyed it. At the open night Sushi and Beer post-theatre party, still no praise from the director..... But post-show comments from audience were favourable.


Off to walk the dog. Have a great day



Edited by iL Dottore
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Been up for ages. Had a great evening yesterday, went out to dinner with our ex-neighbour. Lovely bloke. Unfortunately the richness of the meal, the wine and the couple of brandies afterwards brought on the dreaded indigestion - so up early!


So much going on with people here - but good luck and fair winds to Debs and Jock. ID's night seems to have been OK - I'm sure it was better than he's letting on!


I've just re-read the manipulated images 'discussion'. Some people have very high opinions of themselves, don't they?


Lots to get on with today, including sending greetings cards to our place in France so that Julie and GD have something nice to open when we arrive next week. A cheap and simple pleasure. Also posting a couple of books off to their author (an ex-student) to get them signed for grandchildren. I feel inordinately proud when someone I taught gets published, is successful or, in one case, elevated to the House of Lords!


Have a good end to the week, all.

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Morning one and all,   


yet another week nearly over -- only two more working days till the next one!. Jock remember French's,  they were main contractors (IIRC) on a number of jobs that  the company I worked for were Pilling contractors.   The little  Ruston  Engine was a pretty basic beast,  air and water cooled versions available and most  hand started.


Well  got my "teachers" head on for a bit this morning.......


Whatever you're up to day ,  try and find something to smile at,



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Morning All,


It is rather a wet morning here.  It has been raining steadily since first light, with angry fast moving clouds.


I particularly liked Trev's little Ruston crane.  I am of the opinion that simple is best - there is so little to go wrong, that provided it is intact, it would probably start right away - regardless of how long it has been standing.


Oh well, time for a coffee - and then I have a stack of Software Requirements to sort out, followed by a couple of meetings.


Have a good day everyone...

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Yippee! Its Friday! Hope you have a great day and a glorious weekend.


Lots to do today and I am looking for another umpire to stand with me on Sunday.. Anyone qualified to help?


Just had an email from Andy y re rmweblive. I think all members may have had one. I am busy elsewhere that weekend but hope it all goes well.

Time for tea then shopping.


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Morning all


Assumption Day, so not much moving in France. I hope to visit the local preserved line, but the weather isn't great, so snaps will be unremarkable, I expect.


It is also MiL's 92nd birthday. Being from a Catholic family, she was always called Sumpy, after the day. In recent times some have called her Grumpy Sumpy!


Sherry reached her destination safely last night, but was a bit tired by the end, I think. Driving in the dark on the wrong side of the road, and navigating alone for the first time - altogether a bit of an ordeal. Apparently the site cat was pleased to be let in out of the rain - but decided to go out again at 0230!


Hope everyone's week winds down successfully.

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I had one of those "there must be more to life" moments yesterday evening. I found myself going through all the kitchen cupboards looking for anything that might be out of date. Worst find was a jar of pasta sauce that had officially died in October 2011. There was a large amount of "green stuff" visible in the jar. Trouble is, being pasta sauce, the "green stuff" was probably meant to be there. I shall never know. Being a coward, I declined to open the jar, flush the contents and recycle. The whole thing went into the bin intact. For an encore, tonight I might rearrange the cleaning products in the cupboard under the sink. It's official, I really really need to get out more. Have a great Friday.

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