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Morning all,

Safe journey Sherry, very sensible to break the journey like that, and soon you'll be in the arms............... (Censored!) Seriously, hope you have a wonderful time and that it helps you to forget the nastiness you had to endure recently.

Gordon, I've always appreciated 'DD' 'udders' myself! I assume that is the reference Ian intended in his avatar but I have been known to misinterpret in the past! Hope your grand sell-off is going well.

John(CB), thanks for the message, we have used the Taj Mahal and I have to admit that a good curry certainly performs better than 'Movicol' in that respect! Joanna is thankful for the second loo in our current house - enough said on that subject!

Dom, the arrival of a baby changes most mums by way of maternal instinct but quite often, the decision to have one in the first place is taken for the wrong reason. Perhaps the post natal problems that most new mums suffer to varying degrees have hit her in a different way, but it certainly sounds like she needs help! We are just lucky I guess, my eldest grandson has two little ones now, both doted on, and his circle of close friends have all produced lately (must have been something in the air!) and all the mums seem well adjusted to their changed role!

Ian(Abel), sorry to here about the car drama. From someone with many years experience in the trade - the new engine route is only sensible if the rest of the vehicle is in as new condition, otherwise, as the old saying goes, it could be good money after bad! Might have to bite the bullet and dip into the modelling fund!! I am finding the car situation odd at the moment, retirement meaning we now only have one vehicle, and I've enjoyed company cars for most of the years since I left university! Suppose I've been very lucky, driving large luxurious vehicles in latter years and of course, getting the sports car syndrome out of my system early on in my life while lots of people have to wait till later in life to realise their dream because of finances!

Trev, try to stay calm for the few days left before your transatlantic trip, you don't want to arrive at GFs all wound up after all the 'wheel re-inventors' have done their best to drive you mad!

Grey with the odd spit of rain in the air here, so I guess it's back to painting the next patio chair inside the garage today. Good luck for the rest of the day

Kind regards,


PS Thanks to all for the kind and supportive comments, much appreciated and a great morale boost!

PPS Good luck Alan with what is a very awkward task and please wish Mrs Shedman the best of luck with the eulogy - I did my father's and it isn't an easy task. Hope the day goes well for you both.

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning all


Nice to be in the limelight - yet again - even if it's only reflected from Sherry! I think I will sidestep the "old udders" issue, except to note that at my time of life......


Yes, this is a particularly important event for us - one that we had never thought, even at the turn of the year, would become achievable. Sherry is taking a huge step for her, for us. I hope I can reward her suitably, and we have already discussed a traditional way of expressing commitment.


John's marvellously low PSA reading - I was pleased with mine at 2, as it's supposed to be <3.9 - does imply that treatment has been successful and he is leaving the woods well and truly behind - great! Similarly Jock is getting the thumbs up from his medics, and removal of an affected organ must be a great way of prolonging active life, which you clearly relish. As John says - your attitude is so far removed from one with a limited horizon, to which you would surely be entitled.


I have had an email from Alison, who has found a place on the further side of Le Mans, which she will use to lie low while legal processes are in play. She feels secure now no-one is logging her keystrokes or checking her bank-balance. Dreadful that people should be so vitriolic with each other.


Not too bad out there this morning, after another dreary start, so I think the ditch will be getting a visit from the brush-cutter shortly.


Hope your week going well.

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Anyone got any suggestions for how to best cull useless jobsworths? Massively displeased (i.e., p*ssed) on this end right now.


An expedition to find the source of the Nile? Might suit their meticulous tendencies and they'd be gone a while. One or two of them may even get eaten. The fact that a couple of Victorian blokes and Top Gear's James May have already been there and done that is irrelevant, surely?  :derisive:

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I will be awol for a long week, on holiday until very late next Thursday then up at the crack of dawn on Friday for my last duty at Lord's this year.  I have a brief stopover in Leipzig so could supply aforementioned item to Dominik but doubt if it would get through the machine at St Pancras.


I adopt civilised travel, so there will be a few Kölsch on the way out to Prague; then on the way back from Dresden I have a relaxed connexion in Leipzig and almost two hours in Frankfurt.  I've provided space in my luggage for "impulse purchases", although Spur Null (including packaging) can be bulky.


The post this morning was a letter from the Blood Donor Service asking if I could bring forward my donation by a month. Uh huh, I thought, and a phone call confirmed that I would still be in purdah from the last time - insert one of Andrew C's adjectives.  And so, on medical matters, best wishes to Jock in particular and the rest of you in general. 


Off to the Post Offices to send some South Western Circle portfolios and then to Sibelius 2 at the Royal Albert Hall, in exactly the same seat as Tuesday!



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Morning all, been a rollercoaster with DD2 but she is now going to Preston to do a masters degree! Other news it rained again sealant still holding.... will have to ring landlord again about quotes from roofers and scare up some more. Looking forward to relaxing a bit now and getting on with what I would like to do. I live in hope and its a good job I am an optimist some of the time.

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Evening all,

Late and knackered after helping the decorating team as much as they would allow. Also beheaded the dandelions as the alternate hot sun/downpours have sent them into a growth spurt.

Ian, you may already know this, but The Telegraph on Saturday has a travel supplement and inside the back cover is a column by a very nice lady who from memory is called Jill Charlton. She champions peoples claims when disasters have occurred and might just step in to help Vanessa. Don't know if there is an on-line link, their website is easily accessed with Google, but if not it's worth getting the paper! I wish her all the luck she deserves.

Promised to update all you supportive friends on my health situation - had a phone call from Colchester General this afternoon to tell me they've set my operation for August 27th and I have to go in on Friday afternoon for the pre-op checks. If all goes according to plan, I will be working on one kidney by the end of the month! I'll keep you updated on developments.

John(CB), I will be very pleased if I get news half as good as yours after my op. Well done my friend, hopefully make work tomorrow easier now you know the result!

Pete(Trisonic), thanks, I had missed the news of John Winter's passing. Another name from our youth gone!

Just noticed that it has passed into Thursday so I'll avoid any more car stories tonight! Settle for the nightcap.

Over the hump now so downhill to the weekend,

Kind regards,


Jock, do not worry too much about running on one kidney. I have been doing that for almost 20 years, and it isn't even mine! These renal quacks really know their game, I haver never seen such dedication.

Now if I could find a doctor to keep the rest of me working!!!!! :no: :no: :no:



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Afternoon Mike,

Thanks for the encouraging post - the consultant who is to do my op. is a softly spoken Irishman who instilled complete confidence in me! Like you, the rest of me could pose something of a problem!

Kind regards,


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I will be awol for a long week, on holiday until very late next Thursday then up at the crack of dawn on Friday for my last duty at Lord's this year.  I have a brief stopover in Leipzig so could supply aforementioned item to Dominik but doubt if it would get through the machine at St Pancras.


I adopt civilised travel, so there will be a few Kölsch on the way out to Prague; then on the way back from Dresden I have a relaxed connexion in Leipzig and almost two hours in Frankfurt.  I've provided space in my luggage for "impulse purchases", although Spur Null (including packaging) can be bulky.


The post this morning was a letter from the Blood Donor Service asking if I could bring forward my donation by a month. Uh huh, I thought, and a phone call confirmed that I would still be in purdah from the last time - insert one of Andrew C's adjectives.  And so, on medical matters, best wishes to Jock in particular and the rest of you in general. 


Off to the Post Offices to send some South Western Circle portfolios and then to Sibelius 2 at the Royal Albert Hall, in exactly the same seat as Tuesday!



Bill, hope you thoroughly enjoy your well deserved trip and I do envy you over the Kolsch!

Kind regards,


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Gute Reise, Bill! Hope you'll enjoy your trip and you're welcome to drop me a note if there might be enough time for straying away from Leipzig Central on any part of your journey. (Though we'll be away to Berlin Tuesday next week.)

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Afternoon all.


Opening night, tonight, and I am having premature and significant stage-fright..... :scared:


Last night's dress rehearsal went well, but all the director could do is point out the wrong bits, nobody received any praise, not even a collective "you're not perfect, but you've done very well and I am sure the performance will be just great".


Seeing that I have learnt little or nothing from this director, received almost no positive feedback (one positive comment in the entire 4 months of rehearsals), I don't want to work with that director again....


In a few weeks it will all be over :imsohappy: and back to M°°°l T°°°°s


Have a good one



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Thanks you Dominik, I will be out of electronic communication after today.  Next Thursday, I arrive at Leipzig Hbf at 08:25 off the IC 2046 and depart at 09:11 on the IC2252.  Farly short, grey hair and 'tache, with a black pull along case.



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Finally the onboard Wifi will let me post on "Mont St Michel". I arrived safely at Portsmouth in 3.5 hours, including a coffee stop at Winterbourne Abbas. The journey wasn't without its moments with squally showers that were a challenge to my Fiesta's wipers, even at double speed. Thunder greeted my arrival at the port!


Having boarded and found my cabin, I felt a celebratory drink was in order and had to smile when the piped music was "All You Need Is Love"!!


Need I say more? Other than to thank you for all your supportive responses.

Edited by Ashcombe
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Afternoon all


Was, under strict direction, about to post Sherry's progress, but she's obviously now given the Wifi suitable advice and has done so herself!


Occasional showers here, and merely mild, so while the sun is out it's ideal for trimming the ditch and finally gathering up the hedge cuttings from the other day. I note that some of the trimmings from the top are actually more than 6', indicating just how much they had sprouted since they were last trimmed. No wonder it looks a little more couth!


Just having a tea-break before doing a bit more out there.

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Afternoon all,


Cars with awkward repairs ? - I used to be an expert on replacing mini radiator by pass hoses, eventually manufacturing a small tool (it was cold) to make life easier, but it still involved major work on the engine and was an Achilles heel so would pop frequently, I had a mini and my girlfriends sister had one and I was forever (so it seemed) fixing them.


Lots of aircraft activity around these parts at the moment, I think I saw the Chinooks heading overseas - safe journey to all involved.


Managed to to get my second photograph of 68004 today, but it involved a 150m dash with the camera to do so - gave my partner something to laugh at, my Facebook friends will know yesterday was not so funny - for a while. (Short version - Jill didn't follow my instructions and I missed 68004!).


Taking "lunch" (a break really) to go and photograph a GBRF special and the North Walsham -> Harwich condensate tanks which are heading towards Norwich as I type, they should follow the 15:30 off Norwich, the special is booked to follow the 15:00 of Norwich - fingers crossed !


Have a good day all.

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Taking "lunch" (a break really) to go and photograph a GBRF special and the North Walsham -> Harwich condensate tanks which are heading towards Norwich as I type, they should follow the 15:30 off Norwich, the special is booked to follow the 15:00 of Norwich - fingers crossed !


I feel the need to Google "condensate". I've always wondered what those fenced and gated sidings were at North Walsham...

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...Promised to update all you supportive friends on my health situation - had a phone call from Colchester General this afternoon to tell me they've set my operation for August 27th and I have to go in on Friday afternoon for the pre-op checks. If all goes according to plan, I will be working on one kidney by the end of the month! I'll keep you updated on developments...

Jock - you've already heard from folks working on one cylinder (kidney) but thought I'd just add more encouragement. Following an infection while travelling in Mexico about 45 years ago, the Mrs discovered she had a kidney that'd never actually worked her entire life, and was removed. She's had no ill effects since.


Go for the new car. They come with a new engine. Bargain!

Far as the car situation goes, indeed thanks for the all suggestions/encouragement (I did note however there were no offers of a free Ferrari to tide me over!! :) ). The dead vehicle has done us very well over the past 5 years, 233,000 on the odometer, and whilst mostly could be described as immaculate overall, it's certainly not a candidate for a new engine, especailly as the estimate is around 4000+ USD.


For reasons I'll not elaborate on, waaayyy to time-consuming, the CFO abhors the idea of a truly "new" car. Our last of many, many of that type was purchased about 12 years ago, and Mrs feels off-the-showroom-floor are a total waste of money - no arguments PLEASE - there are none that change her mind. Also, she only wants to do a "cash-and-carry" transaction, so limits the outlay...


To that end we've been very successful at finding good used cars (mostly for the kids during college years) that then cost us about 1,000USD per annum OR LESS investment over the life of the car, excluding regular maintenance, occasional minor repairs, tyres, fuel, oil etc. and She is ecstatic when that is achieved. Our success for the kids vehicles has translated DIRECTLY into how we now purchase cars (I still want a new Ferrari or Aston, but that's NOT going to happen <sigh>) - odd since the kids have both purchased new in the past year!!! :jester:  :jester:


Surprisingly, even though we planned to probably spend a week or more casually looking around for something, I yesterday ran across exactly what fit the bill.

Spent much of the day researching, test driving, and then actually BUYING the best candidate. So we have the exact SAME model car (Chrysler Concorde), two years newer, this time RED instead of royal blue, 112,000 miles and in immaculate shape. Should last 5+ years given the condition and prior experience, and "off we go" - these things generally run for upwards of 200,000 miles, though might need a timing belt replacement in 40,000. Works for me and the CFO is very pleased, here's hoping.

Just remains for them to "sale prep" the car and we'll pick it up either today or tomorrow depending on how the Mrs back-pain is doing as she'll have to drive one car back from the dealer  :O


The new "old" ride...



Today started out at a wonderful 16, partly cloudy and light breeze, but expecting to get warmer and humid today and last several days with highs around 28-30, we'll see.


As most of yesterday I was car shopping, I better get to work today and earn a crust or two! Have a great day all.

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Good afternoon all. Firstly good wishes to Jock - I hope the ops and pre-ops go well. Also good luck to our RMWeb lovebirds I hope they enjoy their time together.


 Here things have settled a little after a pretty sleepless night. There were too many cross words between Sarah and I last night. I think her disappointment over baking failure and pain from a broken tooth did not mix well with my tiredness from the day and the disappointment at missing out on another club night. Apologies all round this morning helped though. Sadly not quick enough to save my planned trip to the Severn Valley so I have missed out on more steam hauled mileage today.

 Sarah has made her usual trip to her mum's for the day and I gave her a lift after a leisurely breakfast. Once home I have got stuck into some of the house sorting and managed to clear quite a bit of stuff out of the spare room. The rain came just as I was about to cut the lawn so I am catching up on RMWeb until the sun comes out again.


 Enjoy the rest of your day.

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Not been as good`a`day as we`d hoped here...........


My male dog (one of the two, surviving Musketeers: who`s now 11) has been showing signs of passing blood from his urinary-miatus, both between and during micturition......Short notice visit to the Vet was arranged and the poor lad examined/scoped, prodded and poked (ruling out a prostate condition) and a prescription for four medicaments issued; whilst placing us on a promise to return ASAP with a fresh urine sample from the lad, for to be assayed........Mercifully, my lad obliged at the earliest 'convenience' and we returned to the Vet`s office to take the p*ss (as it were!). :mosking:


I`ve just administered his first dose of strong antibiotics and anti-inflammatory liquid......so hopefully, an improvement to his condition will quickly be entrained. :friends:


I`m left feeling like Daffy Duck...........as I now have a very large bill to contend with! :drag:


.....but he`s worth every penny: I do love him so! :tender:




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Bill, thanks for the heads-up (I'll be posting this anyway, just in case you do come online one last time before you hit the road). Not sure whether I'll be able to make it next Thursday, though, as I needed to make an appointment for legal counselling that day.


(This has to do with a work situation where I feel I am being confronted with unfair discrimination, but I'm sure you'll understand I'd prefer not to go into any specific details at this point.)

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Afternoon All


Was meant to be doing some outdoor work today, but the weather has ruled against me there - it's been raining on and off all day, and our morning trip to Kendal showed how localised some of these showers are at present as one mile it ws raining, next mile the road was dry, and next mile it was wet.  Most strange.


Great to hear about Jock's forthcoming surgery, and the confidence that he has in his surgeon to give him the best chance of a longer and more active life.  If only all surgeons were of that calibre...


Also great news about John's great test results, and Sherry and Ian's forthcoming month together.


Debs - hope that the museteer has a quick recovery - vet's bills can be very eye-watering - we would never have been able to afford Pawnee's treatment for her ears (specialist vet five times, and then keyhole surgery) without insurance, as over two years the bills totalled over £5,000 - of which £4000 was incurred in one year. 


Yet again today (as on most days), the virtual support flowing between us is incredible - it's really a shame that we ERs will probably never manage to get more than about ten of us in one place at a time, as I think that if we all met up in a pub somewhere, the session would be one of the best ever.


Lily needs a walk, but it can wait until the monsoon outside finishes.


Regards to All


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