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Early Risers.


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Good evening all. Very late again tonight. Today was a mixed day weather wise. It was forecast to be dry all day, but clouds assembled during the morning and there were a couple of heavy rain showers during the afternoon. I decided to take Amber to the tramway museum at Crich today so that Sarah had time for her cake baking. The visit was enjoyable and Amber seemed to enjoy the trams. The museum had three working and we managed a ride on all three. The journey back was quite long and troublesome. Amber slept for much of it and so did not sleep very quickly tonight. This cost me another night at the model railway club which I was quite disappointed about.

 Sarah's baking activities did not go well in her eyes. She was very disappointed with the outcome and has scrapped the birthday cake idea. Never mind, the Victoria sponge she made tasted gorgeous and I told her so. Sadly it did not help lift her mood and we ended up with quite a few cross words this evening. There has been a few too many of them recently.

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The other evening I was breakingup some hedge I had cut to place in bins when Marion noticed a pipistrelle flying around above my head. Probably my actions were disturbing insects which provides the bat's supper (or is it breakfast if the bat has just woken).  He was around again last night it looks like he/she has noticed the newly created pond.


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Late night visit... an unexpected family trip has seen me in Essex for a few days.  While enjoyable it was a bit unexpected and has had repercussions with other things we needed to do..


Hope you are all keeping well... back tomorrow



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Evening all,

Late and knackered after helping the decorating team as much as they would allow. Also beheaded the dandelions as the alternate hot sun/downpours have sent them into a growth spurt.

Ian, you may already know this, but The Telegraph on Saturday has a travel supplement and inside the back cover is a column by a very nice lady who from memory is called Jill Charlton. She champions peoples claims when disasters have occurred and might just step in to help Vanessa. Don't know if there is an on-line link, their website is easily accessed with Google, but if not it's worth getting the paper! I wish her all the luck she deserves.

Promised to update all you supportive friends on my health situation - had a phone call from Colchester General this afternoon to tell me they've set my operation for August 27th and I have to go in on Friday afternoon for the pre-op checks. If all goes according to plan, I will be working on one kidney by the end of the month! I'll keep you updated on developments.

John(CB), I will be very pleased if I get news half as good as yours after my op. Well done my friend, hopefully make work tomorrow easier now you know the result!

Pete(Trisonic), thanks, I had missed the news of John Winter's passing. Another name from our youth gone!

Just noticed that it has passed into Thursday so I'll avoid any more car stories tonight! Settle for the nightcap.

Over the hump now so downhill to the weekend,

Kind regards,


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Good wishes for your pre-op and op. I've enjoyed a lot of support from on here, and I know you get and will continue to get the same.

Your positive attitude certainly helps.

Made my consultant laugh today. In our discussions I told him that we'd found something much more effective than Laculose for constipation; the De Luxe meal for two from the Taj Mahal, Penzance.

It is a really excellent restaurant, being run by ex-Ghurkas. However it made us glad that we have a caravan with a loo and not still using a tent. :jester:

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Morning all. Sleepy again...


As I let on earlier, one of my better half's old friends is currently visiting, and brought her baby son of four months with her. Since another friend of hers has recently given birth to a baby girl, too, but (in a nutshell) appears to have wanted a child only out of boredom and a lack of compass, and thereby has, shall we say, difficulties relating to the child now that it's there and (oh gosh) demanding care and attention, this leads to a lot of friction among the ladies.


I'll freely admit that I, too, cannot bear being in the same room with said second friend for too long...

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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning here in this part of the world - but somewhat chilly.  We had a torrential rainstorm yesterday evening, which resulted in me getting totally soaked between the house and the car.  We seem to be having very strange weather at present.


Sounds like a bit of a complicated situation there Dominik.  I don't think most people realise just what is involved in bringing up a child, until they do it - but we all know that they are going to need love, care and attention.  I hope that second friend sorts herself out as soon as possible.


Oh well - time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Just a quick "Good morning" as I still have the last few bits of packing to do before setting off on my first solo drive to Portsmouth then by ferry at 1445 to Ouistreham. My initial destination is Parc Mayenne, near Lassay-les-Chateaux, where we have a holiday home, before continuing to La Sarthe on Saturday to spend four weeks with Olddudders.


I shall keep in touch and I'm sure Ian will be updating you too. Thank you to everyone for all your kind, supportive messages in the past.


Have a good day!

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That's what we all hope, Robert. At this time, she seems to be little willing to accept advice, though, and likewise keeps her partner (who is working in a nursery and seems to have a much better hand) from doing things better by persisting that "this won't work anyway."

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Just a quick "Good morning" as I still have the last few bits of packing to do before setting off on my first solo drive to Portsmouth then by ferry at 1445 to Ouistreham. My initial destination is Parc Mayenne, near Lassay-les-Chateaux, where we have a holiday home, before continuing to La Sarthe on Saturday to spend four weeks with Olddudders.


I shall keep in touch and I'm sure Ian will be updating you too. Thank you to everyone for all your kind, supportive messages in the past.


Have a good day!


Bon voyage et beaucoup de joie! :imsohappy:

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I had a post all ready to put on here referring to the resumption of work on the retail units at Wadsley Bridge, but as it mentioned m***l r******s it finished up on the "Things that make you smile" thread instead. I can but hope that the new shops will stock items both useful and with plenty of play value. 





Edit: More slips. I think I'll go back to bed.

Edited by bluebottle
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Funny, everytime I see the name Olddudders, I have this vision of an old cow….:-)


Perhaps there needs to be a gap between the two d's….


Enjoy your trip and every happiness in your new life.  :drink_mini:


There's already another d between the two d's. Makes my eyes go funny looking at it ...

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Morning all.

Cup of tea required to get me awake this morning. I have a few photos to postwhen I get a moment or two today but lots to catch up on first.


Have a great day!


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Car problem story. It had a happy ending - well sort of.

       When I was Scouting, besides buying a Valiant station wagon, I also bought a VW Kombi for use as a Troop bus (named Uriah Heap - U ride a heap) . On a Troop outing the start on an overnight hike which started at the top of a mountain pass (Bains Kloof) 3/4 way up the pass with 12 Scouts plus ruck sacks on board, a loud bang terminated our upward journey. We abandoned the Kombi in a lay-bye and hiked to the top of the pass where there was a telephone ( long before cell phones). Phoned the Troop transport officer (a volunteer Mother) to organise parents to fetch us back next evening after completion of the outing and proceeded on the  hike. We were duly collected next evening. At work next day I organized for the Kombi to be towed back to town to a garage for repair. (I was a Fleet Manager at the time so had influence with the tow truck owner) A replacement engine later (again from a 'friend' in the business) Uriah Heap was restored to us and lasted us another 7 years. I had donated the Komi to the Troop but at the 'end' of it's life the Troop 'donated' it back to me, as it was proving too expensive to maintain! I sold it on to one of the Scout Fathers (He had 6 kids). Although we kept a log book I don't remember it's total mileage, but it was considerable as we practiced the 'out' in Sc-out-ing with very many mountain hikes and fairly distant weekend camps, virtually monthly.


Cloudy with a 20% probability of rain. Max 18C Clearing from tomorrow for the weekend.

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning all,  


West Africa is still fighting Back  ----- Grrr Nets  being  cra* even in the office --- and I seem to be surround by fools & idejets,  or am I just being an intolerant grumpy old man? 


(DONT answer that) 


Ashley,   safe trip & enjoy your new  life, 


Jock,  best wishes hope all goes well for you, I do enjoy your posts,so  keep 'em coming chap....


No off to try and get a bit of semblance of order in my day! 


Be good



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Morning all,


Off westwards shortly.  Be good, happy and well whilst I'm  not here to keep an eye on you and be better behaved than 'our' ship which seems to have gone very naughty and is heading for Oban (very odd, maybe the Scottish one has broken or it could be a Met Office job?).  Best of luck for Friday Jock.  And may the motoring to and in France go well for Sherry (and Ian).

And everyone else keep your heads down when the frothfest gets going on Friday (probably afternoon), no need to worry Gordon this one won't affect you ;)


Byee and have a good few days.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning, well its the funeral today at 2pm followed by burial etc. Its been a crazy and hectic week to say the least but at least after today there is little left to do.


Never ceases to amaze me how much paper work is involved in these matters, other half is holding up well and is standing up and saying a few words about her dad at the service. Whilst I did it at my mums funeral I am very proud of her doing it today.


Otherwise not a lot to say, be back tomorrow I guess


Enjoy your day

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