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Was it a white Audi Q7 ? See previous posts about speeding in the rain on the M6.........


No mate, it was a Nissan Quashkai or whatever they're called. Hideous to look at and (it seems) not easy to drive going by the numptie on the M1 yesterday! I drove the same route home this morning and noticed that the exact spot where matey boy lost it there's a large lump of concrete (a support for the services footbridge) which juts out and is inches away from the edge of the outside lane..... if his back end had caught it I dread to think what the result would heve been!


And dash cams... a great idea, must get one ;)


A'noon all - hope all's well - will catch up on recent posts while I have my brekkie. As I type this I can hear one of our neighbour's chickens making a lovely din - square eggs anybody...? It's nice being able to hear such sounds when you live on the edge of town and not way out in the sticks. I always have a chuckle when I read about folk who move out to the country expecting peace and tranquility to reign supreme, then complain about chickens, dogs barking and combine harvesters.... poor loves!

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No.... but I'd like to complain about this parrot I bought earlier.

oh yes, the Norwegian blue...what's wrong with it??? :jester:


...On Facebook today, there is an awful piece of video. On a dirt-oval (primeval motor racing with very strange cars) race-track in the US, we see one car apparently cut another up and force it to spin. The driver of the spun car gets out, stands in the middle of the track and gesticulates to the "guilty" driver as he approaches on the next lap. Whereupon the driver apparently accelerates into the man, killing him. So much for sport...

Ahhh yes, the culprit is actually NASCARs Tony Stewart, very sad "champion", he's been through a fair amount of anger management, and seems to have helped little, was racing in this particular event as he does in many that are off the main circuit as they have fewer restrictions/regulatory folks around than does NASCAR - nasty piece of work.

I don't even follow NASCAR and see his name frequently in the news, both TV and print over here, most of it less than flatttering...may be a rush to judgement, but he should be seriously prosecuted for this fiasco, :(



An observation and a question as a result of the past weekend;

i) Observation - when the Mrs says, as you're preparing breakfast, "...I've been thinking...", be afraid, be VERY AFRAID! :O This happened BOTH DAYS this weekend and resulted in a total change in the days events and time available for serious stuff such as modelling! :nono:

ii) Question - discounting the observation above, which accounted for some of the time, how the HELL can you enter the weekend with all kinds of time available for model activities, and end the weekend having only managed about 3 hours TOPS for that actual activity? <sigh> Part of me thinks a full-scale layout with large terminus, goods yard and engine shed is out-of-the-question in the real-life scheme of things and the only chance I have is if I focus on a layout that is about 2ft. long, consists of a single piece of track and has one 0-6-0 and a couple of goods vans! That way I MAY just get something accomplished <sigh>.


Andrew - I avoid ladders/gutters now, just seems to make sense, especially as I agree that the me vs. gravity has only one likely outcome. Find "a man" and call said person for those projects. That's what I/we do now, wallet is lighter, but leaves many more skeltal features intact/original! :)


Weekend saw us manage to divest outselves of more "clutter" in various locations in the house, with the help of son and his friend, all to be re-purposed hopefully - of course the space left from getting rid of an old couch and twin bed, will be taken over when daughter returns with her "stuff" at the end of the month! Can't seem to get ahead :jester:


Weather predictors again noticeably WRONG for 24+ hours. We were told to expect large storms yesterday afternoon/evening, with clearing by this morning and sunny day(s) - the storms missed us by 100 miles to the north, but NOW it's been overcast and rain/drizzle since the daylight! Might as well ask my office desk for a weather forcecast!


Hope your week starts well, sally forth (well, she might have been fifth, but I wasn't the scorekeeper!!! :) )

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Ian - the early signs in the Tony Stewart case are thay he won't be facing criminal charges - this from Autosport:


Tony Stewart is not currently facing criminal charges over the on-track incident during a sprint car race that resulted in the death of fellow racer Kevin Ward Jr.

Ontario County Sheriff Phillip C Provero told a media conference on Sunday that an initial examination of available evidence does not support the accident being considered a criminal matter.

"At this moment there are no facts or evidence that would support a criminal charge or criminal intent," he said.



Like others I saw the video of the accident - never seen or heard of anything like it before. I couldn't swear that Stewart aimed at Ward, but there was a full-course yellow out, there was no way he should have been on the gas at that stage, but he did seem to be racing the car in front. I think he could make a case that Ward was hidden from him until the car in front swerved, that he tried to swerve but lost control of the back end (it's a dirt track and sprint cars, that's what they do) and clipped the kid. Who, by any standards, should not have been walking down the middle of the track shaking his fist.


Put me in mind of that crazy Irish priest who ran onto the track at Silverstone a few years ago. Sprint cars are small and light and move fairly slowly in comparison to an F1 car on full bore on the Hangar straight. The imagination fails when you think of what would have happened to him if he had been hit.

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It is unfortunate is it not that it is well known with those dirt racing cars that when you hit the gas that rear end goes sideways an appreciable amount. Perhaps Tony was unaware of this fact. Also it is a good reminder that when you exit the car you should immediately exit the track.

The Sun rose today, but it only appears that way due to the rotation of the Earth.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Been on a course (again) all day, and have tracked 30747's niece's flight into Heathrow while waiting for the tutor.  She arrived one minute late from Seattle, and has texted to say she's headed for Euston - checked Network Rail, and just about every service North is being delayed (some more so than others) - worst appears to be about an hour and a quarter at present.  Amazing that the first 4781 miles was one minute late, and the last 210 could be well late - National Rail website is hopeless, as it is still showing some services as right time, when they are clearly delayed, and some that are just showing delayed with no real updates.  EDIT- checked again, and the real time information is still rubbish.


I guess that a trip to the station is going to be in order a bit earlier, as if Network Rail is to be believed at all, her arrival at Preston will pick up the service before the one on which she's meant to connect.


I can't give any true stop smoking advice, as I gave up in my student days, and even then, I was just dabbling - however, my late dad was a 30+ a day man who died as a result of undetected smoking related conditions - he was 62 at the time.


I'm off for now, but may check in again a bit later.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Another gardening-heavy day, with increasing confidence in my ability to stand at the top of a step-ladder and reach out with the ratchet pruners. Very pleased with the result, whatever. Less so with my strimming late morning - when rain stopped play, hours before we were forecast to have showers. So I had lunch.


I had also picked up two bucket-fulls of windfall apples, many of them very ripe looking, and all from one tree. The fruit this year is ridiculously bountiful, and my trees are groaning.


The Tony Stewart thing is quite gross. This man has an awful lot of success to his name, thus does not need to perform at such "ordinary" circuits - after all he's a NASCAR team-owner and multiple champion. A few years back I recall seeing a couple of oil-company promo videos where he and Lewis Hamilton swopped cars. The man is seriously rich. He also knew exactly what would happen when he booted the throttle on a dirt-racer. No doubt he thought he'd throw dirt in the kid's face - show him who's boss. Wrong - and that's how justice will be seen if he isn't on the nasty end of something serious from a prosecutor. But of course, money and fame buy nearly anything these days.....

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I am having a very mixed day, to say the least.  Off to visit my pal's new establishment and most impressed plus having a good look at the lots for this week's auction - some are well worth chucking down a 'realistic' sum on teh commission bid others not so.  Very interesting was a lot of of 'candid' photos from WWII with many clearly taken on a Malta convoy and possibly a couple at Hvalfjord although it might be Gib (big rocky hill in the background.  The quality isn't good but that's quite excusable when taking one of a Ju87 Stuka heading straight at you (it's bit blurry but very obvious what it is) or a couple of sticks of bombs bursting the sea within less than 100 yards - be interesting to see what it makes, and what Photoshop could do with the images.


And just to make Hidge a supoer happy chap another building on the site is occupied by a Mini restorer - I saw 4 proper Mini-Coopers in fewer minutes!


Now the off-p*ssing.  I have been working with someone getting out details of a prototype for a model including arranging a site visit to the soul survivor and getting some original drawings - lots of work on several fronts but enjoyable.  So he rings one of the mags to inform them and get an announcement and they tell him another company has a similar announcement for their next issue.  We know the other company can't have done as much detailed research (checked this afternoon and confirmed that no one else has been to look at it, that from the person who would arrange such a visit and who supplied the drawings via me).  Big question mark now for my contact as to whether he goes ahead against the other lot who, apart from possibly looking at books, obviously haven't carried out any practical research.  Really hacks me off when someone who you know from their track record will do an excellent job is beaten to the draw by a semi-unknown quantity who have already spun yarns about research on a previous prototype they have announced.  Mind you if they make it I won't be wasting my money buying one in view of their mixed reputation, and seemingly quite high customer return rate with at least one model, thus far.

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Interesting stuff there Mike. What 'age' were those Coopers... did you get a good look at any of them...? If they're 1961-71 then they're proper BMC / BL jobs, if they're 1990-2000 they're the later 're-introduced' but still fun Rover era jobs, courtesy of the late John Cooper getting back into the fold when the Mini cult started to grow over in Japan.

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting stuff there Mike. What 'age' were those Coopers... did you get a good look at any of them...? If they're 1961-71 then they're proper BMC / BL jobs, if they're 1990-2000 they're the later 're-introduced' but still fun Rover era jobs, courtesy of the late John Cooper getting back into the fold when the Mini cult started to grow over in Japan.

Real ones Nidge - registrations without prefix or suffix letter in at least two cases two cases, one with a suffix letter, one not checked out and one without plates.  Clearly a Mini specialist of some sort as there were two in the workshop and one outside it plus 3 more 'stabled' and one that passed me as I drove into the site. Seems the company involved is called Downton Engineering - I wonder if there is any connection?



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I was very disappointed at work today. With the budget period ending 31st July no one thought to get me something that would have made my job today a whole lot easier. From the time I got in I was presented with problems they'd saved up for me. Just because they couldn't solve them themselves. It was relentless and the problems themselves mostly could have been solved by application of a little forethought.


No one thought to get me a working magic wand.

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Ah yes Mike - sort of. According to the lads on the Mk1 Mini Performance forum it's not the original company and has no connection to Daniel or Bunty Richmond who founded it all thse years ago. Daniel had connections at Longbridge and was instrumental in helping John Cooper fettle the original cars, before mainstream production began in '61. They've done some great cars though, I saw a few on this year's London to Brighton Mini run. There are quite a few Mini specialists 'names' which have passed from one owner to another as time has gone on. Still it's nothing new, Citroen used to own Maserati, and Audi now own Lamborghini!

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I was very disappointed at work today. With the budget period ending 31st July no one thought to get me something that would have made my job today a whole lot easier. From the time I got in I was presented with problems they'd saved up for me. Just because they couldn't solve them themselves. It was relentless and the problems themselves mostly could have been solved by application of a little forethought.


No one thought to get me a working magic wand.


I share your disappointment!  Whenever I go off for a few days or more, things just get left for me, even though I have repeatedly shown others how to do them.  Management meeting today - General manager asks if I have issued a certain report, to get the reply that when others are equally capable of producing it, I wont accept any flak for not doing it.  Still, only a few more months and I will retire, and some other poor s0d can deal with it all.


Part of evening spent changing a toilet cistern valve, as the old one kept overflowing whatever I did to it.  New one seems OK, touch wood.  Tomorrow evening's job is to change the outside light , as the old one fell to bits during our recent building work.  It is a price to pay for being near the sea - things just rot faster with the salt.

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Good evening all. I hope Monday was not too bad for those E.R members who are at work. Here in Derby the weather has been mainly dry whilst my daughter has been drier. Her potty training has continued to go well with no accidents again today. She has not managed a single accident in the four days we have been "on it". Daddy is very proud - so much so that I bought her more toys again today.

 The day has been mainly spent waiting in for salesmen and workmen. ADT burglar alarm now ordered, and the builders sent their workman on time to repair the "snags" in the kitchen. We did venture out to the local B & M store inbetween as Sarah needed more baking stuff. She has seems to be as keen on baking as I am on model railway building. She has plans to bake me a birthday cake for Friday which is nice although she seems to be putting lots of pressure on herself! 

 This evening has seen me put the finishing touches to a photo book of our holiday whilst watching Derby's unconvincing win at Carlisle in the League cup. A win is a win but we were poor.

 Tomorrow we are planning to take Amber to the G.C for the Teddy Bear's picnic event.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.



I popped into a local cafe for a cuppa at lunchtime and on the front of someone's copy of the Daily Post (the headline in such large letters that I couldn't fail to read it) was yet another call to reinstate the rail connection between Bangor and Caernarfon - instead of building a road bypass.

Online account : http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/watch-reopening-caernarfon-bangor-train-7590688



What the article fails to mention is that you can get the train from CAERNARFON (the Welsh Highland Railway) to Porthmadog; from Porthmadog to Blaenau Ffestioniog (Ffestiniog Railway); from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Llandudno Junction (Conwy Valley Line - Arriva Trains Wales); from Llandudno Junction to Bangor (Arriva/Virgin) all in a day.

THEN you jump on a BUS to get back to CAERNARFON, especially, if, like us, you have left your car there - and no we haven't done the round trip, yet, but we're working on it!  I suppose they could introduce a Vintage Bus service to add to the customer experience.  :dontknow:  :scratchhead:


Oh dear, methinks it's time to scarper!



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Evening all,

Weather changed radically this afternoon with several short but very heavy thunder showers. Got some more patio set painting done inside the garage - only 5 more chairs now and the job is complete!

Ian, agree totally about the T. Stewart nonsense - big money seems to ruin all of my favourite car and bike classes. I loved the time when competitors were also friends off the track but that seems to be looked on as a weakness these days!

The sea off Copenhagen looked fairly calm from the 'Adonia' web cam earlier today, hope the ERs aboard are enjoying themselves.

I have to mimic several other ERs tomorrow and stay in awaiting a parcel delivery. Joanna has ordered something from Argos and for some reason, they can only guarantee delivery between 8am and 8pm!

Time for the nightcap once again,

Hope the rest of the week goes smoothly for one and all,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Weather changed radically this afternoon with several short but very heavy thunder showers. Got some more patio set painting done inside the garage - only 5 more chairs now and the job is complete!

Ian, agree totally about the T. Stewart nonsense - big money seems to ruin all of my favourite car and bike classes. I loved the time when competitors were also friends off the track but that seems to be looked on as a weakness these days!

The sea off Copenhagen looked fairly calm from the 'Adonia' web cam earlier today, hope the ERs aboard are enjoying themselves.

I have to mimic several other ERs tomorrow and stay in awaiting a parcel delivery. Joanna has ordered something from Argos and for some reason, they can only guarantee delivery between 8am and 8pm!

Time for the nightcap once again,

Hope the rest of the week goes smoothly for one and all,

Kind regards,



Maybe collecting a Prairie, after a pre-given time, from Tesco doesn't seem so bad, now. At least I got out. :mosking:


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment after a couple of small thunderstorms yesterday. Should stay dry with sunny spells this morning then more thundery showers later.

Daughter & family should now be at LGW awaiting their flight to Menorca so things around here will be quiet until their return next week.

I'm thinking about mounting an expedition into my loft today to start having a clear out. I should mention that I've been having that same thought for a couple of years!

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Had to lower the shutters due to very bright sunshine!


Two new shelves put on the wall yesterday, some additional tidying-up before our visitor arrives after noon. Apart from that, we shall see, I guess!


Have a good one...

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Good morning all,


Well lets hope I get some success today and the rains hold off.....crane on one site --- all the equipment at another (tomorrow offloading job) so just got one left for Thursday.....


What ever you're at to day - try and make the most of it.



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Morning All,


It is a reasonably sunny day here, but there is broken cloud and rain is forecast for later on.  Yesterday evening was very humid, and it did rain on and off, but although there was thunder rumbling around we didn't have a storm.


Interestingly enough, when I was in Rye the other day I spotted a genuine 69 Austin Cooper S (probably my all time dream car - unfortunately much outside of my price league).  It was parked next to a Morris Cooper and a Moke.


Apparently, there is due to be a court case in Germany today to decide on the legality of dash cams.  It seems there is currently a legal dispute going on, as to whether they are an invasion of privacy.  What a strange world we live in!


Have a good day everyone...

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Up an`at`em here this morning......we`re off for a walk on the sea-bed! :boast:


Well actually, this morning`s remarkably low tide is just 0.2 of a metre above chart datum, so will expose much of the local strand hitherto unseen, except by Davy Jones......always interesting for curious eyes and Collie-noses. :sungum:


See you later! :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Apparently, there is due to be a court case in Germany today to decide on the legality of dash cams.  It seems there is currently a legal dispute going on, as to whether they are an invasion of privacy.  What a strange world we live in!


That does rather sound like it might have been brought forward by someone who doesn't want to give up their "right" to speeding!

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Apparently, there is due to be a court case in Germany today to decide on the legality of dash cams.  It seems there is currently a legal dispute going on, as to whether they are an invasion of privacy.  What a strange world we live in!


Whoever took the case to court does have a point. When you're having a cuddle on the sofa with your beloved, these dash cams can be a bit of a nuisance...




Sunny again here in the North (Norfolk). No more news.

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Morning from Borough Market Junction - blue sky and some clouds at the moment. No flag on Southwark Cathedral today so can't tell you about the wind!


Already e-mailed the old man on an income tax and inheritance tax question he had - thought I had better do so as the Mrs and little lurkers are off to see them today - my niece is staying there and needs entertaining.


Hope Andyram continues to enjoy success with Amber's potty training. It can feel like the last "baby" aspect of childhood.

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