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  • RMweb Premium

Driving with a caravan up the A30/M5/A46 today with gusty and strong cross winds was like being on a horizontal roller coaster.


Cull option Cullompton services is cr@p for caravans - drive in reverse out - we detached the van and used the motor mover. Other people were having fun as well.


The new Gloucester services get full marks - designated caravan area with bays and drive in/drive out no problem - well designed.


Taunton Deane you share with HGVs. Also fun. But much less fun than Cullompton.


Edited for damned autocorrect.


 Dont even think about trying Bridgwater then John , hardly room to turn a mini in there , and

thats an original type not one of the latest bigger models .     

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  • RMweb Premium

Evenin' all, as Jack Warner used to say ;)


Not long out of bed, it being nights for me this week, so haven't had a proper gander at ER postings - hope all ailments and woes are swiftly and easily dealt with wherever you all happen to be.


Witnessed a shocking bit of 'driving' on the M1 at Newport Pagnall on the way home from work this moring - 8am, torrential rain, seriously torrential in fact, spray everywhere, you get the picture - I was in a group of cars bimbling along carefully so as to avoid certain death when along the outside lane comes a white '14 plate 4x4 doing what I estimated to be at least 80mph, there are two cars in front of me in the middle lane with safe gaps between us all, matey boy in his flash new lifestyle accessory is just passing the front one when his back end starts doing the hokey-cokey, he just catches it, narrowly avoiding hitting the central reservation and the car he's overtaking, then loses it completely, spinning round just in front of the other car, then veers (while still spinning) across in front of the other cars in the inside lane, he just misses the front one then ends up facing south on the exit slip road from Newport Pag services. It was one of those things that happened in a flash but replaying it in my mind's eye, I can see it all in slow motion, it was shocking to see. Had I or any of the other cars being doing more than 50mph he'd have no doubt culled quite a few of us in his little sideways adventure, but what really shocked me was that he didn't appear to learn his lesson as he came flying past me again at J16 doing at least 90mph! No doubt his meandering was caught on CCTV, I hope so anyway. Some people eh!


Keep 'em peeled.... ;)

Perhaps someone had a dash-cam?

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Evening all - very late on parade today. I hope everyone had a good weekend, had several pages to catch up so apologies if I missed anything. All of the "whisky" talk is making me thirsty. I must admit I was never a whisky drinker until Sarah and I went to Scotland for our honeymoon. Two distillery visits later and I was converted. I started out by quite liking the Ben Nevis blend and, after a visit to the Tomatin distillery, I also enjoyed the peaty taste of the "Tallisman" blend. Sadly you can only get the latter direct from the distillery itself. Since then I have regularly visited the whisky outlet in Masson Mills. I have enjoyed Ledaig, Benromach, Glen Moray and still have a taste for the Ben Nevis blend.

 Sadly I have no whisky in the cupboard, hopefully there may be some coming my way on Friday as a birthday gift. I did drop a few hints for some, and have left the Bachmann catalogue open at the appropriate page!

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  • RMweb Gold

Sedgemoor services is usually not too bad for caravans in the overflow big vehicles area. Bridgewater would be a no no for me height too low for the motorhome. However these days with the motorhome I tend to avoid motorways and just need to find a nice layby (preferably one with an island between it and the road for safer dog exercise) where we can stick the kettle on and make lunch (unless we have bought something at one of the supermarkets.


I think I get the prize so far for time under the act I signed 49 years ago come september and had to sign something to the fact that I accepted it still applied when I retired.


To give you an example of the strange effects if under the act you are aware that someone is claiming benefits while working you commit a greater offence by telling someone than they do by cheating.


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Evening all,

Still on the whisky front, some years ago, with my dollar millionaire brother in the chair, I sampled a 100 year old malt at the 'Knippoch Hotel' just south of Oban. I have to say that whereas it was still palatable, it was difficult to justify the price and I wouldn't buy it even if I were wealthy. To my discredit, I have forgotten the name, but the hotel owner who stocked more than 200 varieties and certainly seemed to know his stuff, felt it had weathered well. He would certainly agree with Stewart, but he held the opinion that the taste in really old age was really dependant on the quality of the spirit in the particular year it was distilled. He also felt that the quality of the cask, and what it had previously held were important. Don't remember much of the night following a bit of a marathon tasting and sadly have to confess that for once I couldn't face the full Scottish breakfast mentioned in earlier posts when I finally surfaced next morning!

Bill, Neil and Mick, if it makes you feel any better, I first signed it in 1971 during one of my 6month stints in industry from uni. which were part of the course in those days - can't tell you what I was working on of course!

John, that sounds like the sort of drive that you and Sandy didn't need to round off your holiday! Hope it hasn't spoiled what sounds like a very good break otherwise (dog dramas excepted!).

Pete (Trisonic), thinking of you as I raise my thumbful of Cardhu, tonight's nightcap which incidentally is getting low (can't think why!). One distinct advantage of being the only single malt lover in the family is that my son and son-in-law are both in jobs which mean they receive quite a few bottles at Christmas, most of which end up in my cellar (cupboard under the stairs) I'm pleased to say! Truly hope my friend that your comments in post #70353 presage a lengthy pain free period!

Apart from some fairly heavy rain and some middling gusts of wind, Bertha hasn't affected us too badly here on the east coast. I hope the Adonia has fared as well, haven't had a chance to check yet today (oops - yesterday!) so I'm off to the ship web-cam site now! Probably not much to see in the dark!

Hope you all have a peaceful night,

Kind regards,


PS Don, I was writing this as you posted!

Edited by Jock67B
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Brush-cutter has had 30 minutes intensive use and passed the test with flying colours. Horses were unimpressed - but they weren't wearing ear-defenders as I was!

I know that this really sounds OCW but can you post a photo of this Brush Cutter, if it’s still in your possesion?

I wear ear-defenders even when cutting the grass....


Best, Pete.

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Morning All,


Back in the office this morning!


We drove back from the UK on Saturday, after a nice holiday - and had a good smooth channel crossing despite the rough weather that had been forecast earlier in the week.  From what I heard, it was pretty rough yesterday though.


Getting up early this morning was a bit of a shock to the system.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Did mange to sleep though a widy night ..her indoors didn't so I have had the full so on it!

Off for a quick trip to Essex, back later, so make sure you stay safe and enjoy yourselves today...


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning dry and calm here, the wind promised by Bertha  didn't really materialise unless it happened whilst I was asleep but all looks ok outside.


More running around today in relation to fil, funeral on Thursday.


Enjoy the day folks

Edited by Shedman5
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sunny and breezy, but still agreeably warm. Been to the cinema and out for a pizza last night, and since we're going to have a guest from tomorrow till Thursday or Friday, we'll need to stock up on some foodstuffs later.


Be back later!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky and sunshine at the moment - possibly showers to come.


Sadly I have no whisky in the cupboard, hopefully there may be some coming my way on Friday as a birthday gift. I did drop a few hints for some, and have left the Bachmann catalogue open at the appropriate page!


Would you prefer the Barwell 12 year old or the 18? :jester:


Have a good one,


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morning all,windy and wet night,although all seems alright this morning and nothing missing off the house ! going to make finishes to the guildex entry hopefully tonight,left jack and gradmar watching the birds in the garden,lego castle rebuilt again after being demolished by runaway train.......have a good all.

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Morning all, after a long weekend out of the office. Clear blue skies over Borough Market Junction this morning. We had quite a bit of rain in the afternoon yesterday in several waves, enought to leave the goalmouth patches on the lawn looking very muddy and for rivers to flow down the road, but we're the top of the hill at home(the very hill from which Sidcup gets its name) and no reports of flooding in the area - though the road under the railway at the station is a candidate. Hope everyone else has made it through without flooding or significant wind damage.


I've still got to look at the fence at the back of the garden; one panel largely dissolved in the winter rains and is now held in place by a few bamboo canes. The Mrs and I are in dispute over who owns the fence ast the back - she thinks it's ours; I think it belongs to the neighbours. I've ordered a copy of the title plans to try to resolve this!


I've not had a chance to go back and read all the posts in between Thursday and now but will do so later if I get the chance!


I enjoy whisky but rarely drink it, though I did enjoy one of those single cask tastings where the whisky is all over 55% alcohol. Bizarrely it was part of an accountancy firm's budget update; luckily there was a freeze on spirit duty in the budget this time around.....!

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Good Monday Morning to you all.

        A peaceful breakfast. Gormless has been silenced, by default. He has told me not to speak to him, Mike has ignored him from day one, Stan can't hear him and Ban can't understand him.


         The weather is supposed to be clear, but is currently fogged in. It will presumably burn off after which it will be clear.

         It is actually getting warmer, temporarily, 19C today, 24C tomorrow, but then rain on Wednesday. Very unsettling.


 I hope the new week is kind to you all.

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Rain? What rain? None this morning here. We had all ours last night. The deluge began just in time for Sheringham Carnival's torchlight procession through the town and ended just as the fireworks on the beach finished. Classic timing! Should have stayed at home and watched telly. Fearing the onslaught of severe man-flu after my soaking last night, I thought a bedtime tipple would be in order. Not being a scotch drinker, I did a few shots of Jagermeister and slept like a baby! 8.15 is most definitely a lie-in for me.

Have a great week wherever you are and whatever you're up to.

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Up a bit late - but with a dead hand - I hate that!


Haircut day. Also grand-daaughter getting two Guinea Pigs day, but she doesn't know that yet. Oh, and steam cleaning the hall floor day...


I may do some Personal Development (plastic) later on, and some woodwork and...


Talk of Home of O Gauge has made me nostalgic for a past in which I didn't have to order everything online. I'm sure that prices were higher and choice was less, but there's no chat, no advice, no encouragement on a website. Well, apart from here, of course.

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Good morning all, happy Monday.


My good friend and his band have released their album today, after a very long wait for those of us who enjoy his music. Feel free to check out The Cape Race on youtube if you're into indie music, or just fancy a change.


I've decided to have another go at quitting smoking. I quit last year and managed over 6 months without a problem, but one night in Malta with alcohol flowing and good times on the beach and I'd gone back to my old smoky habits. So I've purchased a new e-cig and some flavoured juice and I will go again. I know there are still doubts about e-cigs but for me it's simple - an e-cig is less poisonous to you and those around you than a proper cigarette, and is the best aid to giving up smoking that I've found available. And at around £10 per month for juice it's a damn sight cheaper! Here goes day one.....


Wishing you all a happy and productive day



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Morning all from a sunny but very humid boring borough. Sleepus interuptus at 02:30 this morning when one of the cats decided to start racing around the front hallway. Turns out he'd cornered a small mouse. No idea how the little b*gger managed to get in yet but much fun (not) was had chasing said mouse out the front door. The other 3 cats couldn't be arsed. Tiggr the biggest one just stood there as the mouse ran under him and straight under the umbrella stand. Almost wish I'd filmed it.


So much for a quiet week off. Yesterday's rains have shown a problem with the gutters. That means dragging out the ladder, checking my life insurance, and seeing if it can be repaired or if it will need replacing. Its only a 12' section but it's about 18' up. Oh joy. Lots of other jobs that I'd hoped to have done this past weekend were postponed due to the rain monsoon yesterday. Today shall be very busy. Best get at it.


Have a good one everybody.

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