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Could you find a guy named Jar Jar at Binks drinking there?


Jar Jar Binks.  Wasn't he the joint commander of the Battle of the Great Grass Plains on one of Bodget's (AndyP) layouts?

:keeporder:  :punish: :keeporder:

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Most importantly is what to have for breakfast tomorrow morning. Past experience is that they serve a modest bacon, sausage, egg and toast or porridge. 


C'mon, Andy, man-up! Porridge, followed by square sausage, haggis, black pudding, bacon, egg, fried bread, then toast and spread. Coffee or tea with that?


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Evening all,

Mike,persisting down most of the evening here in Clacton as well, the garden at least probably finds it a relief but there's lots more promised for the weekend! Sounds like you and 'Daktari' proved that you are indeed animal lovers by the humane methods employed to remove the amphibian. We don't see any such creatures here as I made the garden safe for Archie the Westie and six foot fence panels over one foot gravel boards, bedded on to membrane, ensure that he can't dig his way out. It obviously works in reverse with the local fauna!

Baz, back on the 'Cardhu' tonight and raise my glass to you and all the other lovely supportive people on here - slainte!

Beast, Joanna and I stayed in Koln a few times when attending events up at the 'Ring'. We were lucky enough to sit across the aircraft aisle from a knowledgable resident on our first flight over some years ago, and she advised us on the best value bars to drink the lovely 'Kolsch' in! Brilliant, sitting across the square from the ruined cathedral with a seemingly never ending flow of first class beer! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.

John(CB), glad to hear that your travel arrangements have gone to plan so far - doesn't look too good for the weekend onwards however! Hope you and Sandy are enjoying yourselves, I'd dearly like to go back to Porthleven next year but things don't look too promising at the moment. The problem we have is that I have to wait until nearer the time for a health check, by which time the bookings will probably be full. Perhaps we'll try Suffolk or Norfolk for convenience.

Polly, be careful, I recall that they used to sell a beer in Cannes called 'Pschitt'!

Simon, hope you didn't get 'withdrawal' symptoms in Cockermouth!

Ian, your local soap is getting more dramatic by the episode - have you got any plans for a replacement cleaner? You will probably end up with bent ears if you meet the aggrieved husband during your duty sharing at Sheena's. Still, not many days until your very own ray of sunshine arrives and I truly hope that you both find the fulfilment and joy that I think you both deserve.

Flavio, hope you had 'iL Dottore Towers' in shipshape order for the return of SMBO! Sounds like this thespian business is bl**dy hard work! I sincerely hope that it is a roaring success.

Might just treat myself to another drop as the nightcap seems to have evaporated,

Have a great weekend all,

Kind regards,


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Adonia, Southampton. Off in a minute, just checking M25 route to M3, clockwise today seems better!



Thanks I can check the progress, of course  (not off course).



 Jock,  I tried a large glass of Glenmorangie Altein (ha! about $40.00 worth) But it failed to ease the pain from my neck down my arm to my finger - which is like toothache for the whole length. Had to resort to Morphine again - but I cut the tablet in half to about 2.5 grams. Trouble is it make me jabber and there is no one else here except my dog - and she’s bored with me.... Still  the feeling of pain is receding. Morphine is odd (as you know) - you know that the pain is still there but you no longer give a flying f@$k. Sorry to be crude.


Later, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Hope you're feeling better, Pete – doesn't really sound like fun to have to resort to such medication...


Sunny and slightly breezy outside. Might go looking for some shelf space later!

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Good morning all,   my "plans" seemed to have changed over night -- as they do!  My boss has decided to go to the docks to try and "chivy" things along - not that that will work  - last ex-pat I heard of who tried that ended up getting locked up! 


So today could be interesting!



What ever you're up to, try and make the most of it! 




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Thanks. Chronic Pain has made people kill themselves - I can totally understand that, there is nothing worse in the World -  thank God for Morphine. Being in my sixties it is extremely unlikely that I would either:


1. Abuse it (much, I’m passed caring, frankly).


2. Sell it on the street for $60.00 a tablet (it is far too valuable too me).


Just going through a bad period of inflammation at present.


Cheers, Pete (who will be able to sleep presently).

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I hadn't realised until spending some hours on a morphine drip after coronary bypass surgery how the experience of the drug can vary for different individuals. I had expected plenty of pain; my surgeon doesn't believe in keyhole surgery – you get unseam'd from the nave to th'chops so he can get his elbows in – but with the morphine and my fairly high pain threshold I was reasonably comfortable physically. On the the other hand, I spent the night in a delusional state, convinced that the murmuring nurses were plotting to murder me as soon as I went to sleep, and spitting out the tablets I was given. I was reluctant, too, to take the Codeine I was offered, managing on paracetamol. This seemed to displease my staff nurse, who kept asking my daughter: “Is your Dad a whittler?” I had it in mind that Herman Göring, denigrated as a drug addict, was, in fact, addicted to the codeine he took to manage the pain of injuries sustained as a fighter pilot during WWI. I thought it best not to mention that to staff, though.


Jock, you're a good example to the rest of us; I suppose that taking a sympathetic interest in other people's well-being is of mutual help in dealing with problems and surviving life in general.

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You have my sympathies, Pete.  I recall being quite heavily dosed up on Morphine when I had my back problems a few years ago and having quite a heated discussion with a junior doctor who wanted to take me off it.  It was the only thing that kept me sane before I eventually had surgery, but of course I now understand I had become dependant on it and was in danger of becoming an addict.  Seems strange talking about it now as it so far removed from my normal thinking and way of life.  That's the nearest I have been to losing control of my thoughts and at the time I didn't care.  


… but it was a nice feeling…:-)

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Not asking for sympathy but my back is playing up.

Usually it eases off after a few days but it's been like this for two+ weeks.

At times, morphine sounds quite attractive.


If the ex-hurricane wrecks the place, someone else can do the clear up this time.

I wonder how Tony's boat will get along in the conditions forecast?


Now to read back.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Plenty of rain last night but now dry & sunny so should be nice warm day.

SWMBO has just decided to go into panic mode as we have friends coming to dinner tonight and "We've got loads to do!" Guess what that  means!

Have a good one,

Bob. (putting on hoovering hat)

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More decorating to do today. Managed to get the lounge painted, glossed and new furniture and fittings in yesterday. Kitchen is tiled. Hall is painted awaiting another coat and the gloss. Not bad for 1 person in 1 day.


Also trying to hunt out some gearbox oil for the Alfa. In my wisdom I purchased the version with the sequential gearbox, lovely fun to drive but an absolute PITA and bloody expensive to get anything for it! It shares it's engine oil with the BMW M3 and maybe 3 other vehicles so only 1 manufacturer makes the oil and it's around £25 for a litre. The gearbox oil appears to be a manufacturer only product, which means it's also going to be bloody expensive! Thankfully the car is so nice to drive that it's worth every penny.


Hope everyone has a happy productive day and finds at least one reason to smile.



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Morning all, sunny day at present... Last nights rain was awful the conservatory roof leaked but the silicon /lead didn't fortunately. I need to get on litter trays to empty etc and I need to build a cupboard today so MrsB can watch TV in bed she has a lot of pain in her leg again. Pete maybe you should return to the NHS where they are less afraid of legal action and get a second opinion? Have a good day all.

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Morning all.


Nice here after overnight rain. Seemed like a lot, but the jamjars I left out in the garden only seem to have a centimetre or so in the bottom.


Deep joyload as I fallolepped down the workshed and did my first enamel airbrushing today (this isn't about modelling, it's about PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT) and it was a lot easier and nicer than I expected. I still don't like the smell of white spirit, though.


Also a bit of woodwork done (bad move to do sanding just before painting, possibly better than the other way round, though) and a bacon buttie.


Like Grandadbob the rest of my day involves hoovering most of the house and steaming the kitchen floor. And cleaning up the kitchen. And going round to water #1's patio plants. Oh, hang on...

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Morning all from a sunny Clacton - unexpected after the amount of rain we had in the night!

Peter (Trisonic), the 'Glen' is my kind of anaesthetic! Seriously, I'm really sorry to hear of your discomfort ; is this a result of all those years on guitars? I am on morphine constantly for the pain caused by the bone tumours in my pelvis but my clever oncologist worked on the dosage and I appear to have avoided any sign of addiction unlike Gordon(s) (in fact I have to set my mobile phone alarm to ring at the times my medication is due or I'd forget and then it really hurts, and takes a while to balance again!). I take a slow release pill morning and night and four small doses of liquid from an oral syringe at four hour intervals during the day. I have been taught to adjust the dosage for any peak of pain and so far haven't suffered any drowsiness. I've also been checked and deemed fit to drive. Sheer luck with the NHS, finding the right consultant! I do hope you manage to find some relief Pete, I remember not being able to speak or think straight when in pain after the radiation!

The NASA space probe 'Magellan' arrived at Venus this day in 1990 on its radar mapping mission. The journey from Earth took fifteen months, which is one month less than the circumnavigation of the globe in 1521/2 by the Portuguese man Ferdinand Magellan that it was named after(he of course didn't complete the trip, being killed in the Phillipines en-route!). He is well remembered however as the man who named it the 'Mar Pacifico' or 'Peaceful Sea' (translated to English!), now known as the 'Pacific Ocean'! There is also the famous 'Straits of Magellan' as well as the Magellanic Clouds (Dwarf galaxies) and craters on the Moon and Mars! Sorry if that bored you all but you might guess that I studied him in history?

Gordon(Bluebottle), thanks for the kind comment - when I attend the chemo suite at Colchester each month and look around me at the poor devils plumbed in for their treatment, and a couple of youngsters with a grey pallor and no hair, I realise that I'm actually lucky! A stark reminder that there are always those worse off than you - and they haven't had 67 mainly great years crammed with rich experience. Can't say that I've noticed any 'delusional state' yet but Joanna would probably disagree!

Onwards and upwards, I've got the British Superbikes at Oulton Park this weekend! Off now to check the web cam on Tony and Aditis boat that I mentioned in an earlier post!

May the weekend bring what you wish from it,

Kind regards,


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Morning all,


Mrs Stationmaster duly informed about last night's event - Mr Stationmaster duly instructed that he did it all the wrong way and should have used a tea towel (Mr Stationmaster kept quiet as he makes very sure that he doesn't know where the tea towels are kept in order to avoid being instructed to make use of them, regrettably he does know where the vacuum cleaner is kept).


And talk of the latter I really must read more carefully as after all the talk of the effects of morphine I was getting confused about what would be causing GDB to be hovering today.


But more seriously I wish you well Pete and really think you should try to get it sorted, sounds far too nasty to have to live with it.  


Meanwhile for those at sea heading towards Jutland there is a Gale Warning (only Force Eight) for Humber, German Bight, and Fisher - hardly notice that in a ship just short of 600ft long; although she is still in the Thames area the webcam is only showing something about Sea State 2 - 3 so nice &  smooth.


Have a good day one & all

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 Pete maybe you should return to the NHS where they are less afraid of legal action and get a second opinion? Have a good day all.

That’s where it all started, I’m afraid, Mick! As Jock says often there is no substitute. I feel sorry for those folks in terrible pain in those countries of the EU where they’d rather see you die than run the risk of becoming addicted, how absurd....


Slightly crushed vertebrae in the neck are difficult to treat, Mike et al. Luckily it comes and goes and as it goes I ease myself off the medication.


Best, Pete.

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According to the Live Ships Map Tony and Aditi’s private yacht “Adonia”  is well into the North Sea (I dunno, about 100 miles due east of Aldburgh) at 14.5 knots enroute to Copenhagen (where Tony will conduct a reenactment on Nelson’s action)...


Best, Pete.

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Simon, hope you didn't get 'withdrawal' symptoms in Cockermouth!



Thankfully not, Jock!  The dentist visit was just a 5 minute check on the progress of a recent implant, which fortunately is just fine.


Definitely an ER today as Mrs G was up at 6am, and made so much noise I had no option but to follow suit.  As it is currently dry, I have already picked about 5 pounds of peas (that she is now shelling for the freezer), trimmed a hedge, and dug up a few potatoes which grew because I obviously didn't lift all last year's crop.  The beauty of this is that I didn't have to do any work to plant them this time!  Grass cutting next.

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I feel sorry for those folks in terrible pain in those countries of the EU where they’d rather see you die than run the risk of becoming addicted, how absurd....



We knew a lady who had had breast cancer, and as is sometimes the case it had got into her lymph nodes and bones. The NHS declined to give the pain-relieving treatment she needed, so she moved to France, where she had right royal treatment, and was able to really enjoy life for a few more years before the inevitable.


I was sweeping out the barn before Richard delivered the new bales of hay yesterday. I'd almost finished when he arrived, so he stood and watched, and pointed out that part of the remaining pile of old hay and seeds was now walking off - my hedgehog, covered in hay! It dived between a couple of feedbins, and is welcome to stay as far as I'm concerned. The cats no doubt leave it alone, although they are active at present, and two dead rats in as many days is good news.


Another non-event on the weather front, with the forecast at midday yesterday warning of violent storms to come. Zilch, not a bean, no real breeze and the rain had eased off to nothing soon after lunch. Apparently this weather system is called Ursula - sounds like a nice girl, eh? - but she is now not expected until tomorrow. And people complain about trains being 5' late!


Good to see Coombe Barton making the most of his return trip, stopping at Lydford. I think the Gorge is National Trust, and Deb and I must have visited it in about 1980, with our new membership cards. Chap on the gate said "So you've been and gone and done it. then!" Wondered why the sign for the whole place didn't say something like "Lydford is Gorgeous"!


MiL to be called shortly. There are vague signs of progress with her re-homing by Merton, but I'm not counting any chickens just yet.


Hope your weekend delivers.

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