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g'day you hosers. Take off eh. How she goin' my trouts?


Oops, sorry had my keyboard set to Canadian. Good day all from the boring borough. S.L.I.F. !!!!!!! Another 3.5 hours and I'm done till the 18th.

All quiet here. Street food thingy in Lewisham tonight. Followed tomorrow with our usual small market shopping planned. Added bonus of a visit to a brewery taproom.


Have a great weekend everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all


A wet Sarthe today, with worse to follow, so we're told. Severe weather warning in place for most of France now. Mind you, we were supposed to have a wet day yesterday, and in fact got a few drops about mid-day, with plenty of sun, too. So, like you do, I fired up the new hedge-trimmer and went along the frontage, taking quite a lot of prisoners. It will need a bit of step-laddering to do properly, but well-pleased with progress.


Smiffy - looking at the identity of the "disagree" voter, I hardly think it was meant. Finger trouble would be my diagnosis.


Sheena was here for coffee, and having skirted round the Ben and Alison saga we eventually got to it. Alison seems to have shipped out to parts unknown, taking stuff including furniture and light fittings with her. I knew she was planning to do a runner, but had asked not to be told her destination. Sheena leaves for Dorset on Monday, so Ben will be looking after both places. I have volunteered to help at Sheena's if needed. Sherry and I are quite happy to walk down there and liberate the dogs for a run-around. We'll see. I expect Ben to be combing the countryside looking for his kids - as you would.


Anyway, week's nearly done, and hope the workers have the chance to wind down soonest.

Edited by Oldddudders
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Farmer Richard just delivered my hay in the nick of time, as I was on the last of it. He always brings two big round bales. I don't know what they weigh, but we struggle to manhandle them in the barn onto the pallet. They arrive in an Ivor Williams trailer, so the whole lot must be some weight. And towing it, instead of the usual 4x4 - was my old Skoda! He clearly loves driving it as I did. Good to sell something that proves a success for others.


They hope to have a barbecue next weekend - maybe at their chateau (yes, it really is, but apparently only has one turret) rather than the farm. As Sherry will be arriving on the Saturday, we thought Sunday would be better. We'll see.

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  • RMweb Premium



Please stop posting pictures of sailing boats.


Ever time I see  a picture of a decent day sailer, I start combing the small ads as I want to buy another.


However, this time I want a boat I can sit in and perhaps catch some mackerel rather than something that you sit on and balance whilst getting wet or soaked depending on your skill set. 


Dinghy racing was the only sport that brought out my competitive streak


Realistically it won't happen, as I've got too much time and money invested in model railways and shooting.


Next sensible buy has got to be some ER25 collets and the respective chucks for mill and lathe.


I'm happy with that.  I'll post Tr**ns instead. :jester: 

My dinghy racing days are well and truly over, too, as is camping in any weather.

I like my comfort these days, though I have been known to stand on a station platform in the rain waiting for a steam train to run through.  Still some go in me, then.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


A wet Sarthe today, with worse to follow, so we're told. Severe weather warning in place for most of France now. Mind you, we were supposed to have a wet day yesterday, and in fact got a few drops about mid-day, with plenty of sun, too. So, like you do, I fired up the new hedge-trimmer and went along the frontage, taking quite a lot of prisoners. It will need a bit of step-laddering to do properly, but well-pleased with progress.


Smiffy - looking at the identity of the "disagree" voter, I hardly think it was meant. Finger trouble would be my diagnosis.


Sheena was here for coffee, and having skirted round the Ben and Alison saga we eventually got to it. Alison seems to have shipped out to parts unknown, taking stuff including furniture and light fittings with her. I knew she was planning to do a runner, but had asked not to be told her destination. Sheena leaves for Dorset on Monday, so Ben will be looking after both places. I have volunteered to help at Sheena's if needed. Sherry and I are quite happy to walk down there and liberate the dogs for a run-around. We'll see. I expect Ben to be combing the countryside looking for his kids - as you would.


Anyway, week's nearly done, and hope the workers have the chance to wind down soonest.


I seem to be rather prone to misfiring and sending the Funny vote instead of the ones either side of it.  I put it down to wayward cursor positioning!.


Edit.  See above post. Apologies, grandadbob.  :jester:

Edited by southern42
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A bit later than usual from a Sunny blue sky Cape Town.


I posted earlier in..............

                                    the new jokes thread, by accident..

Today is my 730 day anniversary of moving in here (2 years)


It is also a resident's 100th birthday. There is right at this moments a tea party in her honour, hosted by the home.


Happy poets day all.

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  • RMweb Premium



You feeling better now, Phil?



Best, Pete.

I take it you are referring to my medical condition not my rant re. disagrees but the answer is yes on both counts. The medical problem seems to have cleared up completely but not before I appeared to be passing solids! :O They were small tan coloured objects that dissolved after a few minutes, perhaps it was a blockage of some sort but since then everything seems normal, no blood and no pain. 

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  • RMweb Gold

"sensible buy has got to be some ER25 collets


My immediate reaction was Excellent choice but does he need more than one GWR Class 2251 0-6-0 steam locos! 



Why yes, I have three.


Two in OO and a third in P4, which is off to a new home shortly.


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:O New baby appears to be somewhat stuck in my rear passageway :laugh:  (yet more) burly men have been summoned to assist with the new arrival.


"Right! said Fred........." :good_mini:

Proctologists??? :jester:  :jester:


I truly AM sorry.... coat, hat and slinking away.... :nono:

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  • RMweb Premium

Must be reading, if like me the book hitting the floor wakes me up. :jester:

Opportunity for a disagree there!!!! LOL> The book wouldn't clunk on the grass!


It's Bill Bryson's book about 1927, absolutely fascinating, if you thought some recent-ish US Presidents were a little, er, unprofessional at times, reading about Cal Coolidge really opens the eyes. Well worth a read, and the contraversial parts are all very well referenced!

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POETS day arrives with little fanfare...


Have a great cruise Tony & Aditi, well deserved.


Polly, the pics were lovely, sadly I'm not doing "THAT" anymore, like the rest of us it sounds like, but have fond memories - never was one for camping after some experiences as a kid at such lovely places as West Wittering and Hayling Island, with family "fun" all under one or two tents/tarps that never seemed to keep out any rain <sigh>.

My idea/concept of camping is a cheap motel, and I only ever stay in up-market ones as a result! I need the creature comforts that befit an old fart  seasoned traveller. :senile:


Last night, survived the watching of the series 2 final episode of "Last Tango in Halifax", amazed that there wasn't more idiocy <phew>...


I have a DISAGREE I want to post, to the seaweed twirlers OR some IT weather product developers, not sure who's at fault, as follows;

i) Awoke and looked out the kitchen window whilst making tea, it was 19 and sunny, clear and light breeze, beautiful day. = AGREE

ii) Looked at the desktop widget on my laptop, it was 19 and CLOUDY! = DISAGREE

I wish the silly sods that process/post this tripe would do the obvious and INSTALL AND LOOK OUT A BLOODY WINDOW!!!! Not that hard is it??? What a bunch of tossers...


Looking forward to finishing the week out so I can have a nice weekend of unplanned activities, some of which should include model trains - there I said it :beee:  :jester:  :blum:


Hope everyone is gearing up for their weekend already, enjoy.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Weather not as bad as predicted, so decided to go to Skipton for some pies and to walk the dog - seems a distance, but the pies there are so good that it's better to go occasionally, as if I lived any nearer, I'd need my pension paid straight to Drake & Macefield and cut out the middle man (ie bank).


Decided to press on to Ilkley, but they were having some sort of street festival and it was heaving, so just turned back and came home and caught up with ERs instead.


Am on dinner duty - sausages (not, regrettable from siad butcher) and what turned out to be Ayrshire new potatoes from Morrison's - never seen them on offer South of the border before.


Regards to All


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I take it you are referring to my medical condition not my rant re. disagrees but the answer is yes on both counts. The medical problem seems to have cleared up completely but not before I appeared to be passing solids! :O They were small tan coloured objects that dissolved after a few minutes, perhaps it was a blockage of some sort but since then everything seems normal, no blood and no pain.

Sounds like kidney stones! Painful!

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POETS day arrives with little fanfare...


Have a great cruise Tony & Aditi, well deserved.


Polly, the pics were lovely, sadly I'm not doing "THAT" anymore, like the rest of us it sounds like, but have fond memories - never was one for camping after some experiences as a kid at such lovely places as West Wittering and Hayling Island, with family "fun" all under one or two tents/tarps that never seemed to keep out any rain <sigh>.

My idea/concept of camping is a cheap motel, and I only ever stay in up-market ones as a result! I need the creature comforts that befit an old fart  seasoned traveller. :senile:


Last night, survived the watching of the series 2 final episode of "Last Tango in Halifax", amazed that there wasn't more idiocy <phew>...


I have a DISAGREE I want to post, to the seaweed twirlers OR some IT weather product developers, not sure who's at fault, as follows;

i) Awoke and looked out the kitchen window whilst making tea, it was 19 and sunny, clear and light breeze, beautiful day. = AGREE

ii) Looked at the desktop widget on my laptop, it was 19 and CLOUDY! = DISAGREE

I wish the silly sods that process/post this tripe would do the obvious and INSTALL AND LOOK OUT A BLOODY WINDOW!!!! Not that hard is it??? What a bunch of tossers...


Looking forward to finishing the week out so I can have a nice weekend of unplanned activities, some of which should include model trains - there I said it :beee:  :jester:  :blum:


Hope everyone is gearing up for their weekend already, enjoy.

Far too many years ago, the Met office phoned each Control room ith a weather forcast in winter - too help us stop the job better keep things moving.

The forcast took the form of a simple 1 2 3, where 1=snow, 2=frost, 3=fog.

The forast came as 1=nil, 2=nil, 3==nil, which was interesting as we had about a foot of snow, and it was still falling.

When this was pointed out, the chap in the Met office was heard opening a window, and promptly gave an ammended forcast of 1=heavy.......


It was things like this that made it all worth while (even better was 2 nights later delaying sweet Maggie for 90" - but that is best told over a Whiskey.



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  • RMweb Gold

Sounds like kidney stones! Painful!

I had a urine test a couple of years ago, and specific mention was made of the lack of solids in the sample. There seemed from memory to be two or three types that were sought and not found. Apparently that was good news!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


It would seem the Passport Office(s) difficulties are hitting home with 'staycations' the flavour of the month - herself spent a considerable time trying to book us into 'somewhere', then 'anywhere', east of Exeter at the end of next week for her uncle's funeral plus a short break away and very difficult to get in almost everywhere (but success in the end).  Next question will be whether the roads will be as crowded as the hotels & pubs; $64,000 question is will I be allowed to go to Beer and chuck in the Fleet Air Arm Museum on the way home?

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