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  • RMweb Gold

I suggested about £200 to Aditi who assumed I was joking. You now have to guess whether I was being "silly" for too little or too much!

The good Doctor was in Stockholm not that long back and appears to think £150 is about right but then of course we don't know Aditi's taste in cakes and you do so perhaps you were on the right side?

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  • RMweb Premium

Back from our "local" which has been remodelled as a craft beer bar (Pah Humbug!)  but they had an excellent beer to try ..."Dave" by Great Heck brewery ... very nice and dark!


Now Pete and Oldudders .. just calm down and have a cup of tea!  Obviously summer heat is having an affect on both of you....


while in the pub a vision of "beauty "walked past .... her indoors commented on  this with.."the things you see when you haven't got a gun!"


Have a great Sunday (what's left of it) and have a great Monday for those in front of UK time...



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  • RMweb Gold

The good Doctor was in Stockholm not that long back and appears to think £150 is about right but then of course we don't know Aditi's taste in cakes and you do so perhaps you were on the right side?

Aditi thought  more Swedish cash should be taken than I estimated but perhaps my doctor likes cake more than your doctor!

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Good evening all, I hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend.  Today has been a busy old Sunday with the usual round of family visits. It was my parent's this morning to deliver presents for mum's birthday before heading off for the usual Sunday roast at the in-laws in the afternoon. Whilst at the in-laws I got a chance to play trains for the first time since our move. Father in law has expanded his railway collection to include a discounted Hornby Thomas the Tank Engine train set - this he set up on the floor for Amber to play with, and Daddy got to join in.

 On the subject of model railways Sarah has promised we can sort the spare room out this week so maybe, just maybe, I can make progress towards getting some kind of operating layout in the new place. Mind you, if anyone has read my recent blog update, they will realise my current dilemma. I am still undecided on whether to work on developing Skaleby West or construct a brand new layout on my spare 4ft x 1ft baseboard. A coastal terminus remains a favoured option.


 Today brought an awkward moment. Our neighbour innocently asked us if we were coming to the "street party" today. Apparently a number of the new residents had planned a barbeque and drinks during the afternoon to help get to know each other and develop a community spirit. Sadly no-one had told us and so we knew nothing about it. I think the poor girl felt quite upset and embarrassed. It was still in full swing when we arrived home this evening and one of the organisers came over and apologised. With us being away they had simple not seen us, which is what I thought had happened. At least I managed to pop out to share a drink with them later once Amber had gone to bed. Sarah felt one of us should show willing and was happy to send me out as the scout party.


I hope Monday is not too bad for the workers amongst the ER brigade.

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evening all,took a stroll round barrow hill with jack this morning,allways wants to look at the big green engine(blue peter) sat outside.....theres plenty of room inside I might add.....was quite impressed with a small drewery shunter complete with whistle that made us both jump ever time it was sounded !! managed to have some of the black stuff to night....once it had settled ! jack sleeping with posterior in air....why do they do that ? anyone recommend a good ste of wd 2 8 0 drawings? ive all but given up trying to contact pdh,have a good day tomorrow !!

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Aditi thought  more Swedish cash should be taken than I estimated but perhaps my doctor likes cake more than your doctor!



I am surprisingly cake resistant - except at model railway exhibitions. And I took chunky kitkats with me.


Whilst in Stockholm you should go to Skansen which is on the museum island with Vasa - it's an outdoor museum of Swedish life with old buildings from all over the country and demonstrations of traditional crafts etc. And bears (plus lynx, reindeer and goodness knows what else).


In terms of budget, i'd allow between 1.5 and 2x what you normally would for food etc. I'm trying to remember how much money we were getting through but I suspect my brain has expunged it as overly traumatic. Plus our hotel did the most amazing breakfast which meant that we didn't really eat lunch the whole time we were there.

Edited by station cat
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  • RMweb Gold

In your shed. Catering is lousy! Not a sign of a bit of wedding cake!! ;) :jester:  

Well, that's what I'm putting on Tripadvisor, anyway!




I have three sheds:  you are obviously not in the one with the ensuite wedding cake, champagne, truffles and caviar.


I will have the Obergrumpenfuhrer upgrade you post haste.


Whatever you do, please refrain from playing cricket on the lawn............................it's mined!

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I have to say, as you lot toddle off to bed, that today ER earned a +1 in entertainment value!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very, very good. Much better than the Telly.

Certainly better than me chasing giant deer around.

Thank you.



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Invited to Miss bb's for a barbecue and to meet a new family member this afternoon. Tiffany is a miniature hamster, previously one of a pair belonging to a friend. They usually nibble at one's fingers when picked up; the friend wasn't comfortable with this, so donned thick gloves before handling Tiffany's companion and it died of a heart attack. Upset, she passed Tiffany on to Miss bb.

The little mite seems to have settled in happily enough.





Edit: added last line.

Edited by bluebottle
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Evening all,

Gordon, Thanks for posting the video I mentioned this morning - I have to confess that I was worried about the copyright issue so just mentioned where I'd seen it. Awesome flying was it not? Shame about the plane though. No golf today - you'll be having withdrawal symptoms!!

I will raise my nightcap glass to the dirty old men, I guess Joanna would tell you I've always had a dirty mind but it is only lately that I have realised that I am now also old! You realise how old when granddaughter turns up for a cold drink with some of her teen friends en-route to the beach. I was banished to the garage to cool off with instructions to put my eyes back in their sockets - don't appear to wear a lot these days?

Ed, can't believe you are still stuck in there - is there any hope of escape soon? Please keep us posted and best wishes for a full recovery

Andrew, still hanging on for news of the cat's progress..

A beer in Stockholm cost us what a round would have been in the local a couple of years ago! Copenhagen was just as bad. The standard of living in Scandinavia is certainly an eye opener. Didn't find it such a problem in St Petersburg or Moscow but even there the pound doesn't perform as well as it used to.

Good luck to all who work on Monday and try not to forget to spare a few moments thought for those that laid down their lives for us starting 100 years ago! I walked Archie the Westie through the old Clacton cemetery this afternoon and stopped at the group of war graves we have there - a 19 and a couple of 20 year olds gone by November 1914! Never fails to sadden me.

I'll say good morning as I sign off as I note the witching hour is upon us,

Kind regards,


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Good morning all,  seems I am up first!  


With any luck at all  I  should  be getting container shipments today  (yes-no-maybe) 14 of them on 4 sites........  Meeting about the site  I went to Friday afternoon first, and getting the IT guy to install the correct version of office on this machine  ..........and ........and  18 days and I'm outa here! 


Whatever  you're up to today, try and find something to smile about, 



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The sea wall offers some good views of the West Country main line - is that any good to you?


Last time I went to Teignmouth, I couldn't find a decent pub, but crossed the bridge to Shaldon where they were better.

The pubs do take some finding, I agree, but Teignmouth has some fascinating old parts (back to the DOM from yesterday!!!) where a few may be found. We settled for "The Blue Anchor" where the live music (and the cider!) were very acceptable.


As the driver, I needed a reasonably clear head to negotiate successfully the winding A379 twixt Shaldon and Maidencombe. There are stunning sea views but only the passengers should enjoy them!


Hope your week delivers as you would like.

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Busy week ahead; preparing for a new arrival! :dancing: ............my new baby is due to arrive on Friday and I`ve been warned to expect the little-one to be a bonnie 260 Kg.! :O


........Gentlefolk; have your celebratory cigars at the ready! :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Boy, it's good to be back in your own bed...


Grey outside and a new weather warning relating to t-storms is in effect for the entire day. We actually ran into some powerful rain and thunder on the way from the airport yesterday, but it seems like the weather gods still need to vent off some anger.


Almost forgot to ask this: As there are daylight and night-time headlight settings on the British railways, do you know at which time or under which conditions drivers must switch from one setting to the other?


Have a good one...

Edited by 1216 025
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning,the sun is shining which is good after the weekends downpours.


Have just caught up with yesterdays posts which have made me laugh, infact a good tonic as things with father in law have progressed rapidly and my wife and the staff dont expect him to go beyond wed/thurs.


On to long shapely legs which will raise interest in certain parts of the globe lol, I packed my car up with rubbish for the tip and got my youngest sons girlfriend to take it, as it was during the recent heatwave she wasn't exactly wearing a lot of clothing, my son and I followed with a further load.


Yep numerous offers of help from the tip staff came her way and the car was emptied in record time, not surprising as she had 4 of them emptying the estate whilst other visitors struggled.


The joys of being blond and slim I guess lol!


Hoping to cut the grass later today then back to see father in law.


Enjoy your day folks

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dry and slightly cloudy here,

Lots of little tasks to complete today, including collecting medication, posting documents for Matthew and getting a haircut. No hobby activities.


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morning all,clear and dry here,no traffic to work,good luck debs,as for barry,sorry mate you may have spoken too soon,ive got my list from the domestic authoritys first thing as I was leaving for work !! have a good day all.

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Morning everybody.

Finally managed a decent night's sleep to be woken at 7.30 by the postman - but not really a problem, as it's my Great British Locomotives two days early!


So, coffee, come to, camera...


Good day, all, and yes, I also have three sheds. I really need a bigger one.

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Busy week ahead; preparing for a new arrival! :dancing: ............my new baby is due to arrive on Friday and I`ve been warned to expect the little-one to be a bonnie 260 Kg.! :O


........Gentlefolk; have your celebratory cigars at the ready! :laugh:


260kg?  That will make your eyes water...

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Morning all.  Away from ERs for a few days and loads to catch up on!  Spent Friday helping a son move into new flat in Leeds, alon with his girlfriend.  New flat is a lot better than the old one, which was pretty grim!  Got lost in Leeds on Thursday night, as they closed the ring road for maintenance, and it was dark, so I couldnt find my way to his old flat! Son had to guide me there by phone - I must consider getting a Satnav!


Drove home via a visit to Beningbrough Hall, a National Trust property we hadnt been to before.  Highly recommended - lovely gardens and great volunteer staff.  During a torrential downpour we sheltered in a greenhouse along with a few others, who turned out to be having a guided tour of the gardens, and we were invited to join them, which was really nice.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry sunny start, should be a nice day but chance of scattered showers later.

Just heard the dreaded words "Come on - we've got a lot to do today". It's getting rather monotonous lately! It appears we're bound for the local High St. shortly.

Have a good one,


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Morning all from the boring borough. Totally exhausted as I really haven't had much sleep for the past week.


George update. He's been "cleaned out" several times now to get him into a state where he can come home for a few days prior to getting the referral for surgery. The hardest part will be swallowing the vet bills that will approach £3k by the time this is done. £200 last week. Another £500 this week, and around £2200 for the actual operation. Oh and he was uninsurable when we got him as he was a semi-feral rescue cat with a pre-existing pelvic injury. Its the pelvic injury with neurological damage that has caused all the problems.


Still awaiting instructions on whether or not the client has signed off on the paperwork. If only thumb twiddling was an Olympic sport..........


Pete, Ian, be careful what you wish for. I was in Soho the other week picking up our monthly order of coffee from the Algerian Coffee Company on Old Compton when the most amazing pair of very long legs in a skirt that could be better described as a belt walked by. "she" then wandered into Madame Jojo's. :no:


Sounds like everyone had a decent weekend. Commiserations Bob on having to go shopping. One of my least favourite activities. SWMBO normally leaves me in the nearest man crèche aka pub.


Take care all and have a great day. Even if it is Monday.

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