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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, looks a trifle damp outside but not raining at present, a lot of domestic chores to do and MIL's computer to clean up so she can book another holiday flight rubbing it in nicely. Tidying cleaning and tip visits. Happy Birthday Pete and look after yourself, I hope things get better soon.

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Happy birthday, Pete, and I do hope the fortunate turn of events re Louise's specialist results in some positive progress with her treatment.


All the best to you both!


Happy weekend to everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, well its just stopped raining, more to follow later I think.


Happy birthday  Pete (75C), trip/s to the tip beckon following a major clear out/reorganisation of the garage yesterday then visit to father in law later on.


Enjoy your day folks

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Morning all, looks a trifle damp outside but not raining at present, a lot of domestic chores to do and MIL's computer to clean up so she can book another holiday flight rubbing it in nicely. Tidying cleaning and tip visits. Happy Birthday Pete and look after yourself, I hope things get better soon.


Thanks Mick. I'm absolutely fine. It's just really really strange with her being away for such long periods of time. You kind of get in to a "comfortable" routine and it's disconcerting when the routine you're used to gets thrown out the window. The upside is that I get to watch TV that I want to watch in the evening... No Eastenders. No "My Big Fat Gypsy Underage and Pregnant A&E Emergency" type drivel! When she's back and well enough, we are going to have one Hell of a holiday though. May not be this year, but I guarantee there will be beaches and cheap fizzy beer involved...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy birthday Pete.


Nice meal at the Plowden Arms yesterday evening - just the two of us for once as laddo was having an 'office evening out' and the good Doctor was busy at Tesco, emptying the shelves (far more skilled that stocking the shelves); the cucumbers were duly traded for 1 x lemon posset - definitely better than chucking them away.  And I sincerely hope a bloke sitting near us was letting his wife (or children??) do the driving as he sank 2 pints of Addlestones followed by a large glass of white wine.


We are promised rain today but the nature of the promise seems to shift with the colour of Exeter's seaweed - I think I shall have to try to sort them out when we venture in their direction for a funeral in the near future.


Have a good day one and all and may the rain do your gardens good without flooding them.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy birthday Pete. Have to take my car to the car wash today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92r5xWr0im4


I wouldn't go there if I were you, the way they were sitting on the cars - disrespectful. Plus, they missed a bit - I was watching VERY closely.


Just off to throw a bucket of mud over the car and pop out for a drive

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Happy Birthday Pete - and I sincerely hope Louise gets sorted soonest. I went through years of having an absentee wife and attendant hospital visits, so I know about the "comfort" of the routine you find. It makes you feel almost guilty.


Richard - glad the day went well. And Merryn is a gorgeous name! Were you modelling in P4 when she was born? St Merryn being a highly regarded example in that exalted scale. I am a very name-conscious person. We had a Merrian at skool, and her elder sister was Derinda. I quite like Charmaine, too.....


And talking of Cornish villages (St Merryn, where Deb and I certainly lifted a pint or several) Port Isaac is now, as pointed out above, a honeytrap for tourist wallets. I last visited in 2010, when Sherry drove us there for the day from her love-nest in Torquay, and it was quite altered from my previous visit in 2004, before the Doc Martin stuff had kicked in. During the Hitler war, mum and dad - then unmarried - would stay there when dad was on leave, and it was always a fave location for holidays in the 60s. Deb and I rented at least 5 or 6 different cottage there over the years, too. But we need to remember Cornwall is a poor county - allegedly one of England's very poorest - so anything that gets money across the Tamar must be good.


Ernie - Boscastle is another great place (see above) and looking for signs of the old lines is tremendous fun in such a pretty area, too. When Sherry was driving us back after our day out, I caught sight of the sign for Treneglos, another landmark layout of our time. And New Ladies are always good company!


Ringing MiL shortly, yawn.


Sunny at present, but a threat of storms later. Sorry for those in wet conditions on a Summer weekend. May your luck improve.

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Happy birthday, Pete!


New toy has arrived - Tamiya panel engraving tool. It's a beaut for scribing lines (like planks) so I'm making a 5 planker to go on a Bachmann chassis. Sorry, that's not a comment on modelling, it's a comment about tools, and that's allowed, yes? I couldn't say anything about the other stuff...  Tamiya do some good stuff. I especially like their stainless steel paint stirrer.


In other news The Goat is disappearing over the bridge, which is nice.

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Morning all from a very dull Clacton on Sea,

Had a bit of luck last evening, I was about to water the borders and tubs and greenhouse when 'mother hen' Joanna said 'stop now, you look too weary and you've done enough today already'! I did as I was told and later when I took Archie the Westie out for his pre bedtime wee, the sky was full of stars. At around 1am however, with the bedroom windows open, we were awoken by the most torrential downpour so it seems that, with her witch like powers, she called it right again! Going to get her to do the lottery next week.

Pete (75C), that is hopefully great news for Louise and for you and the kids - perhaps now they can come up with a solution and return the poor girl to some sort of normal life. Joanna was aghast when she heard of her treatment when compared to the way my case has been handled. If it helps, please tell her we are both thinking of her as I'm sure most of your friends on ERs are. By the way, I would have hit that button you mentioned in reference to Neil's picture, even though I am now banned from riding and have sold both of my bikes, I could still play with the trains (with apologies to Debs!).

Pete (Trisonic), thanks for the 'heads up' on EC. I didn't realise he was about to retire - still think it is pretty remarkable that he has made it thus far considering how used to burn the candle! Guess my father was right when he said 'it might have shortened my life but oh what a lovely light' - and this when he was eighty-three!

Dick, thanks for the drug info but I think I'll stick to the Allopurinol as the condition (intolerance to purines) apparently tends to get worse in time and I have experienced no side effects after all these years. Death sounds like a pretty scary side effect to me so be careful!

Sherry, the post above seems to come from someone who is happy - can we take it that your troublesome crowd have departed? Down to 14 days now, I hope they don't drag too much for you!

Today's trivia - La Scala Milan opened today in 1778 and I have been lucky enough to attend a performance there.

Hope for a great weekend for all,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

Many happy returns, Pete! Have a great day and enjoy it to its fullest.


I've been at the British Museum for about half an hour now and am already overloaded with information and ready for a nap. The massive crowding doesn't exactly help things either. It's certainly impressive, though!

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Happy Birthday Pete!  Rain just starting here in Slapding, but the upside to the day is I'll be picking up Jane at Peterborough at 12noon for a looooooong weekend together.  No more school for her 'til September!

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Thanks guys. To echo something hit upon by Ian, Smiffy and Jock over recent weeks... it does really help to be able to "sound off" once in a while. I don't know any of you personally, but your "Happy Birthday" wishes and supportive comments re: Louise have really made my day and also made what has been a bit of a dark mood much much brighter. It's all more appreciated than I think you can imagine.

Now sod off and have a great weekend, the lot of you...

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  • RMweb Gold

Many happy returns, Pete! Have a great day and enjoy it to its fullest.


I've been at the British Museum for about half an hour now and am already overloaded with information and ready for a nap. The massive crowding doesn't exactly help things either. It's certainly impressive, though!

If I were you Dom I'd give up on 'culture' and take the train to Alton where you can enjoy the MHR and take a useful walk along from the station to the model shop.  Just tell Bob that The Stationmaster sent you and you'll get some 'delightful' English and a good laugh.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

If I were you Dom I'd give up on 'culture' and take the train to Alton where you can enjoy the MHR and take a useful walk along from the station to the model shop.  Just tell Bob that The Stationmaster sent you and you'll get some 'delightful' English and a good laugh.

During our last visit to the British Museum quite a few bits were "closed" as it was so hot some of the fire shutters had activated preventing access. Dom might like the Victoria and Albert (what with them all being German) museum. I once had a fascinating trip to the Museum of London accompanying a school trip as a responsible adult (!!!) parent and we were allowed to handle real Roman exhibits. I liked the roof tiles that had paw prints where a naughty dog had run over them when they were originally manufactured.


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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday Pete and just to let you know that you're in our thoughts for the continued recovery of your wife. 


Continuing the search for a new job. Recruiters seem to be a particularly distasteful breed at times and I have no idea how their companies survive. I was always taught that being polite to customers was a given. By way of example I put my CV in to for a particular vacancy and the recruiter was all over me like a rash. "Are you available for an interview next week?" Sure.

"Ok, 3 pm Tuesday". I'll phone you back tomorrow once I've confirmed with the company.

 Tomorrow came and went. 

Tried him 3 times and got "He's on the other line, he's in a meeting, he'll phone you back."

I now know these are recruitment company lingo for "S@d off and he's too busy to tell you why you didn't get called for interview". 


Meanwhile back at the ranch the front door is being besieged by a 5 y/o who wants to play with my children. 

swmbo is learning the lingo (NOT). "They may come out later." 

30 minutes later: "Can they come out now?"


10 minutes later the doorbell went again. We ignored it so he went round the back to see if we just "hadn't heard". 


I ventured out and he doorstopped me on the way back in "Can they come out and play?".

Told him to n@ff off till 3pm. Walked through the lounge and saw his dad's large dog digging up my flower border. GRRRRR! 

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Happy Birthday Pete and best wishes to Louise, it certainly sounds like things are progressing in the right direction.


For them as wishes to look at *whispers* trains, the remaining pictures of my Austrian venture can now be seen http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/88536-a-trip-to-the-tirol-via-munich/


Sympathies to Andy, maybe your children should be unable to play later as they are too busy repairing the flower bed?

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday Pete and best wishes to Louise, it certainly sounds like things are progressing in the right direction.


For them as wishes to look at *whispers* trains, the remaining pictures of my Austrian venture can now be seen http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/88536-a-trip-to-the-tirol-via-munich/


Sympathies to Andy, maybe your children should be unable to play later as they are too busy repairing the flower bed?

Well, one is having a marathon last go at Minecraft before we go on holiday - we're not taking Kindles as the holiday is about other things.

The other is watching the diving and wondering if she'll make the team one day. 


Pete, I put a pint behind the bar at my local. It looked lonely so I put it out of it's misery!    :drink_mini: :drink_mini:


Dom, Mike is quite right - get out of "The Smoke" and come down to Hampshire and see some real trains! 

Or maybe head up to Beckonscot Model Village to see the gauge 1 layout?

Or over to Didcot and Pendon? 

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Afternoon all. Not a good day here. George not well. One last chance to get him cleaned out. The only other options are euthanasia or a risky operation to remove most of his colon. We're both in bits, expecting the worst. That silly cat is my best buddy.

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Had a bit of a scare lunchtime, went to the loo and noticed I was passing blood in my pee. Dialed 111 and they said they would make an appointment with the emergency doctor so I'm now awaiting a call back to confirm. No aches and pains other than the usual ones except a bit of soreness at the 'exit' end.

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Good afternoon everyone and all the best to Andrew and hope all goes well. Happy birthday to Pete too.


I am back online! The Virgin guys came early and finished quickly so we are now fully connected once again which is good news.


Our holiday ended yesterday with a day in Hunstanton and a visit to the Norfolk Lavender farm. Quite an enjoyable day although the heat left me feeling tired well before our evening drive home. Still it did finish a very enjoyable week and Sarah and I still have another 5 weeks to spend together before I go back to work (I'll ignore the mountains of planning for a bit longer!).

 During yesterday I did call in at the Hunstanton model shop and bought a couple of packs of Noch figures and a low relief Bachmann hotel building which has been bought with a view to creating another micro layout - more soon.


 Today I went out to the Nottingham Heritage Centre for the model railway exhibition there. The aim was to make sure the Weston show had some leaflets present. I did catch up with a couple of exhibitors for our event this year which helped pass the time. The exhibition itself was awful - the worst I have ever been to. I know it has a new organiser this year and should have smelt a rat at the lack of magazine advertising. The event featured less layouts and trade than in previous years and I would say that, with the exception of a three layouts, the standard was much reduced too. Dreadful!

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