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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

A day that seemed to be devoted to chemical warfare on the bathroom and downstairs loo. swmbo is a stickler for sparkling bathroomware! 

I feel that I did my bit and got all necessary items gleaming. 

Later the doorbell rang.

"I need to use your loo."

It was a 4-year old from a neighbouring house.

"Is there some reason why you can't use your own loo?"

"Too late, I just wee'd on your floor and on my pants and on my twousers. Can you get my mummy?"

I adjourned to other parts of the house with a glass of Chardonnay to supervise my own children.

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  • RMweb Premium

I need a drink. There's a lot of Asperger's here, isn't there? (Not here, precisely, but elsewhere...)

Yeah, there is indeed. Right here, as a matter of fact. I've only been aware of it for three years and when I knew, it explained a lot that had happened earlier in my life...

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all. Back in the hotel. Today was the cultural day in the museum. Even the seating in the museum restaurant must have been old as the leg broke off her chair depositing her on the floor. She banged her head hip and elbow but recovered to eat her meal and see more artworks after lunch. Back home tomorrow night.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mrs B is not much better to be honest Don it is now nearly a year since she broke her hip (29th July ) and she still needs a crutch to lean on and her leg still has a dip where it should have muscle. Going back to the consultant in August to be discharged then we will seek a second opinion..... Her other hip is struggling to cope with the strain.

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  • RMweb Gold

Tony: I've clicked friendly/supportive .....


...... It's just a pity her chair wasn't. Hope no serious damage was done.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening friends.


I was up at the crack of dawn...ish.... ahem...well 7, to be at Groudle to prepare our locomotive for the day, and shared driving duties with my mentor all day.  We had a really good day, busy, entertaining, lots of enthusiast visitors, many from Germany for some reason, we usually get UK tours.  I'm cream crackered now of course, and it poured down for our last rain so I got a good soaking too, after a fine day - humbug!


Tired but happy.  Here's hoping Sherry and Ian can be happy soon too.

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  • RMweb Gold

A lot of Asperger's, Dick? Yes, our hobby is riddled with it, and it may arguably be the driving force for many.


In 1974 I can recall bumping into a colleague who I knew was a bus-crank. Recall we both worked for BR, and were among the most privileged of young railway employees. I had seen a broken down bus outside the building, and told him about it. "Oh, that's one of the Gardner-engine ones, I'm not interested in them." So he was only interested in a sub-class of that type of bus. Went on to be de-facto controller of HSTs for Western Region, while being something senior on Paddington Station. Last time I saw him, he told me he'd had to apply for a derogation from ORR for a class of rolling stock sans disabled loos or some such. "I've got a Statutory Instrument on my desk." Yeah, right.

If that's who I think it was he was also rumoured to be heavily into Post Office delivery van fleet numbers and their 'depot' allocations.  I last saw him some years ago - probably more like a dozen years ago with the way time flies - and I was extremely surprised to learn that he had got married; I seriously couldn't understand how he had ever managed to find a woman who could tolerate him and his 'enthusiasms', maybe she was a bit like that too?


The good Doctor has returned and had an ehnjoyable time - including her trip on the Achenseebahn, hopefully some might appear here?

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Evening all,

Glad all is going well with the holiday AndyY, the weather looks superb!

Mick, I'm really sorry to hear that Mrs B's hip is no better - it really does seem that treatment by the NHS is like a lottery and a second opinion sounds like a very good idea. I am almost embarrassed to say that my treatment since diagnosis in April before last has been absolutely superb. As usual, it all seems to depend on individuals and their capabilities, I guess I've just been very fortunate.

Neil, sounds like a tiring but very rewarding day driving the 1:1 model! Look on the bright side, the rain cooled you down and at the same time dealt with the sparks from the funnel! Hope Debs isn't currently in too much discomfort. I have my meeting with the consultant surgeon tomorrow to discuss whether what is known as a 'radical nephrectomy' is a good idea. Bizarre coincidence, Joanna has to attend the same Colchester General tomorrow for the medical photography on a strange mark on the side of her head. The GP has called for a consultant to confirm it isn't skin cancer and he apparently needs a picture before making an appointment! Horrid this ageing process is it not?

Tony, hope Aditi doesn't have any lasting damage from the collapsing chair incident. Have a good last day and a safe journey home.

Ian, I really admire your control when I am sure you are seething inside. I really feel for Sherry as, although abuse is always upsetting, it must be doubly so when dealt out by someone who you've done nothing but nurture and love! Agree with you on the GP, isn't it a shame that it takes the intervention of the weather to make it so exciting?

Managed to talk Joanna into watching the recording of M. Portillo's journey through North Wales again tonight. Brought back fantastic memories of Snowdon, Ffestiniog, Conwy etc.

Tonight's night cap is to finish the Montepulciano D'Abruzzo left over (I know, it's unusual to have any left!) from dinner lest it spoils!

Have a good Monday, even if you have to work,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

I expect it's just me but I've been trying to track down the Exhibition that Polly has invited us to today.

Without success.


Apologies, DD.  I thought I'd overdone the plug in previous posts...E-jot :fool:  ...so failed to mention it. :sorry:


So, albeit it a bit late, just to let everyone know where it was, here's the plaque Ray put in place at 10:01:39 in the morning.



I enjoyed the show immensely and even got to start using the controller, today,  :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

though when Ray suddenly disappeared this afternoon,

to avoid hearing someone talking F1 results before we could see this evening's TV highlights,  :O  :nono:

and thrust the controller into my hands,

I somehow managed to lose all sound in the locos.  :banghead:

Now would you guess that pressing button #1 = SOUND ON / OFF?  No?  Neither did I.   :dontknow:


So there you are.


If you're still up / starting your day / other

enjoy the early hours (British Summer Time/GMT plus 1)




Edit.  And thanks to Mike SM for guessing right and putting DD out of his misery.

Edited by southern42
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Evening all. Back in the hotel. Today was the cultural day in the museum. Even the seating in the museum restaurant must have been old as the leg broke off her chair depositing her on the floor. She banged her head hip and elbow but recovered to eat her meal and see more artworks after lunch. Back home tomorrow night. Tony

Don’t say I didn’t warn you about Belgium...................... :drag:


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Performing final preparations to hit the iron road to London. I'm sure we'll be cream crackered when we get there! Hope to be able to keep you posted during our stay.


Have a good one, everyone...

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Have a great day in Sheringham, Andy & family. The Class 101 DMU is running on the NNR today, but there's also a couple of engines in steam. One of them is the Black 5 George Stephenson and judging by the peculiar smell hanging over the back garden 5 minutes ago, the other could be the B12. The NNR's B12 has, shall we say, a particular pong that is instantly recognisable...

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Apologies, DD.  I thought I'd overdone the plug in previous posts...E-jot :fool:  ...so failed to mention it. :sorry:




Edit.  And thanks to Mike SM for guessing right and putting DD out of his misery.


All to no avail as I wasn't able to make it.

Was it more or less the same as last year?

Hope you enjoyed it, Polly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from a slightly grey damp Brussels. Aditi doesn't seem to have any lasting effects from her fall yesterday. No visible bruising. We will just wander about until time to check in at Eurostar.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Weather supposed to be on the change here, but dry and sunny so far.


SM Mike - yes, of course you have hit the nail on the head. I do recall a mock-quiz in our Derby days, where a tv program called "Gricermind" was simulated. Chris was the contestant, even "knowing" the type of motor that drives the rotating restaurant at the top of the Post Office Tower! Chris was also the chap who gave the signalmen at Dorking wire-wool to clean up rusty levers, and all the little bits dropped down into the electrical locking.....


Some degree of peace seems to have broken out Chez Sherry. Some of the family, including grand-bambini, are meeting O/H's new lady today - yes, that's back on again. Sherry's son has arrived, but will not be participating, apparently. I hope he doesn't intend to have a private go at his mother while others are away. I really ought to take no notice - she's a big girl now (not dimensionally, of course) - but all the same.


Must make the final push with my tax return, and go and sort it with the tax office in Mamers. I'm very late - but will be declaring bigger figs than last year, at least, and next year's declaration will be even bigger. It would help if they sent me the right forms!


Hope your week goes well.

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  • RMweb Premium


Nice here and my cricket week continues! Alas, when I return eldest Herbert will be back from 7 years at university.. He has 3 months to finish his PhD magnus opus. Hopefully he can get a job!


Have a great day everyone and I hope your day is not too fractious


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  • RMweb Gold

As one whose son completed the same process ( but still working on the day job ) last year,you have my support and sympathy. There's little to top it in the nerve-wracking stakes.Ours now has a book contract to complete as a result...and,lucky devil,a term's semester given him by Northumbria University to get it to MacMillan to publish.

Edited by Ian Hargrave
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's overcast here with light rain predicted. Having cleared out the sweet peas the roses on the trellis are far more obvious and starting to bloom. Just as we start our annual migration to Aberdeenshire. Doh.


I've started to plant more herbs as the shop-bought ones really lack flavour and you need to use a whole bag full in each dish to get any depth of flavour. The garden centre herbs can sometimes be quite expensive so I've been buying "living herbs" (herbs in some soil!) from S'burys and putting them in the border. Not quite the acres of fresh produce at the cookery school I attended, but a good start. The fresher it is the less you need is my philosophy.


Another thing I learnt was about the amount of salt to add to pan-boiled (simmered) vegetables. The quicker the vegetable is to cook the more salt you add. Quick cooking times don't give weak saline solutions time to infuse the vegetables. So, peas (3-4 mins on the boil) need more than say potatoes (10mins). You all probably knew that, but I thought I'd pass it on. :)


Busy day here dealing with share transfers for the estate I'm clearing up and a couple of job applications to put in.


Good to hear that Aditi is no worse for her fall and hopefully things will calm down for Sherry. 

Heading off to read up about Polly's Camel Quay layout - looks very nice. 


Have a nice day everyone, Andy.   

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Weather overcast - pah.

Off in a minute to see grandsons and d-i-l, may be taking grand-d. Slack arrangements.


Sorry to hear Sherry's troubles, Ian. And Aditi's drop! Incredible... I hope she got her dinner with the compliments of the management.


Have a good day, all.

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Morning all - bright & sunny so far today, which is just as well as we have builders coming (hopefully) to replace a rusty lintel above the front door.  I trust that their building is better than their spelling, as in the quote, lintel was spelled as 'lentil' which rather amused me.

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Morning all - bright & sunny so far today, which is just as well as we have builders coming (hopefully) to replace a rusty lintel above the front door.  I trust that their building is better than their spelling, as in the quote, lintel was spelled as 'lentil' which rather amused me.


Not sure about the structural strength of a lentil - good luck with that!

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