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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Mixed forecast for today: Hot at first, thunder by about mid-afternoon, precipitation to continue for the following two days. Bags need to be packed for our pan-European tour, too!


Have a good one, everyone...

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Mornin' all,


Lovely sunny start to the day in the Peak District again....not a soul around during the constitutional early cycle ride to work off the gorgeous steak & kidney pie with chips and two pints of St Austell 'Tribute', enjoyed when we took mum & dad for a pub meal at 'The Goats Head' in Abbots Bromley last night. Such wonderful home made pie with shortcrust pastry is hard to find nowadays. The outing included taking the scenic route from Wolseley bridge via Blithbury, Hamstall Ridware and Hoar Cross just to add to the pleasure....superb sunny evening motoring. 


Looks like another mixed up grid for the F! race...adds spice to the action so I'm in favour. Bit surprised at the issues with the more expensive German engineering...its time Volkswagen showed them how to do it I think.


A few scenes from a recent trip to Dumfries & Galloway



Have a great day all



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

A cloudy morning to accompany today's smiley for the loss of the 3 Didcot Cooling Towers. :cry:

Hope I feel happier  for playing trains exhibiting later. :senile:


Enjoy your day and if you pop into the exhibition, come and say hello. :yes:


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  • RMweb Premium

Seems like a weekend removing things from the skyline! Didcot cooling towers gone and our new next door neighbour has had two trees removed giving us a lot more light and a reduction in roots causing structural damage to our fence! What a hero!


Chucked it down last night here, nowsunny but with the odd big black cloud floating in the sky

Enjoy Sunday/Sonntag everyone!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I slept unusually well, so am still drinking TIB. Shocking! Another bright and cheerful morning. I did not stay out as late as some last night, as I think my cuppa and yoghurt on the lawn were finished at 21.30 BST, with more than a hint of light left. As the corn (maize) truly is as high as the proverbial elephant's eye now, it's like having a new hedge there. Unlikely to be cut before September, too.


DDolfelin's pic of the mobility scooter reminded me just what useful things these can be - within their substantial constraints, of course. I happened to post a pic of Deb on hers on Facebook on Friday. It was the last pic I took of her, two years ago, at Spa. It enabled her to get to the devilish Pouhon corner - a downhill 180 bend with iffy camber - that is so far into the forest I'd never have pushed a wheelchair. And as far as the lady leaving hubby gasping is concerned, I have seen them being used to exercise dogs etc.


Just had a text from Sherry indicating bad times re the kids again, and other mayhem, w no sleep. How much pressure is the poor girl required to absorb?


Hope your Sunday delivers!

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The rain has cleared but cloud remains. There is enough sun to make a cheerful scene. It's still chilly however.

Happy Sunday to ALL.

Saturday nigh't suppers have been improved by the addition of an egg dish. Up until now Saturday nights supper was limited to soup, fresh fruit, toast/bread and preserve and tea. (By special arrangement, Coffee for only me ).

Since the beginning of June we have had boiled eggs(twice) , scrambled egg and last night French toast.

Today's roast however is chicken. Notwithstanding my comments about cold salads with hot meals, the Sunday roast has remained sacrosanct with roast potatoes and two hot veggies and a rich gravy of course. In view of serving complications with a 50 seat dining room, seconds are not offered, but larger helpings are willingly given on request.

I hope you all have as good a Sunday meal. 

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

It was sad to hear of Pete75C's issue with the RNLI chaps. In my experience the locals usually accept you if you become involved in the community and acctually so something for others. Those chaps must be pretty miserable sods. I have come up with comments about incomers now and then I usually point out that Lambeth where I came from probably has a higher proportion of incomers than most places. No one has found an answer to that.


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Just had a text from Sherry indicating bad times re the kids again, and other mayhem, w no sleep. How much pressure is the poor girl required to absorb?




....a tragic and cautionary lesson from within my immediate family Ian, is one of triplet girls. One had a dogs life...she was weak in terms of being self-assertive, instilling discipline, keeping control...she was divided in outlook from her husband, was doing several jobs, was pulled from pillar to post by demanding offspring/grandchildren and died having had a stroke at the wheel of her car, crashing head on into a lorry. At the other extreme is the highly self-assertive triplet who keeps strong discipline within her family and has no real issues at all/enjoys a balanced family life. The other triplet tends towards the former but has obviously learnt from the tragedy. The rest of the family now ensure a stronger input in terms of trying to avoid any repeat.


It only requires weak adults/divided couples to allow the problems to start. Offspring/grandchildren are quick to try and exploit any situation for their own ends. 



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Onwards and upwards Don! I have no issue with the locals in Sheringham and I hope they have no issue with me! I do like to get involved in other things locally and the attitude that surfaced seems to be peculiar to the older generation former helmsmen and crew at Sheringham RNLI. They're all fourth/fifth/sixth generation sons of Sheringham fishermen and I think that goes some way to explain the insular attitude. Doesn't mean I have to like it or put up with it though. As I said, it is actually a bit of a relief to move on and be able to draw a line under the whole experience. My attitude towards the RNLI in general is untarnished and I'll always support the work they do on a nationwide level, but with a little bit of insider knowledge of what goes on at a local level, I'm happy now to distance myself.


Weather here this morning cannot quite make up its mind whether to rain or shine and is currently doing both at the same time. Very tempted to pop down to Wroxham to check out the little expo Andy mentioned, but I need to find something for the kids to do first or the dreaded summer holiday "I'm bored" curse will return. In the absence of a holiday this year, this is likely to be a long 6 weeks!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Hope we don't get lost enroute to Didcot today without the long distance guiding landmark.  The loss of the electricity which came from Didcot A, and some of its contemporaries, will however be a rather more serious issue for us all I suspect


Have a nice day, off to prepare for departure (and proper job breakfasy enroute as the - wait for it - Root One garden centre (a combination of both excellent garden centre and a very good caff).

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  • RMweb Gold

Pete (the 75C one). Have you seen the National Trust's '50 things to do before you are 11 3/4' list?

Lots of things to tick off (we all love ticking off things but youngsters more so) and most are free and easy to organise.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian: I suppose 'fraught' is or should be an absolute.

Looks like this will run and run if given the opportunity.

A situation best dealt with at a distance perhaps?

Too true. I am well-off being remote from the action. Some may recall that at the turn of the year the demanding daughter wrote to me asking that I "unfriend" her mother on Facebook. I ignored her. 24 hrs later she sent a request for explanation, so I responded and she was shocked. No-one had ever told her the facts of life before - and she'd only got the abridged version, as Sherry will attest! I think the son - equally sniffy about mum and dad daring to make decisions about their marriage - is due today, but infer that the rest may have got on their bikes by now!



It only requires weak adults/divided couples to allow the problems to start. Youngsters are quick to try and exploit any situation for their own ends. 



Too true. And Sherry's O/H is incapable of either confrontation or guile, is emotionally repressed. Thus all the pressure is on Sherry, who is a soft and warm person and deserves a great deal better. But then - I would say that. Worse, it appears O/H's new relationship has hit the rocks, after he received the dreaded "dumping by txt", showing what a quality lady she must be! He will not deal well with that. Poor, poor Sherry!

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I expect it's just me but I've been trying to track down the Exhibition that Polly has invited us to today.

Without success.


I think it might be the Colwyn show?


Edit: late as usual!

Edited by Pete 75C
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Too true. And Sherry's O/H is incapable of either confrontation or guile, is emotionally repressed. Thus all the pressure is on Sherry, who is a soft and warm person and deserves a great deal better. But then - I would say that. Worse, it appears O/H's new relationship has hit the rocks, after he received the dreaded "dumping by txt", showing what a quality lady she must be! He will not deal well with that. Poor, poor Sherry!


....without knowing the whole story Ian, I can only see one logical conclusion and that is the swiftest possible extraction of her from the situation. It is likely that her continued presence will only serve to prolong and aggravate this dire 'catch 22'....one has to know when to call it a draw. Good luck with any opportunities to hasten that event.


Assertiveness skills can be learnt...the only alternative is to be with a partner who makes up for the shortfall.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Pete (the 75C one). Have you seen the National Trust's '50 things to do before you are 11 3/4' list?

Lots of things to tick off (we all love ticking off things but youngsters more so) and most are free and easy to organise.


Thanks BoD, I'll check it out. I have a fair number of things lined up for them and being of a certain age, they're always on their mobiles arranging to go places with their mates. I'm just finding it a little difficult to juggle work with the summer holidays right now, but thankfully, being self-employed, I've cut back on the work commitments lately.

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold

Ha bloomin' ha! I'm no gourmet, almost never eat out here.

Fibber, by you own admission you were out in the garden munching yoghurt last night! :jester:


I'll wager you are a sneaky outeater........................... a biscuit by the garage, mint humbug in the orchard etc.


I, on the other hand, will quite happily graze wherever and whenever I can.  Especially if it involves cake!

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....without knowing the whole story Ian, I can only see one logical conclusion and that is the swiftest extraction of her from the situation. Good luck with any opportunities to hasten that event.




Perhaps mention "The Will".

That usually gets attention.

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  • RMweb Gold

Early this morning I was awoken by a wood pigeon.


About 10 minutes ago it decided to started having a go at the newly planted leeks in our veg patch.


I have since remonstrated with it over this unsporting behaviour


This afternoon it is going into a pasty

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