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It poured during the night. I was woken twice by the rain drumming against the window. I quite enjoyed hearing it whilst snuggled in bed but could not help thinking of the many homeless who had to endure it without shelter.


Still overcast and threatening. The same i forecast for tomorrow, although Monday should be dry, though still clouded.


I hope your weekend is ferroequinologically rich.

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Someone in the neighbourhood is just playing this at full blast:






Anyway: Dig electrics? Introducing 140 791 (left) and 140 861 (right).




Full story here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/599/entry-14274-einheitslok-to-the-second-a-new-pair-of-db-schenker-class-140-electrics/

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Good morning all, what a load of busy bees  you've been this morning. I  got up late(ish)  find my housemaid had made breakfast for me,(toast & omelette)  tea pot on the table.  Not quite sure what I'm up to today - I have some ideas, but not the inclination at the moment!  


What ever you're up to today enjoy (if you can)




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Morning all from a sweaty sticky and all around gross feeling boring borough. 22 already with a 29 humidex according to our local weather hobbyist. George came through his de-pooping procedure yesterday with no lasting damage found. The vet is worried that every time this happens he risks rupturing his colon. Also every occurrence will stretch the colon as well making it more likely to recur as his pelvis will still restrict how much he can pass. Still waiting to hear from them as to when I can pick him up and bring him home.


Tony is likely to be having waffles. That is all there seems to be in Brussels before noon. Bloody waffles. Waffle soup, waffle sorbet, waffle bacon, waffling on and on. Having said that the café by the hotel we stayed at last month opened at 9am and most people were drinking beer with a small meat and cheese plate. Worked for me.


Have a good on all. Back to hiding in the shadows and spending less time again online.

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Morning all


Commonwealth Games Judo at the SECC was wonderful; another sport I didn't realise I liked. Was at the evening session and saw gold medals for England and Scotland. One criticism is about both national anthems (Jerusalem and Flower of Scotland) which are dirges and need some beefing-up, imo. A backbeat, perhaps? Am unsure who asked the English and Scottish people what their choice of anthems should be.


There's a real buzz about Glasgow that I've never felt before; walking back along the Clyde in the warm summer evening was magical, almost like walking by the Rhine (really!) in the sunshine. A shame that the BBC spends most of its time in London.


An unexpected bonus: caught the 21:05 Cross Country service back to Edinburgh from Glasgow Central - at Slateford it forked onto the Edinburgh south suburban line, usually only used by freights and arrived at Edinburgh from the east. Never thought I'd get to travel the south suburban circle.


Have a good weekend



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Tony is likely to be having waffles. That is all there seems to be in Brussels before noon. Bloody waffles. Waffle soup, waffle sorbet, waffle bacon, waffling on and on. 

 Probably won't miss ERs then!  :jester:

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Patricia`s pinched our buoy! :O




.........as predicted


Last seen heading off together for a new life in Swansea; now, there`s lovely for you! :tender: .

Thank you Debs - that explains the quick turnround on Patricia's trip north over the past few days, now back in Swansea Docks this morning.  Seems to be the light vessel/light float season although no towing on our trip - all we did was service a couple of light vessels (apart from replacing a buoy way out in the North Sea, mending one in the Channel, and assisting at a diving incident out in the Channel).


Here's her ladyship attending the Varne Light Vessel last month, complete with the white cliffs of Dover in the background and a lovely day for a trip in the workboat -



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OK. Time to come clean. I'm a fraud. I don't think I can remain on this forum any longer as "LifeboatMan".


Telling Sheringham RNLI to shove their big orange boat up their ****s means I no longer drive tractors into the deep blue.


It's a long story but for those that are interested...


I've been doing this for a few years now. Training every Sunday, rushing down to the lifeboat station when the pager goes off to launch the boat etc etc etc. I even got points for speeding last year (it was 3am and there was nothing on the road) because there was a casualty in the water offshore.

I was a little put out (to say the least) when I overheard some of the older former crew up in the office. It went something like this...


"Ya know, I'm sick to death of all these new people. Out of towners. Coming here and thinking they know Sheringham. Thinking they know the way we do things here. Half the tractor drivers (that includes me) weren't born here and have got nothing to do with Norfolk. I remember when all the crew were Norfolk born and bred." And so on. My name cropped up. "He's a nice bloke but he should p**s off back to London". :O


Let me stress, my bad feeling is towards that mentality and not towards the RNLI who continue to provide an excellent service. I don't get paid for what I do, I don't very often get thanks for it, but that's not why I do it. I will not, however, put up with derision so I'm off... Sheringham RNLI now has just 3 heavy plant qualified tractor drivers so they will have to manage, or recruit and train another.


Maybe a PM to Andy Y can change my username. Apologies for the rant - just wanted to get it off my chest.

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And so on. My name cropped up. "He's a nice bloke but


Hi LifeboatMan


It's not you who should leave but the people making those prejudicial remarks. Perhaps a word with someone higher up may help? Just my tuppence.





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Morning all,And 


after being carefully subverted diverted by Debs back to the usual mundane happenings.  Very sorry to hear about Lifeboatman's problems - totally stupid and rather silly of those involved to say such things, especially when you read of other stations where crews come from a wide mix of backgrounds and don't all have to be gnarled old seadogs who've been there man & buoy since they went out in rowing boats.


To the even more mundane - new (Dorma) bedlinen purchased in Dunelm Mills on Thursday proved to be less than satisfactory once wasthed and ironed - duly returned yesterday and monies immediately refunded without a quibble; that is what I call customer service, they could teach Dreams an awful lot.


Not sure what were doing today apart from popping out for a 'paper and paying laddo's garage bill as he's off elsewhere. any other discussion about 'what are we doing?' usually seems to go the same way as GDB's!  Ah well not to worry, Didcot tomorrow and then off t'north on Monday for Tuesday's great unveiling at Shildon - hopefully it will be a bit cooler up there.


But at least we had a good old thunderstorm yesterday, definitely did the garden a bit of good.


Have a nice day folks.


Edit to correct trypo

Edited by The Stationmaster
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What a sh1tter.  But in any service, there are some who don't want help from "amateurs".  I've met a few in the ambulance service, but most crews appreciate my assistance.


Small problem this morning.  Toothpaste in white tube, shaving cream in black tube; at least this morning I got minty cheeks because I have done it the other way round in the past.



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 bedlinen purchased in Dunelm Mills on Thursday proved to be less than satisfactory once wasted and ironed - duly returned yesterday and monies immediately refunded without a quibble


That is particularly accommodating of them if you admitted wasting it before returning it Mike

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Hi LifeboatMan


It's not you who should leave but the people making those prejudicial remarks. Perhaps a word with someone higher up may help? Just my tuppence.




Thanks Mal. I think the whole "out-of-towner" mentality exists everywhere to some degree. I just took particular offence to that conversation which was obviously not meant for my ears. Having given it careful thought, making a complaint wouldn't make me feel any better, whereas telling them exactly what I thought of them to their faces did... I also need to be careful as I don't want to do anything that may bring the RNLI into disrepute. PM sent to Andy Y so I may return here as someone completely different but it will still be me (if you know what I mean)! Pete.

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Oh don't worry. I'll make sure you all know exactly who I am. You think you're getting rid of me that easily...? :P

I will keep the avatar but "Former 4VEP Motorman" as a username doesn't quite have the ring to it that I was looking for...

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Oh don't worry. I'll make sure you all know exactly who I am. You think you're getting rid of me that easily...? :P

I will keep the avatar but "Former 4VEP Motorman" as a username doesn't quite have the ring to it that I was looking for...


Pete, why don't you anticipate your move the south west and go for "Grockle" to save time?  :no:

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Small problem this morning.  Toothpaste in white tube, shaving cream in black tube; at least this morning I got minty cheeks because I have done it the other way round in the past.



I once had a similar problem with aerosol deodorant and fly spray. I ended up with the sweetest smelling flies that I could zap at five feet with my armpits.

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Morning all from sunny Clacton on Sea,

Little bit cloudy and humid from late afternoon yesterday but laid by some light rain in the evening. For some reason, the large local gull colony (on the roof of the factory building on the other side of the railway!) decided to kick of with a major league din! We had to close the bedroom windows to get some sleep but it seems like the normal squawking again this morning.

Pete (ex Lifeboatman), Terribly sorry to hear about the shocking treatment you have received at the hands of a few idiots - certainly not the spirit of the team round here! Surely your ability to do the job, and the fact that you presumably were appointed in the first place because there were no 'Norfolk yokel' applicants, should have been enough for these numbskulls. Look on the bright side mate, you've probably got your hands full enough at the moment caring for Louise and the kids, not to mention the building works! I guess that I was just lucky while I was an auxiliary coastguard at Cockburnspath, just south of Dunbar for a couple of years. Apart from some good natured banter about me being a 'doonhamer' (derogatory expression describing someone from Dumfries and district!), I seemed to be accepted into the close knit community and I was certainly respected for my abilities as a climber when part of the cliff rescue team!

The RNLI's loss in my opinion.

Ian, glad to see that, if anything, the situation with Sherry's dysfunctional daughter has strengthened your relationship. Long may it last!

Sounds like a great day Mal, and topped off by a trip on a line you could never have dreamt of travelling. We're there good crowds at Judo - it was very much a minority sport when I was at school but, because one of the PE masters was an exponent we had a club. Confounded Mum and Dad when they had to stump up for yet another sports outfit - wish I could do it now!

Back to patio set painting today - seem to be getting there although the stack of eight chairs have yet to be tackled and the y look the most complicated as it will be a sacking offence to get paint on the upholstery.

Qualifying this afternoon for F1 fans, hope you enjoy what you choose to do with the rest of your day,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Lifeboatman/Pete - no need to justify your stance here. Wherever we go in life, there will be jealous (yes) souls who resent our presence because we aren't steeped in their community. Even when you've drunk in the same pub for years, there will be cliques that shun you. Moving to a foreign land, we were in no doubt there's be a few conversations about us! We know you harbour (sorry) ambitions to move elsewhere, maybe a long way to suit Mrs L's poor health, and certainly no longer having to be about, or respond to a shout, will give you more time to finish works on the house. Thus there is a silver lining, maybe.


I suggest you become "Pete 75C", which is where I think you did honourable service in a previous life, and which gives you the credibility that career merits on this sort of forum.

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Thanks to all. If I'm being honest, it is actually a bit of a relief. I do have some other family stuff going on right now which should rightly come first. Ian - what a good idea! I'll ask Andy if it's available.

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I did do a search, and there's a "Steve75C", so maybe "75CPete" might help distinguish you.


I wonder if Steve75C is the Steve that was there during my time. He fell in love with and married an Oz girl and moved to Queensland eventually driving ore trains. He still owes me 20 quid.

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