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Glad to see you back Andy. I'd stick with Virgin if I were you. I've always had good service from them and prompt as well.

Been with Virgin since 2006. BT phone me up occasionally to say they're cheaper. But BT service was what made me change away from them in the first place.

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Hi Mal,


Fortunately I didn't , though I know it is a common result of being forced to change dominant hands.  What happened though was I was unable to learn how to read and spent most of my time there sitting in the corner with a dunce's cap on (yes, it was that progressive!)  That and writing in mirror fashion convinced the school that I was somehow in league with Satan.

Then one Saturday morning in March after my ninth birthday I woke up and going into the kitchen realised I could read every word of my parent's newspaper.  I went straight across the road to our local library (remember those?) and got out Biggles & the Camel Squadron and The Adventures of Bulldog Drummond.  Read them by Monday and went straight back in and took out the biggest, fattest book I could find, which was Sherlock Holmes - Short Stories, and I have been a Doyle aficionado ever since.


Within a week back at school I went from the bottom class to the top and a year later became the first pupil there ever to pass the 11+.   NO thanks to them!  An appalling dump with sadists for staff, sadly like so many in the 50s.

The joys of 1950s/1960s education. When I failed the 11+ in the UK, I was immediately relegated to the "lumpen proletariat" and that would have been my lot until, in 1968/9, we moved to Italy. And, as they say, I never looked back... Fast forward a number of years and I have a doctorate, a handful of other academic qualifications, publications in respected professional journals... Not bad for a "thicko" (oh, and I can use my hands and build/fix things. So I'm not a complete egghead)


... Walton Hospital, hang your head in shame. When patients are facing painful and worrying investigations, this is not good enough.


Debs herself noticed differences side-to-side in the test, when she asked him if that was a sign of the issue there wasn't even a grunt in reply.  Nothing.  I am ashamed to have been an NHS manager if that is as good as they can do. /rant.  I get annoyed when people hurt my wife.  We know it is neccessary but there are ways to go abou tthings.

You have my sympathy, I too get angry when so-called professionals behave in such a fashion. I know how rough it can be for a medical professional - long hours, too much to do BUT that's no excuse for mistreating a patient (sorry to be blunt, but that's what it is). Unfortunately, a significant few in the "caring professions" seem to have a "#**# the patient" attitude (especially when there's an absence of accountability outside of a very localised hierarchy). Much as I loathe what the US health system can do to people (financially and in regards to access to treatment), the ever present threat of a malpractice suit does tend to ensure better communication with, and care for, patients (once you get access...).


I've also found that "being in the business" helps. My late great-Aunt once had an allergy problem and she kept on being fobbed off by her GP practice (upsetting for a 94 year old). I simply called the surgery and said (in my best Harley Street voice) "this is Doctor iD, I'd like to speak with Dr XXXXX about Mrs ZZZZZ". Got put through immediately, spoke with GP, house call next day. But it shouldn't be this way, surely? What about the poor s*ds without a relative in the biz?


Anyway, off to shop, Mrs iD is off to the holiday hovel with the HM for two weeks and I have to do her shopping (and it's piddling down outside...)


Have a better one.

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  • RMweb Premium

Its Saturday.. So its...cricket....woop woop/!


The weather looks fine, the pitch looked OK when we checked it last night so should be OK.


Have a great day everyone... Strangely enough virgin has a bit of a reputation around here. Not sure why but the lady next to us is switching to BT from virgin..funny world we live in



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Slightly foggy at the moment but predicted to top out at 30°C later today. Given that we'll be away by Monday, I don't think we'll be buying a lot of foodstuffs. We do need some veggies for the rabbits, though!


Strangely enough virgin has a bit of a reputation around here. Not sure why but the lady next to us is switching to BT from virgin..funny world we live in


Is it just me or is all that Virgin talk just a touch suggestive? :derisive:

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Morning all.

Lovely morning - except for the pigeons...


Had a great day yesterday with GD making an information sheet on Leafcutter Bees and other things (including watching a bizarre TV programme called Strange Hill High...) In a moment of cinematic theatricality when we went into the garden to eat our lunch, at the moment we sat down there was an over-dramatic peal of thunder and the heavens opened. A deluge in seconds!


More of a 'me' day today, with just a  bit of political. Possibly, it's optional.


Mostly looking forward to quali.


So have a good weekend people, enjoy.

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....glorious clear blue sky and lovely temperatures in the Peak District for my 05.30 constitutional cycle ride to Tittesworth reservoir....cracking start to the day and to two weeks off. Breakfast in the garden then off to Leek agricultural show...should be a belter.


Have a great day all.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry & sunny after yesterday afternoon's storm and a very warm day is predicted.

I too had a great day with grandchildren here yesterday but unfortunately the planned game of badminton in the garden was cancelled due to the weather. (Thank you God)

Tea taken to "She" so that means shortly I'll be asked what "we" intend to do today. My stock answer of "nothing in particular dear" will be met with "we can't sit around doing nothing all day" and so life goes on in Bobshire.

At least I have a visit to Didcot to look forward to tomorrow.

Have a good one,


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Latest news on my alcofrolic DD2: she waited until yesterday evening to apologise for her drunken, abusive comments of the previous evening but claimed to have no memory of what happened, other than what her husband could recall! This includes falling headlong on the patio! She wondered from whence the grazes came!


They've now decided they'd like to stay until Thursday! Joy unbounded. This will make it a week in total. Our son is joining us on Sunday; I hope that doesn't mean further late night arguments, mostly relating to our plans to divorce and our "new" (I've known Ian for 10 years!!) partners.


It's the weekend - have fun in the sun!

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I do sympathise Bob. The last time my wife came out with the "We can't do nothing all day" line, my rather ill-considered reply was "You do what you like, I'm fine here". The entire weekend ended up a little on the frosty side. To make amends, the next weekend I suggested shopping in Norwich. Worst day of my life. Never again.

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...think I'd be planning a holiday for the next time they visit Ashcombe...just leave a note telling them where the keys are!



Good plan, but couldn't trust her! Even with us here she read some cards on our mantelpiece re our separation as she quoted from them during our "discussions"! Eventually the house will be sold and there won't be space to accommodate them in the apartment I hope to buy. Shame!


By the way, those who read ER's regularly will remember the "incident of wall in the night" (to misquote a well known book!) last December. Well, yesterday, a visiting farmer, who was collecting straw bales from our neighbour's field, has now damaged the wall on the other side of our driveway. Life is good......

Edited by Ashcombe
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....even easier...just lock up and go on holiday....you'll only need to do it once to get the message across. If in doubt watch the movie 'Shirley Valentine'.


We have various emotional blackmailers in our immediate family and they each get the same short shrift.


Its your life...enjoy it!!



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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....even easier...just lock up and go on holiday. We have various emotional blackmailers in our immediate family and they each get the same short shrift.


Its your life...enjoy it!!



Don't worry - I intend to, once I manage to move out. Olddudders will be a major part of my new life. Can't wait!!

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Off to Glasgow today to watch Rugby 7s at the Commonwealth Games in Ibrox.  Promises to be a long day, but hopefully enjoyable. No 2 son just managed to arrive home last night after Trans Pennine Express managed to cancel his train from Leeds to Manchester, but he & girlfriend just managed to catch the last train from Manchester to Penrith, where I collected them.  Unfortunately I am driving to Glasgow, as the rugby doesn't finish until 22.30, and we couldn't get home at that time and hotels are just stupidly expensive in Glasgow just now for some strange reason! :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I have indeed spent 10 years hearing about Sherry's erratic and dysfunctional family. Who needs to watch soap operas? The main pain when they are staying is we have less chance to chat - and chatting, many thousands of hours of it, is where we started and what gives us confidence about our future together. I pay about £15 per month for unlimited calls to the UK, and one or two other English-speaking countries, and make good use!


Another lovely morning, and I've got a lot of windows open to cool the house while there is a little bit of breeze. We are looking at 27 today, which is nice enough but not too exhausting. The farmers are hard at it again, with John Deere, Claes and New Holland harvesters all in evidence. There was work going on well after dark.


As others have said, let's hope Lewis performs at his true level this weekend, ensuring some excitement right at the front of the field. In that respect, two Mercedes are better than one! Brembo and Mercedes have issued a joint statement saying they still don't know why the brake disc exploded last weekend, but McLaren have changed their brakes this weekend, and others are muttering that this is in contravention of the "frozen" nature of F1 car design. Rumble, rumble, rumble....


Hope the sun shines on you and your weekend goes well.

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Hot with wall to wall sunshine here at the moment in the far south west, with nary a breath of wind. Dogs have been out, have breakfasted and are now doing what they intend to do all day - sleep.


We have yet to decide what we're doing. Venturing out anywhere near the A30 is a no-no, so back roads and find something/somewhere cool. The forecasters have it cooling down from tomorrow, so maybe more energy then.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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