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The Guardian sneered at Sidcup residents for starting a petition for Waitrose to open after Waitrose decided we had the wrong demographic, despite having signed up to the lease and the building development.


It's now open.

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And the new bandsaw tyres from Axminster had arrived!

I only called them yesterday, that's another sub-24 hour delivery.




Now I can cut up all of Julie's wood. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi, firstly thank you for the support which followed my last post, things have moved on obviously and the situation is getting easier to handle.

Father in law is now in a nursing home for palliative care and is on a final care pathway. He is quite pragmatic about the whole thing and knows he has up to 3 months left.

Mother in law is now out of hospital but on medication and follow up, we have managed to get her in the same home but residential side as father in law. Not being suitable to live on her own this is planned until the inevitable happens to father in law then she will be going to live with her other daughter.


We have been fortunate with the home and have sorted this out ourselves and we are still waiting for the phone call from the social worker at the hospital about finding a home for fil.

This set against a background of bed shortage is an example of the NHS not being joined up but we cant complain about the standard of care both of them have received.


So some normality resumes, all a bit surreal really but once again thanks for the support.

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  • RMweb Gold

So Weston Super Mare has a better class of shopper than Sidcup .    :scratchhead:

We are getting a new Aldi as competition for the Co-op and the Tesco Express. Waitrose necessitates crossing the border to Leigh.

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.Meanwhile the good Doktor has gone off on some BA special offer thing, started by blagging her way into the Concord Lounge at LHR...

Is that still open? Seems odd, or nostalgia?? Oh it's Concorde with an "e" BTW :jester: (ducks to avoid flak!!!)

I remember being in there in the '70's-'80's was a rather excellent way to start a trans-atlantic flight.


...Re the modular layout and Bachmann debates: I wonder, if we had our real names displayed would people be so trigger happy at the keyboard? I suspect not...  

Oddly enough (and perhaps not a good idea, lots of folks will wail doom-and-gloom on reading this, but so far in nearly 30 years I've had no problem with it) I've always used my real name on boards/services, since way back in the 80's when I ran a BBS.

Frankly, there's so much access to "who you are" out there it doesn't exactly bother me. Anyone who really wants to find out who you are can, with some 5 minutes or less "sleuthing", generally reveal the identify of almost anyone, nowadays especially.



...I am intrigued to read the froth from the "Modular Thread". I also ALWAYS read locked threads, just to see what got them locked...

 Bloody hell!!! You go get some sleep and when you return the nut cases manage to get a thread LOCKED?!?!?! I guess I'l have to see what happened there, I usually start with ER so didn't notice it was locked yet... Hope it wasn't anything I said :O


My personal "update" - for what it's worth ;)

Last night dinner with daughter was cancelled - their plane developed a "mechanical" so they had to return to Grand Forks. Had dinner just with our son instead.


Starting with new client in the healthcare industry next week, and due to a cluster-f!@$!@$k combination of US over-sensitive PC issues relating to hiring even of consultants/contractors I have to have a full background check and drug test. No problem usually/really, except between my company and the contracting agency for the healthcare company they managed to incorrectly order the drug test. So I dutifully treckked over to a facility and "took a piss" Tuesday afternoon, only to discover I have to do the same thing again this morning at ANOTHER FACILITY. It's "pissing me off" already - har har  :)


Last work day this week for me - we're off to visit daughter in Grand Forks tomorrow with a couple of friends. As she gets closer to moving on with her career she wants a few folks to come up and experience what she's been doing (we've been many times, our friends have never been there), so we're getting the official   http://flightops.aero.und.edu/    "School of Aerospace Sciences - UND" tour followed by flights in the aircraft.

Good excuse for the four of us to do a quick road trip also - a couple we spend a lot of time/experiences with and have plenty of fun.


Today is 17 and heading for 28 clear, sunny and very pleasant. Will work for an hour, drive and take a piss, and return to work :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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The Guardian sneered at Sidcup residents for starting a petition for Waitrose to open after Waitrose decided we had the wrong demographic, despite having signed up to the lease and the building development.


It's now open.

Yes, and its provided gainful employment to my offspring for the past 11 months so far. I get daily tales of unimaginable strangeness. In spite of the useless bunch of donut holes at Bexley council blocking the bloody road for the best part of 5 months the shop is above its performance targets.

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We are getting a new Aldi as competition for the Co-op and the Tesco Express. Waitrose necessitates crossing the border to Leigh.


Jeez - I read that as "We're getting a new Aditi"...

LBM shoulda gone to SpecSavers...

Is the Waitrose in Leigh still the small one on London Rd by the lights? My better half accidentally walked out of there with a 12 pack of nappies years ago. I suggested if she was going to take up shoplifting, she should start smaller. I hasten to add, she rushed back and paid...

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'For those of you who shop in Waitrose" - Of course I would, it sounds like my kind of shop, but the nearest is 6,000 miles away!


I think I have commented on here that the quality of catering, both food and cooking/preparation, is very high, however we are often (once or twice a week) served a delicious HOT main course with cold salads instead of hot vegetables, Summer or Winter. I mentioned to Management that I thought this to be ABSURD, MADNESS, RIDICULOUS, (in the politest possible manner) to be told that it was a perfectly normal accepted practice and that I was the only resident out of +_ 40 to think so.

From childhood I have been accustomed to having cold salads with cold meats, occasionally on a hot Saturday or holiday luncheon or supper but NEVER as sole accompaniment to a hot main course.What do you think?

​Answers on not more than 20 type written foolscap pages please.


DD I look forward to hearing about your male voice Welch choir entertainment.

As I speak we have an Opera group of about 12 ONLY WOMEN giving a concert in our main lounge. I am NOT in attendance.


Edited by DonBradley
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Yup. If I served up (say) roast beef or pork on a Sunday with a selection of cold leaf, cherry tomatoes etc instead of roast potatoes and hot veg I would be considered insane. Cold salads belong alongside cold meats from the deli counter. Don, if you're the only one who thinks that, then the other +/-39 are simply wrong. Take comfort from that.

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  • RMweb Premium

Weather has taken a turn towards overcast, breezy and occasional rain by about noon, and I immediately fell dozy. Oh well, it's holidays, after all...


In other news, one of these...




...and a pair of these coaches...




...are now en route here. The coaches include one "Rabbit Hutch" driving trailer, also known as BDnf738.

Edited by 1216 025
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The Guardian sneered at Sidcup residents for starting a petition for Waitrose to open after Waitrose decided we had the wrong demographic, despite having signed up to the lease and the building development.


It's now open.


Goodness only knows what the Guardian would make of West Cumbria (if they actually knew where it was!), as there isnt a Waitrose in the County and even Lidl in Whitehaven closed last year!

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  • RMweb Gold

Goodness only knows what the Guardian would make of West Cumbria (if they actually knew where it was!), as there isnt a Waitrose in the County and even Lidl in Whitehaven closed last year!

I have to point out that The Guardian was formerly The Manchester Guardian, so may then have been slightly more in touch with values north of Watford.

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  • RMweb Premium

Jeez - I read that as "We're getting a new Aditi"...

LBM shoulda gone to SpecSavers...

Is the Waitrose in Leigh still the small one on London Rd by the lights? My better half accidentally walked out of there with a 12 pack of nappies years ago. I suggested if she was going to take up shoplifting, she should start smaller. I hasten to add, she rushed back and paid...

i believe it is. Used to be Safeway? in the early 80s. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Dunno if it's Concord or Concorde Ian but probably the latter - it is of course the new one in T5.


Far more important than that is that Savacentre spells salvation - they still have loose leaf Yorskhire Gold and they had two packaging trays of it, 5 bags in each tray, on the shelf when we arrived; that part of the shelf was bare by the time we departed.  They also had the best part of a full pack of Crispbakes (9 out of 12) when we arrived - none on the shelf when we departed.  Why oh why they can't do nice useful multibuys like Tesco?   I simply can't understand that, and very weirdly they can't ring up multiples on the tills either so it was a question of scanning a bag of tea ten times, very odd.  But at least our tea supply is now secure for a while longer.


Debs to note - 'our' ship is off Liverpool Bar today

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I have to point out that The Guardian was formerly The Manchester Guardian, so may then have been slightly more in touch with values north of Watford.

I must admit that I had quite forgotten that!  Thanks for the info.

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i believe it is. Used to be Safeway? in the early 80s. 


I think it was also briefly Somerfield between Safeway and Waitrose? We had the misfortune of living DIRECTLY opposite the gates to West Leigh school in a poky little bungalow. God, how I miss not being able to get on or off my own drive because of all the illegally parked Chelsea tractors. Not.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think it was also briefly Somerfield between Safeway and Waitrose? We had the misfortune of living DIRECTLY opposite the gates to West Leigh school in a poky little bungalow. God, how I miss not being able to get on or off my own drive because of all the illegally parked Chelsea tractors. Not.

Ha, when I went to that school everyone walked to school. Having said that I did cycle in the last couple of years there. :) 

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My two walked there but they'd have had to be bloody lazy not to. Front door - school gate = 10 yards! The head teacher tried to introduce a "walking bus" scheme. That was about as popular as a smack round the head. The "walking bus" didn't have leather seats, heaters or on-board DVD players. Walking bus, zero, mummy's BMW X5, one.

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  • RMweb Gold

There are a few occasions in this life when things exceed your expectations by a substantial margin. I have just had such an experience.


Regular readers will recall that I weekly ring my MiL in Wimbledon, where she lives in sheltered accommodation. Last Autumn her eyesight deteriorated dramatically, so she really can hardly see anything worthwhile any more. She believes the time has come for a care home of some sort, before she manages to fall over something she can't see, or leaves the gas on or whatever. A daily care worker visits her, for one hour. By their nature these people rotate and so do not know what needs to be done - and MiL has an appalling short-term memory, so can't recall what she had realised needed doing. So I knew that Merton BC "knew" about her, but ringing them was not something I fancied, being convinced I'd go round in silly circles to find the right department, let alone person.




From the website I selected care of older people - and on ringing got through to a real person within less than a minute. She typed MiL's name into her machine - and immediately came up with the name of an assigned officer. Seconds later I was talking to him - and he was word perfect on MiL's situation and what was now being proposed. No referring to files or anything. Just like that. Impressed! I don't think Merton can take her into their full-time care at this stage, but am completely reassured they are on her case. In the real world of budgets and resources, you can't ask for more.

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I have always thought that cold ham with hot egg and chips was an illogical meal.




Ooh. I forgot about Exam & Chips. That might be the one example of cold meat with a hot side that agrees with me. Haven't had it for ages.


Edit: Just tried it out on the kids... "Do you fancy eggs, ham and chips tonight?"

"No dad, that just sounds odd"... Ah well.

Edited by Pete 75C
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Yes, and its provided gainful employment to my offspring for the past 11 months so far. I get daily tales of unimaginable strangeness. In spite of the useless bunch of donut holes at Bexley council blocking the bloody road for the best part of 5 months the shop is above its performance targets.

that's good. My house has gone up in value and I "blame" Waitrose.


Unfortuantely all the work on the High Street will be wasted if they don't actually resurface the road.


and it'll still be largely Charity shops, nail bars and chinese medicine shops. Mind you there is now a Thai Massage Parlour .... is that a good thing?

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  • RMweb Gold

I have always thought that cold ham with hot egg and chips was an illogical meal.



How very topical - that's exactly what I had for lunch today in the Savacentre restaurant, and the eggs were perfect, so were the chips as it happens.  Mrs Statiomaster thinks it's even more illogical as I don't like ham but am quite happy to eat it (cold) with (hot) egg & chips - which makes it a doubly illogical meal in my case.  So yes Ed, I agree absolutely!


But getting back to Don's point I seem to recall it being quite common in continental restaurants to get a side salad with a hot meat dish.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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'For those of you who shop in Waitrose" - Of course I would, it sounds like my kind of shop, but the nearest is 6,000 miles away!


I think I have commented on here that the quality of catering, both food and cooking/preparation, is very high, however we are often (once or twice a week) served a delicious HOT main course with cold salads instead of hot vegetables, Summer or Winter. I mentioned to Management that I thought this to be ABSURD, MADNESS, RIDICULOUS, (in the politest possible manner) to be told that it was a perfectly normal accepted practice and that I was the only resident out of +_ 40 to think so.

From childhood I have been accustomed to having cold salads with cold meats, occasionally on a hot Saturday or holiday luncheon or supper but NEVER as sole accompaniment to a hot main course.What do you think?

​Answers on not more than 20 type written foolscap pages please.


DD I look forward to hearing about your male voice Welch choir entertainment.

As I speak we have an Opera group of about 12 ONLY WOMEN giving a concert in our main lounge. I am NOT in attendance.


Don't worry, they deliver ;)


Warm quiche and cold salad works for me. Or grilled chicken.


But generally you're right!

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