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  • RMweb Gold

Morning (ish) all.


Many happy returns Lurker


We don't have many plants to trim but I have got the "That's the last time I ask you to come shopping with me" off to a fine art.

Any news from Aditi, Tony?

No news yet. She is on a different college site today but the interview people said they would find her. I can't imagine she is playing "hide and seek". I think they have to finish interviewing and some people have applied for multiple posts including some jobs that were not included in yesterdays interviews (or something like that). Two of Aditi's colleagues were told yesterday that they didn't need to be interviewed as resignations had created the number of reductions required.

I don't mind going shopping with Aditi except if she is looking for shoes. She could never find anything and she would get a bit irritated. However she now knows certain brands that cope with her small broad feet and if a shop doesn't have her size she orders online.

It is quite funny going round a supermarket with Aditi as she rarely does that kind of shopping and she keeps putting stuff in the trolley that looks nice or interesting in addition to the items on the shopping list.


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  • RMweb Gold


It is quite funny going round a supermarket with Aditi as she rarely does that kind of shopping and she keeps putting stuff in the trolley that looks nice or interesting in addition to the items on the shopping list.


I'm quite used to that - we went into Tesco one day last week to get three things, I think the largest of them was the newspaper.  We came out with a full trolley.

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Made me laugh! I usually do the shopping, but if Julie comes with me it adds £25 to the bill...


Latest was a milk churn (half-size) for planting. It's still standing on the patio. And she has the cheek to criticise my tin chicken...

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  • RMweb Premium

We gave up doing the 'big' shop as it costs too much....we get meat and big stuff only from the supermarket (no village butcher :-( ) and top up from the village shop - per item the cost is higher, but overall it's a lot cheaper as there are no impulse buys!


I came in for a brew and....looked at the module thread.  Oh dear, all I can think of is Python: 'What is the flight speed of a swallow?'  Asian or European?!!!!!!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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We gave up doing the 'big' shop as it costs too much....we get meat and big stuff only from the supermarket (no village butcher :-( ) and top up from the village shop - per item the cost is higher, but overall it's a lot cheaper as there are no impulse buys!


Yup, farm shops etc are what we tend to prefer. I think the meat and veg simply taste better and as Neil says, there's virtually zero chance of coming home with a 3 for 1 offer that you didn't even need one of... Having said that, I did pick up a load of blueberries from Tesco for 8p the other day. I've just completely contradicted myself, haven't I...?

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As I said in that thread, Neil - No wonder the UK has 4mm OO running on 3.5mm HO, an N Scale that is different than the rest of the World etc., etc. Even the British TT is different....... oh, hang on 0 Gauge Scale is different too.


Best, Pete. 

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Happy Birthday Lurker...

Good news on the flat Sherry and Dudders, I'm sure you'll both enjoy it.


The expected overnight storms managed to stay north of us and only seriously bothered the folks in northern Minnesota, so slept uninterrupted.


Didn't cool down much overnight though, and is already 23 heading back to 30 later. Humidity is supposed to start dropping later today and slightly cooler but much dryer the next few days is predicted.


Thought I'd add a shot of the lake cabin/choir party from Saturday. Not much of a picture, but then again the Mrs took it (shhhhh!!!!). :jester:




Have a good Tuesday everyone - back to working for me again...

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I hate shopping in all of its shapes and forms. (model railways exempted of course)


Basically we've got it down to: meat gets ordered online from a place called Farmer's Choice. We have a fixed  monthly direct debit so can't overspend without having to underspend the following month. Cat food, litter, cleaning supplies are all done online and in bulk. That leaves a simple weekly or bi-weekly visit to the shops for the rest. Normally in and out in under 30 mins.


Shoe shopping with SWMBO is quite simple. She goes to the British Boot shop in Camden and I go to Brewdog for a few.


oops, premature posting.


We've got a couple of really good local hipster markets. Great stuff but the price of some things is eye watering. We rarely get out of Brockley under £80. I do prefer shopping there but have a hard time justifying the expense.  

Edited by AndrewC
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Happy birthday, Lurker!


Wild fruit is excellent, we've got an elder tree that - one day - I'll collect the flowers from and make cordial.

SWMBO does the same with elder flowers in our hedge.  I think she overdid the sugar in one plastic bottle, as I noticed the bottle being rather out of shape with the pressure.  I have 'released' the pressure about 20 times now, and it is still fermenting away - never mind cordial, this will end up about 13% proof!


Personnaly I pick blackberries from the hedge, as they do make an excellent home-brewed wine - it must be good as even SWMBO drinks it!

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  • RMweb Premium

I had a really interesting demo of how fresh food beats supermarkets or high streets hands down last week.

I spent some time in a professional kitchen where the food is brought straight from the kitchen garden.

The flavours were superb, intense....

I repeated the dish the next day with herbs bought from the green grocer. 

Scratched head, where are all the flavours?

Repeated the dish again and instead of two sprigs of herbs I added a bag full; flavours returned.

Going to have to find space for a  herb bed somewhere in my garden for next year! 

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  • RMweb Premium

well now that the lawns are cut, the washing hung out to dry and brought back in, weeding done (at least some of it), bathroom and toilets cleaned, parcels received and posted and provide support to a gentlemen who is fitting new locks to some of our windows what shal I do?? (Other than sizzle in the sun)......... err perhaps fit more couplings to some coaches and wagons.... good idea!

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As I said in that thread, Neil - No wonder the UK has 4mm OO running on 3.5mm HO, an N Scale that is different than the rest of the World etc., etc. Even the British TT is different....... oh, hang on 0 Gauge Scale is different too.


Best, Pete.

Yes Pete, but British O Gauge came first. My calculation is that the exact scale is 1 : 43.543. The British have adopted 1 : 43.5, the Germans 1 : 45 (probably a true relationship between scale and finescale trackwork), the Americans 1 : 48.



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  • RMweb Gold

Still no news from Aditi. She was sitting outside eating her lunch with the chap who may or may not (no-one has told him) be her immediate superior (not that she would use such a word, probably something like higher paid colleague), when they observed higher management gathering. What her colleague did know was that all the changes have to be "signed off" by the new Principal.


I have contributed something to the modules thread, but only about my experiences with nuts. I did send a PM to Andy Y suggesting a system that would solve all problems but I don't think the some people in the thread really would enjoy Brio!

UPDATE. Just received a cryptic BBM set of emoticons, smiley face, thumbs up, glass of red wine from Aditi. Probably in a "can't talk" location!



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UPDATE. Just received a cryptic BBM set of emoticons, smiley face, thumbs up, glass of red wine from Aditi. Probably in a "can't talk" location!



Publish and we’ll all try and work them out.


Just kidding, Tony. Aditi is a formidable person and you’re a lucky man. Like me....


Best, Pete.

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Just had a "voice" conversation. The reason they didn't tell her this morning was that "they" forgot! Anyway she now has a new post, entirely Higher Education based and after all the aggro recently even gets a raise in pay which is good for the pension scheme. She is now Deputy Head of Higher Education at the college. Amusingly one of the questions at the interview yesterday queried what she could teach and her familiarity with some of the topics. She sweetly pointed out she had written quite a few of the modules currently taught there.

I have to phone her Mum now who has been very anxious for a few days!



Excellent news, and entirely deserved, I'd warrant...

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold

As I said in that thread, Neil - No wonder the UK has 4mm OO running on 3.5mm HO, an N Scale that is different than the rest of the World etc., etc. Even the British TT is different....... oh, hang on 0 Gauge Scale is different too.


Best, Pete. 

So is the US scale at 1:48 the Europeans usually use 1:45 but don't bank on it, ours is 1:43.5.

Scale 7 or proto48 anyone?


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So is the US scale at 1:48 the Europeans usually use 1:45 but don't bank on it, ours is 1:43.5.

Scale 7 or proto48 anyone?


The point is nobody else has as many variants as the UK.  Alternatively, name one other country outside of the British Isles that uses HO gauge track with a different scale?

I should have added that is supported by “major” manufacturers...


There is another thread on here about a proposed new layout in P4/S4 that descended into a discussion on, I think 5 different standards/gauges all using 4mm to the foot. It divides us, not unites us.


Frankly I did not expect one person to defend it...........


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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