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Do I agree about what has been written about the Bachmann thing? Yes I do! These “Froth Festivals” are boring and a total waste of time and electrons...........they just waste space on RMWeb. There is very little insight but lots of “I wanna” brattism.


German GP very enjoyable, some great racing and drama - watch it!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Just come over dark here, checked the clock and its just turned 3, just heard a rumble of thunder.

Still very dark here as thunderstorms seem to be orbiting Benfleet.

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Fortunatley the rerouted A361 takes most of the cCornish traffic so the A39 past Minehead is pretty quiet (about 200 yards from our place). However although I know the road well I do not take the motorhome that way. Porlock hill is ok until some idiot in front leaves changing down until he is halfway round the hairpin on a one in four. There is always the smell of overheated brakes at the bottom. Do not try the toll road with a van there is some hairpins bends although the gradient is easier. The worst bit is not Porlock or Countesbury it is the other side the bit round Watersmeet is usually full of tourists and coaches and is not wide enough some of the passing bits are rather short. The shorter route through Lynbridge is steep and narrow. Where the road down from Lynton locals know to give way to some poor bu99er coming up but tourists having to swing wide to get round to go down usually force some poor devil to stop on the hill.

My choice unless going specifically to Lynmouth/Lynton is to take the Moorland road through Exford and Simonsbath still hilly and twisty in places but not much traffic.


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Honestly! To echo Gordon's comments earlier, if you have nothing better to do for three hours or so and fancy a good laugh, have a look through the Bachmann announcements thread. I have enough going on in my life to cause stress and anguish without getting all bent out of shape by what Bachmann has or hasn't announced. Has there ever been a recorded instance of a coronary caused by web-browsing? If not, it's imminent. Our very own Mike is, as usual, the voice of reason, but I fear no-one's listening...

I absolutely love my personal involvement with model railways - it satisfies a creative need and keeps me sane but there are a lot of RMWebbers wailing on that thread that I most certainly wouldn't want to get stuck in a lift with...

Edited by Pete 75C
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I can't get over the fact that there are some who keep dropping hints that they have inside knowledge, that they know beforehand or know what is still to come. Ok, they might well do, but why do they feel the need to keep telling very one else that they do. Best stop now before I offend someone.

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Afternoon All


We still have missed much of the really bad weather which was forecast - the Met Office website predicted a t-storm last evening, but it didn't happen. 


Went to car boot this morning, and didn't manage to pick up one railway related item - in fact, didn't manage to pick up very much at all.  Plan is to sell off more of the surplus bits and pieces next Sunday - guaranteed way to get a forecast of heavy rain.


Not a great deal more to say today, except commiserations to those who have had bad news or are ailing.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Honestly! To echo Gordon's comments earlier, if you have nothing better to do for three hours or so and fancy a good laugh, have a look through the Bachmann announcements thread. I have enough going on in my life to cause stress and anguish without getting all bent out of shape by what Bachmann has or hasn't announced. Has there ever been a recorded instance of a coronary caused by web-browsing? If not, it's imminent. Our very own Mike is, as usual, the voice of reason, but I fear no-one's listening...

I absolutely love my personal involvement with model railways - it fulfils a creative need and keeps me sane but there are a lot of RMWebbers wailing on that thread that I most certainly wouldn't want to get stuck in a lift with...

Thanks for the comment there - I have seriously bitten my tongue (and have in fact just deleted a very recent post as the intended recipient has seemingly had a rocket from elsewhere). It really makes me wonder about folk when they post some of the sort of nonsense that has appeared in that post and I suppose we have to put it down to them engaging keyboard before brain.  


And yes, the odd thing is that they can neither read nor listen or only do so when they put their own warped view on things - odd lot (some) railway modellers but there are plenty of good 'uns out there as well, I had a smashing time and the usual friendly welcome, in some cases from total strangers,  at the Wycombe club's open day yesterday.  So there some who would be good company when stuck in a lift, just like ERs ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

I have been reading the Bachmann thread and now realise why I spend so much time in ERs - much more friendly chat! Talking of which..............


Tony - I've found over the past 15 years or so that the most sensible (& interesting) conversations I have are usually with the youngest members of the familly.





Earlier I found this pic taken in Cornwall in the early 80s with self, son Steven  & nephew Mark obviously in earnest discussion about something. Can't remember what but it was possibly after a visit to Dobwalls.





Those were the days when you didn't worry about putting your child's name on a t-shirt, taking them to a pub and smoking & drinking in front of them. I don't think any children were harmed on that occasion. Neither of them have ever smoked and they only have the occasional pint. (Unlike their father/uncle!)

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Afternoon all,


My prediction of no rain during rehearsals was another example of my (frequently) misplaced optimism. We rehearsed two of my favourite scenes: a boozy drinking carousing and singing (well, screeching, to be honest) scene and a fight scene. In the drinking scene Sir Toby Belch (me) and Sir Andrew Aguecheek return from a night out of SERIOUS boozing to wreck havoc in the Lady Olivia's Mansion. As we are acting "in the round" (surrounded by the audience), we have few fixed marks so our director is allowing us a large degree of improvisation (great fun). Misplaced hilarity, complete lack of physical coordination, maudlin tears and "squeaking out of cozier's catches"... great fun to act.


The other scene is where I have a sword fight with Sebastian. I have to taunt him and get him to "loose his cool", he then attacks me... and finds out that this walking-stick-using inebriated old man is quite a deadly swordsman (I'm also nasty enough to also use my walking stick as a weapon) Shakespeare's original words are provocative enough (ending with a taunting "come on"), unfortunately my director wasn't impressed with my improvised addition of "......if you're hard enough".


On another topic, I perused the Bachmann announcement thread, I didn't see much there of interest for my GWR layout, but we'll see what emerges over the next months. From a very biased perspective, I would like to see more new freight and passenger rolling stock be developed over the next few years (I get the impression that the list of "never yet modelled" locomotives is quite small), of course the really big untapped pool of yet-to-be-modelled rolling stock are the various EMU classes (in fact, I was a bit surprised that Rapido Trains didn't model one of the early EMU classes).


A nice quiet evening ahead. Then (alas) back to work and to revising lines for my role.


Have a better one..

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My thoughts are with those who have any connection to those lost aboard MH17.  With 28 Australians among them and 12 of those from this state, plus the fact that something like 100 (some reports may carry varying numbers) were due to attend the AIDS conference right here in Melbourne, a national day of mourning was declared.  Friends of a friend here were on board.  



Somebody who posts on another website I post on was originally booked on MH17. His plans changed but a friend of his was on board with his family (I think they may be the family featured on the front page of one of today's newspapers). Another member of said website has calculated that the Dutch losses are roughly equivalant to 3000 Americans if extrapolated from percentage of population. So definitely a national disaster for Holland.

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When Matthew flew to Melbourne via Singapore recently I tracked the flight and noted where it was flying over Ukraine ( a little bit south of the MH17 route). I thought to myself at the time that with all what was going on on the ground it was a good job his plane was at 33000 feet. Clearly I was mistaken about what some people on the ground are prepared to do.

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Thanks for the comment there - I have seriously bitten my tongue (and have in fact just deleted a very recent post as the intended recipient has seemingly had a rocket from elsewhere). It really makes me wonder about folk when they post some of the sort of nonsense that has appeared in that post and I suppose we have to put it down to them engaging keyboard before brain.  


And yes, the odd thing is that they can neither read nor listen or only do so when they put their own warped view on things - odd lot (some) railway modellers but there are plenty of good 'uns out there as well, I had a smashing time and the usual friendly welcome, in some cases from total strangers,  at the Wycombe club's open day yesterday.  So there some who would be good company when stuck in a lift, just like ERs ;)


Completely agree Mike, I am asking Brian to add a captive-bolt gun to the wishlist for my toolbox; if not for their heads then mine. ;)


Sadly I find there's a significant number of people within the hobby who are self-obsessed, intolerant of commercial considerations and inconsiderate of the work that the manufacturing arm of our hobby put into it. One day they may realise the world does not solely revolve around them but I won't hold my breath. You manage to keep them out of ER so well-played on that front. :)

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Completely agree Mike, I am asking Brian to add a captive-bolt gun to the wishlist for my toolbox; if not for their heads then mine. ;)


Sadly I find there's a significant number of people within the hobby who are self-obsessed, intolerant of commercial considerations and inconsiderate of the work that the manufacturing arm of our hobby put into it. One day they may realise the world does not solely revolve around them but I won't hold my breath. You manage to keep them out of ER so well-played on that front. :)

My experience of ERs is that it is full of people who are not self-obsessed, intolerant and inconsiderate.  Perhaps that is why certain people keep out of it!

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Evening.  A very busy day just had at Groudle Glen, one of the busiest days we have ever had outside of Santa trains etc.  We had a family fun day in partnership with Isle of Man Bank, highly successful, and boy was it hot after the early mist burned off with an intensive two train service run, I am cream crackered.  I was gopher, guard and just about everything at one point or another today but not on the footplate - that's next weekend :-)  Trev, shame you had to sell Peter Pan, she would have been nice over here!  Still, Annie is similar in many ways.


Oh, the frothey thread, really, keep those folk out of ER's please!  I see occasionally on other threads little barbs at us on here, I find that rather amusing given the drivel in some of them.  We all seem to be 'real' people on here.

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Home after a 12½ hour day at Lords. That was my fourth and final day and had a casualty well after close of play. You will all realise that I can't provide any information, but being part of the medical team is very enjoyable and very, very tiring.


I have to be up at 6am for my CFR shift. No peace for the wicked.



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Home after a long day of umpiring. This was a local quarter final of a National competition and we had both teams looking to come out on top until the last over.... and only off for 30 minutes due to rain!


Haven't bothered with the froth but if isn't what i want I shall scream and scream until I am sick!  (its Ok I am only joking!)



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Evening all,

Froth eh? More like dribble! Guess who looked at that thread for a time before feeling the blood pressure increasing? Great to see AndyY supporting the sane comments of Mike about the Bachmann thread, I agree entirely with the posts of all ERs who have commented, having read just a few pages - I can't recommend it to any of our regular ERs. Gordon Peter and Bod's posts also make complete sense.

Great picture Bob, I was lucky enough to know Mr Southern, who started the Dobwalls railway attraction, when I lived in Cornwall and worked at my father-in-law's tourist site (Poldark Mine and Wendron Forge). We were both members of the Cornwall association of Tourist Attractions. He loved American outline locos but also had the most superb collection of original 'Thorburn' bird paintings! (Worth googling). Don't know if he is still alive these days.

Neil, I bet that the next week is going to drag - will they let you loose on the controls?

No thunder yet today but it is exceptionally close, unusual for the coast, following a short but very heavy downpour this afternoon!.

Hope the inclement weather doesn't spoil John and Sandy's West Country jaunt.

Best of luck to those lucky enough to be working tomorrow. I await my chores list with the usual trepidation!

Nightcap time is here again,

Kind regards,


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Does it count for ERs if you fall asleep and then wake up after midnight?


Went to Crow Point in the afternoon and saw some of the results on the winter storms - whole stretches of dunes gone and the sand redistributed into the Taw estuary.


Jock - the weather forecast down here is rather pleasant - at least until someone changes it.


And I've read the Bachmann inspired froth. Reckon people are copying and pasting from earlier generations of announcements. If they don't like what they see then build it! Oh, wait ...

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