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Evening all,

The thunder has certainly caught up with a vengeance here - announced itself with a massive bang at 8.45pm accompanied by torrential rain! It's still hissing down although the rumbles have moved further away now. The oddest thing was the behaviour of Archie the Westie, not a peep throughout the height of the storm, in fact he lay in the conservatory watching the lightning flashes. I wonder if he picks up on the fact that Joanna and I are fascinated by the power of nature?

Pete(Trisonic), thanks for the information and the vid. - I agree about Gary Moore, but Peter Green was something else. One of my favourites on guitar is .Dave Gilmour - I've seen the Floyd a couple of times(a long while ago!) and I think 'Comfortably Numb' from 'The Wall' takes a bit of beating!

John,(CB), sorry to hear that your trip has been soured by the awful news that Sandy received - what a pointless waste!

Trev, that's a YES from me as well!!

Ian, did I deliver 'commentators curse' earlier - poor old Lewis is having some terrible luck at the moment, though it should make for interesting racing.

Off to bed with the nightcap - it is still really humid so may have to add ice, sacrilege! Hoping you all have a decent Sunday - remember that 'One giant step for man, happened 20th July 1969.

Kind regards,


PS Happy Birthday Motters! Enjoy. J.

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning all.  Great to sell stuff on eBay.  The downside is that I now have umpteen items to pack and get off to the Post Office or local UPS pick point (the garage up the road!).  Currently surrounded by cardboard, bubble wrap and sticky tape...


Still the bank balance looks healthier and no, I'm not going to buy some new Bachmann stuff, whatever the big announcement is…;-)

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Good Morning All,


We had some thunderstorms about 30 minutes ago, but now all is calm - so rehearsals won't get rained off...


Sad news about Schotty's erstwhile female companion, someone else has taken a shine to Chana and has "reserved" her. So we are back to looking for a lady friend for the HM (unfortunately both Sunny and Iris are far too big - being about 50 - 60kg when full grown).


Rehearsals proceed adequately, although my singing leaves a lot to be desired ("can't sing, can't dance, can act a little"), with the forthcoming Swiss National Day (August 1st) falling on a Friday, I will be facing 3 days of brutal, intense 10 hour rehearsals... Opening night is August 14th...


Anyway, must dash now, off to tread the boards


Have a rain free and enjoyable Sunday!

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I’m still up, Sherry!

Drinking my last cup of tea, whilst you have your first, I suspect.


Trust all is well.

Yes, indeedy! Nothing can happen here (or in France, when I stay there) until TIB has been consumed.


And yes, thanks, all is very well. I'm planning my first solo journey by car to France next month via the Portsmouth/Caen ferry.


Enjoy the sunshine, folks, if, like us, you are lucky enough to have some!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very warm but overcast at the moment. I visited the BBC weather website and got this - 

Error 500 - Internal Error


so presumably we're not getting any today. (or they've got it wrong again)

Talking of not getting any there is a Family FunDay at a local park today so I said to Chris (in all innocence  :yes:) "Why don't we go and have some fun in the park?"

Apparently "We're not teenagers any more!"

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, woken by Clyde trashing the kitchen in an attempt to leave the building by the one open window. Kittens are still being giddy but in a slightly more refined way. Today will again be mainly shopping.

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Morning all, 


Same result from BBC  - had that most of yesterday too.  Means no R4 listening for me today! ....as to the loco kit pics, laters! 


Forecast here says "Sun"  actual dull & overcast & only 27c.... (I tend to rely on http://www.accuweather.com/    which does have a number of UK locations....)


Happy Birthday Motters, hope the trip goes well.



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  • RMweb Premium



Enjoy the train journey and a bottle or two of Coopers!!!!!


And me? I have an appointment to stand in a Davidstow Cheese Village cup quarter final...so clean boots,pressed trousers etc order of the day....


Have a belting Sunday everyone...really enjoyed my birthday including some Leeds Pale.... Now off to find some tea!




PS motters... Wombats of the world unite!

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  • RMweb Gold

We had the thunderstorm about 7pm last night after whch it cleared. We were just getting back from a walk when we heard the first rumbles. Holly got frightened and hid in the train room for most of the evening but we did get a decent nights sleep. After the storm I checked the stream it appeared to be running chocolate milkshake and I had to clear the grills which stop the dogs getting out  as it had brought down debris from off the hill.

Have a nice day today sounds somewhat better here at least.


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Ugh. Been up for a few hours (since about 4) following some acid reflux. My own fault, I got carried away making/eating garlic bread last night...

Eventually nodded off about 6 and then woke up in time for the 1st race at Hockenheim, but fell asleep again during.


Planning some wagons today after the teaparty that was painting the West Country, now waiting for some Precision Paints. That's not about modelling by the way, that's about waiting.


So not a great start to a rather overcast day. At least I was spared the couple having a running marital dispute outside at 2am which annoyed Julie, apparently it involved getting into their car, driving 20 yards, getting out an fighting then repeating the process until out of earshot. I did see the bloke down the road get a ticket for parking in his own disabled bay without his blue badge whilst another neighbour (ex WO1 in the Marines) remonstrated with him. That's some serious bottle on the part of the traffic warden.


It's very edgy in Carshalton.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all,

Very warm but overcast at the moment. I visited the BBC weather website and got this - 

Error 500 - Internal Error


so presumably we're not getting any today. (or they've got it wrong again)

Talking of not getting any there is a Family FunDay at a local park today so I said to Chris (in all innocence  :yes:) "Why don't we go and have some fun in the park?"

Apparently "We're not teenagers any more!"

Have a good one,


You must have a good memory. :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Yesterday was a much nicer day than forecast, with some sun now and again, and virtually no rain after about 10.00. But everything was pretty soggy underfoot, so I didn't do much outside. And because there was very little breeze the heat of the day persisted, and the house was a bit warm overnight. So I had my bedroom window open - but with the shutter closed to keep marauding cats at bay. A few rumbles of distant thunder during the night - and a lot more rain - but I seemed to sleep quite well.


Sherry does like her tea in the morning, 'tis true. I think she sometimes has up to three cups before facing the day. Easy to adjust to, frankly, and I hope my habits prove similarly inoffensive. On the same note, I'm sorry Grandadbob had his offer of fun in the park rebuffed. Sherry and I are still quite capable of fun in the park - if no-one's looking!


Coombe Barton's sad news about Sandy's former pupil is no doubt mirrored across many communities today. Mankind can be impressively stupid at times.


Hope your day of rest delivers just that.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Not too hot as yet and overcast sky (nothing new with the latter) and according to the Exeter seaweed we aren't due any rain until Thursday - however they do seem to change their seaweed frequently so you never know).  And I do wonder if Gordon will still be able to resist a certain Bachmann forthcoming item once he knows what it is - we shall see and I believe it might make an appearance today but on the other hand it might not.


No duties yet prescribed for today but at least I had a few hours at the Wycombe club's open day yesterday with the fiddle yard of the new club layout more or less operational and all very electronicy with DCC and touch screens to change points and things.  The old roundy at least has proper buttons to press!  Not much in the way of cakes - unlike their exhibition - but plenty of grub on offer and a really nice bunch of folk.


Have a good day one and all and keep clear of the waves of froth (and ire) when the Bachmann news is revealed.

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Morning all,

Started out as sunny Clacton but appears to be getting hazier now, but cooler than yesterday thank goodness.

Sherry, I assume you have all the necessary breakdown and recovery cover in place - attractive lassies travelling alone can be vulnerable so it is a sensible precaution. The Portsmouth - Caen route should save you some miles but do I recall you saying you had frequent traveller discount? In any case, I used to look on it as a mini-cruise start to my holiday. Bet the time is dragging!

Can't believe it's now 45years since Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins went to the moon! The first is dead, and the other two 84 and 83 respectively. I well remember the excitement, trying to see the module orbiting the Moon through the Uni telescope without success. It was a staggering engineering feat and doubtless helped to drive computer technology and other disciplines forward, benefitting all of us today. It was a tribute to the scientific expertise in the UK at the time, that the Americans sent so much of the 'Moon Rock' here for analysis of such elements as magnetic properties. The downside of such memories, along with discussions like the one I just had with Trisonic Pete, is that they define just how old one is getting!

Off to help Joanna with the graveyard duties, cleaning up the headstone and surrounds plus decorating with fresh flowers. Archie likes to come as he can examine the rabbit holes and fox runs that abound there.

Flavio, take care not to trip on any of those boards. You still haven't enlightened us as to whether Maria is pretty or not! Seriously, although it is hard work, I hope you are getting a great deal of enjoyment from it.

Have a good Sunday and fingers crossed that Lewis at least scores some points (wouldn't want Rosberg to have bad luck would we?).

Kind regards,


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Have a good day one and all and keep clear of the waves of froth (and ire) when the Bachmann news is revealed.


The wailing and angst has already begun... I think people need to chill out more... Me, I'm off to make some more coffee and murder some ants.

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Morning all,

Started out as sunny Clacton but appears to be getting hazier now, but cooler than yesterday thank goodness.


Jock, a rather bizarre looking cloud has just passed over the North Norfolk coast. Let me know if it makes it to Clacton. You can't miss it - it looks like a five-legged giraffe. Seriously.


Edit: scrub that - it seems to be heading north very slowly.

Edited by Pete 75C
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