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  • RMweb Gold

just wonder how the new member identified who to send his PM to...

Perhaps they just picked the members with the highest post counts.

Interestingly, of the top 20, six are regulars in ER's


If I were writing an exam question I would now say........ Discuss.


Morning all.

Edited by BoD
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Good morning all,  late on parade this morning as my internet dongle ran out of credit last evening...should have lasted till around Wednesday, but there tiz.   So had to send my "staff"  out to get some recharge cards, after she'd cooked my breakfast! (Splendid omelet) 


Small amount of work to do this week end, then maybe some modeling - loco or rolling stock?  - 


Thunder forecast for here  later  currently temps around 29c nice breeze blowing (front and back balcony doors open) ..


What ever you're up to today try and find something to enjoy!  I did find another couple of pics of me as footplate crew.....now should I post????



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Alton shopping done yesterday - bank statement will look perfectly ok as part was paid with folding money from my piggy bank otherwise what amounts to a train of porthole coaches plus a loco I ordered in January 2012 might look a bit pricey.  And unlike the Modelzone sale  I couldn't really use the line I borrowed from herself of stating how much I'd saved rather than how much I'd spent.  BTW - being railwayish - Bob in Alton does have a small stock of Garratts for those who live in his neck of the woods and don't like mail order (no I didn't!!).


I think Andy is very good with embargo breakers - someone dropped a very strong hint/leading line in the Bachmann thread a week or so back and the post was removed within minutes of me reporting it.  All rather childish in my view; a number of folk on RMweb know all about the item, which will make an appearance tomorrow, but are keeping their mouths very firmly shut, just as a number of us did about Rapido's model.  Idiots like the embargo breakers spoil the fun for everyone else and don't help manufacturers one tiny bit.


I have very simple views about the naming of 4-legged members of the household - their name will naturally come from their looks and behaviour, and usually very quickly.  Sammy and Simba (daft name in the latter case) arrived with their names and Sam's is probably fairly well suited - but it makes little difference as he seems to have lost his hearing.  Simba would have been renamed given half a chance but it's not fair at his age so we haven't called him Barnardo after all (he's an ever open door when it comes to food).


Anyway hopefully off to the Wycombe club open day later as I've received an invite from a fellow RMweb member.  Have a  good day the rest of you and may the rain be good for your gardens.

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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps they just picked the members with the highest post counts.

Interestingly, of the top 20, six are regulars in ER's


If I were writing an exam question I would now say........ Discuss.


Morning all.

I suspect I must figure quite high in the list of post counts but whoever the 'person(?)' was he didn't send a PM to me - maybe he doesn't like GW engines and my avatar put him off?

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  • RMweb Gold

I suspect I must figure quite high in the list of post counts but whoever the 'person(?)' was he didn't send a PM to me - maybe he doesn't like GW engines and my avatar put him off?

I believe you are indeed among the most prolific of posters, Mike, well ahead of me - and most of yours are actually useful...... And, noting BoD's point, ER and other Wheeltappers' posts do not "count" in one's total - but the likes etc do.

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Morning all,

The thunder finally got to us last night - mostly off-shore but right overhead at around 3AM so not a great nights sleep! Luckily, Archie the Westie did not utter a peep, whereas he gets really angry at fireworks which I think he perceives as threatening his territory.

I have to refer all the kind hearted folks on ERs to a thread that Ian discovered, and Pete(Lifeboatman) and myself also stumbled on : 'strangers help out a grieving father with photoshop' posted by 'big jim' late last night. Remarkable!!

Baz, happy birthday umpire - sounds a bit low key so can I assume that you have something planned for later? Remember - don't worry it's only a number!

Ed, like others, I hope that what ails you turns out to be not too serious and wish you a speedy recovery. Please try to keep us posted if you can.

Ian, thanks for sharing your little drama with us : I still cannot fathom what joy such 'aerosols' get from interfering with such a friendly site as ours. Great to see the speed with which AndyY reacted to the situation however - don't know how he ever finds time to sleep. Agree on the GP front, Lewis has managed to make a complete 'c*ck up' of his hot lap at the last two events so let's hope he gets it right this weekend!

Neil, you and Debs certainly deserve admiration for the strength of your friendship!

I'm off to set thy Sky+ box for the German GP and British Superbikes on the Brands Hatch Grand Prix circuit. Hope your Saturday passes without drama,

Kind regards,


PS to find the thread I mentioned, go to 'big jim' in members and click on his posts!

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning all from the tropical rainforest of SE London. AKA the boring borough. Another week over. The offspring brought a cold/flu home from work and was kind enough to share it with me. Blergh! Feeling like mildly microwaved death at the moment. Complete lack of sleep over the past 3 days.


Loads of thunder, lightening, and rain Thursday night. It was literally right on top of us. The cats were not amused. Last night had a few booms but further in the distance and only a couple mm of rain.


Our cockwomble pre-Neanderthal (###### Habilis) neighbour hasn't helped things. His car alarm has always gone off randomly but over the past few nights its gotten worse. 12 times last night it woke me up. B*stard. 10 times on Thursday night. Strangely it didn't go off during the thunder storms.

Time methinks to fire off a statutory nuisance complaint with the council, again. Not to mention he parks the damn thing illegally in his front garden less than 3m from our bedroom window. Illegal as there is no dropped pavement for him to cross. Its also a bus stop.


Work has been quiet and uneventful. Yea!! New project starting up in a few weeks so I'll be back to commuting to Canary Wharf for several months.


Well that's my check in for the week. Have a great weekend all. I'm off to the shed to play trains in air conditioned comfort. Maybe I'll set out some of the camping gear and sleep in there tonight.


###### = h o m o

Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Premium

Still awaiting the deluge.  It is so muggy and heavy, very unusual here.


King Arthur arrived, or at least Sir Kay did, but Mrs H has me so busy (retirement? hah!) I haven't had the to open the box yet.  I bought a couple of coaches too, the Hornby 'unconverted' Maunsell, and a GW region TSO Mk1 out of curiosity, one of the new tooling ones.  Inter regional transfer!! I will also get a Bahmann one (no guesses where from!) to compare.  Oh my how British outline models have improved while I have been 'away' modelling American.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, off to Scunthorpe to deliver a Macklotts python to its new home. Matt is serious about trying to get £2000 together for work experience in africa.... The timing means I won't see qualifying live but one less snake to feed and keep warm suits me. It is of course raining so it must be time to empty the litter tray.......

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  • RMweb Gold

Dick - I do indeed remember H A Garrett. I believe there is some sort of fast food restaurant there now - as if we haven't got enough of those already!

Gemma is still at school until Tuesday much to her disgust as her elder siblings finished on Friday. "It's just not fair!"


PS Happy Birthday Baz

Edited by grandadbob
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I believe you are indeed among the most prolific of posters, Mike, well ahead of me - and most of yours are actually useful...... And, noting BoD's point, ER and other Wheeltappers' posts do not "count" in one's total - but the likes etc do.


...and Wheeltappers doesn't appear on RMWeb unless logged in. I thought you'd all vanished the other week and then realised my mistake!

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  • RMweb Gold

Enjoy Friday and the weekend all (and your holiday BoD (I will check out your layout topics regularly over the next six weeks, more in hope than expectation).

I am now in a bit of a quandary Don. For various reasons I couldn't start on the main layout in the loft (house re-wiring and other major work) until a couple of months ago. In the meantime I started the shunting plank as well as having a half completed depot layout. So, do I start on the main layout, which will be the thing that will keep me busy and entertained in retirement or do I finish the others first? Do I scrap the others or do I try to juggle all three?

At the moment, I'm in that situation where indecision leads to absolutely nothing happening. I will need to make some decisions over the next few days if things are going to progress.

Edited by BoD
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I am now in a bit of a quandary Don. For various reasons I couldn't start on the main layout in the loft (house re-wiring and other major work) until a couple of months ago. In the meantime I started the shunting plank as well as having a half completed depot layout. So, do I start on the main layout, which will be the thing that will keep me busy and entertained in retirement or do I finish the others first? Do I scrap the others or do I try to juggle all three?

At the moment, I'm in that situation where indecision leads to absolutely nothing happening. I will need to make some decisions over the next few days if things are going to progress.

I used to be indecisive. . . .but now? . . .I'm not so sure . . . .

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I suspect I must figure quite high in the list of post counts but whoever the 'person(?)' was he didn't send a PM to me - maybe he doesn't like GW engines and my avatar put him off?

Or like me  have a “cunning plan” to keep my PM’s full...................


Sorry, I really must do something about them (soon)...


Actually I’m bored with New Releases, I have enough un-run locomotives to keep me going until I kick the bucket.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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If you get a chance to read my post at the bottom of P2736, I'd appreciate your comments on Mr. Mayall as well as that album! Thanks for bringing so many memories back to light - I'd completely forgotten that experience and have lost touch with the two schoolfriends who took me along to 'show me real music'!

Kind regards,


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Afternoon all!  Looked in my PM's and no such luck, so must be a has been…:-)


Played 18 holes this morning and managed to stay relatively dry.  The first few were in gentle rain, the remainder OK.  A day of what might have been….


Stuff is still flying off the shelves with the biggest surprise being Gresley Teak coaches.  I see they are no longer available, but Hornby must have done a good job with prices between £40- £46 each for the ones I had going spare.


Quiet afternoon watching the golf and drinking beer.  Does it get better than this?...

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday, Baz and best wishes to others.


Decidedly wet in the west so a chance to post a few sunny pics of the Waterfront I mentioned a few pages back.

The angles of view were determined by a few factors - one was to hide a very obtrusive maintenance van along the castle wall - put answers as to where on the back of a postcard & no prizes. :mosking:   Another was to hide the people the place naturally attracts, and the direction of the sun had a lot to do with it, too.


Anchor form HMS Conway in its new postition.








Close up of the paved area (between the cobbles!).


Green lights on walls as [the ships] pass by

Words from LLongau Caernafon/Caernarfon Ships


Below, an upbeat version of the traditional folk song

with words and translation over images of Slate Quay and Victoria Dock as it is today,

a few years back, anyway, by the looks of it.





Edit to add a missing word.

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Premium

Decidedly wet here south of Leeds so a day putting things on Ebay from a former club member, for his sons.   One problem when you have cats in the house, boxes are an immediate attraction.  So when i had finished taking the photos but not put the stuff back in the box this is what happened.


Minnie knows that she's the boss.




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Morning bit of a challenge posting from smart phone - if it's so smart can't it read my mind? Was delightful at the cabin yesterday afternoon/evening, so sure enough today with the potential choir party arrivals starting only an hour or so away it's overcast and raining off and on <sigh>

Have a great Saturday...

Edited by Ian Abel
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