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Home from a very long and very tiring day at Lords. I didn't see much cricket, there were a lot of unwell people to look after. Vague idea that England have messed it up today.


As a wicket keeper, I took a couple of balls in the face. The worst was a ricochet from the bails standing up to a fast bowler. Broke my glasses and split my cheek open. Off for a wipe down, a plaster and a change of glasses. Exactly the same thing happened next over but this one was merely medium pace, so I got the gloves up and tipped the ball "over the top".


Day three tomorrow. It might be cooler.



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When we rescued Monty we chose the name not knowing any other dogs of the same name. Having moved to the Isle of Wight it was somwhat surprising when he was charging round the local copse with a chocolate lab to find both owners calling the same name. We also met three other Montys in the same area. The name doesn't seem so popular in Minehead.


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Evening all,

Rumbles of thunder off-shore and a few spots of rain are all we've had so far - strong gusts of wind and high humidity suggest we might get our share later.

Pete, 'Stormy Monday' took me right back to the sixties. I was lucky enough to see the Blues Breakers live in the town hall adjacent to Bow flyover. At one point EC broke a string and John McVie stopped to help - John Mayall did 'Parchman Farm' solo with one hand on the Hammond and a harmonica in the other! Raw stuff in its day and I think I've still got the LP in one of my boxes. Later, at college, I bought JM's 'Laurel Canyon Blues' which is also stored somewhere. I have a feeling that they are all lucky to have survived the excesses of the time! Amazing that that memory should be brought back to life on a model railway site.

Gordon, that was indeed an unusual noise - don't often get two radials flying around these parts. Always thought the Cat had a strange beauty and it was no doubt very attractive to an airman in the drink!

Flavio, sounds like you've already lost the battle?

Hope you have all battened down the hatches,

Kind regards until Saturday,


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Apart from the thunder and lightning it has been rather a quiet evening. I collected Aditi from the station, stopped for fish and chips and after they had been eaten she disappeared into the study (still there now) to write up a report about the days meetings that is needed for Monday. Monday is the day that she allegedly has her interview for a reorganised post but as yet she doesn't know when! She doesn't seem too concerned, I think she is more concerned about whether we will get all the stuff in the car tomorrow for our niece's birthday party. As well as the tricycle we have bought we are also taking Matthew's old plastic sand pit and cover, a mini tent and a tunnel thing for crawling through. 


I haven't done any modelling at all today, I did intend to but just didn't (unless some online shopping counts!)

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Morning all. So good to be able to sleep in!


Clear sky and sunshine outside, so we're looking to be set for another scorcher. We might be out for a trip to one of the various lakes around the city some time today.

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Morning all.


Finally evicted the Dragon-in-Law today after what she thought had become a semi-permanent tenure in our guest suite.  Sigh of relief still being breathed several hours later.  


Typical comments the past few days have been "When you've made my dinner there's a bag in my car I need you to bring in" and "So if you're going to be away who's going to do the cleaning while I'm here?"  


You know there's something not quite right when you receive an email at work asking "Where do you keep the wine - I can't find it".  Harrumphhhhhh.  It's locked away so that there's some left for US ..........


Now to get ready for the big trip.  I'll be around from time to time when there's a wi-fi link and the phone plays nice.  I'll e able to read emails and PMs most days and that's going to be the best way to reach me if I'm needed.  And for those attending on Saturday (also Friday and Saturday night at the hotel) I'll see you at Ricoh in the not-too-distant future.


Safe passage and calm waters to all ERs and to all who sail in her.

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Rather a short night, following an enjoyable TOADS Theatre Co. Members' Night in the theatre bar. Unusually, O/H decided to drive, enabling me to take full advantage of the half price drinks! Well, 'twould have been rude to refuse! For many it was the first time they'd heard the news of our impending separation/divorce. Without exception, everyone was supportive; many are already on their second marriage.


After ?? glasses of wine, I expected to sleep soundly but Mother Nature had other ideas with a violent thunderstorm between 4.00 and 5.00am. Hope you all have a good weekend.

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Morning All!

St Swithin got it wrong this year as its raining...and on my birthday!


Game scheduled to start at 12 noon....can't see that happening so may spend an hour or two having a genteel pint or two.


Have a great Saturday and I hope all your travel plans go well.



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Morning all. Hospital again, not sure why yet. No signal all week then today all seems good. I assume it's to do with the weather. I don't think I'll have time to catch up properly, so the usual congratulations, commiserations etc to one and all.



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Up since 6, so a very early rise. For a Saturday.


Day already derailed as we were doing some politicals but a combination of a vomiting child, a bad headache and potential thunderstorms and hail has dampened our several ardours. Means I get to watch qualy live at any rate.


Humid, warm and sweaty, may be thunderstorms later. It was 32º in my shed yesterday, so airbrushing that WC is out of the question I suspect. Back to a bit of decalling. Maybe some old fashioned painting.


Apart from that, at a bit of a loose end. I may trim my beard.


I hope you all have restful weekends, especially the teachers who are still under the yoke. One of the best weekends of the year!

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Good morning all,

Well we had rain during the night and saw a few lightning flashes and heard rumbles of thunder in the distance. The promised "End of the World" never materialised here but it is still raining, is very muggy and the forecasters still seem to be promising an Apocalypse. (They're including hail now!)

On a happier note a certain railway related parcel is now in Croydon and although they are stating delivery will be Monday I wonder if it will arrive today. I suppose I ought to think about something to run with it. :scratchhead: That means I'll be in trouble yet again! :girldevil: 

Ed - sorry to hear that you have a problem and hope that you recover quickly and normal service is resumed as soon as possible.

Have a good one,

Gwrandad Wants Rolling stock.

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Gwrandad Wants Rolling stock.

I think coal wagons and coaches have been my major purchases this year! Probably not a good idea to add up the cost of  the wagons my  Garratt actually pulls along!


Morning all

Hot and cloudy out. There are some distant thunder storm rumbles and we could well get some today as we are off to Kettering. Aditi is optimistic that Kettering may be be storm free at lunchtime.


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Probably not a good idea to add up the cost 


Whenever a new purchase arrives here Chris queries the price - I always say "Not much". 

Do you know that she still doesn't believe me after all our years together! 

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Bob - do you remember HA Garratt, the camera shop in Sutton High Street, now long gone? They used to happily provide two invoices, one real one and one for public display at home...

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......I hope you all have restful weekends, especially the teachers who are still under the yoke. One of the best weekends of the year!

Indeed it is for most of them, but I know of at least two counties, Devon and Cheshire, where term ends next Wednesday. Perhaps there are others?

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Morning all


A stormy night, with thunder rumbling around most of the time, and an awful lot of rain. My room being downstairs seems to be very well insulated from the environment outside, so I cannot honestly say I lost a minute's sleep due to the weather. It will not be nice most of today, either, and tomorrow may well be wet, but not stormy. Next week looks better. Actually, this morning, with warm but wet all around - although it isn't actually raining now - reminds me of July weekends in Spa, where the Ardennes weather can summon up a storm at the drop of a hat, and be steaming hot and sunny an hour later.


I had a PM late last night from a member I'd not heard of. And, guess what, although I got an email telling me of it, it is not in my PMs. The substance was intended to partially break an embargo, so of course I will not be divulging anything here. The member joined about 2200 Friday night. Objective - disruption. Not nice.


I will be hoping for an interesting GP weekend. Lewis has hit the front in free practice, perhaps he'll get it together at lunchtime, too. The teams are not using their trick suspension systems this weekend, and free practice has seen a more "offs" than usual. A good omen for the race?


Hope Ed gets his health back soon, and everyone's weekend goes well.

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Indeed it is for most of them, but I know of at least two counties, Devon and Cheshire, where term ends next Wednesday. Perhaps there are others?


Norfolk's another. And then 6 weeks of "I'm bored" beginning roughly 4 minutes after school ends... Tempted to lock them in a cupboard with a big bag of crisps and a hamster drip bottle but I'm sure there's a law against it.

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I had a PM late last night from a member I'd not heard of. And, guess what, although I got an email telling me of it, it is not in my PMs. The substance was intended to partially break an embargo, so of course I will not be divulging anything here. The member joined about 2200 Friday night. Objective - disruption. Not nice.


Ah go on... there's nothing happening in Norfolk right now (I think it's shut for the weekend), and a bit of gossip would be good! Only joking...

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Indeed it is for most of them, but I know of at least two counties, Devon and Cheshire, where term ends next Wednesday. Perhaps there are others?

Tuesday for GD. Must be great fun in this weather...

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Southampton schools finish on Wednesday. I need to plan some things to do. A purge of outgrown books and toys will take place. It may include some of mine.


Last night's storms must have gone elsewhere. A short heavy shower about midnight was followed at various intervals by a few distant rumbles; it may have rained more but not audibly, although it was when I surfaced at 8 but has now stopped. Tigger wouldn't come in when I went to bed, probably keeping out of the rain and couldn't hear me call. Due to the forecast I decided to leave the back door ajar for him. Not something I'd normally do in case of intruders, but I booby trapped it by putting a rubbish bin behind it with noisy things balanced on top. When I looked later he'd come in and settled down for the night.


Nothing planned for today but various household jobs beckon and some modelling may occur.


Have a good day.



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I had a PM late last night from a member I'd not heard of. And, guess what, although I got an email telling me of it, it is not in my PMs. The substance was intended to partially break an embargo, so of course I will not be divulging anything here. The member joined about 2200 Friday night. Objective - disruption. Not nice.


I dropped Andy Y a note on this, and he tells me it has been "dealt with" after a couple of other members also reported it. I like RMweb, and do not want its name besmirched by embargo-breaking. I just wonder how the new member identified who to send his PM to. Perhaps I'm seen as a gossip.....

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Troll reported to Mods I hope, Ian?  edit - posts crossed.


Muggy here, deluge forecast.  Taking Jayne out for lunch, as her Mum went back home on Thursday, trial run on her own. sadsadsad NHN.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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