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Morning all,

Andrew, I'm afraid my response to the BBC article has to be in line with Dick's! BTW, thanks for the cheering story Dick, it certainly helps to balance the bad run we've had of late.

DD, you just caused me to have a horrible shock (unintentionally no doubt!) as I've just responded to your post by doing a rough calculation on the amount I and my employers/companies have poured into the NI pot over the years - how scary is that. Mark you, I am receiving such fantastic help from so many dedicated NHS professionals that I have no reason to grumble!

Ian, I fully agree about the ladies - it often takes youngsters ages to learn that beauty is more than skin deep, and some never learn. I've always been interested in the whole (and that doesn't require any crude remarks!). Where have all the characters like Brian Redman gone ; a dying breed in the name of professionalism?

Good move on the 'Sun' front Phil, I understand that, along with the 'Mail', there could be some poison on the pages and it wouldn't be a good idea to rub that on your bottom!

Grandson is coming this afternoon with a 'Kango' to rid us of the large lumps of concrete that held the old and now removed garden fence in place. Sadly, I'm not allowed any such heavy work now, but it is just wonderful and uplifting the manner in which all the members of our family have rallied round to help us. You can't even thank them without receiving a reply like 'well you have always been there for us' which is truly touching and bolsters ones faith in human nature.

Good luck to all you cricket fans today, whoever you support, and don't forget to think of Flavio, embroiled in a sword fight when the temperatures over there look to be even higher than here!

Kind regards,


PS has anyone heard from Andy? (Andyram).

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I heard about your coming Heat Wave warning with ENVY.  I do find 30C to be hot, but just right for a swim. However when we do get +30 weather it is generally without humidity

Here today it's overcast, grey, rainy and cold at 15C. 

Tomorrow is forecast to be the same, only colder. The weekend however promises dry.

Enjoy your Summer.

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I  like it when its cracking the flags temperature wise, can't be doing with high levels of humidity.. so umpiring recently has just been great!  


Stay calm all... and stand steady the ERs!  

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Just back from building (or starting to build) a clay outdoor oven in Cambridge.  Base and top layer of brick paviors finished and yesterday completed the brick arch for the oven with a 4" stainless steel flue pipe.


Found a great firm in Cambridge, MacKay's on East Street, who (apart from stocking every tool, fastener, and bit of kit you ever wanted but were afraid to ask for) have a separate metal & fabrication shop alongside.  Tentatively asking for a 2' long piece of 4" stainless pipe, the reply was, "1/8th wall thickness or 1/16th?".  A great variety of steel, mild, galvanised and stainless, plus aluminium is stocked in various shapes and sizes, plus they also have a fabrication service if you need it at reasonable prices.


Sunny and hot (for us Lincolnshire folk) at 28 degrees and promises hotter tomorrow and for the week-end.  Top down on the MX5 and plenty of 'factor 50'!

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Afternoon all, went back to work today so no early morning visit here. Bright and sunny mainly but cloud to follow. Kittens had their second injections yesterday and are now much bigger than they were, now almost at Cally's full grown size!  Young cats might be a better description, still wappy but for shorter lengths of time, more time is spent sleeping or chewing wires.

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Ian, I fully agree about the ladies - it often takes youngsters ages to learn that beauty is more than skin deep, and some never learn. I've always been interested in the whole (and that doesn't require any crude remarks!). Where have all the characters like Brian Redman gone ; a dying breed in the name of professionalism?




Jock, I think there just doesn't seem to be any room allowed for characters to come to the fore anymore because of overwhelming pressure from sponsors to 'behave' and not bring the 'brand' into disrepute. Stirling Moss is well known for fondly looking back on the time when it was ok to 'go to parties and chase crumpet' the night before a race, Graham Hill was not averse to dressing up in drag at said parties and drivers, mechanics and team owners thought nothing of playing pranks on each other before and after races. Innes Ireland was particularly good at this by all accounts, but he worked and drove hard come race day. A few years later James Hunt was the same, always looked on as a 'playboy' but boy did he put the work in when he knew it was needed, as despite the smoking and liking a tipple he was quite the athlete. At his funeral, standing behind family members and close friends was a row of staggeringly beautiful women quietly sobbing into their hankies who'd all been with him at some time or another, usually fleetingly and occasionally simultaneously. Somehow I can't imagine any of the current F1 grid's funerals being anything like that!


Bit of good news this morning on the 'old car' front - the Solihull Barge / aka Rover P5B Coupe passed it's MOT with no adviseries yesterday which is a relief. Apparently I've only driven it sixty miles since the last one though so I ought to get using it. Just waiting for the new spark plugs to arrive - the garage's suppliers only sent four, not realising it's a V8!

Edited by Rugd1022
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Afternoon All


Delighted to say that the prospective pension disaster as mooted by others here did not happen, and my lump sum came through as promised - but it was all disposed of within a couple of hours!  However, 30747 and I are a lot happier today now that the money's here, and all the allocations have taken place. 


Sun is shining, and as usual, I'm on dinner duty. 


Regards to All


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Afternoon All


Delighted to say that the prospective pension disaster as mooted by others here did not happen, and my lump sum came through as promised - but it was all disposed of within a couple of hours!  However, 30747 and I are a lot happier today now that the money's here, and all the allocations have taken place. 


Sun is shining, and as usual, I'm on dinner duty. 


Regards to All


Welcome, finally, to the pensioner ranks Stewart - I hope you enjoy it while wondering how you ever found the time to go to work.  And I have to say that getting through my lump sum actually took a couple of weeks so well done for doing so in an hour or so.

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Morning - bit late on parade as I had to return to the Drs office for the blood and pee exercise...

Lovely day again here, was 15 overnight and now 18 headed for maybe 27, sunny, no humidity and light breeze.


Contrary to what some young(er) folks may think of the old fart generation, we (Mrs and I) are part of a group of friends who decided to to institute a "enjoy the cities" group, by having a monthly happy-hour get together in a local patioed eatery/bar during the summer and planning monthly dinner/play/imbibing get togethers once the weather becomes more Minnesotan - to that end, our first encounter was last evening and was an absolute delight - port of call was "Moscow on the HIll" a Russian themed restaurant in St. Paul we'd never previously visited, and the kids today think we don't know how to have fun, pshaw! :)


Have a grand day everyone...

Edited by Ian Abel
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Heres a  quality of questions from one of the wheel - reinventors ;   "Can you tell me how much an 11kv line about 5 k long is going to cost - I need to get back to client first thing in the morning? "  Ok, overhead or underground or mix, "but how much is it going to cost?"  Expected load - how many roads / rivers to cross?  "but how much....."  Is it straight line or many turns? "but how......."  Has anyone done a route survey?  "but......."


So now I'm supposed to wave a magic wand to night....!!!!


WTF am I doing -  or is this typical of modern sales managers?



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I am so unbelievably cream crackered. We needed to dog-sit for Charlie the beagle this afternoon and upon arriving at FiL's, the first thing I did was to withdraw to the guest bed for a nap. It'd been too warm for Charlie, too, who caught some rest in the shade...

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Robbie seemed quite keen on running from shade to shade from trees in the park today but the only time he ventured into the shade at home was when we were eating lunch and he was hoping for crumbs to fall!

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Well, that's me finished. Off in the caravan tomorrow. Three nights at Ilfracombe next door to the Tarka Trail, eighteen nights at Marazion and two night at Lydford. Then back for two weeks for Clearing and A level results (I do clearing duty, Sandy's the exams officer for her school) then off for Bank Holiday week to Stoke Gabriel. Back to work on 1st September. Then that's us for the summer. Unless we win the Lottery, that is.


So up to date at work, cooking ham to take with us for tomorrow night's meal, cooking dinner and preparing breakfast to go in the fridge (bacon butties), then loading the van and we'll be off to cooler climes in the morning. Son and GF have bets on what time we say we'll leave to the actual time we'll leave. Just seen the weather warnings so it may be a little damp.


Will b online when we get wifi and can be arsed to do anything.

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Hoping to visit the Gravesend exhibition this Saturday. Intend to use the Tilbury-Gravesend ferry. £3.00 return fare on the ferry as opposed to £2.00 each way on the Dartford crossing, no brainer really as it will less than half the mileage as well. The exhibition in the old town hall is only a short walk from the pier.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Evening all,

After 3 days of feeling c#ap and sorry for myself the antib's have started to work and I am a happier bunny. Herself has gone out for a meal with a couple of friends and left me to my own devices.

Whilst twiddling keys on this laptop I "strayed" onto eBay and suddenly remembered that I was watching a couple of locos amongst other things so I decided to bid on one (sort of accidentally honest Guv Luv) and I've only been & gone & won it! Seller seems a good bloke as he's already been in touch about delivery! :yes: 

Edited by grandadbob
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Hoping to visit the Gravesend exhibition this Saturday. Intend to use the Tilbury-Gravesend ferry. £3.00 return fare on the ferry as opposed to £2.00 each way on the Dartford crossing, no brainer really as it will less than half the mileage as well. The exhibition in the old town hall is only a short walk from the pier.

I remember using it when Tilbury Riverside was open. That was very handy for the ferry. I won't be going to Gravesend this time, hopefully the weather will allow the barbecue at our niece's birthday party to take place.

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Hot. 30 in the shade of my terrasse at 1700BST. Thus venturing out into a needy garden did not seem sensible. However, I did nip out to the Bricomarche to buy a new large electric strimmer, with 1000w motor and 35cm radius. Obviously a chap needs to try such things out, and a hot 10 mins were spent trimming a lot of weeds. excellent purchase. Since then I've stayed indoors, TVM!

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You really have to be careful who you deal with on eBay.  There's some real nutters on there.  One of them even pretended to be an Early Riser.  Bloomin'cheek…..


I hope you and your new Hall will be very happy Bob….:-)


Good job I was on my best behaviour….

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Many thanks for the supportive responses - much appreciated and again reinforces what a nice place RMWeb is, and ERs in particular.  Nice to see a few new faces here, who seem to have fitted in extremely well indeed.



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So guys, I spend 90 minutes this morning watching the cricket before being sent to lunch. Back in seats for an hour until 3pm, then all hell was let loose and we were rushed off our feet for three hours.


Home, bushed so it's bath and bed. Just three days to go.



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