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Speaking of bees, I've just been out in the garden having coffee #1, when I saw something new to me. In an old abandoned hanging basket there seems to be a nest of small, dark bees living under the moss and earth. What caught my attention was a bee arriving with a morsel of leaf, obviously chopped off of something, carrying it into a small burrow.


Wossat all about?


Thanks for the travel info - will leave the insurance to her parents, as they are going away as family a couple of weeks before. How was the permission letter worded? Of course, not having notaires in the same sense in the UK makes that part difficult. On the other hand her parents are easily contactable.

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All I can remember is that it began "We, (parents names) give permission for (our names) to take (son's friend's name) to (destination) from (date) to (date)" etc etc. You get the drift. The letter included contact details for the parents in the UK. In reality, it was nice to have the letter but part of me thinks it was worthless as I could have typed it up myself... We didn't need it during the trip and weren't arrested for kidnap once...

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Other d-i-l had a problem taking grandson to France on her own - basically he was 3 and the immigration officer was asking him questions that, at 3, he just didn't understand, so he was either not answering or saying "I don't know"

Ask a 3 year old "is this one of your parents" and they'll be stumped.


Mind you, our worry with D is that she'll start telling them how to do their jobs, and she'll probably be rightt.

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I wrote a long post but lost it, so here is just the weather without the long moan I previously reported.


Bright Sunny, blue sky, no cloud, max forecast 23C. Cloudy tomorrow, rain on Thursday and Friday.


Meat balls and veg for lunch, bacon and fried egg for supper tonight (Weird isn't it, but we are not complaining)

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  • RMweb Gold

Dick. I'll ask my neighbour's, they have been taking their grandchildren on holidays for years and not just within in the EU.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Warm but cloudy but no rain forecast by the Exeter necromancers.  So once some shopping is done it will be on with fitting the hose reel then tidy teh dining room (again) for tomorrow's visitor - one of of our fellow passengers on 'Patricia' who is coming down for the swan upping.


Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, pain in the bum (sciatica) has got worse so a day off today, still got plenty to write before the end of term though. Bit of a dull day weather wise so far hoping for a burst of sunshine later. Have a good day all.

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On another note, we are taking the GD out to France for a week in August, without her parents. What sort of documentation, apart from her passport, do I need? I'm assuming a letter of permission signed by both parents and some insurance - any ideas?

She will need to take her EHIC (European Health Insurance Card).  If she hasnt got one, you may have time to get one - see this link for details:  http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcareabroad/EHIC/Pages/about-the-ehic.aspx

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I wrote a long post but lost it, so here is just the weather without the long moan I previously reported.


Bright Sunny, blue sky, no cloud, max forecast 23C. Cloudy tomorrow, rain on Thursday and Friday.


Meat balls and veg for lunch, bacon and fried egg for supper tonight (Weird isn't it, but we are not complaining)

Probably too late now, Don, but there is an auto save facility on RMWeb which will rescue most of a post in the event of loss of signal etc. Just go back to the reply box and type in any letter. You should the see a pop up in the box which says something like 'recover auto saved content'. Click on that and your lost post will reappear. Of course it may not work now as you have posted again since, but worth bearing in mind next time that happens. Edited by gordon s
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Morning all, in after a breakfast conference, courtesy of KPMG! (smoked salmon and scrambled eggs if you're interested!)


blue sky with grey clouds over Borough Market Junction. Hopefully the rain will hold off as I'd prefer 40 days of sun.


Sadly Jock's experience of visiting HMRC is no longer possible as they have just closed the last drop in centres. It's call centre all the way now! Having said that, the end result shoulod be the same; if the error is the employer incorrectly completing the P11d, then the liability in most cases is the company's (although not always - directors of small companies beware, also the Demibourne case)


On another matter, I've seen the following article on Buddleia on Britain's railways on the BBC website




The buddleia that makes me smile is the stuff that it growing out of the ballast on the new bridge over Borough Market - it's not even got rails on yet - part of theThameslink scheme.

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Thanks, Simon.


Website says it takes 10 days, so plenty of time. I've also renewed mine and Julie's which I notice expired in 2012...

I've just seen my neighbour and he said take a letter from the parents. He said for a while they just had a letter that basically gave them permission to take the children but last time the immigration official (in the UK) said they really should have  a trip specific letter that said they had permission to take "named children" on "dates" to "wherever". Signed, dated by parents and contact numbers.



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The buddleia that makes me smile is the stuff that it growing out of the ballast on the new bridge over Borough Market - it's not even got rails on yet - part of theThameslink scheme.

What brings a cynical smile to my face is that I can remember when that scheme was called 'Thameslink 2000' - in recognition of the year in which it was intended to be complete, oops.

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  • RMweb Gold

What brings a cynical smile to my face is that I can remember when that scheme was called 'Thameslink 2000' - in recognition of the year in which it was intended to be complete, oops.

Perhaps it will be worth waiting for? DLR and Overground have made more travel options for me.

I have to think now about how I can move across London without going to the major terminii. From West Ham there are so many ways to go. I went from Benfleet Station to New Cross and it took an hour. C2C, Underground, Overground. Only problem is that it makes a Womble earworm start!


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Morning - 15 and cloudy, expecting to get to 22 and sunny for a high, then dropping in time for the "All-Star Game" this evening, only important for those folks daft enough to pay upwards of 600USD or more for a seat to watch a bunch of millionaires enjoy themselves and show off in a non-competetive selfie-fest!

Some complaints already that the temp by game time will be down to 20 (coldest All-Star game ever if so) and folks will need sweatshirts.


Nowt else here - providing some long-distance training all day (well, two 3-hour sessions with a lunch break), so may get punchy by the end of it...


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Ian Abel
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Sweatshirts.....20c.......#big sigh#.  NHN is in shorts (not a good sight), 20c.


Running about day today, went to review my new work location, agree a few things...like lights!  All under control though by the 'boss' aka my mate John, looking forward to working with a small team (3) where everyone is open and honest - unlike.......the place I used to work in where I also dropped in to hand back some property.  Major issue still not resolved, the Inspector is having to be restrained from physically assaulting one of the partner agencies senior staff.  Should come to ahead tomorrow in a meeting with the new CEO who is very on-board.  Am I glad I left.....oh yes!  I was smiling in the office!  I also got the opportunity to mention to one of said senior staff that I had received a letter of thanks and commendation from the Chief Constable (who didn't pay my salary) but nothing, zilch, from Social Care management who did.  Ha!  Nicely embarrassed.


Dom, sounds like you are having a bad, bad day my friend - think about trains and rabbits and of course your partner, and be cool!  Hang in there mate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all


Sherry was suitably - or otherwise! - reunited with hubby at about 1220, and I was provided with coffee and a pain au chocolat to fortify me for the 90' return journey, as well as being offered lunch, which I chose to decline. Four crates of DVDs accompanied us to the Mayenne, in the hope that either friends will want one or two and/or charity shops in SW England can make a few £ from them. That has cleared approx one quarter of the DVD shelving in the lounge - but I know there are at least 3 crates of DVDs upstairs, and others that I know Deb had have yet to be found. I hope Sherry doesn't find that no-one wants anything!


We had spent a total of 8 consecutive days together - the longest yet in 10 years, due to the cloak and dagger component of our relationship until very recently - and can hardly wait for mid-August, when we hope to start a 4-week spell here.


Hope everyone's week is taking off well, and that Dom manages not to find a suitable weapon!


UPDATE : At 1650, Sherry had already "sold" 20 euros worth of DVDs - all proceeds to the hospice where her friend died recently. 

Edited by Oldddudders
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We;re going to be around 29C today with “Heavy Thunderstorms from 2:45pm” - as the Sun is not shining it feels fairly uncomfortable outside - but the next week looks delightful, Sunny and about 25C each day, cool at nights. Just get through today. All things must pass.


Make the most of your time, Ian and Sherry, each moment will never come again.


Cheers, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Not a great deal to report today, but I'm caught up again - I'd forgotten how much reading there was in ERs.


Regards to All


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