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1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10...no good......AAAaaaaAAAAaaaaGGGHHHHhhhhhHHH!!!! :butcher:  :butcher:  :butcher:  :triniti:  :triniti:  :triniti:


They've c*cked up my pension.  Three and a half months notice, and they have made a mess of it.....because some wheel re-inventor (sound familiar?) thought they would process it nice and early for pay-day....but before the transfer in from my MN Pension which was to be completed later this week.  Notes field on the screen to inform operator of this?  Yes, but....they didn't look at it.


'Oh my sainted Aunt' I think the saying is.  Or something slightly ruder, perhaps.

They managed to cock up my Retirement Lump Sum. It was due to be paid into my account on my retirement date, a Monday. It was not paid into my account until Friday and only after I insisted on a special transfer. The person responsible for making the payment decided to go on holiday and 'Do it when I get back'. :butcher:  :butcher:

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Today, apart from acquiring paint samples, Mrs Stationmaster decided we need a garden hose with much further reach so we duly go to the garden centre and buy one.  Alas not installed (it's a wall mount job with an auto reel feature) as the drill battery is near flat.


However things get worse - Exeter's seaweed says no rain until Friday, the BBC's says rain tomorrow, another online one says rain tomorrow; tomorrow is St Swithin's day :O

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

They managed to cock up my Retirement Lump Sum. It was due to be paid into my account on my retirement date, a Monday. It was not paid into my account until Friday and only after I insisted on a special transfer. The person responsible for making the payment decided to go on holiday and 'Do it when I get back'. :butcher:  :butcher:


They deserve vogon poetry treatment.

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Evening All,
Reading various posts, I've come to the frightening and horrifying conclusion that "competence" may be an endangered species, like the Panda or Polar Bear, but even more so....
We ALL make mistakes (and God knows I've made more than my fair share), but it's almost as though no-one cares about doing things correctly anymore (unless there's risk of a lawsuit or a very public embarrassment.....). I despair, I really do.
Insanity continues to hold sway at Schloss iD, just after reluctantly (Very reluctantly) decided we really couldn't take on Iris or Sunny, Mrs iD has just seen Chana (same rescue centre) - a female version of Schotty (well, more or less) and once again we are considering a female companion for the HM.
The e-mail system at work was kaput all day, today. It's amazing how much I got done!
Off to fight school tomorrow, sword-fight coreography for my role as Sir Toby Belch... I will pack bandages and narcotics...
Have a great evening.

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold


A picnic in the sunshine by the lake offered a chance for us to observe the French picnicking on what is a Bank Hol here (Bastille Day). Our victuals filled a couple of sandwich bags whereas most of theirs involved large cooler boxes packed to the hilt!


We have had some lovely picnics in France and I think Aditi likes the way the French do a picnic! Though I've been on a few picnics Aditi's mother has organised and I soon realised this was why Aditi's Dad always had a car with a big boot.

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  • RMweb Premium

Is that Ron and Eth?


When you say lack of invovlement do you mean there weren't any appeals? Or were you not trigger happy?


When I played in the Northampton Town League years ago we were often beaten by a team where the captain always bowled from the end that his Dad stood. "How's that Dad?" led to many LBWs some of which were correct.


The year I was captain, I instructed the guy who was "volunteered" to be our umpire that day to get out there quick and stand at the end we knew the son would bowl from, and to remember that the batsman should get the benefit of any doubt. It took 10 overs (out of his alloted 12) for the son to realise he was going to get little joy and switched ends. In his 11th over, sure enough he got an LBW. Me.

No.. not Ronald or Eth Glum... its them french herberts...


No I wasn't trigger happy... it is an ambition of all umpires to have no involvement except calling over and letting the players enjoy themselves by having all wickets lost either bowled cleanly caught or clear run outs with no lbws.. On saturday not even a single lbw appeal... lovely.... and today - one lbw appeal only which was so far outside off stump as requiring no umpire involvement other than saying .. "Not out"



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Evenin all,  


As promised  (only one - just in case you-know-who might be lurkin!)  Of my De-Winton alike and luggage van. (1:24 scale)  Chassis will have to wait until I get new workshop set up.....(GF has allocated me space   even getting rid of some furniture!!!)  But then there are about six (or eight!)  1:24 locos that need running gear  - or finishing. I have plans (only in my head) for at least two or three micro layouts....just hope that Ikea in Vancouver has still got some Apa boxes next month!


If  the loco and van look a bit wobbly, they are currently held together by gravity. 


Nearly bed time, pleasant dreams, 




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one lbw appeal only which was so far outside off stump as requiring no umpire involvement other than saying .. "Not out"

In such circumstances a Geordie umpire's reply is, "Divvent be daft, ye git fond bu$$er".


Edit to bypass censor.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

In such circumstances a Geordie umpire's reply is, "Divvent be daft, ye git fond bu$$er".


Edit to bypass censor.

As a yacker  I suppose I should use more suitable language but as the players were from Oz today i have to pseak the Queens English like what I was taught at school!!



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Not been on here for a bit - sticky blurry eyes (hayfever and all that) making it difficult to read but to make up for it I'll pop on a few photos.


Two weekends ago we went to the Welsh N Gauge Exhibition in Conwy.  We decided to park round the back of the castle and walk up through the walls and there, in the opposite direction, was the crane DDolfelin posted on here a little while ago.  So, after the exhibition, I just had to get a couple of photos.


But first.  When you go to an exhibition, you generally want a bit of spending money so we headed for the Bank.  Would you believe it - CLOSED as in GONE FOR GOOD.  A kind gentleman pointed out the nearest cash point - right where we were standing on the other side of the street. :O



And, despite what it says, the cash wasn't free.  :nono:


And now for the crane




Cropped to emphasise the railway track and show how close I actually was to it when I took my June photo from the train.  It seemed so small, then.


Last month, I eventually got round to taking a pic of the crane on the dockside in Caernarfon.  Here it is for comparison.  Mind you, seeing what gets loaded onto those yachts at weekends, I'm surprised it doesn't swing into action.  :mosking:







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No a Hornpipe is a dance it ain't a musical instrument...

There was a musical instrument called a hornpipe, it resembled a recorder with the addition of a bell mouth made from a cows horn, hence hornpipe. It was a development of the schawm.

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Evening all,

My enforced retirement, earlier than I'd intended in any case, meant a complex tax situation. I ended up with a sizeable bill for wrongly calculated company car benefit. They offered to collect the monies through my tax code despite having been told that I no longer worked! Luckily Joanna the book-keeper said, hold on, you were paid through the p.a.y.e. system and so the error must lie with your company accounts or the tax people. I made an appointment to meet someone locally, and armed with my P60s, sat with a very nice lady who innocently turned her computer screen towards me to illustrate a point - luckily I noticed that no P11D value had been entered for two years and so the error had to rest with the authorities! The nice lady, saddened by my tale, then told me how to phrase my appeal and I was most surprised to be contacted by a senior manager who had decided to write off the amount and gave me best wishes for whatever future I have. A human face of beaurocracy?

Fascinating programme on Sky tonight, 'Wartime Secrets with Harry Harris', who dug out details of a trip to Berlin before the start of WW2 by the hierarchy of the Royal British Legion. The visit was ostensibly in order that old comrades of WW1 could meet, and a wreath be laid in memory of the fallen. The gullible souls hadn't reckoned on the skill of the Nazi propaganda machine - the streets were seeded with larger than usual crowds and Hitler and his top brass all got involved, the whole event being carefully filmed! Even the injured veterans of the conflict had their wheel-chairs bedecked with swastikas and we're told to give the Nazi salute. Naturally 'Edward the Abdicator' thought it was all a great idea. Apparently the whole story came to light when a new press officer of the Legion came across a souvenir photo album, hidden in a cupboard, showing Hitler shaking hands etc. during the visit which had been provided by the hosts. Goes to show, you can learn something new every day!

Ian, I love the lady modelling the railbus a la motor show!

Flavio, a thespian as well - is there no end to your talent? I used to be the right shape for Sir Toby, but I'm now getting closer to Yorickes stamp hahaha! Hope the bandages won't be needed - as they say 'break a leg'!

Neil, pleased to hear how easily you resolved the problem and even more pleased about the news of Jayne's progress!

Just realised I've become an ER rather than a late poster so I'll say goodnight,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Good morning all from a very dull, dismal & grey Sutton.

It was trying to rain when I took Chris to work but the forecast is for a dry warm day with sunny spells. If it is dry then some gardening needs doing.(Provided I can summon up the enthusiasm)

Later on the grandchilden will be here as their after school clubs have finished for this term. For their visit I can become very enthusiastic! :yes: 

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is another nice sunny morning here.  With blue sky and fluffy white clouds.


I slept like a log last night, but still seem to be tired.  However, I suspect that is related to the rapid changes of weather we are having at the moment.


Oh well - lots to do today, so I had better get on!


Have a good one everybody...

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Morning all...


Not at school today but off for an appointment to find out which w4nked-out jobsworth did a blunder which had p1ssed me off beyond measure yesterday, and why they did.


(Sorry for my unusually florid language, but it had to be said...)

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Happy St  Swithens  day & good  Morning all,  busy one ahead for me too,  three meetings back to back this morning (fortunately in my office) , then to make life "interesting" I was told last night that theres 7  containers being delivered to four different sites on Thursday....


Hope your days a good un, 



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Morning all

Looks like it could thunder here but not according to the forecast.

I'm waiting in today for a sit and ride toy to arrive. Not for me, although it will be my job to assemble it. We will be attending our niece's second birthday on Saturday. Sometime this week I need to retrieve Matthew's old plastic sandpit from behind the shed and get that cleaned up too.

I may even do some railway modelling today. 


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Good morning everybody. Brightening up nicely, should be a good day.


Warm night, so Julie opened a window, so the bin men came, so I woke up, so now I can't sleep...


Day of nothing to do except wait for the car to be fixed (HOW much?), sweep the garden (very low maintenance) and try to live down yesterday, when I power-washed the front garden (paved for parking). Seems I washed out all the pointing and when I tried to wash the mud I'd splattered off the front of the house I took the paint off as well. So I'm down to repoint the paving and repaint the house. Great.


I'm part-way through painting a West Country, but have run out of paint...


On another note, we are taking the GD out to France for a week in August, without her parents. What sort of documentation, apart from her passport, do I need? I'm assuming a letter of permission signed by both parents and some insurance - any ideas?

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Dick, we did something similar a few years ago with my son's friend. We took passport (obviously), additional photo ID, letter from parents and his NI/NHS number (that was probably overkill). However, whilst in Spain, we were told that the permission letter should have been notarised. That could just have been opinion, not fact...


Edit: forgot to add we had travel insurance with my son's friend named on it.

Edited by Pete 75C
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morning all,nice here,went for a walk round barrow hill shed on sunday with first born,quiet,saw the compound,think jack took a shine to the class 40 parked round the back,i remember being stood in front of one with my dad the sheer size is quite amazing when your that little! back to the Volvos......have a good day all.....

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