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  • RMweb Gold

 I like the pictures Neil our paths may have crossed

Must sort out a picture from the VOR which you seem to have missed.
Edited by Donw
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G'morning all.


A bit wet, but muggy with it. The thunderstorm yesterday didn't do much to clear the air. I asked Siri about the weather and she said "Take an umbrella, Richard".


Not a lot to do today, as I'm not using the car until the funny groaning noise is diagnosed and Julie's out all day in the gallery. May do some painting, if I can find the Flesh.


I hope you have good days, and pleasant visitations. Now, where's the coffee?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sunny outside and set for another bit of loco tweaking inside!


Turned out I will need part of the transfers for 132 158 redone due to some goofs I had made... Oh well.

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I was listening to Pandora when this incredible song by Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys turned up - “Don’t Worry, Baby". Made me think of Sherry and Ian.


Beautiful harmonies and for a simple subject, tongue twisting lyrics, eg. the first line of the first verse scans:


“Well, it’s been building up inside of me for, oh? I don’t know how long....."




Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Beach boys....that takes me back to happy summer holidays when it never seemed to rain..talking of which we had a downpour last night and its still a bit grey and overcast...


Hey ho! Just enjoy today everyone!



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Funny old day yesterday with most of the day spent playing with my Nikon and Fuji camera taking shots for eBay.  Try as hard as I may, I couldn't get pin sharp shots with adequate depth of field.  Tried various lenses on my D5100 without success.  Maybe it's a lighting issue, but eventually gave up and got my pocket camera, a Fuji X10 out and snapped away.


First thing that surprised me was just how close I could get and still get a reasonable DoF.  Still not pin sharp, but more than adequate for eBay.  Made me think about parting with the Nikon but then the Fuji would be hopeless on distant stuff.  


Photography is definitely a black art and I'm still in the dark...


Anyone want a Waterman Class 20 produced for the London Toy Fair?





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Hi Gordon, I have been watching the Open in Aberdeen, but haven't seen you yet. I'll be watching again this afternoon/evening so maybe then.


Overcast and showery today at 15C and no better promised for tomorrow, but other than cold it's been Sunny most of last week.



Cost cutting at the Home. Up until now the Sunday roast has been a regular rotation of Chicken/Pork/Beef/Mutton. Suddenly since 1st June the the Mutton has been omitted and Pork substituted. At my brother's retirement village, they have never had mutton but only alternated between Beef and Chicken.


Enjoy your Sunday dinner, whatever it may be. Ours will be Beef today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon I believe the cameras with a small chip will have a better depth of field than the those like DSLRs which have a bigger chip  on the basis of pure optics but of course will not record as much detail.


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I was listening to Pandora when this incredible song by Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys turned up - “Don’t Worry, Baby". Made me think of Sherry and Ian.


Beautiful harmonies and for a simple subject, tongue twisting lyrics, eg. the first line of the first verse scans:


“Well, it’s been building up inside of me for, oh? I don’t know how long....."




Best, Pete.



….and 50 years later, old Brian Wilson can still hack it.  Loved the early film, but they looked totally lost when the instrumental break kicked in…:-)


21.40 in from the start.  That's the rest of the morning gone!



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Good morning all, 


Thanks for the pics Neil,  the C.I ones bring back some pretty good memories. (most of my visits though were in the spring & autumn. )  


Managed yesterday to get a site visit in, and some shopping as I was near the SA owned store that does sell pork.


Bit of modelling time yesterday evening,  then just as I was about to post this photo last night the 'net went!


I dont know whether  the full moon effected it or what but the phone line kept dropping out last night too which made the chat with my GF (who's in Vancouver) difficult.  Most nights its so good  which make the times when it's bad seem worse.


Have the best day you can. 



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Gordon I believe the cameras with a small chip will have a better depth of field than the those like DSLRs which have a bigger chip  on the basis of pure optics but of course will not record as much detail.



Checking the specs this morning the D5100 has a chip that's 23.6 x 15.6 and the X10 is just 8.8 x 6.6.  It might be something with the lens specs.  The Nikon 16-85mm is 1:3.5-5.6 whereas the Fuji is a 28mm  1:2.

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Bit of modelling time yesterday evening,  then just as I was about to post this photo last night the 'net went!


I dont know whether  the full moon effected it or what but the phone line kept dropping out last night too which made the chat with my GF (who's in Vancouver) difficult.  Most nights its so good  which make the times when it's bad seem worse.





Affects me as well ...



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Here's a couple of typical pics taken this morning.


Fuji X10 set at f11..





…and this the Nikon set at 28mm on f14..




Feel free to comment/ask questions as any guidance would be appreciated...


Thanks for the Beach Boys again Pete.  The Japan concert is still playing, with song after song taking me back to those summers in the 60's.  Wonderful stuff!




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  • RMweb Premium



Thanks for all the 'likes' for the holiday shots, I felt I had posted too many afterwards.


Beach Boys, ahhhhh. Sloop John B for me!  For some reason I don't think that sort of music ages at all, classic.


Vinyl, Gordon?  Good man!  (Thorens owner - but just a cheap one.  Oh and a Dunlop Systemdek)

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Morning all from the boring borough.


PH: last night I suffered from premature post syndrome. Never got back to the post as I was called away by kitchen duty. Knee is knackered. This was proven by all the standing and walking around the exhibition. Afterwards @ the beer fest it stiffened up to the point of being very painful to walk or climb the steps. I predict a replacement in a few years at its present rate of decay. :cry:


That's about it for me. Catch up again in a week or so. Laters dudes and dudettes.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


This year's pestival hasn't got The Beach Boys alas, the sound of their music and singing drifting up the valley last year was magic and herself and teh good Doctor duly decamped for the riverside to hear it better (they did).  Yesterday evening we had The Jacksons and whatever singing of theirs reached us was lousy, I don't know how many of them are originai but they didn't sound good at this distance.


Ah, 'popular' cameras against SLR type things.  Mr Beast is the expert but unless you have a lot of good quality lighting it is noticeable that the 'popular' sort tend to do far better in depth of focus, hence their use by some of those folk who take pics for mags (the more puissant 'popular' ones that is).  the trick as far as I can see is down to light - a bigger sensor needs more of it to get a good image (I think).  However really good glass (in the lens) will always beat 'cheap' glass.  Also obvious - I get it too - is the difference in colour sensitivity where popular cameras tend to be 'tuned' to produce brighter colours because that is what the punters want.


Have a good day one & all.

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Back again,   and to add some thing to the discussion about the school slate with my Mother. At 87 she is still giving talks to local schools & teachers about life & practices in Hertfordshire village schools  from Victorian times to WW2.  Apparently  the slates  & slate  pencils used were from Spain being a softer slate than the Welsh product.  As part of her "Props" she still takes  her Mothers (who was village school teacher before marriage post WW1) slate  & pencil!  


Now must get on with some work, then theres bacon & baked beans for brunch.




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  • RMweb Premium

Having scanned back a little, I await Richard's (Happy Hippo) photos of developments on the South Horton Irrigation Tramway, I get lonely here as a large scale modeller.  Is it modelling?  Not sure, playing steam trains more likely.

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