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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Firstly many thanks for all the "supportives" and kind words. As funerals go (and yes Jock I've been to quite a lot unfortunately) it was one of the best I've been to. That may be a strange thing to say but it was a celebration of his (very full) life and although there were a few tears from his granddaughters there were a lot of smiles. The three young ladies in question were his daughter's (my cousin's) children and unfortunately she deserted them while they were very young(she then died under unfortunate circumstances 14 years ago) and left them to be brought up by their father with a lot of help from my uncle & aunt. Their father remarried and his new wife had two daughters & Fred treated them all as his own grandchildren. To say they all obviously adored him would be an understatement. The welcome that they gave us (having never met) was fantastic because they didn't know of our existence (until he died) and we were able to answer lots of questions about the family that he never talked about (we don't know why but suspect the loss of his daughter had a lot to do with it) 

So I've gained three beautiful young cousins (once removed or second- I'm never sure how it works) who are insisting that they will keep in touch and visit. These things are often said at funerals but I have a sneaking suspicion that on this occasion it might just happen!

Have good one,


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Great Good Morning to you all!

There's some high cloud but it's generally Sunny with a promised max of 18C later and the same tomorrow.


Will you get a chance to test run your Garret Tony. I'd be interested in it's hauling capabiity.

I think it's very good looking, but then I am well acquainted with even bigger Garrets.


I hope you all have a GREAT Sunday with much modelling!


After last week's really good performance by Wales (30 - 31), I'm afraid Scotland were disappointing against the Springboks last night losing 55 - 6.

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Glad you made it safely to Porthleven, Jock. Have a great week.


Bob, I didn't comment on the funeral prior to the event, but I am relieved. Saying it's the best you've been to doesn't strike me as odd at all. I recently went to a funeral that was so positive and celebratory of my uncle's life, that everyone left with a smile on their face! I want one like that. Just not for a while, thanks.


I keep popping into the APT-E thread thinking I might order one. The thread is getting very technical talking about "tilting train bogie yaw angles" which means absolutely nowt to me. Oh, and apparently there's an argument brewing about the sound quality of a short interview Andy Y made with Jason of Rapido. Good grief. Lighten up.


Have a great day. Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Mainly overcast but some blue sky starting to show through.

Robbie has had a run round the garden, I've put some washing on the line and it won't be long until breakfast.

Lots of family visitors arriving at lunchtime. So sometime between breakfast and lunch I need to tidy up the lounge and dining room.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Rain overnight but now dry and patchy blue sky.

Shower, breakfast and then another 40 overseas a side game.


Didn't get to Knebworth festival when we lived in Stevenage but could always hear it.


During the game yesterday we were visited by the Vulcan, I heard a good whistle from a steam engine on its way or coming from Scarborough... All in a days cricket....bliss!!!


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Good Morning all, 


I've always had a soft spot for Garrets, being born beside the Midland (London extension) mainline, and regularly taken "train spotting" before I could walk!  Unfortunately they had all gone by the I was old enough to go "spotting" on my own. Never managed (yet) to see the North Welsh ones in action - apart from on you-tube.


Yesterday some one decided to have a fire drill at our apartment block (11am) ...thing is there are bells in the stair ways, but they cant be heard in the bedrooms of the apartments they are  faint in the sitting room.  Well the security guard came round banging on doors....most residents and staff made their way to the muster point in the car park.  Apart from one couple who decided that their Saturday morning lie-in was more important than their lives!  (at that time many hadn't realised that it was a drill.)


looks like a bit more modelling today for me.


Whatever you're up to today, try to find something to smile at.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A wet Saturday looks to be likely to be matched by Sunday, with storms forecast for this afternoon. Getting warmer during the week, though.


Delighted that Bob found his event uplifting, and as he's obviously the family sort, I'm really pleased to hear he's found some new rellies.


OTOH, Sherry tells me she and hubbie were disturbed at 0330 by a drunken son (32) ringing to offer his frank views on their recent decision on their marriage. How bloomin' helpful. And people wonder why I don't regret being childless..... Sherry's fragile Internet connection is broken this morning. I expect the rain has got into the pole-route somewhere.


Hope your day is drier than mine looks likely to be!

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OTOH, Sherry tells me she and hubbie were disturbed at 0330 by a drunken son (32) ringing to offer his frank views on their recent decision on their marriage. How bloomin' helpful.


Kids. An absolute pleasure and a raging headache in equal measure.

Edit: I've just noticed that rhymes...

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold



I keep popping into the APT-E thread thinking I might order one. The thread is getting very technical talking about "tilting train bogie yaw angles" which means absolutely nowt to me. Oh, and apparently there's an argument brewing about the sound quality of a short interview Andy Y made with Jason of Rapido. Good grief. Lighten up.


 Pete, did you not say to me a couple of days ago "You know you want to" (and I did!) so ditto to you my friend - do it before you regret missing out!

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 Pete, did you not say to me a couple of days ago "You know you want to" (and I did!) so ditto to you my friend - do it before you regret missing out!


Yes, I'm full of good advice. I just can't make up my own mind!!! :no: Will I? Won't I? Oh heck, where's the credit card...? Or maybe I should hold out in case they announce an N gauge one...? Aaaargh!

Edited by Pete 75C
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Morning all

A wonderful day yesterday on the Bo'Ness & Kineil Railway for my footplate experience. Everyone at the railway was very welcoming and both crews on the Gresley D49 4-4-0 62712 (now early BR red-lined black) showed us the very basics of control and firing, coupling and uncoupling - safety first, of course. One of the firemen, Tony, is firing Tornado next week between Carlisle and Crewe. Anyway, having been shown the basics and taken the controls to gingerly run around the station loop two or three times, coupled to the four Mk1 coaches and drove the train up the line forwards, then back tender first. A fabulous experience and one which I'd recommend to anyone. Will hopefully post a pic later.

Have a good day


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Morning all from a sunny boring borough. Just my weeklyish checkin and catch up. My condolences Bob. The positive is you seem to have gained 3 more family members.

All quiet here. Managed to get a bit of work done on the layout. B*ggered my back last Sunday and it's not responding to the usual treatments. It got worse on Thursday so I've really done sod all for the past 3 days. The offspring and I picked up his mother and her husband @ airport. I will shortly be updating the Wikipedia definition of awkward. A schlep into Central London is today's scheduled activity. May have to cancel though.


Not much else to say except have a good one and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Looks a bit brighter outside and no rain forecast for today.  Glad the funeral went well Bob - I have found they can be really good occasions if they are approached for remembering the good things (without any hypocrisy of course), at the last family one I went to I discovered that I've got a Chinese cousin (several times removed), strange old world.


Didn't make Alton yesterday - didn't fancy the drive in all that weather but it might be on the agenda for the coming week, time will tell.  Laddo seems to have landed cheerfully in Dubrovnik and is off on a boat trip today he's told us, the place looks very interesting in his pics.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, posting from the train heading back north after a great three day break in London.

Wimbledon on Friday was excellent with three very entertaining matches then the theatre yesterday which was superb.

Robert Lindsay was excellent, other half enjoyed both days so brownie points have been racked up.


Met with eldest son and girlfriend for dinner last night,he has just got a big promotion at work which was good news. Dad still paid the bill though as always.

Sun shining outside as we approach Milton Keynes, will attempt to catch up on the news!


Enjoy your day

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Nights are drawing in, soon be Christmas


Next door still have their Christmas tree up from last year. Mind you, they're all a little odd. When we bought this house, I had to go next door to ask their permission to put up a little scaffolding to remove some render. "Yes" she said, "but you'll have to move my husband" was the strange reply. Apparently his ashes are kept in an old upturned fridge/freezer in the garden...

Did I mention they're a little odd?

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